Urban Sims

v8 Chapter 21 - conflict

End of June.

After the last exam.

Youmu Middle School is finally on holiday.

A two-month vacation was placed in front of all students.

This is undoubtedly exciting and exciting. After two months, you can relax and play well.

Zhou Xiaoming did the same for them. As soon as the school was on holiday, they were ready to travel and plan to go to the south of S City for two months.

S City is a famous coastal city with many tourist attractions, beautiful scenery and suitable climate. Every year in the hot summer, there are many foreign tourists who go to S City for holiday tourism.

Zhou Xiaoming’s purpose of going to S City naturally also has a plan to have a good time.

By the way, hunt some witches and get the seeds of lament that will last for a while.

However, their plan faces two problems.

One, how to persuade their parents to let their parents agree to let them go to S City and play wisely for two months?

This problem is actually best solved, because I do n’t know what is going on. Any girl who becomes a magical girl seems to be gradually neglected by their family members, and if she asks, asks for a leave, or disappears for a while, the parents will nod and agree, It is not a problem to stay away all night.

The second question is about money.

A group of five people went to S city to play, even if they lived in the most economical hotel, opened two rooms, plus the cost of food, it was a big expense, and it lasted for two months. The family is obviously a bit overwhelming.

You must know that the four young girls Yan Xiaomei, Chen Zixing, Sha Yexiang, and Lu Xiaoyuan, except Yan Xiaomei’s family, are considered middle-class. .

How to do?

Zhou Xiaoming took out a bank card with a deposit of 100,000 yuan, enough for five people to explode.

Looking at the card he pulled out, the girls were stunned.

Chen Zixing couldn’t help but ask: “Xiao Ming, why are you so rich, what do your parents do?”

“Ten … hundred thousand, my house is not worth so much money.” Lu Xiaoyuan was a little scared.

“Anyway, don’t ask so much. My parents do business. They have money. They don’t care about me. Except for the most money, I envy you more than you.” Zhou Xiaoming lied. To the point where no drafts are made.

The girls looked at him with a somewhat complicated look, and a little inferiority gushed in their hearts.

The people are handsome, have good academic performance, are all-round and have a sense of justice, and they are willing to help these magic girls who have entered the pit.

The family is still very rich.

Is there such a perfect boy in this world?

They asked themselves so.

At the same time, after this self-ask, it actually brought a deeper question, that is: Do I really deserve him?

However, no matter how complicated the mood of the girls, this state only lasted a short time.

After they got on the train to City S.

Looking at the scene passing by the window quickly, everyone’s mood was very happy. In the carriage, the girls’ “giggling” laughter was heard, which attracted the eyes of others and lamented the beauty of youth.

An hour and a half later, the train reached S City.

A group of five people stayed in a five-star hotel with a charge of 1,000 yuan a night by the sea, booked two rooms, and stayed like this.


Their activities are arranged as follows:

During the day, go to various playgrounds, wear bikinis, go to the beach to swim, taste various specialties, etc … In short, the main arrangement during the day is to eat, drink, and enjoy life.

What about at night?

Instead, go to the crippling corners of S City to eliminate the witch who may be hidden in it, and obtain the seeds of lament that fall from it.

So, are there many witches in City S?


Of course there are many.

Even more surprising.

In the entire city of S, there are at least more than 100 places where there is malaise, which represents its true birth to the witch

Standing on the top of a tall building.

Sha Yexiang looked at a place full of malaria not far ahead and muttered: “Sister Bama Aesthetics said that in this world, there are a lot of magical girls. Almost every city has a magical girl guarded. Is it S city? No magic girl? “

“It’s impossible. In H city, you all have four magic girls. The population of city S is four to five times larger. There must be more magic girls.” Zhou Xiaoming said.

“No matter, since there are so many witches in S City that nobody cares about, let’s go and control one.”

After Yan Xiaomei finished speaking, he made a leap to the tall building, completed the transformation in the air, and jumped up to the bleak sky upstairs.

Chen Zixing and Lu Xiaoyuan kept up.

Zhou Xiaoming lay on Sha Yexiang’s back, was carried by her, and jumped upstairs opposite.

Entering the building, after a lot of people searched, they quickly found the source of the malaria in a room on the third floor and saw a well-known lament.

Everyone entered the mourning seed one after another.

After removing the external obstacles and seeing the witch inside the lamented species, everyone found out that the strength of this witch ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ is more powerful than the nesting doll who killed Sister Bama .

During the fierce battle, there were many times when everyone almost had an accident and casualties occurred.

But fortunately, everyone was still victorious, killed the witch, and got a high-quality lament.

The people took the seeds of lamentation and happily prepared to return to the hotel where they stayed to rest.


Just walked up the rooftop.

A lightning arc of cold light struck from behind everyone.

“Be careful!”

Zhou Xiaoming, who is keenly aware, quickly rushed to the side of Sha Yexiang and Lu Xiaoyuan, and the three of them were lying on the ground at the same time.

Yan Xiaomei and Chen Zixing, who walked in front, responded in a timely manner. A fish was rolling, and it was able to escape the cold light from behind.

Stand up again.

The weapons in the hands of Yan Xiaomei and Chen Zixing pointed to the attackers in the back.

Shouted loudly: “Vile attacker, come out quickly!”

Zhou Xiaoming also got up from the ground, turned his head and shouted, “Friend with hidden head, why are you attacking us?”

“Hehe ~”

A sneer came.

There was another cold wind.

Opposite the rooftop of the building, under the night sky of the city, under a full moon, a woman with long hair hanging down, holding a scythe of death, and a pair of scarlet eyes, stood on the edge of the fence.

“Actually, you were hiding, a group of uninvited thieves.”


Hear this word.

Everyone was immediately angry, and Chen Zixing said angrily to her: “Who do you say is a thief? Why should we say we are thieves?”

“Oh ~ You guys came to my site and took my prey without permission, and dare to deny that you are not thieves?”



Hearing these words, the girls were even more angry.

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