Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 1: : When I wake up



Zidi opened her mouth wide and tried her best to breathe, even if her chest was already hurting.

She was dripping with sweat, and the delicate body as a magician burst into amazing power at the moment, which surprised her all.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"I must stay away as soon as possible !!"

Zi Di's brain is full of escape thoughts.

This is a dense rainforest.

The hot sun penetrated through the gaps between the leaves of the rain forest and shone down. The air is very humid and hot, and the dense vegetation grows extremely dense and prosperous because of the abundant rain. Trees and vines are intertwined and the roots are tangled, forming a lot of obstacles.

Zi Di has curvy black hair, and his wheat-colored skin oozes sweat, which is wet and smooth.

Her facial features are exquisite and outline a beautiful face beyond ordinary. The most attractive thing is that she has a pair of big purple eyes, clear and bright like amethyst.

The girl was wearing a blue trousers and a pair of deerskin boots, covered with a magic robe. Whether it is a robe or long trousers, there are many scratches. There are several more wounds. Although they are bandaged together, because of the full-strength action at the moment, these wounds are constantly bleeding.

The pain from all the wounds is also torturing the thin girl.

Hardly reached out, opened the green leaves that obscured the view, and then straddled a larger footstep on the wet ground covered with many vegetation.

There was a thick hemp rope on her shoulders. It seemed to be pulling something heavy behind the hemp rope, which caused the hemp rope to press heavily on the girl's tender shoulders.

Although the texture of the magic robe is tough, the lining of the shirt has been worn out, and the girl's shoulder is already a hot pain.

Plucking away the leaves, Zidi was disappointed to find that in front was a large thicket of trees, tall broad-leaved trees, and low bushes, which formed a thick wall.

"Damn, I must change lanes!"

The girl bit her lips subconsciously, and her heart became more anxious.

She knew that the situation was extremely urgent and everything had to be counted against time. The thoughts turned sharply in her mind, and she wisely gave up and continued to move, diverting slightly towards the left.


Suddenly screamed from afar.

The girl trembles like an electric shock.

Afterwards, the sense of crisis and urgency felt like giant claws of monsters, and grabbed her heart violently.

At this moment, there was only one voice left in her mind-run away! Run away! Run away! Leave everything behind, don't worry about the others. Otherwise, you will be killed by the evil wolf, just like those guards, shredded by it, chewed by it, and eventually swallowed into the belly!

The girl's face was pale and her eyes panicked, but when her eyes reached behind her, she was firm again.

She dragged a twine, and the back of the twine was firmly connected to a stretcher, and a teenager was lying on the stretcher.

The teenager didn't know why, closed his eyes and was unconscious, but he had golden to dazzling hair, and his facial features were very handsome, with a natural noble atmosphere.

The teenager is undoubtedly her burden.

In this critical period of life and death, she must drag a burden that is even heavier than herself. If she waits to release her vitality.

Looked at the teenager on the stretcher, and Ziti clenched her teeth.

Immediately, she did not have any hesitation, tolerating the panic and nervousness in her heart, she continued to drag the stretcher and resisted the terror pressure of death.

"Hoohoo ..."

Purple breathed, her thin body was physically weak, and now she reached the limit of faintness.

Was quiet behind him, no more screaming. This shows that the battle is over. It is very likely that the evil wolf will come to represent the death next moment!

She has more than enough energy and is not strong enough to run in small steps. She can only drag the stretcher step by step and move forward.

The dense jungle that covered the sky suddenly and sparsely and suddenly revealed a clear blue sky.

The sound of the river flowing gradually became clear. Soon after, a small river appeared in the girl's field of vision.

Both sides of the river are covered with dense unknown grasses. The river is not turbulent or deep, but the river is wider.

The girl visually knew that the river might only reach her waist.

But she did not dare to dabble in the river easily!

"This isolated island is in crisis and can never be judged by common sense. I can almost be sure that in this small river, there are hidden crocodiles or large groups of piranhas!"

"There are as many as 16 guards around me, and now I am the only one left. On this way, they have successively sacrificed and used their lives to explain the terrible of this isolated island jungle.

"Damn, if I can still use magic ..."

The girl observed for a while, bit her lip, and decided to cross the river!

The giant wolf behind is like a life-giving death, and is likely to continue to chase after him. If hesitating and hesitating and being chased by the giant wolf, it would be ten deaths.

Although she was panicked, she never lost her mind completely. She still kept a clear understanding and judgment of the situation.

She pulled the heavy stretcher and started to follow the river.

A moment later, the girl's purple eyes flashed a bright light.

She saw a small tree growing obliquely, the trunk extending from this shore, the volley lifted, and stretched out to the opposite bank.

The girl carefully checked, and she found that there were no venomous snakes or thorns hidden in the bushes, but the trunk was covered with moss and was very slippery.

Single girl alone climbed such a tree trunk and fell into the river a little carelessly.

Not to mention ... she has a burden.

The teenager lying on the stretcher closed his eyes tightly and was completely unconscious.

Maybe ... she should give up this boy.

It is too difficult to take a comatose boy to cross the river, and the risk is too great.

The girl gritted her teeth, quickly untied the twine on the stretcher, and then carried the teenager on her body, and then tightly wrapped her and the teenager's body with twine.

After doing all this, the girl took off her boots and stuffed them between the hemp rope and her body.

Finally, she took a deep breath, carrying the unconscious teenager with her hands and feet, and began to venture up the tree trunk.

The moss on the trunk was rubbed off and became more and more slippery.

"I can, I can do it!"

"Zidi, Zidi, you must not fall here."

"You are the chairman of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. My father's hatred must be reported too!"

The brave girl keeps cheering herself up.

She tried her best to climb on the tree trunk and moved forward again and again. Her purple eyes looked forward, full of firmness.

Finally, she successfully climbed over.

Because of the weight of the two, they pressed the small tree trunk, and when the young girl reached the opposite bank along the tree trunk, the tree trunk was crushed to the ground.

This makes it easier and safer for girls to stay on the ground.

Without the oppression of the two, the trunk was upturned again, and the branches and leaves fluttered with it, setting off a hula wind.

The girl was still carrying the boy, kneeling weakly on the ground, her hands supporting the ground.

She was pale, watching the sweat droop from her nose and chin, and fell to the dense grass on the ground.

There is a slight dizziness in the mind.

But my heart is full of joy.

"Unbelievable! I did it!"

"I really climbed over."

The girl wheezed for a moment, and the dizziness gradually subsided, but the limbs began to show signs of numbness.

This is a sequelae of exhausting everything.

The girl pulled out her boots from her waist and tried to put them on her feet.

Only then did she find that she had extensive abrasions on the inside of her feet. Her ten fingernails were all broken and bleeding.

She was too nervous when climbing the tree trunk.

The girl knows her life is in the first line, because she is carrying a teenager. As long as she is slightly unstable, she will never find a balance, and she will fall into the river in an instant.

So she was absorbed in it and tried her best to climb the tree trunk. She was injured and didn't notice it.

But now, the pain in the girl's arms, fingers, legs and feet has started to strike, and it has become more and more violent.

In addition, her arms and thighs were trembling slightly, sweat was flowing too much, her physical strength reached its limit, and she began to chill.

The girl's mouth was dry, and although the amplitude of the chest's undulations was reduced, she was getting more and more exhausted.

The unconscious teenager was lying on her back.

At the moment, in the girl's feeling, the teenager has become more and more heavy.

The girl tried to put on her boots again, but it was at this time!


The roar of the wolf came suddenly, and then a figure as big as a calf came out fiercely from the thick grass.

The girl's mind and body trembled, and subconsciously turned around, she saw a dark blue giant wolf.

At this moment, her pupils were locked, like falling into the ice cave!

Giant wolf teeth, there is still some fresh minced meat between the teeth.

The eyes of the wolf turned red, staring at the girl, full of tyrannical murderous intention.

The girl fell into the grass on the shore.

She turned around and looked back too quickly, forgot to carry the teenager.

The weight of the boy brought strong inertia, dragging the girl to the ground.

Is so weak and embarrassed that it has inspired the fierceness of the giant wolf.

However, the giant wolf still stayed on the other side.

It jumped and lingered in place, looking at the gurgling river, revealing a clear sense of fear.

Seeing the giant wolf behave like this, the girl suddenly understood how wise she had been before.

However, the next moment, the giant wolf also saw the tree trunk. It learned the girl and started to set foot on the tree trunk that extends across the bank!

There is no doubt that this tyrannical and brutal wolf still has terrifying wisdom.

Although the giant wolf has a strong body, his balance is excellent, and his speed is a little faster than the girl.

The girl in shock seemed to be electrocuted, hurriedly took a dagger from her arms, cut the rope, and then jumped up and stood up, slamming into the tree trunk above.

The trunk was hit and immediately swayed.

Although the degree of shaking is not severe, it has caused the giant wolf enough trouble.

The balance of the giant wolf was broken, and almost fell into the river, so he jumped back to the shore in distress.


It roared to the young girl, protruding sharp fangs, becoming more irritable.

The girl succeeded in stopping the giant wolf, first he was overjoyed, and even he was very regretful.

"I should let this animal march to the middle of the trunk, and then let it go and let it fall into the river!"

The girl and the giant wolf face off from each other.

The giant wolf keeps roaring and never retreats.

The girl stared at the giant wolf and did not dare to relax for a moment. As long as the giant wolf tried to climb the trunk, the girl hit the trunk and caused shaking.

After a while, the girl wanted to understand.

She was just right in her anxious behavior.

Because how far the giant wolf can jump, she cannot estimate accurately.

The giant wolf climbed for a short while, maybe he could jump up and jump directly to the opposite bank.

Even if the giant wolf is shaken into the river by the girl, whether the dangerous danger hidden in the river can erupt, even if it erupts, can it stop the giant wolf, it is unknown.

Therefore, the safest way is not to give the giant wolf any chance. As long as it climbed up the trunk a little, the girl tried her best to interfere.

Time lapsed, and the giant wolf tried many times without success.

Finally, at a certain moment, it suddenly turned around, got into the bush, and disappeared.

The girl stood in a daze for a while, and after a few breaths, this came back and sat down on the ground.

She was so nervous that her numb face gradually eased, like melting ice, and two tears ran down her cheeks.

Finally retrieved a life!

The girl sobbed in a low voice.

Her legs were bent, her feet were still bare, and she hadn't had time to put on her boots.

She buried her head at the bend of her legs, and her shoulders trembled slightly as she sobbed, as if she were a delicate kitten.

But the next moment, the girl suddenly looked up like an electric shock.

Her eyes were flushed, her face was marked with tears, her expression was complicated, there was shock, suspicion and panic.

"Is this giant wolf really giving up like this?"

"It is indeed possible. But ..."

Recalling the horrible encounters these days, the girl felt more and more likely that the giant wolf would not give up.

"It is possible that it suddenly turned around and drilled into the bushes, numbing me."

"I'm afraid it is following the river at this moment, looking for the next shortcut to reach the opposite bank!"

"Perhaps at this time, it has reached the other side, and rushed towards here !!"

Thinking of this, the girl seemed to suddenly fall into the ice cave and chill.

What should she do?

Climbing back along the trunk with the boy?

Not to mention, this tilted tree trunk has a certain height from the ground, which makes it very difficult for the girl to climb up with the teenager on his back.

Just in case, what should I do if this giant wolf stays in place?

Climb to the middle of the tree trunk and stay?

This is even more impossible.

Consume too much energy.

The girl is deeply aware of her physical status at this moment, and she has no confidence at all to climb the tree trunk again. Looking back at the moment I just climbed over, the girl's heart was full of happiness and fear.

Carrying on with the teenager?

If the giant wolf chases, this is obviously a dead end.

Even if the girl is empty, the speed is far inferior to the giant wolf.

"Then only the last choice!"

A flash of perseverance flashed in the girl's eyes.

Hurried to the boy's side, kneeling on the ground, and pulled out a milky white columnar crystal from her arms.

The girl concentrated her energy and tried her best to open the white crystal.

The crystal was held firmly by the girl, only a few centimeters away from the forehead of the teenager, hovering above, there was no movement for a long time.

"Isn't that enough?"

"No, this is the last hope. Even if it is slim, it is only a little possible ..."

The girl's heart became more anxious and whispered: "Hurry up, hurry up! Please, please take effect."

Seemed to hear the girl's request, and the milky white crystal finally began to light up a little light, unnoticeable.

But it was such a faint glimmer that when she was noticed by the girl, she suddenly showed great joy.

"Although most magic is prohibited on this island, it is only relative. As long as the rank is high enough, it can be used. Only the power and effect are greatly reduced ..."

The same is true for magic, and so are magic instruments.

The light from the white crystal column gradually became dense, and then it seemed that the water droplets had condensed enough to form a stream of milky white shimmer.

A small stream of water dripped on the forehead of the unconscious teenager, and then magically blended into the skin.

For a short moment, the purple pedicle of the crystal column was hard to push, and his face was pale, his forehead was all sweaty, and his body was crumbling.

The crystal column also began to lose its color, starting from the upper end, and gradually turned into a gray stone.

"Persevere, you must persevere, not halfway!" Zidi squeezed all the power in her body, almost hypnotizing herself, constantly challenging her own ability limit.

When the crystal column has almost lost its color, Zidi is already in a semi-comatose state, and he is only supported by one obsession.

"Be sure to wake up ..."


The howling wolf suddenly sounded, and the blue giant wolf disappeared very quickly, rushing out of the thick grass.

At this moment, death comes!

Zidi was shocked and her body shook tremblingly. She looked up subconsciously. The beautiful face of UU reading www.uukanshu.com had been shrouded in the shadow cast by the body of the giant wolf.

She saw that the giant wolf had jumped into the air and was diving towards her.

At this moment, time seems to slow down.

The mouth of the wolf is wide open, revealing the greasy teeth, and even splashing saliva.

"Am I gonna die ?!" Zidi's will tried to struggle, but her body had no response, and she had exhausted all her strength.

"I'm not reconciled ..." A strong breath of death came, and the girl's purple eyes looked at the crystal column in her hand with the last expectation.

That crystal bead-two-thirds has lost its luster and turned into gray stone, but there is still a third left.

"There is no hope."

The girl's face was gray and defeated, she lost all her strength, her head slightly hung down, and her eyes were closed.

But at the moment when she was about to kill her neck, there was a sudden shock in her hand.


With a soft sound, the crystal column exploded into countless fragments.

what happened?

The girl opened her eyes in surprise.

Then, she saw that the unconscious teenager finally woke up!

The blond and handsome boy suddenly turned sideways and then kicked with his legs raised.

The movements are elegant and vigorous, yet neat.

His body seemed weak, but at this moment he showed fierce power!

Strong leg blast!

The giant wolf couldn't dodge and was kicked.

The howling wolf came to an abrupt halt, the giant force struck, and the giant wolf threw away.

The boy supported the ground with both hands, stood up, and glared.

The girl ’s pupils shrank and took a breath, looking at the teenager ’s thin back, as if seeing a mountain rising.

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