In the heart of Metropolis, the Justice League gathered at their headquarters, encircling a large table bathed in the ambient glow of overhead lights. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of urgency as the iconic heroes, each with their unique abilities, convened to address pressing matters and strategize solutions.

"It's almost nine o'clock," Superman's commanding voice cut through the air, his piercing gaze fixed on the entrance. "He would be here soon."

The Flash, ever the Irreverent speedster, leaned back in his chair, eyes darting toward the doorway. "I guess we should be expecting him to walk through that hallway. Might be just me, but I can't wait to watch his awkward entry and introduction."

"That's too bad; I've been here the whole time," a disembodied voice echoed, sending a chill through the room. "Jesus!" Flash reacted, looking around like there was some kind of ghost in the room. Wonder Woman, quick to react, demanded, "Show yourself," prompting the heroes to assume defensive stances.

Superman and Martian Manhunter used their heat vision, attempting to pierce the unseen veil. Batman, donned in ultraviolet goggles, found no advantage. "Listen for a heartbeat," Batman suggested to Superman, who strained but couldn't discern a sound. "He completely erased his presence," Martian Manhunter added.

"Show yourself, Ace, enough with the games," Batman's gruff tone cut through the tension.

"Chill out, Batsy, I'm here, aren't I?" a voice nonchalantly responded. Ace's figure slowly materialized at the far end of the table, confidently seated as if he'd been there all along.

"How did you do that?" Flash asked, for him he would have to phase faster than the human eye could see as his molecules temporarily become like the wind, all while standing still. But Ace cloaked himself with his defective field which deflected light particles of his surroundings, nullifying every sound from escaping his field as it also concealed his heat signature. 

"It's all in the art of deception." Ace replied, clearly indicating he just made himself undetectable from their senses."

"How long have you been here?" Batman asked. 

"For almost half an hour, really good speech by the way, I could almost feel the American spirit of patriotism." Ace commented on Superman's speech, while Batman gestured for everyone to take their seats. 

"Why didn't you make yourself known when you arrived?" Aquaman asked.

"No particular reason, I just wanted to watch you heroes in your natural habitat, away from the cameras and in the absence of the media." Ace bluntly replied.

"I've noticed your powers are quite versatile, I'd really like to know it's basic nature." Batman said, directing his request to Ace as he did not want to waste an opportunity to figure out the true nature of Ace's powers. 

"How about we just get right to the chase." Ace openly  suggested, clearly aware of the true intent behind Batman's inquisition regarding his powers. 

"There's no doubt you are one of the most powerful person's on the planet, why not use that power for good and help make the world a better place. For with great power comes…" Superman was abruptly interrupted by Ace. 

"Don't give me that great responsibility crap, I refuse to be responsible for anything or duty which does not affect me directly." Ace said. 

"So you'd rather roam around like a nuisance, wasting your potential on insignificant activities." Green Lantern chipped in. 

"Yeah, I'd rather keep my freewill, roaming around without being restricted by any rule. If I find something unpleasant, I might just do something about it every once in a while...If I felt like it, that is." He said for all to hear. 

"You need to pick a side, it's either you are the same side with the law or at the other side of it." Superman said, pressing Ace to pick. 

"That's were you're wrong, Boy Scout." Ace replied. "You all act as if you only see the world through black and white lenses." Ace added, seating up as he continued. 

"In this world where people only see black and white…. I see the Grey of things, that's why I choose to stand on the grey side of things, minding my business and not meddling unless necessary, or if I feel like it." He added. 

"And what specifically do you mean by staying in the grey?" Manhunter asked. 

"It means I'm not going to get involved with hero business, neither would I indulge in the crappy lifestyle of your so-called villains it'd be a waste of my time and an almost too-easy hobby." Ace clarified. "I'm just a dude who wants to live my life to the fullest and with all it's perks as I try to figure out this journey we all call life." Ace concluded. 

"Then why you wear a mask? To evade the consequences of your wrong doings while at it?" Wonder Woman questioned. 

"If my identity is revealed, I wouldn't be able to walk down the streets like a normal dude, would I now?" He defended. 

"It's quite a shame because the Justice League could really use someone with your abilities, it would be a real tragedy to watch it waste away like that." Aquaman said, trying to envision the Justice League with someone like Ace who could go toe-to toe and hold his own against their major powerhouse.

"As from this moment onward, you're hereby forbidden from interfering with hero business, and would have to face the law if your actions are crime related."

"Absolutely not." Ace calmly objected. "As the name given to me suggests, a tyrant doesn't abide to rules but does as he pleases." Ace said. 

"The reason I set up this meeting on this fine evening, is so I could clarify where we stand with each other. Our little team up against Darkseid doesn't make us buddies. If anyone of you lots dares to interfere with my business and attempts to apprehend me in the name of your so called justice, they would certainly regret doing so." Ace warned as he stood up from his seat.

"The laws are what keeps us civilized, a lawless man is comparable to an animal who acts on instincts." Batman stated. 

"That's all I had to say to you all. Goodnight folks, and thanks for being present this fine evening." Ace quickly concluded before disappearing into thin air just as he had appeared earlier, not giving anyone a chance at trying to stop him from ending the meeting right there and then. 

"Hey, don't just state your demands and disappear like that…" Flash said out loud but got no response. "He's gone isn't he?" Flash said with a hint of sarcasm, turning back to the others. 

"Damn, that's one cool way to exit a room." Cyborg muttered, admiring how cool Ace powers actually was. 

"Is it just me or did it seem like we offered him some terms and conditions, but he ended up making it one sided and dropped a list of demands instead." Green Lantern said as he mused at the turn of events. The Justice League usually has the upper hand in these cases but this time Ace managed to turn the table around and force his will unto them. 

"We aren't letting him roam around doing as he pleases right?" Cyborg asked Batman. 

"Of course we aren't, we just have to carefully tend to his case since he's unpredictable and very dangerous. Do well to stay clear of him." Batman replied, dismissing the meeting as they called it a night. 


[Bruce Wayne's POV] 

In the shadowed depths of the Batcave, Bruce Wayne, the enigmatic vigilante known as Batman, found himself haunted by whispers of a mysterious  crime lord—dubbed "Ghost." Veiled in secrecy, Ghost had eluded Batman's relentless pursuit, remaining an enigma within the criminal underworld. Despite his vigilant efforts, the Dark Knight had been blindsided by the elusive figure's presence.

Silent and brooding, Bruce immersed himself in the dim glow of multiple monitors, each revealing fragments of intelligence he had meticulously gathered. The murmurings of the criminal elite provided mere whispers, leaving Batman grappling with the inscrutable identity of Ghost. His dedication to the pursuit of justice had consumed him, leading him to interrogate influential criminals, but their lips remained sealed, denying any knowledge of the crime lord.

Tonight, the atmosphere in the Batcave crackled with anticipation, a silent storm brewing beneath the surface. The air resonated with the distant echoes of Batgirl's arrival, the roar of her motorcycle announcing her return from the nocturnal patrol. Yet, Bruce's steely gaze remained fixated on the array of screens, his attention undiverted even as Alfred, the loyal butler, extended a courteous welcome to Barbara.

"Welcome back, Miss Barbara," Alfred intoned with a dignified grace.

"Thank you, Alfred," came Barbara's reply, her voice carrying the fatigue of a night spent thwarting criminal endeavors.

Observing the apparent tranquility, Bruce finally acknowledged her presence without diverting his gaze. "A calm night, I see."

Barbara, undeterred by his stoicism, offered insights into her night's exploits. "After stopping a sloppy attempted robbery, the rest of the night was pretty chill."

 "Still nothing on this Ghost guy?" The mention of Ghost prompted Bruce's response, revealing the weight of his obsession. 

"Nothing useful so far," he admitted, a subtle promise of resolution underlying his words.

As Barbara sought potential avenues, Bruce's mind hinted at a strategy involving Oswald Cobblepot, the infamous Penguin. A spark of determination flickered in his eyes as he considered the possibility of Penguin actually snitching.

"Oswald Cobblepot would give me information if it benefits him," Bruce mused, his tone implying a shared interest.

Barbara, ever perceptive, completed the thought. "Meaning you hope he also wishes to take down this Ghost guy as much as you do."

With a decisive resolve, Bruce stood, the ambient light glinting off the edges of his hanging cowl. "Seems like Penguin would be getting a little visit from the Bat tonight."

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