Villain’s Sick Beauty Sister

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 62

Text Jun, that little **** is dressing up, you can use (qiang) a large purchase rate to smash it out because since childhood, he has never received warmth and does not know how to get along with people and win people’s love. He never felt that he needed that kind of thing. When he was a child, he just wanted to survive and retaliate one by one for those who had deceived him and humiliated him. But now that he grows up and gets closer to his goal, he just feels that his heart is still empty. of. +++Mobile reading visit m.

It was like a fruit that had rotten from the inside, exuding the smell of decay from the inside to the outside, he himself felt disgusted, and no one would like it.

No one loves him, and he always feels stubbornly (strong qiang) that he doesn’t need anyone’s love, and now it seems that he is indeed not likable.

The confused period of youth growth entangled him, and no one can guide him.

…But, no, who would he like to please?

That kind of inexplicable irritability surged up again, making him so impatient that he didn’t want to stay here anymore.

And Zhao Tingyuan continued to talk to Lu Nian, using the brisk and affectionate tone of teasing the little girl, “…you can associate with Qin Si (guan) so well,” You’re good.”

Qin Si’s grades are very good. In all things that can be done at this age, he is very top-notch, but he is indifferent. He has always been alone, his whereabouts are a mystery, and he keeps a distance from anyone, which is rarely seen in him. What emotions.

Qin Si looked down at him and said coldly, “Where do you see that we (guanguan) are tied? Knowing is that (guanguan) is tied?”

He was standing a little further away from Lu Nian, the shadow of the tree fell on the boy, and a deep haze fell on his Qingjun’s face.

“And, I know you very well?” he asked.

The boy spoke cold and sting, just like his eyes.

Zhao Tingyuan didn’t know what to say, and stood in embarrassment.

Lu Nian, “…” Qin Si had always spoken like this before. When she first met, she also suffered a lot from him, and it was not that he had never said something more nasty to her.

“I’m leaving.” He turned and said to Lu Nian, his tone still cold, “Going to work.”

Lu Nian hurriedly carried his schoolbag and chased after him. After walking a few steps, he turned back and apologized to the two of them.

Zhao Tingyuan squeezed a smile, “It’s okay, don’t mind.”

Until they walked away, he smiled bitterly at Su Qingyou, “I don’t know where to provoke him.”

Su Qingyou was staring at the back of the two leaving in the distance, and suddenly remembered how this girl looked when she came to the class to look for Qin Si when she was still in elementary school.

She knows these two people (guanguan) very well, but Zhao Tingyuan may not know that most of the Zhao family’s main business is in other places. Zhao Tingyuan also grew up in Haicheng, and did not transfer back to Ancheng until junior high school, so it is inevitable. Not familiar with the twists and turns in these giants.

Su Qingyou, “He just has this temper, there is nothing he can do, after all, he has no parents since he was a child, and it is normal to have a strange (sexual sex).

Zhao Tingyuan was surprised, “Qin Si is an orphan?”

Su Qingyou nodded. She talked about the Lu Family and Qin Si’s (guanguan) relationship with Zhao Tingyuan one by one. Zhao Tingyuan’s eyes widened.

Missy and the adopted poor boy?

However, compared with the eldest ladies he had known before, Lu Nian could not see any arrogance or the sense of superiority at all.

Zhao Tingyuan said, “The first time I saw her, I felt very kind. It turned out to remind me of my brother.”

Su Qingyou asked, “Ya Yuan?”

Zhao Tingyuan nodded, “He may also come here to study with me in the next year.”

However, because of this familiarity, he developed a good feeling for Lu Nian, but unexpectedly she was the eldest lady of the Lu family in Ancheng.

And Qin Si… They don’t look like this (guanguan) system at all, but Lu Nian is more like the more tolerant and considerate one between them.

Zhao Tingyuan couldn’t understand, “Why should Lu Nian treat him so well?”

“Who knows.” Su Qingyou said.

She whispered to herself, “However, this investment may not be unreturned in the future.”

For people like Qin Si, warmth is much easier to tame than (violent bao) force. She believes that one day, Qin Si really goes mad and becomes a rabid dog, and only one person can tame it—that is, when he is still in the cold. At that time, someone who helped him with warmth.


Lu Nian could see that his mood was not very good.

“Can I go and see where you live now?” Lu Nian asked.

The young boy said stiffly, “I live very well, I don’t need (fuck cao) heart.”

The affiliated high school campus is in the downtown area. The two of them were standing in front of a busy intersection. The weather was a bit hot. Lu Nian saw an ice cream truck at the intersection and quickly ran over and took two in his hands, “Do you want ice cream?”


“Eat one.” Lu Nian said embarrassedly, and she returned with two.

The girl held two ice cream **** on the left and the right in the little white and tender hands of the girl. The weather was hot, and there was already a tendency to melt away.

He was silent, and finally took it.

After solving the ice cream, his eyes fell on her left hand, which was soiled by the ice cream juice.

Lu Nian hadn’t finished eating. Seeing him handing over the tissue, he subconsciously thought he was going to wipe her hands, so he changed his hand to hold the ice cream and bit into it.

The girl smiled sweetly at him with her face up, her black hair hanging down beside her tender cheeks, full of trust and dependence.

He started to be unable to control the enthusiasm on his face again, and he could only hope that she hadn’t paid attention at all – until Lu Nian was so natural that he stretched out the little hand before his eyes.

She thought he was going to help, so she wiped it by the way.

The boy’s movements froze.

He didn’t speak, he couldn’t see his face (color), he had put the paper towel back and put it on the chair next to her.

Lu Nian, “…”

Yes, she suddenly thought of it sadly.

Qin Si used to be like this, he didn’t even want to approach her, how could he be willing to touch her hand.

After finishing the ice cream, Lu Nian took out a tissue, wiped his hands, peeked at him, and whispered, “You really haven’t changed at all.”

“It’s still so unlovable.” She murmured very quietly.

The heat behind the boy’s ears slowly faded, and he sneered, “You just met me?”

He is such a person, there is nothing pleasing about him.

Compared to him, there are many people who want to please her and can please her more, such as Lu Yang, and Zhao Tingyuan…Anyone can do it and is willing to do it.

Isn’t she also very happy.

Why bother to come to him.

“Okay, okay.” Lu Nian was busy eating the ice cream, feeling that he had accidentally turned his hair up again.

“So can you take me to see where you live now?” she said briskly.

The boy didn’t speak, he stood under the shadow of the tree, his expression unclear.

Brother Ming worked part-time and opened a bar. The business was very good. The house Qin Si currently lives in is in the innermost room.

“Bar?” Lu Nian muttered.

She feels that this is not a good place, and there will be many strangers in society who are easy to spoil Qin Si.

She asked, “Who are these people usually? Are you familiar with it?”

There was no expression on the boy’s face, “There are many people here, and they have everything. They usually invite drinks or dinners.” He doesn’t control the specific affairs here. Brother Ming is in charge. He is only responsible for accounting and overall planning. He is extremely talented in this industry, and this year he has started to learn programming and statistics without a teacher.

Lu Nian asked curiously, “Will anyone invite you to drink?”

Qin Si pursed his lower lip slightly, and said stiffly, “No.”

He obviously didn’t want to talk to her too much about himself.

Qin Si’s room was on the second floor, the innermost room.

Just as if he was walking into his attic, when Qin Si opened the door, Lu Nian naturally reached out and pushed the door, “Can I go in and take a look?”

“No.” He suddenly remembered something, and stopped at the door.

The furnishings of his house are very simple. The most conspicuous thing is a box. In that winter, the clothes and other gifts she gave him were all packed in a box and washed (dry gan) (dry gan). Net, neatly folded.

He has never worn those clothes, although he has grown taller now and can’t wear it anymore.

So it should have been thrown away long ago, but he may have a bad brain. Not only did he not throw it, but he kept it like this. Moreover, he had just packed up yesterday and had no time to move in. Now those things are left open in the middle of the house.

Let her go in now and see these, it is better to directly (kill sha) him.

Lu Nian is now half a head shorter than him, and the young man has tall legs and long legs. She can’t get in at the door like this, so she can only step back angrily.

Under the attention of her clear eyes, he was like a man on his back, as if he was being scorched on a fire, it was extremely difficult to beat.

“You are so strange.” Lu Nian mumbled, “Did you put something shameful in the room?”

The boy was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his hair exploded into anger, “Did you finish?”

“After reading it, leave.” He said coldly, “This is not your home.”

Lu Nian said a little, but he was a little relieved after all.

When she went home in the evening, she suddenly remembered this incident and asked Miao Miao, “What will be in the boy’s room? Why can’t let people come in.”

Miao Miao snickered, “I definitely won’t let you in. You are a girl. Boys at this age will be shy if they don’t have their own secrets.”


Is that Qin Si, he will be shy?

Lu Nian imagined it for a while, and found it unimaginable, but also a little fun.

She even sometimes feels that Qin Si was born with this kind of iron and stone heart, and the whole person is cold, will he have this kind of emotion.

He is also growing up.

They are all growing up, day by day.

So, will he have a little girl he likes in the future? If everything goes on the right track, he will no longer become the indifferent, violent, and gloomy demon in the future.

Lu Nian thought so, slowly immersed in the (sleeping Shui) dream.

Lu Nian’s middle school life was uneventful. She often went to the studio to paint and began to learn the violin, but her academic performance remained stable at school, hovering between the first fifty and one hundred of her grade.

She can often see Qin Si’s name in the grade list. His grades are getting better and better, and the ranking is getting higher and higher. Ancheng Affiliated Middle School is a key middle school in the city. If you can maintain this grade, you will be admitted to a top university in the future. The top is all nailed down.

Lu Nian remembers that Lu Nian in the original book died at the age of fifteen. In the third year of her junior high school, she only had more than a year. The jumping off the building in the original book did not seem to make Lu Nian die, but because It was not written in detail. Lu Nian didn’t know whether it was self (killing sha) or passing away from illness.

Now Lu Nian does regular (body shen) physical examinations every year, but she has no one to talk about these concerns about the future, and she can only quietly wait for that day to come.

The girl walked down the corridor with a book in her arms, and she had already begun to draw a strip. The young cardamom (female nu), like a wicker in spring, seemed to have begun to faintly draw a soft and green curve overnight. .

Lu Nian actually didn’t want to (gan gan) his choice. Qin Si was sixteen years old soon. It is impossible for his family to restrain him for a lifetime. Lu Nian knew that Qin Si had always wanted to leave their home and live a free life. So, for him, with the experience three years ago, she would no longer want to go to (gan) arbitrarily.

Moreover, Lu Zhihong’s attitude made her faintly worried. Since dinner that day, Lu Zhihong has asked her about Qin Si twice these days, about his current situation, and which school he plans to attend.

Lu Nian whispered, “I don’t know him well, and I haven’t contacted him for a long time.”

Lu Zhihong frowned slightly, “You (sex xing) should also be more extroverted. These necessary communication are all necessary.”

Even a child without a father or mother can’t communicate. When she gets older, how can she cope with the complicated social scene?

Lu Nian did not speak, but ate silently.

Even if she grows up, she is not as pale as she was when she was a child. The little girl is still as white as snow, with a pointed face with small melon seeds. She is now drawing a strip. What remains unchanged is that she is still extraordinarily slender, her eyes are as autumn as she looked So charming and courageous, Lu Zhihong couldn’t blame her.

He is getting older. In recent years, he has obviously felt that his energy has declined. His body is not as good as before, but Lu Nian is really not a good object to inherit the family business. After these years, Lu Zhihong has also seen clearly. I regretted it countless times, but what can I do now.

After eating, Lu Nian said he was going to do his homework, and obediently returned to the room.

Seeing Lu Zhihong’s boredom, He Tian said, “Dr. Zhao called the other day and said that there is a new technology in the United States. Would you like to try it?”

The woman looks as charming as it was a few years ago, but her tone is somewhat mocking. Lu Zhihong is well maintained, even though she is more than half a hundred years old, she looks gentle and elegant, much younger than she actually is.

“It’s useless.” Lu Zhihong said, the room was full of air-conditioning, but he still felt sweaty at the temples, and he irritably pulled off the collar of his shirt. “It’s just a mess, you want to play with yourself.”

“Nian Nian will be an adult after a few years.” He said, “Looking like a child, Su’s daughter is about the same age as her, and she is much more mature and stable.”

He Tianman said casually, “Of course there are differences between people and people.”

She raised her eyes to look at Lu Zhihong who was pacing irritably in the living room, (hong) lip a (gou), and suddenly smiled, “If it was A Zhu who came back that year, then you might be less worried about it now…”

Lu Zhihong interrupted her with a loud voice, “It’s all my children. It makes no difference which one comes back.”

He Tian raised her eyebrows, knowing that he had a painful foot, so she didn’t go on.

After all, Lu Zhihong can only have the blood of Lu Nian in this life. She looked on with cold eyes, a trace of ridicule in her eyes.

If he knew that now, he would have been fighting for his own life, and he would also have to find Lu Zhuo back, to see people or corpses alive.

Zhang Qiuping was just about to enter the room to put the fruit plate. Hearing this by the door, the atmosphere didn’t dare to come out, so she turned her head and walked back.

Fortunately, the young lady has already returned to the room. Almost every once in a while, Mrs and Mrs. will make trouble because of this incident.

However, how cute the young master was before, a good child, then nothing.

She sighed silently.

Lu Nian returned to the room, closed the door, collapsed on the (bed chuang), retracted into his own little world, and the lingering tension disappeared.

If… tell the truth.

She was afraid that Lu Zhihong would want to go (gan gan) the Qin Si through her again.

After all, it can be said that the Qin Si in the original book was destroyed by people like the Lu family. Now that she has finally reached such a big place safely, she can’t see any long-distance tendency for the time being. She hopes that Qin Si can continue like this. .

However, she didn’t hear from him for a long time after she broke up.

Lu Nian returned the gift box to Zheng Miaoxuan very sorry.

Zheng Miaoxuan asked disappointedly, “Then what did he say.”

Lu Nian remembered her Qin Si quarrel. She didn’t know how to answer Zheng Miaoxuan, and she didn’t want to lie, so she told the truth, “He… I’m sorry, I might have upset him at the time and made you tired.”

After listening to Zheng Miaoxuan, she was not so disappointed. She put the gift away and said, “No (guan) is connected to Nian Nian, thank you for helping me, then next time I go to him by myself, he should continue to study in our high school.” Department.”

Lu Nian shook his head silently.

She thought, why now, every time they meet, it seems that they end up in unhappy endings. Lu Nian is a little tired. She remembered how cute Qin Si was when she met before, at least she could see through. She can tolerate some small tempers. Now, she only feels that she is getting farther and farther away from Qin Si.

During the high school entrance examination, the attached middle school was used as an examination room, and everyone had a three-day short vacation, and they were very happy.

Lu Yang is now eighteen years old. This year’s college entrance examination, the college entrance examination was in early June, and now he has finished the exam. He was out on a lap before returning to Ancheng and did a casual summer internship at Lujia Company. Lu Zhihong valued him very much. After all, he had just graduated from high school, and Lu Yang didn’t have much to do in the company, so watching Lu Nian for the busy Lu Zhihong has become his daily routine.

“Are you going to have a holiday tomorrow?”

In order to set up the examination room in advance, they took a vacation in the afternoon. The high school entrance examination is about to be taken the next day. There are many parents who come to pick up their children. After two days, the scene of sending the examination will be even more lively.

Lu Yang said, “Don’t go outside for these two days. It’s too hot, you (shen) are weak, and I’m afraid it will heat you up.”

Lu Nian nodded silently.

Because she knew what she had said to Lu Yang now, it was very likely that Lu Yang would tell Lu Zhihong as soon as he turned his head.

At the end of the final test of the senior high school entrance examination, the scorching heat still did not subside.

With a schoolbag on one shoulder, Qin Si walked out alone from the crowd of test-sending troops.

The young man has a long and slender figure, and his heroic face and slightly indifferent expression on his face are very easy to identify.

“Qin Si!”

The little girl in a white dress stood on the opposite side of the road and waved to him, her face flushed by the sun.

He didn’t expect Lu Nian to come.

Even more unexpectedly, she would…dress up like this.

Lu Nian rarely wears skirts. The creamy white and soft skirts only reach the knees, and the slenderness that the girl gradually draws out is more obvious. Her small face is flushed from the sun, and her eyebrows are crooked, making her look extra vivid.

He turned his head, not wanting to look more, and distanced himself and her again.

Lu Nian asked, “Are you upset that I came?”

Cut, he must be upset, he didn’t even look at her.

Qin Si silently walked into a convenience store.

Lu Nian’s cheeks suddenly cooled, and the cold beverage can that had just been taken out of the refrigerator felt very comfortable on her face. She squinted her eyes and said, “It’s so cold.”

He was silent, noticing that he didn’t let his fingers hit her cheek.

“I have something for you.” After a while, Qin Si asked briefly, “Do you have time now?”

Lu Nian said “Oh”, “It’s not too far away. If I don’t go back before six o’clock, Lu Yang probably will call desperately or just come and arrest me and go home.”

I don’t know which part of this sentence stung him slightly, and the boy’s footsteps were slightly stagnant, and then he returned to normal.

He brought her to a small bar, Lu Nian knew, it was the one opened by Brother Ming, and Qin Si had borrowed to live there.

He didn’t let her get close to the bar and asked her to wait for him in the opposite park. Lu Nian sat down on the park bench boredly, dangling her two slender legs at will. She is used to being a little girl, and she has rarely attended school in recent years. Wearing a skirt, there is still no consciousness at this time.

Unexpectedly, not long after the swing, something suddenly fell.

Originally Qin Si’s school uniform jacket, which was wide and wide, was simply and rudely thrown on her lap.

Lu Nian hadn’t recovered yet, the boy had already left without a word.

Soon, he walked down with a stack of paper, and when he approached, Lu Nian looked at the stack of paper strangely, “What is this? Test paper?”

“I lived in the Lu family for these years and spent the total amount of money.” The teenager stopped for a moment, and instead of talking about your home, he replaced it with the word “Lujia”, “board and lodging, tuition…plus some extra fees, and interest.”

White (color) a4 paper was printed with dense numbers of numbers, which made her dazzled. After he arrived at Lu’s house, the collection and expenditures, as well as interest, each year after he arrived at the Lu family, finally added up to a total.

“You should also have the account book at home, you can go home and check it.”

“It’s still a little bit, and within next year, all can be paid off.” He said, with his eyelashes down and his expression unclear, “I will transfer it directly to your account then.”

Private tuition is extraordinarily expensive, and the Lu family’s residence is also in an area where the land is expensive. Only tuition and accommodation are not a figure that a 16-year-old can easily afford alone.

Lu Nian was completely dazed at the moment, looking at him blankly, unable to say a word.

The juvenile’s handwriting is as cold as his own, the blade is as cold and sharp, the amount owed, and the last cold signature.

She even saw a few expenses that pierced her eyes there.

It was those gifts that she had secretly bought him in those years. At that time, she thought that Qin Si had accepted those gifts and was happy for him for a long time.

Now, is this going to completely cut off justice with her?

“You won’t go back in the future?” The girl’s soft fingers tightened the edge of the paper, wrinkled, she quietly looked up at him.

The boy was silent for a long time, then shook his head, “No.”

Lu Nian lowered his head, “Before, I knew you didn’t like me.”

The teenager did not speak.

He looked at her, the shadow reflected in the dark pupils had begun to become more beautiful, making him feel more uncomfortable every time he looked at it.

They were so close, perhaps the first time, and the last time they were so close.

Qin Si didn’t say anything in the end, what could he say, the last trace of self-esteem and arrogance that remained of him did not allow him to say anything.

Lu Nian whispered, “However, I always thought that at least we could be friends.”

He remembered the time they had spent together. When we first met, she was a crooked little girl. She was left alone in the room and her playmates were very good. She cherished that time very much. .


He remembered the unbearable and wandering memories of his childhood, what she knew and what she didn’t know.

She would never imagine his past experiences, including now, he is still in a state of embarrassment. He has no chance to breathe, and can only move forward quickly, and she is born a tall, well-dressed eldest lady.

Even the cost of his food and clothing, every pen and paper he used, belonged to her family.

What qualifications does he have?

When he was young, many people scolded him for wild species, all kinds of more ugly words, and he encountered all kinds of embarrassment and no dignity… Qin Si didn’t care, but he didn’t want to show it (exposed) only in front of a person. Any such unbearable.

The teenager has already begun to faintly realize the ignorant feelings in his heart. With his arrogant and extreme (sexual xing) personality, and his extremely sensitive (strong qiang) self-esteem in his youth, he is unwilling to admit it. He has resisted, studied, worked part-time, and worked every day. Late at night… he doesn’t give himself any chance to rest, it seems that he can return this number, and he can completely change his identity, erase those memories, and erase all the strange emotions in his heart (kill sha) .

After a long time, Lu Nian slowly tightened his hand, put the IOU into his palm, and hung his head, “I understand what you mean.”

She walked farther and farther, her figure disappeared into the sunset.

He didn’t chase, as he had done before.

When Qin Si left the park, he didn’t know how long he had stood there. The moon rose to the mid-sky, and the cold moonlight fell on the young boy’s slightly thin shoulders, and the moon was like water.

Brother Ming rarely sees Qin Si like this. He is too precocious. It seems that he doesn’t need people (fuck cao) and knows everything. When dealing with him, Brother Ming often forgets that he is still only a teenager. child.

“You have been so hard during this period, now go to (sleep in Shui).” Ming Ge patted him on the shoulder and couldn’t help but, “If you want to make quick money…”,,,g9g1d, website m.. Free fastest Update no anti-theft, no anti-theft. Report error chapter. Ask for books to find books. Chat with book friends

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