Urban Immortal Cultivation, I can no longer hide my identity as an immortal doctor

Chapter 7

At 8:00 the next morning,

Suyun opened for business as usual.

【Ding, today's sign-in is successful, and a small spirit gathering array is obtained! 】

It is no longer spiritual liquid.

Not bad.

There is progress.

Activate the array, and the small spirit gathering array just covers the entire Renxinju.

Suddenly, the free spiritual energy between heaven and earth is attracted and gathered in it.

Although the effect is not obvious for the time being.

But as time goes by, the spiritual energy gathers more and more.

Renxinju will also become a spiritual place.


Feeling the gathering of spiritual energy, Latiao stretched comfortably.

Then he lay on the counter.

Because the spiritual energy here is the most concentrated

"Another beautiful day!"

Su Yun was all smiles.

This kind of life, even a god wouldn't trade it for anything!


"Grandpa, that's Renxinju."

Xie Anran pointed at Renxinju and said to the grandfather beside him.

It was old, broken, and small.

But it had a sense of age.

This was General Xie's first impression of Renxinju.

The two of them walked into Renxinju without arousing anyone's suspicion.

After all, people often come here to buy medicine.

""Grandpa, why do I feel so comfortable, just like stepping into an air-conditioned room in the dog days of summer?"

Xie Anran paused and spoke in surprise.

It was the coldest time of the year, not the dog days of summer at all.

But this feeling was very obvious.

Very comfortable, very natural.

Even the whole person became quiet, as if all the troubles were forgotten.

"The Feng Shui here is excellent. It must have been arranged by a master."

General Xie's eyes flashed with a sharp light.

He didn't know about the spirit formation.

But he had seen the Feng Shui master in Hong Kong Island.

The feeling here is somewhat similar to that Feng Shui formation.

It is worthy of being a retreat for masters.

This kind of Feng Shui is definitely not something that an ordinary Feng Shui master can arrange.


Spicy Tiao jumped down from the counter.

Suddenly came in front of the two of them, with cold hair all over his body, staring at General Xie.

He could feel the murderous aura on General Xie.

It was tempered by long experience in the battlefield.

At this time, General Xie was also attracted by the spicy strips.

He lowered his head and took a look.


At this moment, General Xie was like facing a tiger.

His head was buzzing, his whole body was cold, cold sweat was pouring out, and he almost fell to the ground.

""Latiao, don't be rude!"

A gentle voice sounded.

Latiao meowed in dissatisfaction, but finally walked to the side obediently.

""Excuse me, old man. My cat is a little shy." Su Yun apologized.

At this time, General Xie had just recovered from the state of being in a...

"It has nothing to do with it. I was rude."

General Xie calmed down and spoke.

At this time, he also saw Su Yun's appearance.

Very young.

Shockingly young.

Probably just in his early twenties.

1.75 meters tall, ordinary appearance.

Plus an ordinary black down jacket.

In a crowd, you can never find him.

Is this the hidden master?

If he hadn't experienced the magic of Xiaoyuan Lingdan, he probably wouldn't believe it.

But since the master chose to hide, he naturally likes to keep a low profile.

This ordinary appearance is the best. He is worthy of being a master! Every move has a deep meaning.

It is not something that ordinary people like us can figure out.

"You are the girl from yesterday!"

Su Yun was slightly startled when he saw Xie Anran.

Then he understood their intention.

"I am Xie Zhenshan, and this is my granddaughter Xie Anran"

"Because I was old and weak, An Ran was looking for thousand-year-old ginseng for me out of filial piety. Unexpectedly, she did not find the ginseng, but met Mr."

""Sir, you saved me from the gates of hell. Today I am here with my granddaughter to thank you for saving me."

Xie Zhenshan adjusted his mentality and smiled.

After all, Xie Anran is young and his words and actions are a bit immature.

Therefore, he will be the main person today.

Otherwise, if the master is unhappy, he will be blamed.

"Old Xie has a good granddaughter. I just happened to meet her. It's just a small matter, not worth mentioning."

Su Yun asked the two to sit down.

Then he made two cups of tea.

This is tea brewed with spiritual water.

Although the tea leaves are ordinary, the water is not ordinary water.

He even took out the Xiaoyuan Lingdan, so he would not be stingy with a cup of spiritual tea.

Xie Zhenshan took the teacup respectfully and took a sip. After the tea went into his mouth, he felt like he had been enlightened, his fatigue was eliminated, and he was full of energy.

As his granddaughter said, this tea and water were extraordinary.

This is a great gift from heaven!

"Good tea!"

Xie Zhenshan praised it generously and drank the whole cup of tea slowly.

"To be honest, sir, at this time yesterday, I was still lying on the hospital bed, uncertain of life or death. For you, it was just a piece of cake, but for me, it was a life-saving grace."

As he said this, Xie Zhenshan took out a key and respectfully placed it in front of Su Yun.

"I see that this store has no place to live. I guess it must be difficult for you to come here every day. This is the key to 202, unit 1, building 3, next door."

"This house is fully furnished, but it has been empty for more than a year and no one lives there temporarily. If you don't mind, you can live in it. Firstly, it will be convenient to take care of the appearance, and secondly, it can be regarded as my gratitude."

Giving gifts is a science.

Xie Zhenshan also thought for a long time before deciding to give this house.

For a hermit who can take out the Xiaoyuan Lingdan, giving money is too vulgar.

Giving villas and sports cars is too eye-catching. High positions and generous salaries are definitely useless.

After thinking about it, this is the best.

There are old and dilapidated communities nearby.

The value is not high or low.

And it is close to here, and it meets the requirements of being low-key.

What's more, he only gave the key to the door.

He didn't directly take out a real estate certificate.

This low-key, luxurious and meaningful way of giving gifts is in line with the style of the hermit.

""Thank you, old lady!"

Su Yun smiled and did not refuse.

Because the house he lives in now is also rented.

And it is far from here, and he has to get up early every day to rush here, which is a bit troublesome.

What's more, it is only natural to collect medical fees for curing diseases and saving lives.

Seeing Su Yun accept the key, Xie Zhenshan was relieved.

"Sir, you are busy, so we will not bother you any more."

Haste makes waste.

Giving gifts successfully is the first step to making friends.

Xie Zhenshan stood up and said goodbye.

"By the way, may I know your name?"

Xie Zhenshan did not forget to ask Su Yun's name.

"My name is Su Yun."

Su Yun said with a smile

"Mr. Su, we are leaving now!"

Xie Zhenshan remembered the name.

But before leaving, Xie Anran couldn't help but look back.

Finally, he mustered up the courage

"Mr. Su, can I come to visit you again in the future?"

Her beautiful eyes were full of hope.

Su Yun had a good impression of Xie Anran.

At this time, she smiled and nodded:

"You are always welcome!"

Beautiful women are always hard to refuse!

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