
Chapter 79: Ἑκατα

Disciple of the God of Magic, Nate, when he was accepted as Hecate's disciple, or more specifically when he accepted to be her disciple, Nate was given access to a skill tree that allowed him to use skills somewhat similar to Hecates, of course, currently, they were nowhere as strong as Hecate's magic but as long as there's room to grow, the word impossible is inconsequential.

The skills he acquired were in some way or another interconnected, that is to say, they were related to each other and worked well together. The main passive skills which the skill tree unlocks was 'Stropholos' along with 'Hecate's Torches' which has a 5% chance of triggering at level 1, the skill resets the cooldowns of all the skills under the 'disciple of the God of Magic' skill tree, except the passive skills.

Three Moons Dispersion:

1st Stage: A single target spell that negates all of the target's magic and status enhancements and blocks the usage of magic or staus enhancement skills for the next 5 mins. Cooldown: 20mins. Mana requirement: 10,000. As the skill/spell levels up more stages will be unlocked.

Stropholos(Passive): Creates a 'crescent moon' every time the skill 'Three Moons Dispersion' is used. Once the number of 'moons' created reaches 3, the user enters a state of ' Ἑκατα '

- state of Ἑκατα: When the user is in the state of Ἑκατα, within a 10m circle, all mana is absorbed. Cooldowns for all magic skills/spells reduced by 50%. Effect duration- 1 minute.

As the skill levels up the effects of Ἑκατα will increase. However, the user is only allowed to trigger the state of Ἑκατα once every hour.

'The heck is Hecate's torches? ...oh skill cooldown, works I guess?' Nate thought as he looked at Sephiroth staring blankly at him, essentially Sephiroth wasted 50% of his Hp for no reason.

"Whatever, you did, I'm sure you cant do it again, hah, once this shitty negation gets off, I'll just use my skill again and slaughter you," Sephiroth said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oy, dumbass not to ruin your flow but if you use that skill again you die, even a child could say that it takes off 50% of your Hp, meaning you use it again and your dead and all that talk goes to shit, zero, nada," Nate said while showing him '0' with his hand.

"Oh, who cares I'll jus-"






"Stop," Sephiroth said as he watched Nate talk to himself.

"Zewo...oh huh? my bad wasn't paying attention," Nate said after he finished saying the word 'zero' in different languages, a vein appeared on Sephiroth's forehead, not only did Nate call him a dumbass but he continued to mock him by not even paying him any attention, almost as if he wasn't worth it.

'Man, I managed to blabber something to stall, ahh, I do have some skills but it looks like the best option is to just run away or something, I can't even log out, that stupid message which says I can't log out during combat pops up, tch. Alright, issokay, calm down Nate, you got this, after all, you aren't just any mage, huh guess you can call me, Not Your Typical Mage, hehehe' Nate giggled to himself whilst the others looked at him with a confused and worried expression.

'Perhaps he has gone mad,' Zane thought with a frown.

'...truly, the anomaly..' Elion said internally.

"F*ckin moving corpse...you dare laugh...." Sephiroth muttered to himself as the vein on his forehead became more prominent.

Sephiroth was definitely faster than Nate but every time he tried to move, Nate just moved backward and formed some kind of a sphere and threw it at Sephiroth which naturally he dodged easily considering the distance and the relatively slow speed of the projectile but the weird part was that once he dodged the sphere it very slightly followed him and the damage was scary, a large crater was left behind every time Nate used the skill.

'To think a Mage could do so much with Mana Manipulation....hopefully, he doesn't realize that I can't keep this up, it's mentally annoying....f*ck what do I do...the goddamned system won't let me leave unless I've been out of combat for a whole minute...wait'

"I have to ask, why do you even hate Nigh- me...I don't recall doing anything to you? or do you perhaps...fancy me..." Nate said while hiding his face.

'Perhaps...' Zane looked at Sephiroth.

'....truly the anomaly....' It seemed as if Elion was broken and couldn't think of anything else.

"What? don't flatter yourself. And you have taken one of the most important things from me..." Sephiroth growled, fortunately, he didn't realize Nate's ploy to waste enough time.

'The f*ck did you do Luke? and why didn't you tell me about this??!! no wait...I know Luke, I trust him, there's no way he would've done anything to hurt someone unless the other person deserved it...' Nate thought as he focused his gaze onto Sephiroth.

"And what did I take from you?...."

"You took everything from me...well not really but the first spot, the first to ascend, the first to hit level 100..."

"I don't even know who you are- oh that...wait that???? that's all??" Nate said with a frown, he was slightly upset that someone would go as far as slaughtering someone just because of an achievement.

"You may think it isn't much bu-"

"Yeah don't care, I'm not Night and bye," he said before logging out, somehow or the other he managed to get away but he couldn't cross out the possibility of the sicko actually waiting for him until he logs back in.

'I need to do something...for now, let's tell Luke about this...'

// // //

"Yeah don't care, I'm not Night and bye,"

"Huh?...where did he....no way...he logged out..." Zane gulped and looked towards Sephiroth who now had steam coming from his head.

"Brother..I think it's safer to retreat for now... we aren't yet where we want to be in the game, dying here would just slow us down..." Elion said while slightly stepping back.

"Go..and forget about whatever happened today," Sephiroth said before logging out.

"That bastard...just you wait...once I get the power to act as I want then we'll see."

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