Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol. 2 Chapter 10

-Up... wak-... Kat... time to wake up Kat, we're here," a soothing voice whispered in my ears.


"Huaah?!" I made a weird sound, a bit disoriented from someone abruptly waking me up with such nearby proximity


I stood straight returning to reality from the dreamland. I surveyed my surroundings and saw Liz giggling right beside me.


"I thought you were a bit harder to wake than that," she teased.


Anyone would rouse as easily as I did if you breached their personal space!


I rubbed my eyes as a final act to situate myself to the real world.


"Where are we?" I curiously asked after I got my bearings.


"We're in a town called Hawkins, Rana suggested we rest here for the night since she is on familiar terms with the owner of this place," she added helpfully.


I glanced at my phone for the time, 9:47 p.m. already huh? It seems that it is a bit late. Rana might be too sleepy to continue driving so she suggested taking a rest for the night. Sure, she can just leave it on autopilot while she naps since she has a self-driving car, but that would be unethical and a bit dangerous. Also, it is better to relax in a proper bed since we are not in a rush to arrive at the event. It is still Saturday after all and the opening ceremony takes place on Monday. We have a whole day to settle in after arriving in LA tomorrow.


I got out of the car and noticed Chu and Rana entering the hotel, their belongings in tow. The hotel had a contemporary appearance, albeit smaller than what I'm accustomed to. However, given that we're in a remote town, this was not surprising.


Liz and I proceeded inside after collecting our belongings. I decided to leave my larger luggage behind since we were only staying for one night. After all, there was no need to bring an entire week's worth of clothes.


As we entered the hotel lobby, we were immediately greeted by the warm and inviting atmosphere. The soft lighting, elegant decor, and soothing background music created a sense of relaxation and comfort. The guard also welcomed us with a friendly smile, and I reciprocated with a polite nod.


Walking further we saw Rana already conversing with the receptionist, besides her was Chu carrying the extra luggage… a chivalrous act that didn’t go unnoticed by me.


“Oh my~ that is a reasonable price. Then, I'll take 4 solo rooms if you don't mind.”


The receptionist flashed Rana with a charming smile. "Certainly Ma'am, please wait a second."


As she checked the computer, her expression altered slightly, indicating that there might be a minor issue.


“Oh~ is there a problem perhaps?" Rana, noticing the change in the receptionist's countenance, asked what was on my mind.


“I apologize, Ma'am, but it appears there's a minor issue with the booking. Currently, we only have three single rooms available.”


Hmm, it seems that many people are traveling to LA and choosing this hotel for its high star rating. Additionally, the limited number of hotels in this small town doesn't help either. It could also be that this hotel is relatively smaller compared to others, but that might just be my subjective perception since I’m used to much larger hotels.


"Hmm, that is quite a conundrum," Rana pondered for a solution.


"Might I suggest that you take two solo rooms and one double room?" the receptionist helpfully proposed.


"What do you guys think," Rana turned to us both, asking for our input on the matter.



“That sounds like a good idea! Kat and I could share the room!”


Hmm, a sleepover with a friend huh? That reminds me, I never had any form of sleepovers whatsoever before... how depressing.


"I'm fine with it, you're the one paying after all," I agreed, a little bit excited to finally experience one with a close friend at that.


"Okay~ then that's settled then, 2 solo rooms and a single double room."


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The room we are staying in looks clean and tidy, as a proper hotel should. The double bed looked inviting, adorned with crisp, white linens and plump pillows. The room was well-appointed with modern amenities, including a flat-screen TV, a mini-fridge stocked with refreshments, and a cozy seating area by the window.


“Whoah! How nice!” Liz cheered.


“Hmm, it’s passable, I guess,” I tried to dampen her over-reaction.


“Not everyone is as affluent as you, Kat. Stop floundering about how rich you are,” Liz teased.


“Wha- that was not my intention, I’m only stating what’s on my mind,” I countered.


“Yes, yes,” she ignored me and continued to unpack her belongings.


After a moment she took off her top, which caught me entirely off guard.


Wait, why you're undressing now!?


I reflexively turned around, not used to this kind of show. Well, I guess it’s normal for two girls to undress in front of each other, but not for me.


Going to a traditionalistic private high school composed of mostly wealthy students made me a little more conservative than I would like to be. Therefore, seeing another person, even of the same sex undressing in front of me is a new experience on its own. It also didn't help that I never joined any after-school sports club so I had little to no experience seeing another person changing outfit right in front of me.


"Want to take the shower first?" Liz queried, oblivious to my inner thoughts.


Shower!? How bold, Liz! This was not what I had in mind when I thought we would have a sleepover!


"Y-you go first, I want to explore the hotel a little more," I made a quick excuse to get out of my current predicament.


"Sure, but don't go outside the hotel, it might be dangerous outside this time of the night," she worriedly advised.


How thoughtful, but I can handle my own. Still, I nodded at her to not make her worry before leaving the room.


Taking Liz's warning into consideration, I decided to keep my exploration of the modest hotel to a minimum. I took a leisurely stroll around the entire floor and then ventured down to the ground floor, where I was pleasantly surprised to find a delightful small pool. I occupied myself as best as I could, hoping that Liz would already finish her shower after I was done with my tour.


Arriving on the rooftop, I stumbled upon a charming terrace that offered a mesmerizing view of the town skyline. It appeared to be the ideal place to relax and savor a cup of coffee or, better yet, tea, while immersing myself in the picturesque scenery.


Looking around, there were already a few people. It wasn't surprising, given the stunning nighttime view. However, one person in particular caught my attention. Positioned at the farthest side of the rooftop, leaning against the guardrail looking at the distance, was Chu, our resident Edgelord. He stood there, lost in thought, embodying the essence of edginess.



Initially, I thought that he was just being awkward around me. However, after observing him throughout the day, it became apparent that he was lost in his thoughts most of the time. Coupled with his attitude back then at the dean's office, I could only conclude that he has a problem that keeps wearing him down mentally.


At first, I was inclined to believe that time would resolve his issues. However, his current state might have a negative impact on the team's morale. I need to take action, or at the very least, lend him an ear to alleviate the burden of whatever was weighing on his mind.


I silently approached him while thinking of a better icebreaker this time, can't be talking about the weather when it's nighttime anyway.


"A lovely view isn't it?" I calmly asked.


I settled on what is irrefutably an artistic scenery to catch his attention. All the while situating myself on the edge of the guard rail next to him.


He turned his head towards my direction. Realizing it was me, he responded with an airy voice.


“…It is. The town seems so peaceful… it makes you wonder what life would be like without any problems,” he somberly stated all the while staring off far into the distance, wearing the melancholic face of someone who burdens the entire world on his shoulders.


Hold up! Let me stop you right there! I can only handle as much edginess as the next person, please tone it down a bit or I will get overloaded with your edginess.


Still, this is no time to hesitate. At least I got a better response from what I got earlier today so might as well ask what was bothering him.


“You seemed out of it since earlier, what's on your mind?” I queried.


He looked at me a bit hesitant before responding. “...It's... nothing.”


Judging from the way he acts, it seems more severe, possibly indicating a conflict with someone close to him. Considering that he needed assistance in getting to LA, the most plausible conclusion that comes to mind is that he quarreled with his parents.


"Couldn't fool me. Is it familial problems? Like your parents not wanting you to participate in the tournament?" I pushed him a little.


Sometimes, a little force is needed to break someone out of their shell. A charming girl who recently became a cherished friend taught me that firsthand.


He stared at me; surprise evident on his face. Seems like I was on point.


“...It seems that very few can be hidden easily from you.”


“You think too highly of me. I do think I am a good listener though. You can tell me what is on your mind if you like. I’m sure it will do you good,” I suggested.


I heard it helps mentally if you talk about your problems with someone, not that I have much experience to begin with, considering my lack of close friends.


He stayed silent... opting whether to say it or not. I also kept my silence to let him gather his thoughts. Being too forceful here could backfire.


"...Your guess is right. Mother thinks what I am doing now, joining the tournament, won't be good for my future, and I fought her over it."


“I see...”


It's possible that his mother holds traditional views and places a strong emphasis on the importance of education as the key to a successful future. This mindset is not uncommon in certain Asian cultures where academic achievements are highly valued. I cannot completely comprehend their views, but I do get where they are coming from.


“Do you think I'm wrong?” he queried, looking for validation.


“Maybe? Who really knows what is right or wrong with that kind of thing?”


He tilted his head, a bit confused at what I was getting at.


“What I mean is, nobody could predict the future. I don't know your circumstances, but I think your mother just cares for you too. Parents have plenty of experience in life that we barely know and they want to share it with their kids so that they do not make the same mistakes that they do.”


However, one could argue that their experience and perspective may be outdated, considering the differences in timelines between generations and how society advances at an exponential rate. Even the YouTubers back then never thought of making videos as a source of income unlike it is now today where many young talents live off making content. But that’s beside the point.


“Then, you want me to quit playing CoA, just focus on my studies, and give up on my dreams of being a professional e-sports player?" he challenged; a bit confrontational.


It seems that his goal holds significant importance to him, considering the emotional response he's displaying. It's quite a departure from the edgy and uncaring persona I'm familiar with.


I paused, carefully choosing my words. “…What I'm trying to say is that I think you both need to make an effort to understand each other. I can't be sure, but I think that your mother cares for you too. Talk it out when you both are in the right state of mind. Then make your decisions by then. Your Mother is important to you, right? Then make an effort for it to stay that way,” I calmly suggested.



He stared at me; a bit astonished. Looks like I hit the mark. Well, it isn't that hard to see from my perspective. It's clear that he deeply values his relationship with his mother, as the impact of their fight has affected him so profoundly. If he didn't treasure her, he could have easily brushed off the disagreement and moved on. However, worrying this much suggests that his mother holds a special place in his heart and that their relationship is important to him. I could kind of relate. Familial bonds are important to every individual, some more than others. My sister was the one I cherished the most, after all.


"You're right," he acknowledged. "My mother has always been strict, but I understand that she does it out of love and concern for my well-being. We have faced many hardships, and she has always worked tirelessly to provide me with the essentials I need to succeed in life,” he stated, a hint of nostalgia seeping out of his voice.


He paused briefly before continuing, "While I know she cares for me, my dream is also important to me. I'm uncertain about how to persuade her to listen to me and support my aspirations."


I pondered for a while on what to do about his conundrum. However, there is really just one solution to his problem that comes to the forefront of my mind. One that can hit two- no, not only two but multiple birds with just a single stone.


"It's simple, really. You can convince her easily by winning the tournament and proving that you could be a successful pro gamer. I'm sure she will support you if she sees both your determination and the results of your actions."


His eyes shone at what I said. It seems that he already knows what he needs to do, but just needs some sort of validation that he is doing the right thing. I'm glad I could be the one to give it to him.


"Winning the tournament, huh? I know how good most of the participants in the tournament are. We have minimal chance at best with how skilled they are. Do you really think we have a chance?” he voiced out, hopeful of a positive response.


Seems like this little talk went better than expected. I can finally see the shine in his eyes. The only thing left for me to do now is to assure him. One final push, Kat, you got this.


"Please don't worry too much about it. Just play your best, and I'll make sure we win the entire thing... I can promise you that," I pledged not just for him, but also for myself.


He analyzed me for a moment, looking for any hint of deception.


He found none.


His lips curved slightly upwards, the very first time I saw him give an honest smile towards me.


"I'll hold on to that promise."


Looks like the number person I have sworn to help win the tournament has doubled. I just hope Renz doesn't need reassurance like Liz and Chu did.


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