Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 44 - The Desert City

The rest of the trip had been uneventful, and the group enjoyed a relaxed journey. They talked about various things, and even taught Ascalon how to play some card games—something completely new to him.

Back in Excadia, his pastimes had been limited to throwing spears at targets, arm wrestling with his comrades, or honing his horseback skills. It was a shame, though, that most steeds couldn’t handle the intensity of his battles.

Ascalon was also still really intrigued about ‘video games’, as he kept seeing Selorien and Lilithra partake in that activity with their phones. However, he recognized that learning about these would be a bigger hurdle than playing cards for his current self, so he decided to leave that for the future.

The group had also learned a lot about Lyra, by simply observing her behavior. For example, she was really clingy once she felt comfortable around someone, and had been eager to engage in hugs or other forms of physical contact with the rest of the group.

Lilithra was overjoyed, feeling as if the cat girl were her own little sister, though they were pretty much around the same age. No one would dare break the illusion, of course, as their bonding was both warming and endearing. Still, Lyra kept trying to get closer to Ascalon, and Lilithra had been doing her best to stop her—an interesting yet confusing sight for the oblivious knight.

As time passed and the train traveled on, Ascalon noticed the landscape shifting many times, yet he hadn’t seen any cities apart from ruined ones. It seemed that this world had its fair share of tragic events, but its people didn’t appear disheartened in the slightest.

The view gradually changed into a yellow hue as sand began to take over, covering every inch of the plains up to the horizon. The heat grew steadily, and Ascalon’s friends peeked with curiosity at the outside world.

Lyra gasped, marveling at the vast expanse, while Lilithra narrowed her eyes, shielding them from the harsh sunlight. Selorien, on the other hand, didn’t seem particularly amused. “Ugh it’s gonna be so hot…” He complained, clearly displeased by the rising temperature. It was to be expected, given his attachment to hoodies.

It was a good moment to change out of their warmest clothing, replacing them with choices that felt fresher and lighter. In the meantime, the announcement system rang, informing the passengers of an upcoming stop.

“Dear passengers, we’re glad to inform you that we’re about to arrive! Prepare your luggage and sunscreen, and double-check so that you don’t leave anything behind. We hope you enjoy your stay in Starugnia!”

The announcement voice paused, and the passengers stirred with excitement. Surprisingly, amidst the clamor, the conductor’s voice resounded through the train once more.

“Also, we would like to express our gratitude to our ‘knight in shining armor’, who showed us an unreal sight and possibly saved us all! I have been informed that his name is ‘Ascalon’, and we of the transport team kindly extend our gratitude to him—thank you, Mr. Ascalon!”

As the driver’s voice receded, the train filled with clapping and cheers, with passengers also showing their appreciation toward Ascalon.

The knight felt a bit bashful at the attention. Although he was accustomed to being received with ovations in saved towns and award ceremonies, this time it felt somewhat different. It was hard to explain.

Adding to the situation, Ascalon’s friend joined in and clapped, their faces showing warm smiles—except for Selorien’s cheeky grin! The knight sighed in resignation, and the girls giggled in amusement.

Leaving the cheery mood behind, everyone got ready to descend the train among the sea of passengers that were on their way to the exits. Ascalon’s towering figure earned him curious looks, but he tried to pay no heed to them.

The moment Ascalon’s group stepped off the train, they were hit by a wave of intense heat, the difference between the cool interior and the harsh desert air making them recoil. The station itself was pretty crowded, and even the shade looked hot.

“I already regret this.” Exclaimed Selorien as he slouched, seemingly weighed down by the temperature. The elf looked up with a hand shielding his eyes from the sun, as Ascalon stood by his side.

“There’s not even a single cloud!” Selorien complained, prompting Lilithra to push his back gently.

“Then let’s get to the shade, dummy!” She replied, forcing Selorien to advance.

Ascalon and Lyra both chuckled at the sight, though the latter seemed to share Selorien’s sentiment to some extent, since she was fanning herself with a hand as sweat glistened on her skin. Taking her into consideration, Ascalon followed behind Lilithra, heading past the station toward a nearby tree, hoping to find some relief from the sun.

It was then that they could fully take in the surroundings, and the sight mesmerized them.

Starugnia stood tall amidst the unending dunes, a sanctuary for weary travelers and citizens alike. From the get go, a colossal skull dominated the view of the city, a pair of giant horns—one partially broken—protruding from atop. This central landmark appeared to serve as a repurposed building, with pathways leading into its hollow eye sockets and giant maw, its entrances covered by hanging curtains.

Ascalon was fascinated, his gaze wandering toward other aspects of the city. The architecture, for example, reflected its defiance toward the harsh environment. The buildings were constructed with enormous adobe slabs and bricks of an orange hue, and their rooftops were tall, adorned with imposing wind-catchers.

There were other details that caught his attention, like retractable overhangs above doors and windows, likely a protective measure against sandstorms. In the same line of thinking, there were numerous walls with latticework, possibly for cooler wind circulation.

“Whoa…” Lilithra blurted out in amazement, marveling at the sight. Selorien, on the other hand, looked as if he hated everything, though he begrudgingly admitted the city had a certain charm.

The cat girl peered curiously at everything, fidgeting in place. Ascalon wondered if she was growing impatient now that they had finally arrived where her brother was supposedly located. Lilithra caught on to it too as she side eyed Lyra, and decided to move things along.

“Alright, let’s get inside the city!” She proclaimed, grabbing Selorien by the arm and dragging him along with her. Ascalon smiled at her motivation and her caring nature, and both he and Lyra followed after her.

At the enormous, yellow gates stood a pair of guards, each of them armed with long spears. They were checking on people who wanted to enter the city, likely an everyday procedure. So far, none of the travelers seemed to have any issues, and soon it was their turn.

“Welcome, travelers. State your business and affiliation.” Said a tall, dark-skinned man, with an impassive tone. His long upright ears gave him a resemblance akin to a jackal, and he looked strict and disciplined. Lilithra awkwardly stood forward, and smiled at him while fiddling with her fingers in the air.

“Hello! We’ve come from New Lumingard to fulfill a request! We’re from the Casanova Guild.” Lilithra stated with confidence, sending some information, like their names and other Guild details, to the guard through the Gifted network. It seemed that she had taken Lyra’s plea as an ‘official’ request, probably to take advantage of the Guild’s benefits.

The man inspected the contents of the message, and checked on some things on his end, before replying with a sharp stare. “I’m sorry, but your names aren’t in the list of allowed members.” At his words, everyone let out a collective ‘huh?’ of confusion.

“U-uhm, but I sent the application beforehand. A-are you sure?” Lilithra stammered, clearly shaken by the situation. Ascalon suspected it had to be some kind of mistake, but the guard’s next words reflected otherwise.

“There’s no mistake. You haven’t been given approval to enter the city—come back after you apply for tourism, like everyone else.” He declared coldly, glancing at the line of travelers behind them “Next.” The guard added, prompting Lilithra to hurriedly pull the group to the side, trying to not be an inconvenience.

“W-what should we do, Selly?” Lilithra asked with clear anxiety as they settled in the shade of a nearby wall, sweat trickling down her neck from both the heat and her agitation. Selorien traced the air with his fingers, his expression nonchalant as he raised an eyebrow and looked at something in his network interface.

“Welp. Seems like we’ve been kicked out.” His tone was carefree, yet the meaning behind his words was heavy, though he shrugged, clearly unbothered. Lilithra opened her interface in a panic, and checked with a dismayed look at the ‘Guild’ button, now marked with a ‘locked’ sign.

“No way…” Lilithra muttered, visibly upset, while Ascalon and Lyra exchanged intrigued glances.

“What is the matter?” Asked the knight, leaning forward to be at Lilithra’s eye level.

She looked up at him with teary eyes, her lips curling up in an awkward smile. “We’ve been expelled from the Guild.” Her tone was frail, reflecting her sadness and disappointment.

Although she had been considering leaving the Casanova Guild, she wasn’t prepared for it to happen so suddenly, and that hurt her—especially since there had been no parting words or any explanation. Lucio had been pretty cold-hearted. But maybe it was the result of her own actions? She had been ignoring his calls, after all.

Ascalon frowned, and gently patted Lilithra on the head, caressing her hair from side to side. Lyra approached and shyly took Lilithra’s hand. “I’m sorry…” She said softly, trying to comfort her. Lilithra squeezed her hand in return, and sighed heavily.

A couple of minutes passed, and suddenly, Lilithra brought both hands to her face and slapped herself, taking everyone by surprise except for Selorien, who showed a knowing smile. “Alright, it’s no time to mope around!” Lilithra blurted out, her tone more energetic but still a bit shaky.

She couldn’t do anything about the situation at the moment, and her friends’ kindness reminded her that they had a request to fulfill. After all, it was never about Guilds or missions—it was about helping a friend in need.

Gradually, both Ascalon and Lyra sensed her renewed determination, and smiled with relief. Though the issue of being denied entry was still unresolved, it was nice to see her recover some of her characteristic cheerfulness.

With his usual laid-back demeanor, Selorien broached the subject. “So… what do we do? Should we sneak in?” The elf suggested, his face taken over by a mischievous look. Lilithra punched him in the shoulder, puffing her cheeks in indignation.

“No! We’re not criminals, Selly!” Lilithra huffed, while Selorien giggled at her, clearly enjoying his teasing. Ascalon, meanwhile, pondered for a moment, trying to think of a solution to their problem, while Lyra looked a bit conflicted. They had gone all the way there; they couldn’t simply give up.

While everyone grasped at straws, searching for ideas, a familiar voice rang through the air. “Ascalon siiiir!” Startled, everyone turned around to see a young-looking soldier walking toward them, who Ascalon recognized as Ryan.

“I knew I’d run into you here!” Exclaimed Ryan, his voice filled with excitement and admiration. Aside from Ascalon, the group peered at him with curiosity. They had seen him before, but hadn’t interacted at all, so their wariness was to be expected. Ryan approached them, bowing slightly as he addressed the knight.

“I’m glad you made it to Starugnia safely! Not that I ever doubted it, but still!” Ryan smiled from ear to ear, clearly thrilled about their meeting. “Right, I’m Ryan! Nice to meet you!” He added, this time directing his words to the rest of the group.

“Uhm, nice to meet you, Ryan! I’m Lilithra, and these are Selorien and Lyra.” Lilithra responded, introducing her friends to the newcomer. Selorien nodded in acknowledgment, while Lyra bowed and smiled shyly.

Ryan beamed once again, his eyes locking back onto Ascalon. “So what’s up? Waiting for someone?” He asked, glancing around, unaware of their current situation.

“We have been denied passage into the city.” Ascalon replied in a frustrated voice.

The soldier made a surprised expression, before he frowned in indignation. “The nerve!!! Come with me!” Ryan declared, storming off toward the gate with determined steps.

Ascalon and his friends hesitated for a moment, astonished by Ryan’s sudden actions, but they quickly followed with intrigue in their minds, Ascalon leading the way.

As they saw the soldier approach, the guards stood at attention, and the one that had denied them passage spoke. “Lieutenant Miller, is something the matter?” He asked, noticing the anger in Ryan’s face. The travelers who were waiting for their turn perked up with curiosity, glancing at their direction.

“Give these four clearance to enter!” Ryan demanded, his voice a mix of annoyance and authority. The guards exchanged glances, clearly troubled, but didn’t utter a single word of complaint. One of them fiddled with his network interface, then bowed to the group.

“They’re allowed now, Lieutenant Miller.” The guard confirmed, his arm gesturing past the gates as if inviting them in.

“Good! Remember, they have my backing!” Ryan added, puffing out his chest with a satisfied expression.

And just like that, their problem was solved. Ascalon and his friends stood in silence, clearly surprised by the turn of events, and unsure of how to react until Ryan urged them to go in. “Go on then! I can’t join you right now but I’ll try to keep in touch!” Ryan spoke with joy, waving at them as he went toward the direction of the train.

“Oh right! Enjoy your stay, guys!” He added, glancing over his shoulder before disappearing in the distance.

The group exchanged looks, and, out of nowhere, burst out laughing. “Oh geez, this feels so silly!” Lilithra exclaimed, wiping a tear from her eye. Ascalon chuckled and nodded, while Lyra and Selorien seemed to agree with the sentiment in between giggles. All of them felt a wave of relief wash over them, the tension finally leaving their bodies.

Some of the travelers walked past them, giving them weird looks, and making Lilithra realize they were the center of attention. “Uhm, let’s go in!” She urged them, feeling awkward all of a sudden.

Walking through the gates, they could appreciate the cityscape up close, marveling once again at the sight. Selorien in particular felt a rush of happiness as he noticed some pathways covered by shade sails, stretching from building to building.

“Neat!” The elf exclaimed, as he took from his inventory a simple black cap and put it on. With that combination, he felt he could better face the heat.

Seeing his idea, Lyra and Lilithra followed suit, equipping some light headwear. Lilithra opted for a red cap similar to Selorien’s—her horns sticking out through conveniently placed holes—while Lyra put on a more cutesy straw hat with a flower adorning the top.

“Alright then! Where to start?” Exclaimed Lilithra excitedly, feeling a renewed determination. The rest looked at her with confident looks, sharing her enthusiasm. Lyra stepped up, raising a hand.

“W-well, there’s gotta be an info hub like in New Lumingard, right?” She suggested, as the rest nodded in acknowledgment.

However, they would soon realize that being expelled from Casanova had severely limited their options, and that Starugnia wasn’t as accommodating as they would think.

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