Unveiling Destiny: Harry Potter and the Triwizard Revelation

Chapter 54: Chapter 54: Of Reunions, Expected & Unexpected

Rubbing his eyes, Harry yawned and pushed himself up in bed. A bed which was too girly for him to have chosen. Soft blue base colour, light grey pattern, and intricate silver flowers gave the bedding a refined, elegant but an all too feminine feel to them.

But this was okay; because this was Fleur's bed in her room at the Delacour home.

He reached his hand over and ran it up and down Fleur's flesh, the bedding hiding her from his eyes.

"Mmmm," she said, shifting over towards him. "What time is it?"

Harry summoned his holly and phoenix feather wand and used a charm to check. "Not enough time for another round," he said, letting out a heavy sigh. "But I'd think you'd be feeling pretty good after a night with the Triwizard Champion."

Fleur turned over to look at him. "And 'ere I was thinking we 'ad time for some fun in the shower," she said, raising her eyebrow at him before letting out an exaggerated sigh. "But I guess the winner-of-the-actually-selected-triwizards-champions will just 'ave to brave it alone, non?"

Rolling his eyes at her pouty smirk, Harry hurried to the bathroom following after Fleur.

It wasn't long after that they were downstairs eating breakfast with Apolline and Patrice, the four of them enjoying a nice relaxing morning following a quiet celebration of the completion of the Triwizard Tournament. An ending without fanfare.

Across the table from him, Harry could see the headlines in the press already. His picture, holding the trophy, the youngest ever champion. He was sure it'd go on about Fleur barely edging out Krum while Cedric fared well but was a little slower than his fellow competitors.

He'd thought it quite nice of the Delacour's to host Horace, Natalia, and Daphne as well.

Glancing over to the empty chair, he caught Apolline's eye and indicated to it while chewing his food.

Apolline shot him a warm smile. "Gabrielle will be along shortly," she said, her face alight with amusement. "She didn't want to come down because you are taking her playtoy with you when you leave."

Patrice looked up from his newspaper. "How Cuddles has the patience to deal with her I'll never know," he said, picking up his cappuccino. "She doesn't give the poor little dragon a rest, ever." He took a sip and then turned back to his morning reading.

"Are you going to be staying for the day?" Apolline asked, looking at Harry with bright hopeful eyes.

Swallowing the food in his mouth, he shrugged. "I had planned to train today but the girls talked me into taking a day off to celebrate," he said before turning his chin toward Fleur. "Daphne and Natalia had left the day for Fleur and I to enjoy together, and I think she has some ideas."

She sweetly smiled back at him. "We have plans," Fleur said, before turning to her maman and raising her eyebrow as she spoke. "Don't you two have some this morning too?"

Smiling as she stood, Apolline nodded. "That we do," she said before turning to her husband. "Shall we?" She arched her eyebrow and then snatched the paper out of Patrice's hands.

Patrice looked up at his wife, shaking his head slightly before returning to his cappuccino. After finishing it, he stood and took Apolline's offered hand. "Harry, Fleur, enjoy the day and congratulations to the both of you, again."

"We couldn't be prouder of the both of you," Apolline added, sincerity shining in her eyes.

Both Harry and Fleur gave their thanks and stood to give them a hug before they departed. Once they had left, Harry turned to Fleur.

"What's the plan today?" he asked, taking her hand in his.

Fleur squeezed his hand and stepped closer to him. "I thought we could walk in the garden and the vineyards," she said, gently tugging him to follow alongside her out of the room.

As they began to tarry in the main terrace that Fleur had always gravitated towards, Harry couldn't help but have his thoughts dwell on the peaceful and relaxing respite from his normal schedule.

It wasn't often he'd take a day off from training, let alone one was specifically for relaxing and his own enjoyment. And as much as he had wanted to train today, to continue to push and prepare himself for a confrontation that was certainly coming, even if he had no idea of how imminent it was, or wasn't, this was a much-welcomed training hiatus.

As if she'd been reading his very thoughts, Fleur spoke up, "Feeling more relaxed now that the tourney is finally over?"

Harry almost laughed at himself. She may not be able to read thoughts but their connected hands would allow her to sense his emotions.

"The tournament was fine," he said, looking at the immaculate garden bed where fresh flowers had been plated. "It's what led to all this, to us." He raised their clasped hands and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.

"True, too true," she said before bringing their hands to her lips, "and you've been emancipated and almost done with your Newts, like me."

As Harry heard the words, his eyes caught sight of a series of flowers he'd not seen there before, one that he immediately recognized.

Bending down, after taking two quick strides, he ran his fingers up the stalk, brushing through the leaves, he traced along the red petals. Looking around, he saw there had been a whole grouping of them, red in the centre with whites, yellows, pinks and others around him.

A hand fell on his back, rubbing up and down. "Maman planted them," Fleur said, continuing her ministrations. "She thought you'd like them."

Biting his bottom lip, Harry nodded, his throat constricted and unable to voice anything.

"Your family is our family," she said, her wand pulsing magic into the rock at the centre of the red lilies.

Harry hadn't noticed the rock in the middle, the one that was engraved. But as Fleur's magic empowered it, he couldn't stop the gasp that escaped his lips, even as his hand went there.

Standing back, his eyes couldn't be torn away from the magical image.

"Papa found it," Fleur said, hugging him from behind, breathing into his ear. "He only had so many with the two of them but it starts from their wedding day and goes on from there."

With his hands crossing his body, he took hold of Fleur's arms, his eyes never leaving the projection of magical pictures above the rock dedicating the redone garden area to the Potters.

His mouth was too dry, his cheeks too wet, and he found he couldn't even think, not even as the pleasant fragrance of the flowers filled his nostrils. Swallowing, Harry opened his mouth but his throat, mouth were too dry, not that his brain would have functioned to provide them with words to enunciate.

Allowing himself to be pulled back by Fleur, he kept stepping back until his knees ran into a wood. With her guiding his movements, he found himself seated on a bench that overlooked the memorial. Fleur moulded herself to his side and her hand alternated between playing with his hair and rubbing his upper back.

How long they sat there, Harry wasn't sure. The gesture was so… nice, loving.

This wasn't just a little card or temporary thing. There was ample forethought and certainly some degree of expense too.

"I'm not sure what to say," Harry finally said, an unknown amount of time later, though he thought he'd be terribly surprised if it had been an hour.

"We're family, and they were important to us too," Fleur said, continuing to lean against him, her head on his shoulder. "You can thank Papa and Maman but it was important for them to do this. They don't need to be thanked for doing something loving for their son."

Harry nodded his head against her hair and focused on his breathing. Deep inhale, heavy exhale. In, un deux trois, out, un deux trois…

Wiping at the previously dried tear tracts, he rubbed his cheeks. "They were both brilliant, you know," Harry said, gesturing at his parents' images, this one his dad sporting a lopsided grin as he gave his mum a one-armed hug. "Riddle took so much away with his senseless killings… they, and many others, could have done so much good for our world."

Fleur hummed in agreement and burrowed into him a little more.

"Horace brought it up," he said, watching as it switched to the two of them eating out, just the two of them, red roses and two place settings in between their smiling visages. "I shouldn't be focused on killing Riddle, I should focus on protecting our future, ending the threat to our futures, our family."

Sitting up straight, Fleur pivoted and used her finger to turn his chin toward her. "'E's right," she said, her eyes overflowing with resolve, "You're kind, noble, and a protector. And I know you'll win, for me… for us."

Harry appreciated her words, her belief, he really did, but Voldemort was in a totally different class than anything he'd ever faced. He knew he could prevail but it wasn't a surety, especially when a betting man would consider Riddle the 'safe bet'.

But odds weren't everything. A burning, ferocious fire was light within him. Horace's talk had kindled something with him, taken blinders off. He could see clearly now where he wanted his life to go. He owned a spectacular piece of property where he would build a life with his wives, children too, eventually.

"It's coming," Harry said, looking away from the garden, up towards the rustling leaves of the trees. "I can feel it in the wind, a restlessness that whirls and swirls around, an uneasiness plaguing my mind. I was worried it'd happen in the Third Task but…"

"But it didn't 'appen," Fleur said, finishing his thought as she stood and pulled him to his feet. "When it comes, we'll be ready."

Squeezing her hand with affection, Harry followed, step for step.

Although he was enjoying the quiet of their walk, he realized there had been something he'd been meaning to ask for a while. "Have you figured out what you're going to do after you graduated?" he asked as they reached the end of the garden path.

Slipping off her shoes, Fleur gave a cute shrug. "Do you know yet?"

Harry copied her response and gave her a cheeky grin.

"Are you going to take Flitwick's offer?" Fleur asked, rolling her eyes.

His grin grew as he shrugged again. "I'll keep training with him but until Riddle is done for, I won't be accepting any offers." With the money he had incoming and a property in his name, he could train and study Dumbledore's journal for a number of years and keep himself busy.

Fleur seemed to consider his words as she stared down the row they were walking down, bare feet depressing into the dirt. "If I considered curse breaking, would you join me?"

Harry hummed and hawed in an exaggerated manner before answering. "Dangerous creatures, deadly wards, and hidden traps, not sure it's my kind of thing," he said, tapping his chin with his finger.

Raising an unimpressed eyebrow, Fleur's lips didn't move.

Rolling his eyes this time, Harry answered. "I think duelling, curse breaking, and continuing to study magic sounds like a great mix," he said before plucking a grape off the vine and popping it in his mouth. "See the world, keep studying and get some action in, I know those expeditions have a fair bit of downtime to them."

Talking with Bill, picking up some tips and tricks from him, about wards and his profession, had made for an interesting evening. Though, with his ability to sense magic, Harry thought he'd have a natural aptitude for it.

"So you'd want to?" she asked, a hint of hope in her eyes.

Tugging on her hand, he halted their movement. "I don't think I'll do it full time," he said, voicing for the first time his thoughts on his future past Voldemort, ones that he'd only allowed himself to dwell on after speaking with Horace. "Travelling around the world, diving into history, and dealing with dangerous, magic, sounds like a perfect thing to do with you."

Fleur smiled at him for a second before closing the gap between them, wrapping her arms around him.

Breaking their hug, Harry pulled away and looked into Fleur's eyes. "I think I want to spend time with you doing that," he said and dropping his arms off her shoulders he took her hand in his. "I'll be required to spend time here, dealing with business and politics, with Daphne, and I expect to spend some time with Natalia, training, studying and possibly duelling too."

Shaking her head, Fleur gazed at him with affection. "Sounds rather busy," she said, grabbing hold of his arm. "Much like our day today."

Turning his head, Harry raised an eyebrow. "I thought we were going to be relaxing, here, together, and maybe doing dinner with your parents?"

"That's what I let you think, " Fleur said, patting him on the cheek. "But we'll relax together before we head off for lunch."

Sensing he wasn't going to get any sort of answer, Harry shrugged, deciding to focus on how lovely and relaxing this day was shaping up to be.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted in unison as Fleur vanished the blindfold.

Harry blinked, trying to let his eyes adjust to the light, his face lighting up with a hearty smile.

Just as things came back into focus, he saw people bounding over to him.

Daphne and Natalia greeted him first, followed by the Weasley family, Cedric, Viktor and his quidditch teammates. After that, some friends from Hogwarts and even Patrice and Apolline, with whom he chuckled with, at their successful misdirection this morning.

"We wanted to keep this hidden," Natalia said as she lingered behind after the initial rush of everyone greeting and congratulating him.

Squeezing her around her hip, he pulled her into him. "Thanks," he said, looking first at her and then to Fleur and Daphne. "Whose idea was it to have it here?"

"Daphne's," Fleur and Natalia said at once.

Blinking, Harry considered that. She'd made no effort to have him reconcile with them and had now suggested it? Perhaps now that she was secure in her position, Daphne wasn't trying to make him stay far from those that he had been closest, prior to the tournament?

He shook his head, why think of such things when he had such great people around, though looking at those who were gathered, there was one face missing.

"Where's Horace?"

"'E told Papa 'e'd be 'ere," Fleur said, her lips pinched together as she looked around. "'E must just be running late."

That didn't sound like Horace at all, unless something had come up that he deemed more important than attending the start of this surprise party. In that case, it was rather conceivable, given how much the man was handling with Cyrus gone.

"Oi, Harry," a loud but distant voice called out.

Swivelling his head around, Harry sought for the person and saw Charlie Weasley standing with a broom in hand. "Coming for a game?"

A grin immediately split across his face. It'd been a while since he'd been up in the air. Though it would have been nice to ride his Firebolt, he thought as his eyebrows furrowed.

But then, as if summoned from his thoughts, Natalia spoke, "You didn't think we'd forget this," she said, raising her eyebrow as her lips formed into a teasing smile. "Did you?"

Closing the distance between them, Harry pecked her on the lips and took a hold of his broom and raced towards the pitch.

It wasn't long before he'd found himself in the air, the sound of the rushing wind in his ears as he zipped through the air. A smile was plastered to his face as he dove down and left to avoid a bludger from one of the twins.

Harry continued racing around the pitch, being a menace to the other side, as he cut Ginny off from advancing against Ron, he led a trailing bludger right at Bill, who was mid-throw of the quaffle, and even did his best Wronski feint against Charlie.

The game rolled on, without anyone paying too close attention to the score after Harry had snagged his second snitch. All were just enjoying playing in the midday sun too much to care about the game ending due to the little golden ball being snatched up.

It wasn't until a couple of hours had passed that Harry had gotten distracted by the calling out of his name, his full name, in a way that had always made him cringe. As his eyes stopped searching for a hint of gold in the sky, they roved across the ground looking for a familiar mop of bushy-brown hair. And, upon seeing it, he immediately dove at it.

"Harry!" Hermione said, as she rushed him and gave him a patented rib-crushing hermi-hug.

It felt almost as if the lack of ability to breathe had deprived his head of oxygen.

"Hermione?" he asked, his mouth slightly agape as he looked her up and down after pulling himself out of her arms.

Then, after seeing it was really her, he threw his arms around her and gave her a tight hug.

"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I got the invite and was told my Unbreakable Vow ended!" she said, almost squealing, tears running down her face.

As those words washed over Harry, Ron came barrelling in and it almost felt like old times, the three of them together. But as the moment of nostalgia passed, warm fingers laced in between his.

Turning his head, he saw Natalia had snuck up on him, though she jutted her chin at something he wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for her.

Daphne was escaping away from the party, walking off alone through the field, towards the lake. He felt his hand be squeezed by hers. "Go on, you need to go after her, Fleur and I will cover 'til you are back."

Harry looked into her beautiful eyes and, only seeing sincerity, he gave her a quick nod and jogged off after his blonde fianceé. It didn't take long and she'd heard him coming.

"Where are you going?" Harry said as he fell into step with her. "Is something wrong?"

Daphne swallowed and stopped, her arms were across her chest, hugging herself. She shook her head but a sniffle accompanied it.

Bringing his hand up, he brought his arm around her and began walking with her, not commenting as he heard more sniffles and saw tears drop off her cheeks.

Sometimes she needed silence, to just have someone with her, supporting, comforting her, and not trying to solve the issues or fill every gap with words. Sometimes what she had needed was just an unjudging presence to be with her as she processed, felt, and dealt with stuff.

And, although Harry didn't know exactly what was wrong with her, he could pretty well guess. Hermione had shown up and Daphne had tried to sneak out. Connecting those led to the conclusion that Cyrus had been the one to orchestrate the removal of his best female friend.

The question that immediately came into his mind whether that bothered him or not.

It was manipulative but also well-executed. It should have bothered him but he found himself remarkably at peace with it.

It was only after Ron and Hermione had been removed from his life that he'd pushed himself. It was only after he'd ventured into the Chamber that he'd had the opportunity to grow into the person he was today. And while there were aspects he would prefer to have skipped or missed altogether, he was happy with his life and the direction it was heading.

As much as a part of him wished to reconnect with his old friends, his place was here, with the amazing, brilliant and pragmatic young woman beside him.

"A small part of my brain says I should be upset with you," Harry said, purposefully keeping his tone light and voice calm. "But then I consider what might've happened if your father hadn't gotten Hermione away…"

He let that hang, she was more than smart enough to connect the dots here. Hermione would have badgered and pestered him until their friendship was rock solid. She'd have wanted to learn what he was learning, see where he was staying and be a major part of his life as he went through massive changes.

It might have worked or it might not have.

"I'm not going to throw mud on your father," he said, rubbing her back. "He did so much for me and I knew early on he was angling towards us being together."

Daphne turned her eyes upon him and swallowed thickly. "He just wanted to protect our family and saw an opportunity to turn to an advantage," she said, her face defiant and eyes hard.

Harry raised his hands in surrender. "I'm not faulting him for getting away from being under Lucius' thumb," Harry said before brushing Daphne's luscious blonde hair. "Though I can't help but find it terribly amusing Cyrus was worried enough about Draco liking you that he kept your hair dark."

Daphne rolled her eyes. "It was only logical, the Malfoy family was known for liking blondes, wanting to keep their trademark hair colour," she said, her eyes alight with amusement. "I'll miss the dark hair, even if I prefer my natural blonde now that I'm engaged and darling Draco is powerless, disgraced, and in another country."

Harry let out a light-hearted chuckle. It was still a bit preposterous to think they'd been so worried about hair colour, but if they'd been forced to conjoin their family lines, keeping the heiress out of it would be ideal.

"Do you think Hermione will hold a grudge?" Daphne said, twirling her finger through the ends of her hair, eyeing it critically. "I don't want them to all hate me for it." She let her hair fall and looked out over the fields.

Coming up behind her, Harry slid her arms around her. "They'll have to get over it," Harry said, bringing his chin to rest just above her shoulder. "You'll be my wife… and, there's a pecking order. If they expect me to side with a friend over a wife, allowing their anger to cause you endless slights, they'll be sorely disappointed."

Daphne let out a shuddering breath. "Even when you all have a good reason to hate my family?"

"They'll have to get over it," he said, using his arms to hug her tighter. "It was manipulative and wrong. But, since then, you and your father proved yourself ten times over. And besides, Hermione has been gushing about it and it's not like their family isn't better off for it."

She nodded twice in quick succession. "They gained financially and are able to be close to their daughter, and that's not even getting into her being abroad and safe."

Hearing her sniffle, Harry released her, brought his hands up to her shoulders and gently turned her. He stared into her eyes, a soft reassuring smile on his face.

"Our circumstances might have been more contractual than romantic," Harry said, doing his best to inject compassionate kindness into his words. "But we're to be married. I will do my best to love, cherish, and support you, always."

Daphne's attentive eyes searched his and before she closed her eyes. Then, after opening them, she smirked. "You'll support me if I intend to drop out of Hogwarts after this year?"

Blinking, Harry thought that over for a moment, needing a chance to react to the surprising intention. "I won't be back, Natalia is completing hers as she dances, Fleur's done this year and you don't want to be stuck at Hogwarts while we are all moving into the next stage of our lives?"

With pursed lips, she dipped her chin. "And Father had wanted me to begin business, finance and economics," she said before turning away, moving beside him and taking his hand. "I'll miss Susan and Hannah but I can visit Astoria more, see them on Hogsmeade weekends and begin preparing for life in politics and business."

Harry shrugged and followed Daphne as they started aimlessly walking. "Take your time and think it through," he said, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. "Horace has retained a firm to assist with the business side and you can only go to Hogwarts once."

"Do you regret it?"

"What, not going back?"

She nodded.

Breathing in a deep breath of fresh air, Harry looked over the field. "Quidditch," he said at last. "I'll miss quidditch the most."

"You could try to go pro?"

With a shake of his head, Harry disagreed. "I'll miss hanging out, messing around, and flying above all, but I'm not Viktor," he said, having seen the regime of training the Bulgarian kept up, even through the Tournament and frigid winter weather. "I enjoy it but it's not my passion."

Daphne seemed to perceive that he had more to say and just hummed in agreement before remaining silent, walking along beside him.

"I don't regret it because it allowed me to achieve my old goal."

Pausing in her stride, she looked at him and raised an eyebrow before jutting her chin at the clearing under the tree, tapping her foot as she waited on Harry.

Snapping his wand into his hand, Harry conjured a bench to sit on and helped Daphne to sit first before dropping down beside her.

She crossed her legs, one over the other. "Your old goal?" she said, bringing the conversation back around.

Harry shifted over and put his arm around, behind her. "Survival," he said, almost testing the word on his tongue again and finding it'd soured. "Every decision was made was to ensure I could survive, the Tournament, politics, business, legal issues, public perception, and against Riddle and his gang."

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair as Daphne placed her hand on his though and gave it a squeeze.

"But surviving isn't enough for me anymore," he said, placing his hand on hers. "Not when I have so much to live for. And if I had to give up Hogwarts to be with you, to have made this whole year happen, then I'd do it all over again."

Leaning back, he shut his eyes and took in the crisp air. As he enjoyed being out in nature, he marvelled at how relaxed and needed this day was. He'd been running himself ragged, training incessantly, learning the capabilities of his new wand, and readying himself for the showdown with Tom that was sure to come.

As he let his thoughts wander, he felt Daphne's soft lips press a kiss into his cheek.

"I wish I'd gotten to know you earlier," she said, leaning into him, but not resting her head against him as Natalia or Fleur would have. "I still have reservations about the other two being with you as well, and yet, I still think we can all live well together, be happy together."

He was glad to hear that, as the last month had shown him not just a glimmer of hope but a full reflection that there was light ahead, that they could turn this crazy relationship into something marvellous. It wouldn't always be easy but it could be amazing.

Letting out an uncharacteristic snort, Daphne's hand shot up to her face.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," Daphne said, still giggling.

Harry shook his head. "No, it wasn't nothing."

Rolling her eyes she waited until she had herself under control. "Fine," she said, her eyebrows furrowed, even as her lips were still upturned. "I snorted at myself because I'd hoped Fleur would get herself killed in the tournament, or following you into combat. And I'd wanted Natalia's family to pull her out, or for her to not actually love you at all…"

Shifting away from her, he sat up straighter.

Daphne flipped away the hair that had fallen into her face. "So I snorted because I'd always hoped for your relationship with them to fall apart but now, I find myself kind of looking forward to having them around."

Harry let out a chuckle and stood up, offering his hand to Daphne. "I expected one or all of them too, at various points," Harry said, as he pulled her up. "In some ways, being with just one would be great and so much easier, but… I don't know how to pick between you all, nor could I."

As they walked back to the party, Harry wondered if his abrupt departure would have been covered up, or if it was going to be a bit awkward. But, as he thought about it, he really didn't care. If this party was for him, put on by his girls, then as long as he had fun, which he was having, and they were happy with how it went, that that's what really mattered.

When his thoughts had turned to Horace again, wanting him to be there when he got back, Daphne spoke up. "I used to dread being married and Susan and Hannah can tell you how I never wanted to date," she said, her voice quiet as she looked down at her feet.

"Why was that?"

Daphne didn't bring her eyes up. Instead, she looked at the ground and kicked at a rock as they walked. "I didn't want to be a traditional wife," she said as if admitting some great fault. "I wanted to follow in my father's footsteps, run businesses, be in the thick of politics, and not just go to tea parties and pop out kids from between my legs."

Understanding came quickly to him, she wasn't the type to just sit around, gossip, and look after kids, none of them was. "Maybe it's my muggle upbringing," Harry said, releasing her hand and wrapping his arm around her. "But I love that all three of you aren't like that. And if you want to do all those things, I'll help and encourage it." He gave her a one-arm hug and then grabbed her hand again.

"And that's just it," she said, looking at him, affection shining in her eyes. "With three of us, there's much less pressure for kids, less pressure to be on your arm anytime you've got to attend an event…"

She probably had more to say but it'd be redundant, they both knew what she meant.

The two of them walked the short distance back and idly chatted about anything else. Though, as they had gotten closer, Harry noticed her fidget, playing with the ring on her finger, and looked less at ease than was normal.

"Chin up, Daphne," Harry said, just as they approached everyone again. "You're brilliant, beautiful, and a cunning and confident young woman that I'm proud to call my fiancée."

His words elicited a smile from her and she stood a little taller.

"Oh, good good, Harry's back!" Molly said as she began ushering everyone to the tables. "Come sit, sit!"

Harry nodded and he led them towards Natalia and Fleur. He paused, looking at the empty seats, wondering who was going to sit where, there were only two spots beside him.

But he needn't have worried. Daphne took a seat and patted the seat beside her for Natalia, leaving Harry to sit beside her and Fleur.

After sighing in relief, he took his seat and looked through all the guests.

Sirius and Remus were talking animatedly with Bill and Charlie, with Fred and George hanging on their every word. By the looks of it, Patrice and Apolline were having a pleasant conversation with Molly and Arthur. While to the other side sat a group of quidditch fanatics and Hermione. His teammates, Ron, Viktor, and Cedric were in deep discussion on quidditch and piling their plates full of food.

Yet, at that end of the table, there was a single empty chair, one whose vacant presence bothered him.

"Horace still isn't here," he said, his eyes lingering on the chair.

Two hands landed on him, one from each side. "He must be working on something important, for your benefit," Natalia said, rubbing him up and down his arm. "He views you as family, he'll be here."

Turning to look at Natalia, he gave her a soft kiss and a whispered thanks.

"Didn't 'e miss potions lessons a few times?"

Nodding slowly, he slowly looked over at Fleur. "Fair point," he said, giving her a warm look.

"Just relax and enjoy tonight," Natalia said, hugging his arm before she released it and turned to her food.

After running his hand through his hair, Harry breathed out his worries and took their advice. His girls were here, his friends and those that had been closest to him in his life. There was no use fretting over the one thing that could take away from it, not when today had been so great and there was a promise it would continue to be so.

With that settled, he enjoyed the evening meal, outside, under the cloudless sky. Making use of the social skills he'd been taught, he moved seamlessly up and down the table, spending time with everyone, laughing and joking with the Weasley boys, catching up with Hermione, jumping into and out of the conversation of the parents, listening to stories from Remus and Sirius, and even debating quidditch tactics with the other end of the table.

And as the sun began to wane in the sky, dessert, treats, and cake made their way out onto the table. Following the delicious affair were drinks and, eventually, a demand for a speech from the Triwizard Tournament Champion.

Harry rose from his seat and plucked his butterbeer off the table, prepared for the toast he would end with.

"Well," he said looking over the suddenly quiet table, "this has been quite the year."

Pausing for the soft chuckles to pass, he wiped at his nose. "I guess I should start with thanking everyone for coming," a cheer came, particularly from the quidditch end, and a few thumps on the table too. "I see old friends, new friends, and, I mean, how many of you would have believed I'd end up becoming friends with and competing against the world-famous Triwizard Champion Cedric Diggory."

He could help but sport a massive grin as he raised his butterbeer in toast to the red-faced Hufflepuff. And off to Harry's left, someone called out 'to Cedric' and everyone drank in his honour.

Once the murmurs subsided, Harry began again, "But seriously, Viktor Krum played some pick-up quidditch at the Burrow. The same place I stayed over at, to wake up at a Merlin forsaken hour, to walk mile after mile to get to a campsite just so we could watch him improve the positioning of his nose."

Although Krum's eyebrows were furrowed and his look as dour as usual, there were the hintings of a smile at the edges of his mouth and he heartily gulped down a swig of his drink along with everyone else.

Closing his smiling lips, he tapped his chin as he tried to regain his train of thought.

"Okay, seriously this time-"

A loud voice called out over Harry's, "You can't be Siriusly, I'm Sir-"

Turning his neck to the left with eyebrows raised his eyes caught Remus'. "Thanks, Moony," he said, rolling his eyes at Sirius.

"Anyways," Harry continued, ignoring his godfather's frantically waving arms, "this year started great, quidditch World Cup, an exciting year that wouldn't have me involved," Harry raised his voice to talk over the sudden noise, "and we all know that went to shit."

"Language, Harry!"

He could help but chuckle as his oldest friend scolded him, giving him a déjà vu moment.

As soon as she'd said it, Hermione clasped a hand over her mouth, a red hue came to her cheeks as well.

"And there are parts of this year where I didn't handle things well," he said, staring at her before looking over at Ron. "I was angry, entitled, and moody. I alienated friends well beyond any slights, or perceived slights, that I had been given."

Harry stared down at the table and closed his mouth, letting his emotions and regrets ebb away. "I pushed away some people that were trying to just help," he said, admitting one of the faults he'd been less than proud of this year. What had Remus, Sirius, Molly, and Arthur done but try to help, love and support him?

"And to those of you that treated me as family but I didn't reciprocate, I can only say I'm sorry."

He raised his glass and made eye contact with all those he was speaking of.

Remus stood for a moment, his own butterbeer held in his hand. "The best part of being family is that love isn't conditional," he said, smiling fondly at Harry. "I cursed Sirius and blamed him for betraying your parents when he was innocent. And, if the big lug of a dog can forgive something so great, have no fear we all love, support and see you as family."

A hearty cheer broke out as others murmured and echoed his words.

"Thanks," he said, wiping at his eyes. "I don't really know what more to say."

He saw Natalia lean forward as she put her hand on him, allowing Daphne to do the same, as Fleur's mirrored them. "I've gotten to meet, date, and fall in love with three unique, wonderful and gorgeous girls," he said, taking a second to pat each of their hands. "I'm engaged to the most brilliant fiancees a bloke could ask for."

Lifting up his butterbeer, he called out. "To Fleur, Daphne, and Natalia, three young women that are all far too good to be with me."

As the mixture of laughter and cheers broke up as yet another toast was completed.

Taking one final breath Harry cleared his throat as he had one last thing to add. "To my friends and family, you are all dear to me. You make me laugh, love, find joy and truly enjoy life," he said, before looking up into the darkening sky for a second. "I have worked harder than I ever have before and I won't rest until Tom Marvolo Riddle is ended, allowing us all to live, and love in a peaceful world where we can enjoy life to the fullest."

He raised his glass one final time and just as the end of the bottle graced his lips, Harry felt a tremor of magic.

Pausing, he lowered his drink and looked around as another powerful burst of magic came forth.

With his eyes turning to the sky, he could see something he shouldn't, the wards.

Harry's mouth snapped shut as he hastily put down his bottle. His eyes searched for Bill and he caught him already working, analyzing the wards' strength and integrity, though it was plain to see, the spiderwebbed appearance they had gained meant they wouldn't last long.

His wand snapped into his hand and with practised ease, his outer clothes were vanished and his armour was on full display. He cast a wide silencing spell, keeping it off himself and Bill alone.


The dragon fang earring ward expert shook his head. "I've… I've never seen wards drop like this."

Fear broke out across everyone's faces though many were able to suppress it and prepare for whatever was coming.

Calmly, Harry pulled out his familiar and after stepping away from everyone he enlarged Cuddles to her full height.

"Can we apparate, portkey, or take the floo out?" he asked, not allowing his silencing spell to be broken.

Charlie dashed off in full sprint to the house as Bill began to answer. "They've got those blocked and I expect the floo will be down," he said, grim realization dawning on him.

Charlie came sprinting out and his ashen face was more than enough.

As another great tremor of magic pounded on the close to shattering wards, Harry already knew what was to come. He just wished it wasn't where every one of his loved ones was.

"Alright," Harry said, after magically increasing the volume of his voice. "Fleur is with Cuddles and I. Patrice, Bill, Arthur, coordinate the withdrawal. Get to the edge of the wards and flee."

The sheer might of everyone's magic fighting against the silencing spell almost broke it, but Harry knew they had precious little time to formulate a plan to get them all to safety while he engaged Voldemort.

He turned to face everyone, his face was hard, as if chiselled out of granite. "Fleur has trained to fight alongside me for months on end. She knows when to back away and won't hinder me," he said, garnering everyone's attention. "If any of you can go toe-to-toe against the Dark Lord, raise your wand now. Because any that can't will make it harder for me, having to protect you and fight him."

Even with that said, Sirius, Remus, Bill, Charlie and others stood defiant and unwilling to go.

Harry exhaled a breath, he didn't have time to be dealing with adults acting like children. Mentally commanding his familiar, Cuddles blew out a torrent of fire at the assembled guests, though Harry immediately took control of it and shaped it into a dome around them all.

"Get out of the dome and you can stay," Harry said, his obstinate voice booming out. "Because you'd all be dead if I didn't divert the flames."

Watching and waiting, he kept the fire up for another few seconds before diverting it away. They all stood there, some with looks of awe, some coming to grip with the fact they were just in a dome of magic-eating fire. And this test wasn't fair. His fire would eat any spells they'd sent his way, with both Cuddles and he reinforcing its special properties.

Lifting the silencing spell, he looked at them all. "Leave, allow me to do what I've prepared for," he said, practically pleading with them.

This was his fight, his destiny. The prophesied moment coming at last.

He turned and sunk to his knees, his eyes closed as he extended his senses to try and get an idea on if this was just Tom on his own or if there were others with him.

With all the magic in the air, and Voldemort being so far away, Harry wasn't able to sense with firm accuracy. His best guess was it was Voldemort and no more than a handful of his servants, if there were even that many.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. Apolline stood next to him, her eyes ablaze as only a Veela's could be.

"I won't tell you to protect my daughter," she said, her voice cracking with emotion. "Come home to us after, both of you." She looked at both of them and gave them a fierce hug.

She stepped forward to Cuddles and pat her scales. "You come home too or Gabrielle will be most upset," she said, wiping tears away that were streaming down her face.

Harry's breaths were coming too fast and too shallow. And it was as if he was half-blind and fully deaf now.

There was such a buildup of magic in the air that it overpowered any sense, even his nostrils couldn't smell the crisp fresh air.

He looked back over his shoulder and saw Sirius and Remus be pulled away by the Weasley boys. Ron was holding back Hermione as tears streamed down her face. How he wished they were able to help him, pull something out of a book, be brave beyond reason.

But, if they stuck around now, they'd quickly become casualties. Even Fleur was going to be a hindrance, though her purpose wasn't to engage Voldemort.

"Are you ready for this?" he said, asking both his familiar and fiancé without looking at either. "Kill the snake."

Fleur knelt in the dirt beside him and grasped his shaking hands. "Calm, mon amour, calm," she said, her body pressing against his, not that either could feel much with their armour on. "You've got this and I 'ave your cloak to protect me."

He saw the cloak shimmer in the sinking sun's rays. With Fleur's ritual magically joining, marrying, them, it had been quite a surprise to learn the cloak accepted her as a true Potter.

"Thanks," Harry croaked out, his voice hoarse and raspy. He coughed and then cleared his throat. "Hide, stay under it, get yourself a nice snakeskin, and I'll end the madman."

As if a foreign presence had entered his body, Harry felt his resolve build. Although Voldemort had decades of combat experience on him, Harry had Cuddles, his special fire and the resolve to finally end this.

And, even if the worst was to come, he knew he wouldn't be defeated without giving it his all.

With a final massive tremor of magic, the wards were smashed.

Getting up off his kees, Harry looked around and saw the sprinting forms of the party attendees off in the distance. He looked around at his surroundings, trying to note the features of the landscape for any strategic benefits or detriments it may have, with Fleur no longer visible, undetectable.

He walked forward, getting away from the actual home might save it, though he doubted there would be much left standing by the end of this clash.

With the magic in the air slowly dissipating, he was beginning to feel like himself.

Cool, fresh air filled his lungs, the gravel roadway crunched under the soles of his feet and two figures were walking down the path toward him. As they grew nearer, Harry could make out the sick, disgusting, snake-like, features of the one man. The other being portly, balding and walking with shaking knees.

Harry waited, his arms by his side and the Elder wand in his hand, his holly and phoenix-feather wand still tucked away in his holster.

"Harry Potter," Voldemort's slick slithery voice called out, "we meet again, at last."

He inclined his head. "Tom."

If the name bothered the Dark Lord, he didn't immediately show. A twisted grin formed on his deformed face. "Fate and fortune must be shining upon me," he said, his eyes locked onto Harry's as he held out his drawn wand. "I decided my first act after gaining my body would be to repay you in kind, and here you are, ready and waiting for me."

Harry tilted his head slightly to the right. "Repay me in kind?"

Riddle's sinister grin shifted into a predatory one. "I'd tried to be kind, benevolent even, offering your parents life if they stepped aside and joined me," he said, hissing out the words. "And I would have offered it to any and all of those who futilely joined your cause to resist me…"

Having to suppress the desire to roll his eyes, Harry stared and waited patiently. Every second they wasted talking gave Fleur an opportunity to look for the snake.

"Dumbledore wouldn't murder my followers, the Ministry wouldn't allow the extinction of the dementors, and you are the one prophesied to oppose me," he said a mixture of amusement and menace on his eyebrowless face. "And that just leaves… you."

While he could deny it, Harry just shrugged and patted Cuddles who had nuzzled her large head into him. One of them wasn't leaving here alive.

"An eye for an eye, and a follower for a follower," Voldemort said, murderous intent dripping from his words.

Taking in a deep breath, he dug his heels into the gravel walkway, his fingers playing with a bead on the wand.

"And let me show you the down payment," he said, jutting out his chin as he waved Pettigrew forward.

The pudgy man's wand was in his hand and Harry could now see he was levitating something to follow them.

As his brain put the meaning of the words together, dread pooled in his stomach.

There was only one person missing that should have been in attendance.

His heart erratically beat in his chest and his jaw lowered to facilitate the heavy breaths coming in and out of him. As he heard the soft crunching of gravel, he saw his mentor.

Harry sucked in a breath through his clenched teeth as his whole body tensed and went still.

Horace's dead, desecrated body was levitated toward him and unceremoniously dropped at Harry's feet.

The whole world froze as he stared into the vacant, pain filled eyes of his mentor, his mother's most trusted advisor.

It started slowly, as if his frozen body had to be warmed first. But each millisecond a fiery rage stirred within him. Not only had Voldemort's actions taken his parents, he'd now brutally slain the person that was his closest confidant.

He didn't know if he'd commanded it or whether Cuddles had done it of her own volition, but the dragon scooped up the broken body and flew off with it, hopefully to be taken by his fleeing friends and family.

As the towering inferno of rage burned over, it demanded action.

Harry's wand arm snapped forward and a series of deadly accurate piercing hexes left his wand, blasting holes through the betrayer of his parents.

If Voldemort had an ounce of care for his follower, it did not show. Instead, his eyes were alight at the challenge. And he brought forth his own wand in front of him in an elaborate display.

"The time of your prophesied death has come, Harry Potter."

Clenching his wand, he tempered his anger and prepared himself for this, the moment he'd been expantantly working towards.

With the death of Horace, he had no issues with his true intent. Riddle was going to die, even if it was the last thing he ever did.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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