Villainess’s Sweet Everyday

Chapter 1

Number one.

I’m Villain Warrant Lady Maricana. Let it be a nightmare and reclaim the memories of your previous life. I learned that.

But I can’t help but wonder about the character, Prince Calcirasto, who acquits me. Why not? Because you’re handsome? I wonder if the wavelength of the personality fits.

I was dining alongside Master Calcirasto at the castle today. He says, “Maricana, you have Neapolitan sauce on your mouth,” and wipes it with a brand new handkerchief out of his pocket.

I got embarrassed and looked down and said, “Thank you,” and blurted.

Master Calcirust turned his hand on my shoulder and drew him to stroke his head and said, “Marikana… please stay beside me. Because I can’t wait to see your presence,” he said.

I’m too sweaty to be nervous. What if they notice that… they might hate me.

But the prince didn’t care about that. “Let’s go to the balcony. I like the view,” he said.

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