Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 46 - The Search Continues

The alleyway fell silent for a moment as everyone processed Rahmu's revelation. The idea of a dungeon existing within their very world was unheard of, at least for Lilithra and her friends. They were mere newbies in comparison to bigger Guilds or organizations, but even so, they would have expected news of this caliber to spread like wildfire.

Out of all of them, the most skeptical one was Selorien, of course. “That makes no sense.” He remarked, frowning with suspicion in his eyes. Rahmu didn’t seem to mind, as he smiled boldly, full of confidence.

“You can believe what you will, of course, but it remains a fact!” Rahmu declared, puffing his chest and chuckling triumphantly. Lilithra and Lyra exchanged glances, wondering if it could possibly be true.

The implications were scary, since dungeon dwellers were a serious threat to civilians. The notion made Lilithra realize something, prompting her to ask Rahmu about it. “But if there really is a dungeon, wouldn’t monsters come out?” Lilithra asked, thinking about what kind of answer Rahmu would provide.

Rahmu nodded a few times, as if acknowledging Lilithra’s question as fair. “Truth is, I have been told there’s some kind of barrier confining the dungeon creatures inside!” He exclaimed, raising a finger once again in affirmation.

The group pondered in unison, trying to make sense of Rahmu’s words. This time, Ascalon was the one to chime in. “Hmmm… is it like what you two mentioned before? That people cannot stray far from a dungeon without being sent back to the entrance?” He wondered aloud, causing Selorien to let out a surprised gasp.

“Could that rule apply to monsters too? In some cases, at least…” The elf questioned, as the rest considered the possibility. It wasn’t a far-fetched notion, taking into account that dungeons were still a mysterious phenomenon.

They knew there were cases where creatures roamed out of the portals and wrecked chaos, but what if it varied from one dungeon to another? They racked their brains around their theories, but ultimately, they couldn’t really confirm any of their suspicions anyway.

Lilithra, most of all, looked as if she had reached her limit. “Ahh! We’re wasting time here!” She exclaimed, surprising her friends slightly. “We just gotta confirm it with our own eyes!” Lilithra declared as she clenched her fists in determination.

Lyra smiled at her, while Selorien let out a sigh of resignation. Ascalon, on the other hand, nodded in agreement. Lilithra was right, they simply had to go to the dungeon, if it existed in the first place.

“So, where is the entrance?” Asked Lilithra as her excitement ramped up. After all, if Rahmu was being honest with them, they were going to explore a new, enigmatic dungeon! But her enthusiasm was short-lived, as Rahmu shook his head while shrugging.

“I don’t know that! I may be the best broker in all of Starugnia, but even I know some information is better left alone… I quite like being among the living!” Rahmu explained, showing a contented expression.

Lilithra’s shoulders slumped in disappointment, while Selorien shot an irritated stare to the broker. “This all smells like bullshit to me!” The elf blurted out, his accusatory tone causing Rahmu to click his tongue.

“How rude! I give the best information, and I take pride in its authenticity!” Rahmu retorted, clearly annoyed. “But… I do suppose it is hard to trust a stranger. I shall tell you another bit of information, free of charge!” He continued, his lecherous grin taking over his expression once again.

“Look for Loreno in the lower districts—he’s got eyes everywhere, and he’s the one that confirmed the dungeon entrance to me.” Rahmu crossed his arms, his expression turning more serious. “But do be careful; he’s the one running the whole lower district… and Lieutenant’s names won’t do you any good with him!” The man concluded, implying that this Loreno fellow held significant power in the city.

The group exchanged glances—mixes of curiosity, wariness and doubt. “At least there’s another lead…” Lyra said with a hushed voice, and Lilithra placed a hand on her head, gently ruffling her hair. The cat girl smiled shyly, relishing the affection, while Rahmu softly clapped his hands.

“Now then, I have given you more than enough information! I hope you don’t resent me for doing business, and that you find who you’re looking for!” Rahmu exclaimed, bowing profusely.

“Thank you, sir Rahmu.” Ascalon replied, as Rahmu smiled proudly before swiftly exiting the alleyway. From their perspective, it looked as if he was running away, probably still a bit rattled by their earlier intimidation.

The group took a moment to compose themselves, gathering their thoughts before Lilithra took the initiative once more. “Aight then! Let’s find this Loreno guy!” She declared with resolution, as the rest nodded in agreement.

Just then, a rumbling sound echoed through the alleyway, coming from Lilithra’s stomach. She clutched her belly and blushed, squealing with embarrassment.

“Lil! We ate just a while ago!” Selorien teased with a mischievous grin, while Lyra giggled to herself. Ascalon thought it was much like Lilithra to break the tension in the most unexpected ways, and beamed with an earnest smile.

“We could grab something to eat on the way.” Lyra suggested, shifting in place sheepishly, and Lilithra looked at her with sparkling eyes.

“Such graciousness!” Said Lilithra dramatically, the rest chuckling at her antics.

With new plans in mind, the group left the alleyway, wandering the streets as they searched for both food and directions.

Meanwhile, Rahmu moved through the narrow spaces between buildings with ease, a perfect map of the city ingrained in his mind from years of scurrying around. He knew every shortcut, every hidden pathway—some so obscure that only he used them.

His hurried steps brought him to what seemed like a dead end: a small alley obscured by towering walls. Without hesitation, Rahmu approached a corner and pushed on a seemingly random brick. As his hand pushed it, the brick sank into the wall and a section of the floor nearby shifted in response, revealing a set of stairs heading down.

Unfazed, Rahmu walked toward the newly opened entrance, paying no heed to the weathered, dusty slabs, and climbed down with eagerness. He was clearly used to it, so accustomed to the way that he needed no light to navigate the pathway that spiraled down.

After a few minutes, his descent came to an end. Rahmu stood in a dimly-lit passage, a set of doors adorning the walls around him. He headed toward the nearest one, pushing it and crossing the doorway as he sighed in relief.

The contrast between the old-looking, brick wall and the modern interior of the room was quite shocking, though not to him. He ignored the multitude of gadgets on shelves and headed straight to a white desk, sitting down to manipulate a device with a screen hovering above it.

Moments later, the screen flickered to life, displaying the face of someone Rahmu knew really well. The man, partially obscured by darkness, wore an expression of both surprise and curiousness.

“Well, well, it’s been a while since you contacted me directly. What do you have for me, Rahmu?” The man spoke with a deep voice, his teeth shining in the dark as he smiled. Rahmu nodded slightly, showing respect.

“It has been a while indeed, but even old rivals need to catch up from time to time.” Rahmu said with a joking tone. “I bring you very interesting news today, my friend.” He added, stroking his beard slowly.

The man let out a thoughtful ‘hmmm’, and his shady figure nodded. “You know I’ll compensate you for the trouble. Proceed.” He spoke with firmness, letting Rahmu know the info was going to be paid for. Rahmu, of course, smiled with greed at the words.

“Some people have come in search of the guys that caused a ruckus a while ago.” Rahmu mentioned, dropping subtle hints before continuing. “I sent them your way, Loreno, since they’re looking for this Ian you allied yourself with.” He concluded, crossing his arms as he studied the man named Loreno’s reaction.

“We’re not exactly allies—it’s more of a mutually beneficial agreement. But I digress. What about these people is so important you would send them to me?” Loreno asked with both curiosity and a bit of irritation.

He was a busy man, so these people would need to have any kind of value for him to bother letting them safely roam the lower district.

“Well, let’s say one of them is friends with a lieutenant—Ryan, to be specific. And he’s got quite the imposing presence!” Rahmu explained, as Loreno leaned in, clearly interested.

“Go on.” Loreno added, urging Rahmu to proceed.

“I would recommend you get rid of them before they mess with your plans.” Rahmu suggested, causing Loreno’s smile to gradually disappear. “But I’m merely stating my thoughts aloud. I only wanted to give you a bit of a heads-up! I wouldn’t dare interfere with whatever you’re doing.” Rahmu quickly added, trying to appease Loreno.

The man across the screen reclined in his seat, sighing heavily. “I see. Well, thanks for the concern, old pal. I’ll look into it.” Loreno said as he prepared to end the call.

“Wait!” Rahmu exclaimed, putting both hands up as if gesturing him to stop.

Loreno stopped and waited, though his impatience was palpable. “Don’t tell them about me! I want to keep business going if they, somehow, end up in your good graces!” Rahmu added with a sly grin, as Loreno sighed once more and ended the call.

As soon as the call was over, Rahmu started laughing, a hint of malice seeping from its tune. “Oh Loreno, you foolish thug! Once this ticking bomb explodes in your face, I’ll sweep in and get my hands all over the good old lower district!” Rahmu declared, standing from his chair. “I can’t wait!” He added, chuckling to himself.

“I see.” A feminine voice coldly remarked as Rahmu froze in place, his face a mix of confusion and terror. Warning bells rang in his mind, knowing that no one should have been in there aside from him.

He panicked and tried to reach for the desk, but the room suddenly began spinning around him, disorienting him. His sight blurred for a brief moment, and then it stabilized—but he noticed something was off.

He felt strange, detached from his surroundings, as if he was observing the room from an unnatural angle. He gasped for air, his eyes bulging out of its sockets as he focused on the view before him. In a flash, the horrifying realization hit him.

He saw his own headless body from behind, crumpling to the floor, failing to reach the desk. A final, fleeting thought of terror crossed his mind as his consciousness faded into nothingness.

A few steps back stood a shadowy figure, her red eyes gazing impassively at the lifeless Rahmu. “I am deeply sorry, but I have deemed you too dangerous for the young master.” She spoke once more, her cold tone echoing through the room.

With a swift flick of her hand, she swung the long blade she had just used, spraying the blood off its surface and onto the floor. She inspected it briefly, appraising the now clean, gleaming edge, and her blurry figure vanished as she stepped back, deeper into the shadows.

Back at street level, Ascalon and his friends had made some progress in their search for a meal. They were all seated around a round table outside a bustling restaurant, the parasol standing in the center providing a comfortable shade for the group.

Lilithra hummed a melodic tune as she sipped from a glass of orange juice, while her other hand held a long, half-eaten hot-dog. Selorien, sitting across from Ascalon, munched on a pear as he watched the streets absentmindedly.

Meanwhile, Lyra nibbled on a sandwich, her face filled with pure delight. Lastly, Ascalon had a half-eaten croissant in one hand and a steaming cup of coffee in the other, a blissful smile on his expression.

“I cannot express just how much I enjoy coffee—though, I must admit, this one pales in comparison to what Raphael can make.” Ascalon suddenly voiced his thoughts, drawing the attention of his friends.

“You really do love coffee, huh? But yeah, Raphael’s is the best.” Selorien replied, a half smile slowly curling up. Lyra set the sandwich down on her plate, and hesitated briefly before chiming in.

“The drink I had the other day was incredible.” She said shyly, recalling the beverages Raphael had made for them the day she asked for their help. That got her thinking, once more, about her brother.

She wondered if it was truly okay for her to be enjoying a sandwich at this moment, with such carefreeness. Lyra shook her head, reminding herself that rushing ahead wouldn’t help. They just had to follow the leads patiently.

While the cat girl pondered, Lilithra took the chance to speak up. “I can’t remember a single time I didn’t like something my uncle made…” She said with both admiration and a bit of surprise in her tone, as she realized the truth while bringing it up.

Selorien nodded in agreement before finishing up his fruit, and let out a satisfied sigh. Then, his expression shifted to a more serious one, frowning as his thoughts drifted. “I wonder if he’s doing okay.” The elf whispered, placing an elbow on the table to prop his head on his hand.

Lilithra was about to answer with her usual cheerfulness, reassuring him that he had nothing to worry about, but stopped when a thought crossed her mind. It was possible Selorien was referring to his grandfather, rather than Raphael, so she decided to keep quiet just in case.

Selorien loved his grandfather, after all, even when he didn’t agree with many of the old elf choices or stances. Lilithra sighed, as if to expel the thoughts away, and shifted her attention to Ascalon, who had now finished both his drink and croissant.

“Aight! Let’s go over what we know!” She blurted suddenly, attracting everyone’s attention. “There’s this Loreno guy who, maaaybe, knows about Levi and Ian’s whereabouts.” Lilithra explained, raising her index finger.

“Then, there’s this supposed dungeon beneath the city…” She continued with a quieter voice, raising another finger.

“That’s if we believe in Rahmu’s words….” Selorien added, his doubts around Rahmu still noticeable.

“Uhm, we also know Levi and Ian fought…” Lyra chimed in, her tone of voice showing a bit of sadness. It was hard for her to simply label Ian as a bad person just like that, even after he’d called her horrible things. She wanted an explanation, at the very least.

“Oh, right! It’s kinda weird though…” Lilithra wondered aloud. “Back at the hub, the attendant didn’t mention any ruckus caused by Levi.” She stated, her brows furrowing as she thought about it.

“Well, they didn’t catch him, right?” Selorien interjected, looking a bit bored. “He probably wasn’t recognized at the time, being a traveler and all. Also, didn’t Rahmu say it happened in the lower district? The one place that sounds really ‘fun’.” He concluded, sarcasm clear in his last choice of words.

It wasn’t far-fetched to think that fights in the lower district happened regularly. After all, it was the place that was seemingly ruled by Loreno, who didn’t appear to be a law-abiding citizen, from what they had heard.

“Aight then. Let’s just go find this Loreno guy and ask him!” Lilithra declared, rising up from her seat. It was the only thing they could do, aside from asking random passersby about Levi—though that didn’t seem like an efficient use of their time.

Sensing her enthusiasm, Ascalon also stood up, his face adorned with a confident smile. It didn’t take long before Selorien and Lyra joined them, and soon they would all set out. It was time to move to the lower district—or at least, that was the plan.

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