Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 88: carry bags

"Mother, why don't, you come with me, it has been ages since we had shopped together," I replied softly and she laughed.

"Just a year ago, we had done shopping together, but I would love to come with you," she replied with a dotting smile and I laughed.

"Killian, would you like to go with grandmother too?'' she asked Killian, and I was happy that she accepted the fact that Killian was my son now. 

"What would I do, in the women's shop, grandmother, I am a man," he asked furrowing his brows, and I stifled a laugh.

"You will carry their bags like I always used to do while shopping with Mari," replied Damien chuckling, before my mother could say anything and we all laughed, except Cassius, he was looking like he wanted to beat Damien, and I wondered why!

Was it because he was making fun of Killian. Could he not see, he was helping Killian in getting more comfortable, this man was so petty!

"But we have servants to carry our bags, brother Dami," he replied and Damien denied.

"Yeah, but your mother is cruel enough to ask us, do the labour, can you see my hands? They had been calloused by handling her luggage for years," he replied with a sad face and Killian's brows furrowed. 

"You must not speak about my mother like that, even if she asked us to carry out a bag, that I am sure she would not, it would be because she trusted us with her precious things." came his quick witted reply and my lips turned into a crescent moon.

Roselia chucked again, "oh my, one more Mari lover, I wonder how do you charm everyone." she asked and then bit her lip when she felt the murderous aura of Cassius over her.

Why was he getting furious over small things?

"We are just joking around, Killian. Mother was asking you to come so that she could buy a new suit for you too," I explained running a hand on his hairs and he nodded.

"I know brother Dami was joking, mother," he replied with a bright smile and Damien chuckled back.

But Cassius' face was turning sourer and sourer. He should understand that Killian needed these types of gathering and jokes to loosen his personality a bit. Should I talk to him about it later, I could do that for Killian, right?

Soon the dinner finished laughing and chattering. Thank goodness, he did not create the scene further.

I stood up to bid them farewell and surprisingly Cassius and Killian came and stood with me. If anyone would see the scene they would think we are a one happy family seeing off our guests together.

"Do visit, Mari, we miss you." my mother said hugging me.

"Your highness, you should visit us too, sometimes," she asked him hesitatingly, but surprisingly he nodded.

"you can call me by my name, mother in law," he added and both mine and mother's eyes widened. Had he eaten something wrong in the meal?

"Oh sure, then I will wait for you, ca... Ssius" his name came out so quivering from her mouth, like her tongue burnt from it. My father just patted my head while hugging me and nodded toward Cassius.

"Mari, i will meet you soon, to discuss the after procedures, of the case" added Damien, and I nodded. 

He must be talking about the proofs I still have against Isabella. We needed to make a plan, to deal with them.

"I wonder what kind of after procedures are there I don't know about, sir Damien," asked Cassius with a cold voice, and here I thought he was improving when he talked to my mother.

"He is talking about the defamation claim I am thinking of doing on Isabella, your highness" I lied, as I could not let him know that we have proof against his lover.

His eyes cracked, but there was a different emotion on his face, it was not looking like he was angry, but he blinked and the expression was gone.

"We are not going to do that, Mari. The case is not child play that you both are going on with each other," he scolded and I nodded, I was not going to do it anyway. 

"Alright, then I think we should meet to decide, why I should not claim defamation, then Dami," I replied nodding my head seriously at the lamest thing I could have said.

But both men were not looking at me, their eyes were locked at each other, and oh my, what intense gaze they were giving each other. 

But why! Did something happen I was not aware of!

"Alright, it's late. come, son." my father called and I sighed. 

Dami nodded and walked towards the carriage.

"Son, did your father call him son," he asked annoyed again, this man had finally lost it!

He was behaving strangely, completely strange! I rolled my eyes at the foolish question he was asking, he did hear them and yet.

I walked back without caring for a reply, I was tired and I had a lot of things to do later too.

But he came back, I thought he would leave with others.

"Is there something, I can do for you, your highness,'' I asked, but he stayed there silent like a statue.

I kept standing there waiting for his reply but he did not say a word, just when my patience was running out and I was about to say that he should leave now, Killian tugged his suit.

He looked back at him, "Father, mother is waiting for your reply." he asked him and Cassius looked back at me.

At least someone was still aware.

"I wanted to say that the brother of our new empress, Philip, is coming to live with us for a few days. I want you to be respectful towards him," he said and I furrowed my brow. What was there to tell me in it.

Did he think I was not respecting enough others? 

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