Unusual Cases

Chapter Eleven: Damsels in Distress


They drove for what seemed like ages, though a remote island of reason within Elle's brain told her it had been no more than ten minutes. When they stopped and the trunk opened, she blinked, her eyes bleary from tears and squinting in the light. Right before the rag was placed on her face again, Elle recognized one of her assailants: Luci's brother, Ben.

Whatever they gave her (chloroform?), whether it was supposed to knock her unconscious, only made her weak and woozy. Elle was hoisted bodily over a large man's shoulder... the other one, not Ben... and carried into an abandoned industrial park. She kicked weakly, but even vigorous kicking wasn't likely to do much good. She was aware the whole time as they stripped her down to just her panties and ziptied her into a sturdy wooden chair.

She started screaming through her gag until Ben's friend, a bulky blond boy who clearly had AHS, threatened her with the chloroform rag again. Elle looked to her left and saw a gagged and blindfolded Luci similarly ziptied. They were in an old warehouse with broken windows and rusted-out spots on the ceiling. It didn't look like anybody had been in the building for years.

"What's wrong with this one?" the blond asked.

"What do you mean?" Ben said.

"Her tits. They're small. Well, not big. You sure she's got AHS?"

"Yeah. They don't always get big. But, I mean, look at her. She's got AHS, the same as you and me."

"Yeah." He rubbed his cock. "You sure this is gonna work?"

Ben nodded. He crouched down in front of Elle, smiling cruelly. He held her chin between his stubby fingers and moved her face back and forth. "Yeah. I read about it online. Just like the brain exercises can keep their brains from going all bimbo, you can make them cum their brains out. Bye-bye bright bulb. This one'll fight it... but it won't matter."

Elle screamed again. But she was gagged and there was nobody around but poor Luci and these two assholes. There was a cardboard box by Ben's feet, but she couldn't gage its contents, except... was that a 'personal massager'? It sure looked like one. She didn't know whether there was any medical truth to what Ben had just said, but it was medically plausible. The increased plasticity that made it possible to overcome AHS deficits might well be reversed through other means. Would hours of mind-bending orgasms do it? Maybe.

"Have you done the exercises?"

Ben shrugged. "Nah. You can't believe everything you read, Gray. Guys don't need to do 'em. The doctors said otherwise, but that's bullshit. I came up with this plan, didn't I?"

"Yeah," Gray said. "It's bullshit. Should we, uh, blindfold this one?"

Ben shrugged again. "I suppose. It's not like she'll be able to tell anybody what happened. But I don't want her to know when it's coming. We've also got to undo the gags."


"So we can tell if they're, you know, cumming."

Gray untied Elle's gag and she immediately spat at him. He slapped her upside the face hard enough that she cried out and almost tipped over with the chair. She moved her jaw to make sure it wasn't broken. She tasted blood.

"You bastards think you're so smart. When Ash finds you..."

"He's not gonna find us," Ben said. "We put Luci's purse half a block in the wrong direction. Nobody's coming for you for a long time. The two of us, we're going to have two little bimbos just for ourselves. What do you think about that?"

"Why?" Elle sobbed. "Why are you doing this to us? What did Luci ever do to you?"

Ben got to work setting up massagers on the chairs, placing one against the front of Elle's crotch and securing it with electrical tape. Then he did the same thing to Luci, securing the massager before undoing her gag.

"Ben? Is that you?" Luci asked, sniffling.

"It happened to my mom two years ago. She was there in Aurora when it happened - she was going to die, but AHS saved her... she was on chemo drugs, they fucked up her vision and a bunch of other things, so she couldn't really see. So when the AHS came and she got it, she couldn't really do the exercises. It cleared up the cancer, but it was too late. It dumbed her brain way down, made her all horny and dumb all the time," Ben chuckled. "It was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen. My lucky fucking dad, I thought. He had what I could never have. My own live-in fuck toy. When the AHS came into town and turned Luke into a girl? I figured that was some kind of sign. And you know what? I think I was right. Now me and my best bud are going to get our own personal fuck slaves. Pretty lucky!"

"That's fucking sick," Elle said. As scared as she was, she was even angrier that this asshole felt so entitled that he was willing to destroy another person's life to titillate his little kink. "You're going..."

"That's enough of that," Ben said. He flicked the switch on the massager and slid a blindfold over Elle's face.

"Ohh..." Elle said reflexively.

She hated Ben's guts. She hated Gray's guts. She was mad and, moreover, terrified about what was about to happen. Elle wasn't in the least bit aroused. But her pussy couldn't deny the vibrations. Her pussy was telling her brain that everything was A-OK and, even if her brain was relaying signals back that this was most definitely not the case, the rutting part of her mammal brain didn't care. The vibrations hit the spot and her slit was growing wet and warm. She bucked her hips to try to get away, but that added pressure just made things worse. Her little clit was happily humming even as tears dribbled out from her blindfold. It couldn't have been five minutes later when she came for the first time.

"Mmmmmhhhh," she exhaled in a long, unhappy groan. The orgasm came with its usual bundle of pleasured nerve endings, but it just made Elle despair more. One of the boys took the massager away, returning it a moment later, just as her cunt was simmering back.

The speed picked up. Then it dropped off, seemingly at random. They had it on some sort of variable setting that Elle couldn't predict, and soon she felt herself ramping up again. She hated that it felt so good. She hated that her hips were grinding into it out of some primeval reflex she couldn't control. Not three minutes later, she moaned out again, her pitch less pained in her own ears. It sounded kind of hot. No. She couldn't think like that.


They continued on like that for a while, switching the settings around in ways she couldn't predict. At one point, they brought little vibrators up to her nipples, which didn't do much themselves, but it sure added to whatever long and buzzing thing they'd just slid between her legs. She came more times than she could count, could feel her resolve fading. A great fog of perpetual horniness was descending upon her brain. This must be it, Elle thought, the beginning of the end. This was everything she was and everything she cared about dissolving in a haze of rutting sex.

"Aahhhhhh...." It sure sounded like she was enjoying it. It felt like it, too. It was hard to remember to resist, that she was supposed to be holding on to something. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to let go. What else could she do? Another cum was coming, this one bigger than the last and the one before that. She could tell it was cresting, that it was going to be a monster tsunami of a cum. It was going to wash her away...

Something cracked and Elle heard shouting. Suddenly, her world was tilted and with a crash, her chair tipped over and the latest in the procession of sexual mind-wipe toys wrenched up and away from her thoroughly sopping cunt. She kind of missed it. It was going to be such a good cum. But she remembered that there were more important things - she had to deal with those things and then, maybe, she could cum.

There was another crack and her chair tumbled over again, sending sparks of lancing pain right into her elbow and up her arm. But the arm of the chair had also splintered and her own limb was free, lashed to the chair arm but free to move around. Elle flipped her blindfold up to see Luci on the ground, still fully lashed to her chair. Beyond that there were three men fighting. Ash! One of them was Ash.

Elle used the splintered chair arm to pry the ziptie free on her other arm - it hurt like hell and the twisting plastic cut into the skin of her wrist, but soon she had both hands free and...

"Ash!" she shouted.

He'd held his own against the two of them for a few moments, but he couldn't hold out against the both of them for long. Ben threw him to the ground and Gray leapt on top of him to hold him down. Ben stalked back to get... oh no! He'd just picked up box cutters and extended the cutting blade. They were going to kill Ash!

Elle pried the third ziptie free and struggled over to the box of mostly sex toys, most of them wet and pungent from her and Luci's many orgasms. But there were scissors in there, too. She took the scissors, snapped the last ziptie, and rushed over to the fighting men, wielding the broken chair arm as a club.

"Hey, asshole!"

When Ben turned around in surprise, she swung with all her might. The splintered end of the chair arm scraped a gash along his face and embedded an inch deep into the muscle of his chest. He howled with pain and dropped the box cutters, yanking the chair-club away from Elle and out of his chest. Ben bellowed. Meanwhile, Ash was doing much better in a one-on-one fight.

"Ow! Fuck!" Gray shouted. "He's getting... he's getting away, man. Shit, he's getting me!"

Ben shoved Elle as hard as he could - given his size, that was pretty hard. She tumbled way back and tripped over Luci, who was sobbing, still mostly-naked, blindfolded, and strapped to the chair as Elle had been. Elle wanted to help Luci, but first she had to help Ash, to give him a chance to not get murdered and to give all three of them a chance to escape. But what could she do? She couldn't think... it had to be her brain. She had to think...

"Hey, fucko," a woman shouted. "It looks I'm going to have to choke the shit out of you because it sure didn't take the first time." Melanie!

"Nobody fucks my friends but me!" came another, slightly deeper, slightly accented woman's voice. That had to be Petra.

"Melanie!" Elle shouted. She tossed her girlfriend the scissors - they weren't a great weapon, but they were better than nothing. Right?

"Jesus, Elle... are you okay?"

"Wha?" Elle looked to the focus of Melanie's concerned glance and noted several very large splinters from the chair embedded in her arm. No wonder that had hurt. Blood was freely dripping off of them. She nodded. "Help Ash!"

Melanie and Petra did. Ash had managed to subdue Gray, beating him about the face and then catching him in a choke. Melanie advanced on Ben with the scissors, distracting him enough that Petra could leap in from the side and knee him in the balls. He punched her right back, staggering her with the force of the blow, but the two women converged on him and took him down, Petra crunching into his nose with a headbutt while Melanie circled around to his back. She leapt on him and performed an almost exact repeat of her choke from two days before. This time, though, she made sure to kick him when she was done.

"I'm okay..." Ash said, struggling to his feet. "I think I broke that guy's arm, though. Do, uh... do we call an ambulance in a situation like this?"

Melanie checked the unconscious Ben's breathing and pulse. "If it's not life-threatening, let the fuckers find their own way to the hospital." She rolled Ben onto his side, stood, and then spat on him. "Elle! Jesus, are you okay?"

"No," Elle said. She started crying - her anger and adrenaline had been keeping the tears in check, but as soon as those receded the tears were waiting. "They tied us to chairs and made us cum and... oh god... they made me dumb. I can't think..."

"Elle, calm down. It doesn't work like that. You're just having a panic attack."

"But I can't..."

Melanie held her. She was warm and strong and Elle was glad to have somebody to melt into. She sobbed into her girlfriend's shoulders and Melanie ran her fingers through Elle's hair and rubbed her back. "Breathe, baby. Just breathe," Melanie said.

"Sirens," Ash said. "I think the police are coming... did you call them by any chance?"

"Dr. Turcott probably did," Petra huffed.

"Do we..."

"I think we have... we have to tell them what happened," Elle said.

Melanie stroked her face and kissed her forehead. "I agree," she said.

"Fuck that," Petra said. "You three can tell the cops as much as you like. Me? I'm too pretty to go to prison. Peace out, girl scouts."

- - - - - 

After the police arrived, Ash was taken in for questioning but, thanks to Dr. Turcott, was released with no charges filed. The whole way to the hospital, Elle sniffled with intermittent bits of sobbing. She was just sure her brain was fried and, sure enough, when Melanie tried to reassure her by getting her to do the mental exercises app, her fears were all but confirmed. Her vision went bleary and everything got mixed up in her head.

"I'm so sorry," Melanie whispered, squeezing her hand. "I should have been there..."

"It's not your fault," Elle said.

At the hospital, they got Elle's elbow stitched up and found that her pupillary reflexes were slow in her left eye, so they carted her up to the neurologist, who debated doing a CT scan but decided against it. Elle's symptoms were too minor and her AHS status was an unpredictable confound. The neurologist prescribed Elle acetaminophen and plenty of fluids.

"Honestly, you'll probably be 100% better in an hour or two," she said, checking Elle's reflexes. "I'm not sure why they even stitched you up - AHS patients heal at something like ten times the normal rate. Even post-AHS, it's about double. If we could somehow harness the vehicles for medical science, that would really be something, but I don't think anybody's particularly close yet. How does it feel when you move your head?"

"I'm starving," Elle said. Melanie laughed.

"Drink plenty of water and try to get some food in you if you think you can keep it down. Your blood pressure's on the low side of normal and I'd bet you're borderline hypoglycemic."

By the time Elle's parents arrived two hours later with Grandma Olsen straight from the airport, she was feeling a lot better and working through her fifth bowl of pudding. She was also working her way through brain exercises on her phone - she wasn't sure how well she was doing, but at least her brain wasn't totally fried. She wasn't like poor Luci who, even without the added impact of that afternoon's abduction, wouldn't ever be in the running for a Fields medal.

"How's Luci doing?" Elle asked. She felt like a horrible person - she'd been so focused on her own problems that she'd completely forgot to ask.

"Just a few scrapes, physically," Melanie said. "The parents skipped off to Vegas right after they got cleared by the CDC, but they're flying in tonight. Luci's been released into Dr. Turcott's care until then... oh! That's your mom! Mrs. Bouquet! Over here!"

The whole family was there, even Nolan. His flight out had been delayed and he'd got the message about Elle from dad as he was boarding his plane. So it was mom, dad, Nolan, and Grandma Olsen crowding into the little screened-off hospital bed where she was recuperating.

"Are you... do you want to come home?" her mother asked.

"My car is still at the community center..."

"You're not driving," dad said. "I..." he was tearing up. Did she really look that bad?

"This is him?" Grandma Olsen asked. She cast a sidelong glance at Melanie and scooted to the foot of the bed.

"Hi, Granny," Elle said. She smiled weakly.

"I've been praying for you," her grandmother said. "I don't know what I was expecting..." Her jaw, usually firm-set, wavered. Her eyes, blue and oh-so-steely, were uncertain. She sat at the foot of the bed and put her hand on Elle's foot... or tried to. Elle's short stature meant her foot was farther up the bed, so her grandma's hand fumbled for six inches until she found it. "Pastor Nilsson says the AHS is God's plague on a fallen world, and I believed it. It felt right. I had so much righteous anger, so much that I hardly felt it even when my own family was struck low by the plague. But I figure we don't need God to humble us - we people do that awfully well on our own. No punishment of God's nor curse of the devil's could ever make something like this," she squeezed Elle's foot, "and if we don't stand up for what's right it only takes a little wickedness to ruin all our dreams."

It was a lovely sentiment, but something about it didn't sit right with Elle. "If I didn't look like this, would it be different?" she asked.

Grandma Olsen patted her foot. After a minute, she said, "no, I suppose not. I'm glad you're healthy and safe no matter what you look like." Her glance slid toward Melanie. "But there's a lot I still have to pray on."

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