Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 9 Bold Ideas

The situation that Filin described made everyone shudder, but it was very likely to happen. There are extremely hungry animals and cannibalism, not to mention different races, which used to be food for each other.

It's just that this kind of history is too long away from them. Only an immortal lich like Ferlin can remember things that happened thousands of years ago.

"If you start killing each other, the living undead liches will no longer believe in peaceful coexistence, and then it will become like the Valley of the Devils, where humans are enslaved and slaughtered, or like Winter City, where the bull's head People are only given trailers, and succubi are locked up to pick up passengers. Instead of doing this, why not launch a natural disaster, the souls of thousands of people should be able to give birth to a dozen undead or liches, then we still have at least a dozen peaceful souls left .”

In the end, Filin made the final decision. The food can last for half a year, and there is no mention of expulsion of the low-end population in this half year. Everyone is open to eating. If they can't find a solution after eating, they will die together, and then silently Pray that you can retain the memory of your life and be reincarnated as a lich or undead.

Feilin drew a very cruel timeline for everyone, but he himself didn't want to see things develop to that point, so after the meeting, he quietly came to Ange.

Even though An Ge came to such a remote place, it was still very easy for Ferlin to find him, because his eyeliner was everywhere in the entire dungeon, ghosts spread all over the city, and he was a sharp weapon for law and order. Without such an efficient method, it would be impossible for Filin to manage this underground city of mixed races into a place where everyone lives and works in harmony.

As soon as he saw Ange, Feilin immediately had a flattering smile on his face, and ran to Ange with small steps, and said earnestly: "My lord, I'm sorry to bother you, but I really have to come I am looking for your help, my lord, mainly because the world transfer station is closed, we have no channels to buy food, we have struggled for almost a thousand years, and we can hardly keep going, I am here to buy food, I hope you can sell us some food."

Flynn bent over and rubbed his hands, pointing at Ang's leather bracelet with a cautious look, not half of the domineering look he had when he was delivering the ultimatum in the conference room.

But he didn't feel forced to do it at all. The one in front of him is Lord Watcher, and it is very likely that he is the projection of the legendary undead king who ruled all worlds. So what if he is a little more humble? It is an honor to be able to speak up.

An Ge tilted his head and looked at him inexplicably.

Feilin suddenly thought of something, and suddenly said: "Equivalent exchange, equal exchange, here, here, ten soul crystals, the transmission channel has not been opened for a thousand years, I don't know if it is still the previous price? It used to be one Soul crystals are exchanged for two hundred catties of grain."

As Ferin said, he took out ten black crystals from his bosom and handed them to Ange.

Soul crystal? What it is? Is it the same as the spar that activates the pillar? Ange thought suspiciously, reached out and took it.

As soon as the soul crystal was obtained, Ange knew what it was for.

Soul crystals, crystals condensed with soul energy, are the equivalent of undead creatures.

Different creatures use different things like equivalents. Humans like to use precious metals, magicians like to use magic crystals, and undead creatures like to use soul crystals, because soul crystals are condensed from the essence of soul energy. , not only can you spend it when you get it, but you can also eat it to replenish soul energy.

Of course, soul energy is only useful to undead creatures, so soul crystals will only flow between undead creatures.

Ange knows how to use it as soon as he touches it, just like humans know that they can drink water as soon as they see it. Ange looked at the soul crystal in his hand, then at the leather decoration on his wrist, and held the soul crystal directly. Stick to the leather accessories and start refining.

The ten soul crystals turned into soul energy, most of which were absorbed by the leather ornaments. After almost absorbing the energy, the leather ornaments lit up, and An Ge's thoughts were pulled to another place with a whoosh.

After concentrating on it, Ange teleported back to the arch near the resting palace farm.

But what came back was only thoughts, without a body, and the mind moved freely. Ange thought about the farmland in his heart, and with a whiz, his thoughts reached the location of the farmland.

There was nothing in the empty fields, not even the chirping birds that used to be, but other than that, nothing had changed since he left.

Thinking of the granary in his heart, with a whoosh, his thoughts went to the granary. Looking at the grain piled up in the entire granary, Ange thought of Feilin. He exchanged soul crystals for grain. What about him?

As soon as his thoughts moved, the bags of food in his sight disappeared one by one, one bag, two bags, three bags... a total of forty-five bags disappeared, and An Ge felt the obstacle, and the food bags stopped disappearing .

Where did they go? With a thought in his mind, An Ge retreated his thoughts and took a closer look, only to see that he was standing in a circle formed by grain bags, surrounding him, and outside the circle was Feilin who was laughing until he lost his eyes.

"Forty-five bags, a full forty-five bags. Although five bags are less than before, it's normal. It's been a thousand years before the price has only increased by 10%. It's really wise. I'll get someone to move it right away." Let's go." Fearing that the night would be long and dreamy, Fei Lin summoned a team of skeletons, each carrying a bag of grain, and carried away all forty-five bags of grain in one go.

Looking at the calm surroundings, Ange remembered what Ferlin said, five bags missing?

Most of the soul crystals were absorbed by the leather accessories, but a small part was absorbed by Ange. Could it be that five bags were missing because of the lack of this part? Checking my soul, it seems that it has indeed grown a little bit.

Ange tilted his head, threw the question aside, and his thoughts fell on the leather accessories again. Following his thoughts, the leather accessories lit up again, and with a whoosh, he sucked in his thoughts again.

Could it be that the leather accessories have absorbed the energy of the soul crystal, so he can come back here at any time?

Ange's thoughts returned to the farm and granary again, but he could no longer transform the grain bags, but some stones could be transformed out. After trying a few times, he realized that the energy of the soul crystal injected into the leather accessories was likely to be If it is linked to the weight, after the corresponding weight is transferred, it cannot be transferred.

But there may be less than a bag left, so the slightly lower weight stones can be transferred out.

There are only so many things going back and forth on the farm. For more than a thousand years, Ange has figured out every corner. After playing for a while, it becomes boring. When he was about to quit, he habitually headed in the direction of the Dormition Palace. look away.

The Palace of Dormition is majestic. Even though the king has disappeared for thousands of years, it is still a forbidden place that Anger does not want to set foot in. Before, he had to go in and search for usable bones because he was forced to, but he still only dared to rummage around the edge. , did not dare to go deep.

Even if I can control my mind to move freely now, why not go to the depths of the resting palace to have a look? A bold idea popped up in Ange's heart.

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