Chapter 257: Percy's Revenge Part 1

Vitae stared over her kingdom with little show of emotion as the other CEOs arrived. Emil and Kurt stepped out of the elevator as Kurt glossed around. "Where's Morto."

"Did you feel it?"

"I felt something. Don't tell me."

"Correct." Vitae interrupted. "Morto was killed. She, like always, got too ahead of herself and decided to take on the rebels herself. Foolish idiot."

"Will this be a problem. I mean, there is only three of us left."

Vitae shook her head, pressing her hand against the window. "No. Hardly, Morto was never the strongest one in the circle. Her death was all be it pointless, but it hardly sets us back. There is still three of us with another possible host to take the form of."

Kurt crossed his arms, tapping his finger alongside. "So, I assume you have a worthy candidate?"

"I have a few in mind. The beginning of the second Garden war is almost upon us, Kurt. I can hear their whispers even now. We do not have long. They've already infiltrated this world long ago and have corrupted the masses with their false promises and ideals."

Kurt stared down, dropping his arms. He turned, looking slightly concerned. "I need to go."

"Where do you think you're going?" Vitae snapped, blocking his exit off with serval shadows. "We've been very tolerable against your ways, Kurt, since you joined our ranks. We gave you such freedoms due to your nature and unmatched power. However, now is not the time to be running off on your own little adventures. We have a war to prepare for."

Kurt turned, eyeing down Vitae. "I've located my daughter."

Vitae paused for a moment analysing the situation. "I see, Zinnia Trost. V.I.R.A.L has been searching for her ever since she fled the capital. How are you certain?"

"I sensed her. For a short moment, it appears our stage of grief has made contact."

"Bah, then it's nothing we should worry ourselves about. Let the stage of grief have its fun."

"With all due respect Vitae. I feel like I should be the one to take her down."

Vitae gave a cautious stare as she spoke up. "State your reason."

"Do I really need to explain the reason? She is, without a doubt, the biggest threat to us, even compared to Alton Brantley himself. Need I remind you who beat you over 400 years ago? And now you have the offspring of not only the Phantom but Geostruction as well. She could spell disaster for everything you've put together."

Emil cleared his throat, shrugging his shoulders. "I see no harm done, to be honest. It's clear the pull between the Phantom and the CEO has faded over the years. He severed it more when killing Hannah two years back. Why leave it to chance, have him prove his loyalty and cut the last ties to the former legendary hero."

"You haven't spoken a word since arriving, and the first thing you speak up about is siding with him. Why?"

"Emil and I disagree on many things. It took me a while to crush the futile resistance. However, there is one thing we do both agree on. We both hate leaving loose ends unsolved. While Pain will very likely kill Zinnia, why risk it? Why, after all that planning, should we take a risk as big as that. If Zinnia was to team up with the resistance. With Alton, then I'm afraid we wouldn't stand much of a chance. But I could do you one better. If Kurt could turn Zinnia to our side, wouldn't that give us an edge over it all?"

"I'm listening."

Kurt turned to Emil, concerned as Emil smirked. "Think about it someone like Zinnia could easily turn the tide of the battle. Having the Trost clan's power at your disposal would be a real gamechanger. No foe could stand against you, and I believe she would be easy to turn. She wants to save the world and be a hero. I see no cause as heroic as ours."

"And if she doesn't turn?"

"Then you kill her. Take her powers and still come out on top. All be it, this is a win-win situation for you."

Giving it more thought, Vitae gave a nod of acknowledgement. "Very well, I shall accept these terms. Kurt, go and fetch your daughter. Bring her back here alive she will come around to our cause just like you did 400 years ago." Kurt didn't look too pleased with this objective. Still, he didn't throw any objections into the mix, walking off without saying anything. Vitae smirked, turning back to the window. "You may leave now, too, Emil. The final battle is close at hand; ready yourself."

"As you wish, Vitae." He spoke, leaving her presence. Kurt waited outside, pinning Emil to the wall, angered. "And what do you think you're doing, Kurt?"

"What's your game here, Emil? Turning Zinnia like that would ever happen. Why are you trying to make my life a living hell for?!"

Emil stared blankly at Kurt, turning his head playing innocent. "I have no idea what you're on about. I'm just following the guidance of Mortem, am I not? Say you weren't planning on rescuing your daughter, now were you?"

Kurt bit his lip, playing the situation off. "What would make you think that? I have no connection or attachment to her; may I remind you what I've sacrificed to get where I am. You should know your place fresh meat."

Emil raised his hands. "I apologise for doubting you. I, of course, am still a total noob at all of this, obviously. It was wrong for having seconds thought about you, Kurt."

Letting go, Kurt turned, walking off. He stopped giving Emil one last question. "What would you do if you were given this mission instead? Could you betray your former ally so easily?"

Emil yet again shrugged his shoulders, not giving too much away. "That I can't be certain on. I'm grateful I don't have to make those shots, unlike you. I hope when the time comes, you make the right decision for everyone, Phantom."



Percy smiled, speaking in his clear heroic voice, which slowly began to distort to something horrible. "I'm so glad I've finally found you, Zinnia." His figure began to change as his normal look began to corrupt. Skulls edged onto his shoulders, and a ripped pair of robes appeared. His face was cracked like stone, and his eyes were pure yellow. Dead flowers loomed off him as he smirked, holding a bloody sword to her throat. "And now I can finally make you feel my pain. Please die for me."

Serval blades flew through the cave targeting Percy. Blocking each one, Zinnia was able to break free, crawling backwards, staring horrified at Percy. Riley ran through, flicking her hand aside, letting ripples of explosion settle around her. "Are you alright?"

Zinnia kept staring at Percy, unable to move any part of her body. "Percy, is that really you?"

Percy threw his bloody sword away, scoffing. "It is. Don't you recognise me? Zin-ni-a. Aren't you overcome with emotion being reunited with me? Does it feel your little heart with pain and guilt? I sure hope it does."

"But. You're… You're dead. Is this a trick? A trap marked by V.I.R.A.L! This isn't possible."

"Oh, but it is. This really is me, Zinnia. Truthseeker in the flesh reborn to act out the will of the Garden. Representing the stages of grief, I am pain."

Zinnia froze on the spot, devastated, her eyes wide open. "The Garden… No, no. It can't be."

Zinnia was ripped backwards As Riley held her by her hood. Zinnia looked up to see serval bloody swords wedged into the area she was just at. Her heart dropped further as Riley raised her hand. "Sorry about this." Swinging her arm around the area exploded as the cave collapsed, crushing Percy.

Zinnia screamed out, breaking free. "What the hell have you done?! Percy! Percy?! Can you hear me?!"

"We need to move now."

"You killed him! You monster, you killed him!"

Riley walked up to Zinnia, slapping her across the face. "Pull yourself together. That boy isn't your friend anymore. The quicker you realise that, the better. We need to protect the village, or did you forget that?"

Zinnia stood up, staring at the rubble, clutching her hand tightly. Running out with Riley, both stopped at the sight of absolute terror. The sky was a crimson red, and thousands of crows flooded the area stalking the skies, waiting. The villagers were getting to shelter as the village elder walked over to the two-looking concerned. "I haven't felt power like this since the world fell to the Garden. I feared this day would come."

"It's really the Garden?" Zinnia whimpered.

"I'm afraid so. There is no doubt about it. I'm sorry to rely on you for this, but I need your help in saving our village."

Riley glanced at Zinnia, sighing. "I'm afraid Zinnia isn't up for the task. It appears this stage of grief has taken the body of her former friend and ally from Team Rhapsody."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But Zinnia we need."

"I know! I know… I just don't know if…"

One of the huts smashed apart as feathers fell all around them. Dozens of copies of Percy appeared surrounding the group. Zinnia was even more shocked as Percy stood holding his face in pain. "Zinnia… Zinnia. Zinnia! This pain you brought me on, I must return it back! The false hero who tricked me and sent me to my death, I will make you feel my pain!"

"False hero…" Zinnia fell to her knees, shaking her head devastated. "No, it wasn't like that. I didn't know this would happen. This isn't my fault."

Riley kneeled down, shaking Zinnia. "Snap out of it! I said, snap out of it's you, idiot!"

Percy wiped the blood from his face onto his blade as his eyes glowed yellow. "The Garden grows forever. You will set me free from this all, Zinnia. Die like the hero you are."

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