Using a Wok to Reorganize Life and Fly to Immortality

Chapter 65

Chapter 60: Did You Cook Today?

The northern secret realm is more remote and wider than the southern realm.

However, at this moment, Wei Shuang is a small one, sitting on the small bench with her knees bent, feeling that the secret realm of the North is extremely narrow.

She looked in front of her, and when Su Yucai shovel fell, a spoonful of the red-gold sauce was full, and she couldn’t look away.

The emperor of the water, known as the most vicious ice crab in the same rank in the North Ice Soul Lake, at this moment delicious and mellow, like the floating ice on the Ice Soul Lake emerging, floating in front of her in the blink of an eye .

North Rift is too narrow.

She couldn’t help feeling this way.

Otherwise, why would she be surrounded by this rich crab fragrance, as if she was a crab herself?

Su Yu filled their small bowls with the shiny bald butter.

The small pieces of crab yellow and crab paste are piled up on the steaming dragon’s whisker surface, delicate and plump.


“Mix well before using.” Su Yu smiled and showed Micro Cream.

Her hand holding the silver chopsticks was steady and skillful, the tips of the chopsticks were neither light nor heavy, and she easily turned the dragon whiskers from the bottom up a few times.

Suddenly, the snow-colored roots of a small bowl of Dragon Beard Noodles were dyed with even golden light, and each root was accompanied by a few pieces of crab yellow and crab paste hanging on it.

The two sisters of Weishuang do not know how they use it.

Inhaled like a whirlwind, the end of the dragon whiskers splashed on their lips, and the golden crab oil fell, and they didn’t even bother to reach out and wipe it.

Opened his eyes and watched the golden dragon whiskers disappear one by one at the tips of their chopsticks.

Experience the sweetness that slowly emerges from the grainy texture of crab roe in the mouth, as if being hit by golden magic weapons layer by layer, and the refreshing essence of fresh and mellow essence hits the lips and teeth.


The tips of their chopsticks touched the bottom of the small golden bowl at the same time.


No more.

The two sisters were stunned.

Light cream blush.

She just said that she didn’t take pills, she left it to senior sister… ah!

“I, I,” the ice on the tip of Weishuang’s nose was so hot that it was about to melt, and there was a trace of ice mist, “I’ll just eat a bowl, and I won’t eat it later…”

She closed her eyes.

Immediately, she crossed her knees with guilt and blushing, forcing herself to enter meditation, refining the bald butter dragon beard pill that was so delicious that her ice soul golden pill would melt.

Hey, she blames Wei Shuang for being too discerning, and Senior Sister Su who she admires is so delicious.

No wonder they have to be fasting when they get started. If everything in the world is so delicious, she will live in the secret realm, no, live in the old lair of the ice crab.

“Senior Sister Su, please don’t give it to me again.”

Micro Cream closed her eyes.

“Okay.” Su Yu nodded.

Master Su always respects the diners’ freedom of meal distribution.

Soon she placed a bamboo steamer in front of Senior Sister Weishuang.

The moment the lid of the steamer was opened, the hot air condensed into plumes of white mist.

Senior Sister Ling Shuang bowed her head, and saw about a dozen fat, thin skins like silk, and you could see the small bun-shaped elixir with crystal clear soup.

They are each small like a clear longan, but each has thirty-two pleats on it, which shows the meticulousness and skill of the making.

There are three bright silver halos on each one.

Ling Shuang was startled.

Only the thin snow-colored skin at the bottom held it tremblingly.

She was so nervous, she quickly stretched out the small saucer in her right hand, for fear that it would break in the middle!

This time she didn’t need Su Yujiao, so she quickly bowed her head, and her red lips touched the edge of the silky thin leather.

A scorching heat hits my nostrils.

She and Wei Shuang are both ice-type golden elixir, if they feel the heat, they immediately stop the public gesture of swallowing, and carefully take a light bite on the thin skin first.

In an instant, the scorching soup in it flowed down the crack and into her lips and teeth, making her gasp. And with this breath, the sweetness and mellowness of the crabs in the Ice Soul Lake, domineering and continuous flow of more!

Rolling into her throat, rolling into her ice-like golden core, the golden core, which clearly fell into a deep sleep after training, immediately trembled.

It seemed to be awakened by the deliciousness of this heat, and it started to operate slowly.

Ling Shuang was surprised.

“Little Junior Sister, don’t settle, use this…”

She turned around and said something.

Senior Sister Ling Shuang: “…It seems to have eased the drawbacks of our third-level practice.”

She said this abruptly.

But after speaking, she closed her eyes.

It seems to be in samādhi, but it does not seem to be in samādhi.

Because she was staring at the slight frost, she closed her eyes and stood up, standing on the snow where they were resting at the moment, with her body sideways, one step and two steps… One step and two steps, she walked out of the ice crab’s pace …

Micro Cream: “?”

Micro Cream:

Walking on thin ice, it can’t be so ugly.

But soon, the snow under Sister Ling Shuang’s feet turned into ice.

Even the monsters hanging in the air had a thin layer of frost on their feet or under their claws. They were instantly imprisoned and could no longer struggle!

Very strong.

Wei Shuang opened her mouth in astonishment.

However, she was quickly scalded to the tip of her tongue by a mouthful of soup, and she bowed her head in shock.


Drink, when did she stop using Sister Su’s crab pill?

It is clear that it is good to eat.

But for a moment, she felt the delicate crab meat in the thin skin, like eight light and flexible crab claws, she saw them move quickly and unhindered on the ice and snow.

It turned out to be so, she couldn’t help but stand up.

The feet were dexterous and nimble and drifted on the ice…

“Senior brother, I think we should not disturb Master Su.”

Not far away, Xu Ning, who was secretly watching, quickly retracted his head that was about to move.

Master Su still loves her Xuening more.

She watched Wei Shuang move sideways with lingering fear.

Fortunately, the only thing Master Su gave her was shampoo.

If this is not love…

Hu Yuan was holding a folding fan gracefully, but also closed his eyes, unable to bear to look directly.

“Well, senior thinks so too.”

“Let’s go.”

In the depths of the gathering place of third-grade monsters in the secret realm.

“Senior Brother Eight, Junior Sister is self-willed, and you don’t stop it. Look at us following Tianshengzong, and we have already killed six third-grade monsters.”

“If her cultivation level is much lower than that of the junior sister Xuening from Shuilingmen, she will pester us to ask if she is better or Xuening is better.”

Bing Lingzong suddenly suffered a mask.

Senior Brother Broken Eyebrows is also fearful.

Little Junior Sister has the right to move freely, and he can’t stop it, but he forgot about it just now.

It’s over.

I just saw that Xuening girl is already four floors, and she is still holding three monster beasts.

Little Junior Sister was compared.

He hurriedly looked at the cultivators of the Tianshengzong mutual aid team, “Can I line up again today so that my junior sisters can also practice with Tianshengzong.”

Tianshengzong took the lead and immediately looked proud, “Okay, for the sake of our long-term cooperation with Binglingzong, you go to the door and then line up.”

Brother Broken Eyebrows heaved a sigh of relief immediately.

He immediately exclaimed in surprise, “Little Junior Sister.”

In turn, they saw the two precious little sisters of their Ice Ling sect who were at the bottom of the ranking, with their bodies sideways, quickly moving out of the frozen phoenix tree forest.

They were about half a foot away from the snow, and there was a thin piece of ice under their feet.

“Senior Brother.”

The two of them are also happy, and their dexterous posture is even more light.

Wei Shuang blushed, “I hate it, I’m not skilled yet. After I’m familiar with it, it won’t be sideways.”


Everyone in the Bingling Sect was sluggish.

“Junior sister, are you all walking on thin ice on the fourth floor?”

The reason why they have been lining up in Tianshengzong’s team is that they have to find someone to **** them into the secret realm because they are hindered by the cultivation technique.

In this way, they can enter the secret realm by themselves without the company of Tianshengzong.

“Junior sister, why are you two breaking through today? Could it be an adventure?”

Crisis in the secret realm is accompanied by opportunity.

The brothers from the Bingling Sect asked curiously.

There was a subtle intoxication in the eyes of the micro cream, as if recalling the delicious taste.

At the same time, she swallowed, “Second floor of Nanxun, 199999, brother.”

The man with the broken eyebrow was stunned.

Bowing his head, he saw the unfamiliar two sticks in Wei Shuang’s hands with sharp eyes.

It is roughly half shorter than a nine-section whip, and more flexible than a long sword.

“This is…”

Wei Shuang worshipped back and looked at the sycamore forest, “The second floor of Nanxun, 199999, brother.”


Just as they were talking, the brothers from the Bingling Sect heard the sounds of monsters crawling and wandering on the ice and snow, and their expressions changed.

Turning around, I saw more than twenty ice and snow monsters of different types and around the third rank, aggressively rolling towards them.

Everyone nervously flashed their ice swords.

But after a while, they saw that these monsters were all tied with a long jade-colored rope around their necks.

After dozens of long ropes, a yellow-clothed woman walked on the snow with bright eyebrows.

As if grazing, she pulled the long rope and immediately grabbed the necks of the monsters, so that they could no longer take an inch towards them.

The brothers of the Bingling Sect were startled.

Su Yu raised her eyes and smiled at them, “Meet again.”


Is it the result of their experience?

Senior Brothers of Bingling Zong feel that their consciousness is about to freeze.

“It’s not the result,” Wei Shuang smiled, “Senior Sister Su said, this is the second round of medicinal herbs and magic weapon materials that we can choose later.”


After she finished speaking, the senior sister Ling Shuang beside her was also tangled and shy.

“It’s all my fault. I don’t know what to choose for a while, but I want all of them.”

The guests haven’t ordered yet, so Master Su has concentrated all the ingredients for grazing, no, they are all taken away.

When they decide, they will kill and eat now.

The beauty of this lakeside dining lies in the word fresh.

Master Su didn’t rush the guests. Anyway, it’s too early to decide.

And soon, the two of them performed a ‘rotary sushi’ experience in front of the Bingling Zong brothers.

“Senior brother, I added 10,000 spirit stones, and Senior Sister Su promised to choose three for you to practice. Which one do you like, tell Senior Brother Yan Yan quickly and let him put it down.”

A new world of experience is slowly unfolding in front of the disciples of Bingling Sect.

“Everyone, Nanxun No. 2 Squad Secret Realm Mutual Assistance, here today.”

Yu Dong smiled at the dozens of Bing Lingzong disciples and handed over.

In the beginning, there were only three people from Micro Cream, but later there were men with broken eyebrows and others.

From a small group of two to a group of five.

Fortunately, Yan Yan Feijian and Yu Dong have enough beads, and they can still run well.

Yu Dong did not miss anything, they avoided the monsters above the fourth rank all the way, so that Master Su once again felt that this exercise was very easy to use, comparable to navigation.

Su Yu sat on the stone, holding his simple and unreiki bald butter noodles, enjoying the happiness of mortal delicacies.

A jasper turtle appeared in front of her.

Xiong Feng immediately stretched out his bear paw, touched its turtle shell, and was rejected by it.

It ran straight to Master Su’s iron pot, rolled three bald butter dragon beard noodles from it and ran away.


Su Yu glanced at him and laughed.

“There is no spiritual energy on this side, do you want it too?”

The Jasper Turtle stretched its neck, clicked twice, and said nothing, but the tip of the tongue licked the remnants of crab yellow on the turtle’s claws.

Su Yu immediately took a small bowl and put it in front of it.

The jasper tortoise nodded towards her and lifted the small bowl to the emerald green tortoise shell.

The four claws disappeared on the ice in an instant.

But half-paid, like thinking of something and coming back.

In front of her, she dropped a note that was smudged by the snow.

The ink is not very clear, but it is barely readable.

Every October, it will be more plump and plump, and come back next year to taste it together. If you have any troubles, please let me know. 】

Su Yu’s face flashed a strange color.


She looked in the direction the Jasper Turtle left.

Unexpectedly, there are turtles who really understand Master Su in this immortal world.

Friends are hard to find.

On the top of the snow-capped mountains in the secret realm of the North, the elders of various factions sitting cross-legged looked at the stone tablet showing the achievements.

[Today’s shop:

1. Tianshengzong 250,000

2. Wanfomen 190,000

8. Nanxun 80,000


“Why is Nanxun’s market revenue at the bottom today?”

The elders looked at Qing Xuan in surprise.

Qing Xuan was calm.

Rare and strange.

Naturally it is because of the alchemist, who is not here today.

Tianshengzong chessboard elder, stroked his beard and smiled, “Before your faction said that there may be big orders every day.”

Mu Wanyuan and Rong Qianqiu couldn’t help but glance at Qing Xuan.

Qing Xuan smiled.

Soon Jinbamen elders exclaimed, “Look at the stone tablet of mutual aid in the secret realm. Nanxun rushed so fast, third, no, second… Well, it is approaching the amount of Tianshengzong. !”

While speaking, the second stone tablet jumped again.

[Today’s Secret:

1 Nanxun School 1.98 million

2 days Shengzong 1.35 million



The elders were stunned.

“Why are there 200,000 spirit stones in Nanxun Secret Realm today, jumping up?”

Zhang Daoren beside Qingxuan smiled, “Today our Nanxun order is in a secret realm, hey, it was discovered by you.”



The elders have powerful spiritual senses, so they can’t help but explore the secret realm.

“I don’t seem to find anything special about Nanxun.”

The chessboard elder of Tianshengzong squinted, glanced at Su Yu and others who had closed the stall, and looked at Nanxun Qian Qingqiu’s team.

But he looked at it for a while, and then his eyes moved to a Nanxun female disciple who also used the chessboard magic weapon.

I was about to investigate, but Elder Zhang snorted coldly.

The sword pierced.

Elder Chessboard was immediately annoyed, “Zhang Daoren!”

“Hey,” Elder Zhang played a dust-removing formula, “I can’t do anything either. Elder Li must know that some sects don’t train their own disciples, but prefer other people’s.”

Elder Zhang spread his hands, “I’m also thinking about them. If I find some waste, wouldn’t it kill the sect.”

“Hello, old man Zhang!” Tianshengzong Chessboard Elder stood up angrily.

Mu Wanyuan also frowned.

Qing Xuan was busy trying to smooth things out, “Okay, Elder Zhang, you are talking nonsense. You might as well just report their names.”


Just as she was about to leave the secret realm, Qian Qingqiu joined the second team of Su Yu, paused, and looked at Zhu Ying who was trembling behind her.

“What’s the matter, Junior Sister?”

Zhu Ying’s face turned pale, and she put the big chessboard in her hand into her sleeve, “It’s fine. Senior brother, I want to… go back to Nanxun early.”

Qian Qingqiu was taken aback.

Su Yu’s closing time has come today, his hands are folded in his large sleeves, and he slowly walks behind Xiong Feng who is constantly stepping on the snow.

Soon Zhu Ying and Qian Qingqiu greeted her and walked to Yu Dong who opened the way in front of her.

“Why, you have to go back because the practice is not suitable for the land of ice and snow? Are you uncomfortable, or did your practice go wrong?”

Yu Dong looked at Zhu Ying anxiously.

Zhu Ying gritted her teeth and shook her head, “I’m fine.”

Su Yu glanced at her.

In the novel, Zhu Ying’s family is targeted by a powerful cultivator, and even her parents who have reached the peak of Nascent Soul are unable to resist this enemy.

She had to break up the relationship with Yu Dong, but in the end she failed to escape and ended up in ruins.

Have you already entered this plot?

Su Yu sighed, Zhu Ying went home once during the qualifying competition for the third peak, but now it is suddenly different, it is estimated that the enemy has come here.

Yu Dong clenched the compass in his hand, “Yingying, you can tell me if you have any problems.”

Unless necessary, he does not use the exercises that are not omitted for those around him.

What’s more, Zhu Ying is his Taoist companion.

He trusted her and she trusted him.

Between them, if she doesn’t want to talk, he is willing to wait.

But Zhu Ying raised her face that was still pale and did not slow down, looked at his cultivation base, and still shook her head.

Yu Dong sighed, “Then I’ll take you back to Nanxun tonight.”

He looked at Su Yu pleadingly.

Hang Wan’er couldn’t help but interject, “Senior Zhu Ying, the nuns help nuns, I’ll say it outright! If it’s a problem with cultivation, my fifth senior brother probably won’t be able to help. Your exercises are different, so it’s useless to ask him. But you can ask my second senior sister.”

These words made Su Yudu nod cheekily.

After all, Master Su has solved the storage problem of even the formation cultivator.

Yu Dong also looked at Su Yu with reverence and encouraged the Taoist companions.

“Yingying, in fact, I have already asked the second senior sister to buy a gold supplement. It’s just that I heard from Senior Brother Qian that you are now on the verge of breaking through in the later stage of the golden elixir, so it’s better to wait until the breakthrough take.”

Zhu Ying was moved, “Donglang, you are so kind to me.”


But her enemy is too strong.

Zhu Ying resisted, so she didn’t look at the direction of the elders above the secret realm where the divine sense probed them just now.

Just thinking about it made her body tremble.

Su Yu interrupted them, “Let’s go, go to the second floor of the shop to order, cough, tell me about your predicament.”

Yu Dong also encouraged, “Using my Zhiqiongfeng contribution value, I can get a 50% discount. Yingying, I’ll buy you a pill with private money, okay?”

Zhu Ying couldn’t help but move in her heart.

“Yu Dong, do you still have private money?”

Yu Dong: “…”

On the second floor of the Nanxun store, Qian Qingqiu sat cross-legged outside the bead curtain, and the soul of the soul probed the surroundings.

The brothers Ruo Meng and Lu Risheng built a three-layered illusion formation, and also integrated Elder Hong Yun’s hidden talisman into the formation.

Even Xiong Feng and Fei Yu are patrolling outside.

Inside the bead curtain, Su Yu sat face to face with Yu Dong and Zhu Ying across the tea table.

Zhu Ying took a sip of the warm spirit tea, her heart felt hot and relieved, and her face became better.

“I didn’t mean to deceive you, but – there is an invincible Nascent Soul Peak that may be eyeing me.”

Yu Dong and Qian Qingqiu outside the bead curtain were shocked.

Only Su Yu had a hunch, and his expression remained unchanged.

Qian Qingqiu couldn’t help but chime in, “Just in the secret realm, there are several powerful divine senses that are probing us, just looking for you?”

“Not sure. But he really has been looking for our Zhu family before.”

Zhu Ying took out the large square-inch chessboard in the mustard seed bag with a wry smile.

It seems to be only a third-grade magic weapon, and it is not really classy.

“It is in the hands of my ancestors, and it can exert the power of the sixth-grade magic weapon.”

Yu Dong took over her chessboard, and when she heard the words, she made a move, “Could this be the Yisi chessboard? It hasn’t been published in a hundred years. It is said that if the Nascent Soul is driven, it can directly drive the two Nascent Souls as if Play against each other like chess pieces?”

The people on the second floor are all people she can trust.

Zhu Ying did not hesitate and tapped her cheeks.

“Among the direct children of each generation of my Zhu family, only one practiced the chess game, and the rest practiced the others, just to confuse the public and prevent people from discovering that this is the heirloom of our Zhu family. checkerboard.”

She smiled wryly, “There are currently three seals on the chessboard, and the first one cannot be unlocked until I enter Nascent Soul.

Nowadays, it is not much different from other chessboards. There are at least a hundred monks who use chessboards in Nanxun alone. The other party should not suspect me. ”

“But three months ago, the other party seemed to have tracked down several immortal cultivators who practiced chess, and tried repeatedly.”

Yu Dong breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this, “That means the other party hasn’t found you yet.”

Yu Dong and Qian Qingqiu were both stunned.

“When I first entered the golden core, my dantian was not different, but recently, the closer I get to the Nascent Soul, the more my golden core echoes this ancient chessboard, and it begins to become special.”

Zhu Ying smiled wryly.

“Sooner or later he will find the Zhu family and me. I’m afraid to tell you, but it will drag you into this crisis.”

Su Yu put down the tea cup and finally realized it.

No wonder the Zhu family was hunted down in the novel and could not escape.

The magic weapon seal can also cover up.

But the speciality of Jindan can’t escape the intentional investigation above Nascent Soul.

Zhu Ying lowered her eyes anxiously, “After knowing that the other party is looking for someone, I also thought about changing my mind and changing my magic weapon. But Nanxun is in turmoil, and if an acquaintance finds out that I suddenly change, it will be even more attractive. The man is suspicious.”

Yu Dong blurted out.

“Is it from Tianshengzong? Is it the elder who controlled the chessboard that day?”

Zhu Ying was silent.

Nodding until half-paid, “So, I want to go back to the South. If not, I will quit Nanxun.”

Elder Chessboard is only the peak of Nascent Soul, but behind him is the Tiansheng Sect with the existence of God Transformation and Mahayana.

Mu Wanyuan, who is at the pinnacle of God Transformation, is now going in and out with him.

The sixth-grade chessboard can make two monks with the same cultivation level as themselves play against each other like chess pieces, even if the Mahayana is moved.

The Zhu family cannot be defeated, and Nanxun may not be able to defeat them.

If she doesn’t go, she will only harm others and herself, and become a drag on everyone.

“So, my question, Junior Sister Su, you can’t help me either.” Zhu Ying sighed, “I already have a special golden pill, your golden pill is useless to me. ”

Su Yu nodded, “Yes.”

She understood it completely.

“Indeed, your golden pill is too special.”

Zhu Ying was helpless, “Yeah, it’s so special that it brings the worry of genocide.”

But when she looked up, she was about to say goodbye, but she saw Su Yu’s bright and firm eyes.

“How about wrap it up then?”


Can the golden pill be wrapped?

If the golden pills can be made into hemp **** in Master Su’s hands, why can’t they wrap the golden pills stacked like chess pieces?

Master Su sees no reason not to.

After Master Su wanted to understand, there was only one question left.

“Don’t be afraid, Yingying, if my sister asks you, speak up!”

Zhu Ying couldn’t help her heart pounding, she finally knew why Junior Sister Hang and the others worship Su Yu so much.

“Um I think…could it be more beautiful?”

Anyway, they are all wrapped up and have nothing to do with cultivation.

It can be more beautiful, naturally better.

Zhu Ying blushed.

Su Yu chuckled, “Okay.”

Master Su’s aesthetics have come into play again.

“I’ll try.”

To put the rounded golden elixir in—

The buns have thin skin and many pleats, which can be elegant or simple and honest, but there are few changes in appearance.

The burrito strip is not suitable for use on the outside of the round golden elixir, and the inside is out of balance.

Su Yu put his index finger on his chin and tapped lightly.

Soon walked behind the beaded curtain with both hands behind her back.

After a long time.

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