Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 4358

Chapter 4160: Surprise Phantom

Chapter 4160 Surprise magic martial arts

“How is it? You’re not hurt, are you?”

Seeing Huan Wu coming back, Huan Qing asked Huan Wu.

“Well, I wasn’t injured because of the fact that the lord kept his hand.”

Phantom Wu replied.

“It’s good that you didn’t get hurt, this time you’ve worked hard. Although you didn’t defeat No. 11 and won the treasure of Lord No. 11, this time you have helped a lot, and I will take out a magical treasure as a reward and give it to you. When I go back, I will bring the divine treasure to you.”

Fantastic said.

“Is this true? Huanwu would like to thank uncle here.”

Huanwu was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

At this time, Tang Yi also said: “I am also willing to give away a treasure to thank you for your sparring!”

Huan Wu’s eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: “Sir, is this true? I lost, are you still willing to give me the treasure?”


Tang Yi nodded and said, “What kind of treasure do you want, weapons? Equipment? If it is a weapon, what weapon do you want, and if it is equipment, what part do you want?”

Hearing this, Huan Wu said: “I have the magic flute, the natal weapon, and the lethality is sufficient. So I don’t need a weapon, but my defense is still a bit lacking, so I need a piece of equipment. And I already have an inner armor on my body, Armor equipment is not needed. The best piece of equipment is other parts… Of course, helmets and the like are the best.”

“A helmet?”

Hearing this, Tang Yi smiled slightly and said, “It happens that I have a divine treasure helmet here, you can see if it fits.”

With that said, Tang Yi flicked his right hand and took out the recently replaced helmet ‘Ling Yu Helmet’ in the system backpack.

[Helm of the Spiritual Royal]: The best treasure

Description: It is said that the treasure that was passed down from a special plane and entered the human world was brought into the battlefield by the strong human beings. So far, the treasure has been left in the battlefield. Hundreds of years later, the treasure was acquired by the super strong, the super strong created the secret realm, and the treasure was sealed as a reward and entered into the secret realm altar.

Part: Helmet

Attribute: The power of the galaxy increases by 5000 points.

Attribute: The power of a galaxy.

Special Attribute: Psychic damage absorption.

Special effects: Spirit Shield, Spirit Royal.

Spiritual Shield: After entering the battle state, it will automatically condense a shield of spiritual defense to resist spiritual damage.

Spiritual Defense: After entering the battle state, the spiritual defense and physical defense will be greatly improved.

Active Skill: The Imperial Throne

Royal Seal of Spirit: After use, within 5 meters, you will be immune to all mental attacks, and your defense will be greatly improved.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cooldown: 30 seconds.

The power of the galaxy is augmented: the power of the second galaxy.

The Helmet of Lingyu was obtained by Tang Yi in the altar of the chaotic battlefield. Although the strength index increase is not high, the attributes are not bad.

And most importantly, it can defend against mental attacks.

It is a treasure of spiritual defense.

The additional main skill is also a skill that is immune to mental attacks and greatly improves defense.

It’s a pretty good skill.

Overall, the Helm of Spiritual Defense is a good piece of armor.

If Tang Yi hadn’t already had a higher-level armor, he would probably still be wearing this helmet of spiritual defense.

And this helmet of spiritual control was also replaced by Tang Yi after he recently obtained the perfect helmet.

After the replacement, Tang Yi has not had time to deal with it.

Exactly, it is now used as a gift to Huanwu as a reward for sparring.

With the improvement of Tang Yi’s level, the price of equipment of this level of Shenbao is not high, and a star can buy very high-quality Shenbao equipment.

A few stellar coins are even more magical treasures that can buy super best products.

So for Tang Yi, a treasure is nothing.

This is also the reason why Tang Yi is willing to give away the divine treasure.

It is a very cost-effective transaction to use a treasure that is not of high value to himself, but is of high value to others to befriend the powerhouse of the World Palace.

Originally, Tang Yi planned to spend one or more stellar coins to buy a divine treasure to give to Huanwu.

Well now, save it.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Lord of the Galaxy (One Hundred Universes)

[Level]: 33 (three-star fourth-order)

[Stellar Passive Effects]: Galaxy Bulwark

【Stellar point】: 1/999999 point

【Stellar Coins】: 80 pieces

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 96635600

[The Force of the Universe]: 202,011

[Galaxy Technology]:

Supreme Magical Skill 1: Flying Star (10,000 Galaxy)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Jiuyou Divine Light (Er Xinghe)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Mysterious Crystal Barrier (Samsung River)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Ice Soul King Butterfly (Samsung River 10,000 points)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Eternal Slash (One Hundred Universes)

[Movement method]: Yulong Tianqingshu (Ten Xinghe)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of the Universe (One Hundred Universes)

[Sub-professional]: stellar-level alchemy (alchemy star), high stellar-level forging (forging star), Shinto-level puppet (puppet quasi-god)…

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000), Tianmu Purple Phoenix Bottle, Tianquan Jade Liquid.

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Eye of the Galaxy (One Hundred Galaxy)

Body: Legendary Body (One Hundred Galaxy)

Hand: Deified Hand (—)

[Halo]: Galaxy Halo (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Fairy Ball (Ten Xinghe)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: Power Amulet (5000 points of the power of the Five Galaxy)

Special item column 5: Qinglong Talisman (one million galaxy +5% increase)

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Battleship (One Million Galaxy)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Tai’a Black Devourer (10 Billion Galaxy)

Secondary weapon: Qinghong Xiaojian (1500 Xinghe)

【Armor Bar】:

Helmet: Prestige Helmet (One Hundred Universe)

Mask: Chiyou Mask (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

Inner Armor: Source of Darkness (10 points in a galaxy)

Outer Armor: Exclusive black robe for the high-level Shadow Guard (0)

Cloak: Tianxuan Cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlets: Thousand Shadow Gauntlets (Five Star Rivers) Nine Star Hand Beads (Five Thousand Star Rivers)

Armguards: Dragon Armguards (Eight Star River)

Gloves: Saber-toothed Black Dragon Power Gloves (One Hundred Galaxy)

Belt: Giant’s Belt (Six Galaxy)

Ornament: Ultimate Power Jade Pendant (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

Pants: Kowloon trousers (two thousand stars)

Leggings: Dragon Head Leggings (Five Star River)

Shoes: The Boots of Mysterious Journey (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

【Accessory column】

Necklace: Pure Heart Necklace (Thirteen Star River)

Ring 1: Like a Fish Ring (Ten Xinghe),

Ring 2: Heavenly Star Ring (—)

Ring 3: Ring of the Heavens (Samsung River 8000 points)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (—)

Ring Five: Ring of the Black Rider (60,000 Galaxy)

[Array flag 3/3]:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (—)

Array of Flags II: The Flag of Truth (—)

Array flag three: Fengshen flag (—)

Chapter 4161 Challenge the King of Tianmu?

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Lord of the Galaxy (One Hundred Universes)

[Level]: 33 (three-star fourth-order)

[Stellar Passive Effects]: Galaxy Bulwark

【Stellar point】: 1/999999 point

【Stellar Coins】: 80 pieces

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 96635600

[The Force of the Universe]: 202,011

[Galaxy Technology]:

Supreme Magical Skill 1: Flying Star (10,000 Galaxy)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Jiuyou Divine Light (Er Xinghe)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Mysterious Crystal Barrier (Samsung River)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Ice Soul King Butterfly (Samsung River 10,000 points)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Eternal Slash (One Hundred Universes)

[Movement method]: Yulong Tianqingshu (Ten Xinghe)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of the Universe (One Hundred Universes)

[Sub-professional]: stellar-level alchemy (alchemy star), high stellar-level forging (forging star), Shinto-level puppet (puppet quasi-god)…

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000), Tianmu Purple Phoenix Bottle, Tianquan Jade Liquid.

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Eye of the Galaxy (One Hundred Galaxy)

Body: Legendary Body (One Hundred Galaxy)

Hand: Deified Hand (—)

[Halo]: Galaxy Halo (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Fairy Ball (Ten Xinghe)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: Power Amulet (5000 points of the power of the Five Galaxy)

Special item column 5: Qinglong Talisman (one million galaxy +5% increase)

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Battleship (One Million Galaxy)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Tai’a Black Devourer (10 Billion Galaxy)

Secondary weapon: Qinghong Xiaojian (1500 Xinghe)

【Armor Bar】:

Helmet: Prestige Helmet (One Hundred Universe)

Mask: Chiyou Mask (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

Inner Armor: Source of Darkness (10 points in a galaxy)

Outer Armor: Exclusive black robe for the high-level Shadow Guard (0)

Cloak: Tianxuan Cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlets: Thousand Shadow Gauntlets (Five Star Rivers) Nine Star Hand Beads (Five Thousand Star Rivers)

Armguards: Dragon Armguards (Eight Star River)

Gloves: Saber-toothed Black Dragon Power Gloves (One Hundred Galaxy)

Belt: Giant’s Belt (Six Galaxy)

Ornament: Ultimate Power Jade Pendant (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

Pants: Kowloon trousers (two thousand stars)

Leggings: Dragon Head Leggings (Five Star River)

Shoes: The Boots of Mysterious Journey (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

【Accessory column】

Necklace: Pure Heart Necklace (Thirteen Star River)

Ring 1: Like a Fish Ring (Ten Xinghe),

Ring 2: Heavenly Star Ring (—)

Ring 3: Ring of the Heavens (Samsung River 8000 points)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (—)

Ring Five: Ring of the Black Rider (60,000 Galaxy)

[Array flag 3/3]:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (—)

Array of Flags II: The Flag of Truth (—)

Array flag three: Fengshen flag (—)


Special Items: Earth Spirit Beads, Wind Spirit Beads, Water Spirit Beads.

Materials: One hundred and sixty-six kinds of star-enhancing stones…

Temporary items: Battlefield Coins x875006252, Dark Soul Stone x7811253, Shadow Soul Stone x1134214, Abyss Soul Stone x451123, Frost Soul Stone x6652447, Bird Soul Stone x45644… The order of the special envoy of the Dark Alliance. Shadow Guardian high-level token, Shadow Guardian communication jade pendant.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Lord of the Galaxy (One Hundred Universes)

[Level]: 33 (three-star fourth-order)

[Stellar Passive Effects]: Galaxy Bulwark

【Stellar point】: 1/999999 point

【Stellar Coins】: 80 pieces

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 96635600

[The Force of the Universe]: 202,011

[Galaxy Technology]:

Supreme Magical Skill 1: Flying Star (10,000 Galaxy)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Jiuyou Divine Light (Er Xinghe)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Mysterious Crystal Barrier (Samsung River)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Ice Soul King Butterfly (Samsung River 10,000 points)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Eternal Slash (One Hundred Universes)


]: Royal Dragon Sky Lifting Technique (Ten Xinghe)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of the Universe (One Hundred Universes)

[Sub-professional]: stellar-level alchemy (alchemy star), high stellar-level forging (forging star), Shinto-level puppet (puppet quasi-god)…

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000), Tianmu Purple Phoenix Bottle, Tianquan Jade Liquid.

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Eye of the Galaxy (One Hundred Galaxy)

Body: Legendary Body (One Hundred Galaxy)

Hand: Deified Hand (—)

[Halo]: Galaxy Halo (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Fairy Ball (Ten Xinghe)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: Power Amulet (5000 points of the power of the Five Galaxy)

Special item column 5: Qinglong Talisman (one million galaxy +5% increase)

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Battleship (One Million Galaxy)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Tai’a Black Devourer (10 Billion Galaxy)

Secondary weapon: Qinghong Xiaojian (1500 Xinghe)

【Armor Bar】:

Helmet: Prestige Helmet (One Hundred Universe)

Mask: Chiyou Mask (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

Inner Armor: Source of Darkness (10 points in a galaxy)

Outer Armor: Exclusive black robe for the high-level Shadow Guard (0)

Cloak: Tianxuan Cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlets: Thousand Shadow Gauntlets (Five Star Rivers) Nine Star Hand Beads (Five Thousand Star Rivers)

Armguards: Dragon Armguards (Eight Star River)

Gloves: Saber-toothed Black Dragon Power Gloves (One Hundred Galaxy)

Belt: Giant’s Belt (Six Galaxy)

Ornament: Ultimate Power Jade Pendant (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

Pants: Kowloon trousers (two thousand stars)

Leggings: Dragon Head Leggings (Five Star River)

Shoes: The Boots of Mysterious Journey (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

【Accessory column】

Necklace: Pure Heart Necklace (Thirteen Star River)

Ring 1: Like a Fish Ring (Ten Xinghe),

Ring 2: Heavenly Star Ring (—)

Ring 3: Ring of the Heavens (Samsung River 8000 points)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (—)

Ring Five: Ring of the Black Rider (60,000 Galaxy)

[Array flag 3/3]:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (—)

Array of Flags II: The Flag of Truth (—)

Array flag three: Fengshen flag (—)


Special Items: Earth Spirit Beads, Wind Spirit Beads, Water Spirit Beads.

Materials: One hundred and sixty-six kinds of star-enhancing stones…

Temporary items: Battlefield Coins x875006252, Dark Soul Stone x7811253, Shadow Soul Stone x1134214, Abyss Soul Stone x451123, Frost Soul Stone x6652447, Bird Soul Stone x45644… The order of the special envoy of the Dark Alliance. Shadow Guardian high-level token, Shadow Guardian communication jade pendant.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Lord of the Galaxy (One Hundred Universes)

[Level]: 33 (three-star fourth-order)

[Stellar Passive Effects]: Galaxy Bulwark

【Stellar point】: 1/999999 point

【Stellar Coins】: 80 pieces

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 96635600

[The Force of the Universe]: 202,011

[Galaxy Technology]:

Supreme Magical Skill 1: Flying Star (10,000 Galaxy)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Jiuyou Divine Light (Er Xinghe)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Mysterious Crystal Barrier (Samsung River)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Ice Soul King Butterfly (Samsung River 10,000 points)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Eternal Slash (One Hundred Universes)

4162 Invitation

“Senior Chu Tianhe…”

Huan Wudao: “It’s not very convenient to invite senior Chu Tianhe. As far as I know, senior Chu Tianhe currently has a mission and is performing a mission outside, and this is a long-term mission, and he will basically not come back in a short time.”

“Chutianhe can’t do it either?”

“How about inviting Xing Dong? Xing Dong is a strong man trained by our shadow guards. I want to come and I will not refuse my invitation.”

Fantastic said.

“Senior Xing Dong is also inconvenient. As far as I know, he went on a mission with Senior Chu Tianhe. Also, he won’t be back in a short time.”

Phantom Wu replied.

“Xing Dong is also not here? Is Lu Mi always there?”

“Although Lu Mi’s strength is not as good as Xing Dong’s, he is still a strong man at the level of King Tianmu. Moreover, he is also a genius cultivated by our Jiegong, and he should not refuse my invitation.”

Fantastic said.


“Senior Lu Mi isn’t here either. As far as I know, he went to a certain battlefield to fight. Although it didn’t take long, it would take a few days.”

Phantom said.


“Why is it not there or there. Huan Wu, are you lying to me? The purpose is not to let No. 11 challenge the King of Heavenly Eyes?”

Fantastic frowned.

“I’ve been wronged, uncle, how dare I lie to my uncle and Lord No. 11. You must know that uncle and Lord just promised to give me a divine treasure, and it’s too late for me to repay, so how could I deceive.”

Huan Wu said aggrievedly: “What I said is the truth. These seniors are indeed not there. If you don’t believe me, uncle can go to them and try.”

“I don’t believe it anymore.”

Huan Qing said, and took the two to find someone.

But after looking around, as Huan Wu said, what is not suitable is not suitable, what is not is not, no one strong can compete with Tang Yi.

Seeing this scene, Huan Qing’s face turned black.

Just now, he brazenly said that he wanted to help Tang Yi find a sparring partner, but now it’s better, and he didn’t find any one. This slapped him in the face and made him a little embarrassed.

“I’ll just say it. They’re not here. Uncle, you still don’t believe me. You think I’m lying to you.”

Seeing that Huan Qing could not find anyone, Huan Wu said immediately.

Huan Qing didn’t pay attention to Huan Wu for the first time, but said to Tang Yi first: “No. 11, I’m sorry, I haven’t found anyone yet, you wait a moment, I’ll see who else is in Wu Pavilion.”

Tang Yi said indifferently: “It’s okay, take your time, you can find the best, it doesn’t matter if you can’t find it. The adults have helped me a lot today, and I’m already very grateful.”

“This should be done for you, otherwise what else can our shadow guards do for you? Since you have become a part of our shadow guards, we can’t just ask you for it without doing anything for you, right?”

Huan Qing said: “Just wait, I will definitely be able to help you find someone to accompany you. Since I promised you just now, I will definitely find someone.”

“Well, that’s troublesome, sir.”

Thanks Tang Yi.

Huan Qing turned his head and asked Huan Wu, “Who else is there in Wu Pavilion? Who else can we invite?”

“Uncle, I also know a senior, and now he is also in the martial arts pavilion. It’s just… not very easy to invite.”

Huan Wu suddenly said.



Phantom asked.

“Lonely Destiny Senior from Lonely Family.” Huan Wu said.

“Lonely Destiny?”

Huan Qing was surprised for a moment, and said, “But that Heavenly Eye King is the strongest, who once killed the lonely destiny of three alien Heavenly Eye Kings with one sword?”

Huan Qing had heard about this lonely destiny.

After all, the world palace is so big, how many Tianmu kings there are in the world palace, how could Huan Qing, as the high-level shadow guard, not know?

But his relationship with this Lonely Destiny is not very good, and even has almost no intersection, so he doesn’t know much about Lonely Destiny.

“It’s him. What my nephew said was Senior Destiny.”

Huan Wudao: “He is also at the level of the King of Heavenly Eyes, and he is the strongest among the Kings of Heavenly Eyes. He is also in the Martial Pavilion at the moment. As far as I know, he has not been injured recently, and he does not have any tasks. It is very suitable for our invitation. If If you can invite him as a sparring partner, then he will definitely be the best sparring partner, and the strength of Lord No. 11 will also be able to play well. It’s just…”

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Lord of the Galaxy (One Hundred Universes)

[Level]: 33 (three-star fourth-order)

[Stellar Passive Effects]: Galaxy Bulwark

【Stellar point】: 1/999999 point

【Stellar Coins】: 80 pieces

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 96635600

[The Force of the Universe]: 202,011

[Galaxy Technology]:

Supreme Magical Skill 1: Flying Star (10,000 Galaxy)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Jiuyou Divine Light (Er Xinghe)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Mysterious Crystal Barrier (Samsung River)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Ice Soul King Butterfly (Samsung River 10,000 points)


Magical Skill 5: Eternal Slash (One Hundred Universes)

[Movement method]: Yulong Tianqingshu (Ten Xinghe)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of the Universe (One Hundred Universes)

[Sub-professional]: stellar-level alchemy (alchemy star), high stellar-level forging (forging star), Shinto-level puppet (puppet quasi-god)…

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000), Tianmu Purple Phoenix Bottle, Tianquan Jade Liquid.

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Eye of the Galaxy (One Hundred Galaxy)

Body: Legendary Body (One Hundred Galaxy)

Hand: Deified Hand (—)

[Halo]: Galaxy Halo (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Fairy Ball (Ten Xinghe)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: Power Amulet (5000 points of the power of the Five Galaxy)

Special item column 5: Qinglong Talisman (one million galaxy +5% increase)

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Battleship (One Million Galaxy)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Tai’a Black Devourer (10 Billion Galaxy)

Secondary weapon: Qinghong Xiaojian (1500 Xinghe)

【Armor Bar】:

Helmet: Prestige Helmet (One Hundred Universe)

Mask: Chiyou Mask (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

Inner Armor: Source of Darkness (10 points in a galaxy)

Outer Armor: Exclusive black robe for the high-level Shadow Guard (0)

Cloak: Tianxuan Cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlets: Thousand Shadow Gauntlets (Five Star Rivers) Nine Star Hand Beads (Five Thousand Star Rivers)

Armguards: Dragon Armguards (Eight Star River)

Gloves: Saber-toothed Black Dragon Power Gloves (One Hundred Galaxy)

Belt: Giant’s Belt (Six Galaxy)

Ornament: Ultimate Power Jade Pendant (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

Pants: Kowloon trousers (two thousand stars)

Leggings: Dragon Head Leggings (Five Star River)

Shoes: The Boots of Mysterious Journey (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

【Accessory column】

Necklace: Pure Heart Necklace (Thirteen Star River)

Ring 1: Like a Fish Ring (Ten Xinghe),

Ring 2: Heavenly Star Ring (—)

Ring 3: Ring of the Heavens (Samsung River 8000 points)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (—)

Chapter 4163 King Tianmu, lonely destiny

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Lord of the Galaxy (One Hundred Universes)

[Level]: 33 (three-star fourth-order)

[Stellar Passive Effects]: Galaxy Bulwark

【Stellar point】: 1/999999 point

【Stellar Coins】: 80 pieces

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 96635600

[The Force of the Universe]: 202,011

[Galaxy Technology]:

Supreme Magical Skill 1: Flying Star (10,000 Galaxy)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Jiuyou Divine Light (Er Xinghe)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Mysterious Crystal Barrier (Samsung River)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Ice Soul King Butterfly (Samsung River 10,000 points)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Eternal Slash (One Hundred Universes)

[Movement method]: Yulong Tianqingshu (Ten Xinghe)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of the Universe (One Hundred Universes)

[Sub-professional]: stellar-level alchemy (alchemy star), high stellar-level forging (forging star), Shinto-level puppet (puppet quasi-god)…

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000), Tianmu Purple Phoenix Bottle, Tianquan Jade Liquid.

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Eye of the Galaxy (One Hundred Galaxy)

Body: Legendary Body (One Hundred Galaxy)

Hand: Deified Hand (—)

[Halo]: Galaxy Halo (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Fairy Ball (Ten Xinghe)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: Power Amulet (5000 points of the power of the Five Galaxy)

Special item column 5: Qinglong Talisman (one million galaxy +5% increase)

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Battleship (One Million Galaxy)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Tai’a Black Devourer (10 Billion Galaxy)

Secondary weapon: Qinghong Xiaojian (1500 Xinghe)

【Armor Bar】:

Helmet: Prestige Helmet (One Hundred Universe)

Mask: Chiyou Mask (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

Inner Armor: Source of Darkness (10 points in a galaxy)

Outer Armor: Exclusive black robe for the high-level Shadow Guard (0)

Cloak: Tianxuan Cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlets: Thousand Shadow Gauntlets (Five Star Rivers) Nine Star Hand Beads (Five Thousand Star Rivers)

Armguards: Dragon Armguards (Eight Star River)

Gloves: Saber-toothed Black Dragon Power Gloves (One Hundred Galaxy)

Belt: Giant’s Belt (Six Galaxy)

Ornament: Ultimate Power Jade Pendant (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

Pants: Kowloon trousers (two thousand stars)

Leggings: Dragon Head Leggings (Five Star River)

Shoes: The Boots of Mysterious Journey (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

【Accessory column】

Necklace: Pure Heart Necklace (Thirteen Star River)

Ring 1: Like a Fish Ring (Ten Xinghe),

Ring 2: Heavenly Star Ring (—)

Ring 3: Ring of the Heavens (Samsung River 8000 points)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (—)

Ring Five: Ring of the Black Rider (60,000 Galaxy)

[Array flag 3/3]:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (—)

Array of Flags II: The Flag of Truth (—)

Array flag three: Fengshen flag (—)


Special Items: Earth Spirit Beads, Wind Spirit Beads, Water Spirit Beads.

Materials: One hundred and sixty-six kinds of star-enhancing stones…

Temporary items: Battlefield Coins x875006252, Dark Soul Stone x7811253, Shadow Soul Stone x1134214, Abyss Soul Stone x451123, Frost Soul Stone x6652447, Bird Soul Stone x45644… The order of the special envoy of the Dark Alliance. Shadow Guardian high-level token, Shadow Guardian communication jade pendant.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Lord of the Galaxy (One Hundred Universes)

[Level]: 33 (three-star fourth-order)

[Stellar Passive Effects]: Galaxy Bulwark

【Stellar point】: 1/999999 point

【Stellar Coins】: 80 pieces

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 96635600

[The Force of the Universe]: 202,011

[Galaxy Technology]:

Supreme Magical Skill 1: Flying Star (10,000 Galaxy)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Jiuyou Divine Light (Er Xinghe)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Mysterious Crystal Barrier (Samsung River)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Ice Soul King Butterfly (Samsung River 10,000 points)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Eternal Slash (One Hundred Universes)

Movement method: Royal Dragon Sky Lifting Technique (Ten Xinghe)

[Ending Technique]: Eye of the Universe (One Hundred Universes)

[Sub-professional]: stellar-level alchemy (alchemy star), high stellar-level forging (forging star), Shinto-level puppet (puppet quasi-god)…

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000), Tianmu Purple Phoenix Bottle, Tianquan Jade Liquid.

【Special parts】:

Eye part: Eye of the Galaxy (One Hundred Galaxy)

Body: Legendary Body (One Hundred Galaxy)

Hand: Deified Hand (—)

[Halo]: Galaxy Halo (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

[Special item column 5/5]:

Special Item Column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise Hand Card (5000)

Special Item 2: Fairy Ball (Ten Xinghe)

Special Item Slot 3: Universal Amulet (5000000)

Special item column 4: Power Amulet (5000 points of the power of the Five Galaxy)

Special item column 5: Qinglong Talisman (one million galaxy +5% increase)

[Forging column]: Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer (200000), Yehuo Burning Furnace (200000)

[Vehicle]: Dark Demon Battleship (One Million Galaxy)

[Weapon column]:

Main Weapon: Tai’a Black Devourer (10 Billion Galaxy)

Secondary weapon: Qinghong Xiaojian (1500 Xinghe)

【Armor Bar】:

Helmet: Prestige Helmet (One Hundred Universe)

Mask: Chiyou Mask (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

Inner Armor: Source of Darkness (10 points in a galaxy)

Outer Armor: Exclusive black robe for the high-level Shadow Guard (0)

Cloak: Tianxuan Cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlets: Thousand Shadow Gauntlets (Five Star Rivers) Nine Star Hand Beads (Five Thousand Star Rivers)

Armguards: Dragon Armguards (Eight Star River)

Gloves: Saber-toothed Black Dragon Power Gloves (One Hundred Galaxy)

Belt: Giant’s Belt (Six Galaxy)

Ornament: Ultimate Power Jade Pendant (One Hundred and Fifty Galaxy)

Pants: Kowloon trousers (two thousand stars)

Leggings: Dragon Head Leggings (Five Star River)

Shoes: The Boots of Mysterious Journey (One Hundred Thousand Universes)

【Accessory column】

Necklace: Pure Heart Necklace (Thirteen Star River)

Ring 1: Like a Fish Ring (Ten Xinghe),

Ring 2: Heavenly Star Ring (—)

Ring 3: Ring of the Heavens (Samsung River 8000 points)

Ring 4: Eternal Diamond (—)

Ring Five: Ring of the Black Rider (60,000 Galaxy)

[Array flag 3/3]:

Array Flag One: Five Elements Tiangong Flag (—)

Array of Flags II: The Flag of Truth (—)

Array flag three: Fengshen flag (—)


Special Items: Earth Spirit Beads, Wind Spirit Beads, Water Spirit Beads.

Materials: One hundred and sixty-six kinds of star-enhancing stones…

Temporary items: Battlefield Coins x875006252, Dark Soul Stone x7811253, Shadow Soul Stone x1134214, Abyss Soul Stone x451123, Frost Soul Stone x6652447, Bird Soul Stone x45644… The order of the special envoy of the Dark Alliance. Shadow Guardian high-level token, Shadow Guardian communication jade pendant.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Lord of the Galaxy (One Hundred Universes)

[Level]: 33 (three-star fourth-order)

[Stellar Passive Effects]: Galaxy Bulwark

【Stellar point】: 1/999999 point

【Stellar Coins】: 80 pieces

【Angel Coin】: 34773100

[merit]: 96635600

[The Force of the Universe]: 202,011

[Galaxy Technology]:

Supreme Magical Skill 1: Flying Star (10,000 Galaxy)

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Jiuyou Divine Light (Er Xinghe)

Supreme Divine Skill 3: Mysterious Crystal Barrier (Samsung River)

Supreme Divine Skill 4: Ice Soul King Butterfly (Samsung River 10,000 points)

Supreme Divine Skill 5: Eternal Slash (One Hundred Universes)

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