Veilwalkers: Bonds Across Realms

Chapter 1: Prologue

Ecade was a wonderful country filled with warm temperatures and dark atmosphere and it was located at the center of the continent. It was found a century before , during the foundation time it was the field test for experiments by a deity known as Dr TL. It had twelve known Cities. The cities were commonly called Areas inspired by how Dr TL had marked them in his experiments. It was surrounded by three countries ; Occidara ; Felicitara and Lapsara

It was the highest developed country compared to the other three. The streets were radiant, with sky scrapers and industrial infrastructures in all parts of the country. Though it was also the richest country many of its production inputs were coming from outside countries. With scarcity of good natural resources and the fact that most of the land was occupied with infrastructures, Ecadians did not focus on production of raw materials or farming but only processing.

Ecadians were welcoming people mainly because they knew the profits that the outside people were going to make them. Outsiders were spending a lot of money than they had planned to, considering that they found items in Ecade that they were not going to find anywhere else. It's people were always busy with small scale as well as large scale businesses that increased the rate of employment.

The balance between science and magic was off. Magic was significant and about sixty percent of the people were magic users. That is, a work done with magic had a larger cost that the same work done with science. In addition a lot of people preferred their work to be done with a magic user. That decreased the development of science technology because it was not the go to solution to everyday problems.

The field that Science advanced at the same level as magic had, was in combat or weapon construction. Ecade was not the type of place a person would walk around defenseless. The mundane took precautions by making weapons. Ecade had the highest rate of crimes. Most people wanted to take what was not theirs. It was survival instincts for a person to clench to their belonging or else they were going to lose them in an instant if they were to let go.

As a country, Ecade was completed with the ruler and all of the structures under him. It had a Mornachy government system. King Valor the 3rd was the top overseer of the system. He was known as the man who changed Ecade to become what it was both in positive and negative ways depending on the person someone heard that from. Under the King came the Elders Of Justice , eight people who helped to resolve high crimes and helped the King in decision making. The king's Palace had special guards called the Aegis Rex.

The Monarchy was connected to a military known as the Hands Of Ecade. The Hands had a Commander as their top leader who took orders from the Elders Of Justice. All the children of the King were automatically born to be commanders. The elder child was chosen to be the head commander while the others were his vices. The number of vice commanders varied depending on the number of children the king had. The hands was grouped into two; the Protecting and helping hands , each had its own number of squads. The Protecting Hand had four squads ; Patrol , Triumvir, Expedition and prison. On the other Hand there were only two squads; Supplying and Invention. Each Squad had a specific task to handle such as the Triumvir was the squad that protected the King and was in charge of commanding the Aegis Rex.

The Aegis Rex had been there before the Hands was formed. Each individual member of the Hands was referred to as a Finger. The top ranks of the fingers were a Captain followed by the Lieutenant. These were put in command of the squads, they were the eyes of the commanders. Their was one of them at a time and were replaced if one had retired or died. Below the two ranks were the seniors from first to fifth class and juniors from first to fifth class as well. The first class was the top rank. Any other member who had just been enlisted and had not raised the ranks yet was called the rookie.

The Fingers were recruited after completing the Finger Appointment Academy (FAC). A lot of people wanted the country to instantaneously change like reality had been warped without them putting in the effort. However, the Fingers were those who were fighting for that change hoping that one day their country was going to be as peaceful as the other countries. They were the people who knew how to fulfill their duty with honor and expected nothing in return except a peaceful country were every citizen is happy.

The Hands would have succeeded their goal, if it was not for the Maxmus Viri who was a hindrance to the goal. A crime syndicate which was organized by an unknown man , the same time the Hands of Ecade was formed. It's top leader was given the title " Regentis " and every other top leader of each gang was called the Auctoritas. It was spread all over the country and a little in the other countries especially Occidara. It's main aim had been changing over the years from just controlling crime to the desire of taking over Ecade together with the surrounding countries.

The Hands of Ecade and the Maxmus Viri were both a hindrance to each other's goals. Magic in Ecade and any other country had a foundation called Enerflux. It was the energy found in everything be it living or non living. Thus everything was considered to be at Level 1 " the Novice ". A Novices Enerflux did not have the ability to increase , it was stuck on a point known as the Bariath and everything with Enerflux below that point had no magical powers. Humans alone were not able to surpass that point , they were able to use magic because of deities called the Dulcimortis.

They resided in the realm of Vomorous where everything existed in the form of Enerflux. They had the duty of purifying souls before they were sent to the path of souls called the Via Anima where they were ready to be reborn as new beings without carrying anything from the previous life. A century before , with the success of one of the experiments of Dr TL, they managed to create physical bodies which allowed them to interact with humans as humans. Their human bodies were gigantic and muscular compared to the average human of that time.

At first the humans had feared that the new ones were a threat , so they had wagged wars with them. They lost the wars and just kept living in fear even though the Dulcimortis meant no harm. As years were passing , the humans awakened and transformed they had realized that the Dulcimortis really meant no harm to them and narrowed down the gap between them and they were making strong bonds. The Dulcimortis were able to marry with the humans and beared children which were the first human users of magic. The mundane called these the Mancers.

The main reason the Dulcimortis had come to the human world was to live the life of humans and interact with them. That was not the case for Dominus , he had come with the intent to rule humanity. He did not like the way the mundane were treating the mancers. So he wanted them all dead or under his rule. He sealed the gates to Vomorous and killed the other Dulcimortis who possed as a threat to his goal. A lot of the mancers as well as some of the Dulcimortis were on his side. A historic war called the Great war started and the mundane which had combined with some of the mancers, who did not like what Dominus had in mind, emerged victorious in the end, but suffered many lost of lives.

Be ready to dive into the massive world where people have to be careful with what they do. Their is also a huge number of people who have the desire to posses what is precious to others.

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