USSR 1941

Chapter 861: reorganization

  Chapter 861 Reorganization

   With Saraev's consent, the next thing became easier.

   In fact, Saraev can’t make the decision in this matter. If Saraev can make the decision, it is at most the 11th NKVD Infantry Division.

   But changing the organization is no small matter. One change is to change the entire army (the internal affairs force and the border guards under the command of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), otherwise it will still cause confusion if there are two different internal affairs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

   Therefore, Saraev immediately reported this issue to the headquarters of the Beria Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  The number of troops under the command of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not large, of which there are about 160,000 troops from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 150,000 troops from the Border Guards, and the total strength is no more than 300,000.

These troops are usually commanded by the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who is in charge of intelligence and security in various places. In wartime, they are sent to the front line to fight against the German army. They are commanded by the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the command authority is delegated to the army commander... The army commander is actually just The army of the Ministry of the Interior has always had a high degree of self-control in assigning tasks, and the command power is actually the headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior.

  Beria immediately agreed to this proposal after receiving the news, and commented: "Let the full power be handled by Shulka, he is a trustworthy comrade!"

Major General Saraev was stunned when he received this order, because the Army of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a very important thing. It is almost equivalent to Beria's own personal armed forces. One of the reasons for insisting on commanding the troops of the Ministry of the Interior was that Beria was worried about handing over the troops to others.

  However, Beria was willing to hand over the power of training and reorganization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to Shulka... This moment made Saraev feel his scalp tingle.

  Before this, Saraev didn't feel anything.

Because Shulka is a "breakout hero", the 82nd Infantry Regiment is a heroic unit that is good at fighting tough battles. If the Ministry of Internal Affairs needs to improve its combat effectiveness and reduce casualties, it is no surprise to let the 82nd Infantry Regiment train the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. of.

  So Saraev didn't take Shulka too seriously, because he heard that Shulka had contact with Beria in Moscow, so he treated him with courtesy.

However, Beria said, "Let the full power be handled by Shulka, he is a trustworthy comrade", which almost frightened Saraev. Beria has never trusted anyone to hand over the army. in...

   But this is actually Saraev thinking too much. The reason why Beria said this is not because he believes in Shulka enough to hand over the private army to Shulka.

It is because Shulka is a person outside the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In principle, Shulka belongs to the army. Therefore, it is almost impossible to fully control the army of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and pose a threat to Beria, let alone the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself. It belongs to the intelligence system. Every move of Shulka is under the monitoring of Beria.

  Politics and power are sometimes so strange, sometimes the more "unable to get power" the easier it is to gain power and trust.

  This has been proven time and time again in the Chinese dynasties:

  For example, the immediate family members of the emperor are likely to obtain the throne, so they are the least trusted by the emperor, and military power, command power, etc. will not fall into their hands, and they will cause murder at every turn.

On the contrary, relatives (family members of the emperor's mother, wives and concubines) are more likely to gain trust and power, because they do not have the right to inherit the throne. The emperor believes that the military power can be safely handed over to them, so many famous generals were born, such as Wei Qing, Huo Qubing et al.

  Shuerka has a similar advantage, because he does not belong to the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, has real materials, and is also the target of Beria's efforts to win over, so it is natural to reflect the meaning of reuse in his words.

Saraev didn't understand these deep meanings, and immediately changed his attitude towards Shulka after receiving the be exact, it wasn't a change, because his attitude towards Shulka was not bad at first, but it was just that he had been in Shulka before. In front of him was still a condescending attitude of superiors to subordinates, but now he immediately became more approachable.

"Comrade Shulka!" Sarayev warmly invited Shulka to sit down at the table, and then poured a copy of Vodka for Shulka himself, saying: "I brought this from Moscow, just now I was busy discussing the preparation, and forgot to let you try it first!"

Shulka picked up the cup and took a sip. The taste was much more mellow than the ones issued by the army... The ones issued by the army have too many impurities, so they have some other smells, and sometimes even have a musty smell. After all, they are distributed in batches , How dare the soldiers ask so high.

"This is the vodga specially provided by our Ministry of Internal Affairs!" Sarayev said: "Since the officers and soldiers of the 82nd Infantry Regiment are already our instructors, of course this kind of vodka should also be issued, and it is based on Shure Comrade Ka's meritorious service, I think it should be doubled!"

   This is the most powerful bribe of the Soviets, good wine, a lot of good wine.

  If it was someone else, their eyes would light up at once, even if a beggar who had been hungry for a long time saw a pile of delicious food.

  But Shulka is not a drinker. Although he has also trained his drinking capacity in the army, sometimes it is just because everyone is drinking that he is contaminated with this habit.

  So, the allure of this suggestion to Shulka is actually very limited.

  But Shulka still pretended to be grateful, and said: "Thank you, Comrade Saryev!"

   "The superior has agreed to your reorganization opinion!" Salyev said: "We will draw up the reorganization plan immediately, and strive to start reorganization and enter training tomorrow! I wonder if Comrade Shulka has any opinions on this?"

   "No, no opinion!" Shulka replied: "Of course no opinion!"

   In fact, Shulka still felt a little strange, the Soviet army has such a high efficiency? Or is the army of the Ministry of Internal Affairs different from other armies?

  Shuerka certainly didn't know that this was the reason for Beria.

  Facts have also proved that the 11th Infantry Division is very efficient... It should be said that it was efficient under the personal supervision of Saraev. The 11th Division was reorganized overnight, and the regiments stayed up all night to merge.

   Then early the next morning, when Shulka and the officers and soldiers of the 82nd Infantry Regiment got up, the troops of the 11th Infantry Division had already lined up in the new formation and waited for Shulka's review at the training ground.

  Originally, Shulka thought that with the support of Saraev, this training mission should go smoothly.

   But what Shulka did not expect was that the main resistance to this training was not from the headquarters, but the contradiction between the grassroots officers and soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the officers and soldiers of the 82nd Infantry Regiment.

   I wish all book friends a prosperous and prosperous Year of the Rat!



  (end of this chapter)

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