Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 92: First Time Streaming

Maria took a day off of the game to learn all she needed to about streaming in VR from her brother. She had already self-taught a few things herself but setting the other stuff up was beyond her.

Thankfully, she had help from her brother, Gerald, and her best friend, Lizzy. It didn't even take them half a day to get things set up and ready. They used the rest of that day on testing and configuring things for Maria until everything was optimized.

"Alright, now you can stream your adventures, Mary!" Lizzy exclaimed excitedly. She was the one most excited to hear that Maria decided to start streaming her gameplay in UT.

It was only natural since she was both concerned and curious about Maria's exploits and actions within the game.

Naturally, the two 'guardians' repeatedly reminded Maria not to divulge any information that she was on a different planet.

Of course, the fact that she was in a different area than most of the players in the game was inevitably going to be shown, but it was better if they continued speculating her whereabouts than her outrightly saying where she was.

Most people would think was that she was in some instances dungeon or something. They would never think that Maria was on a different planet so early in this game where the news about such a feature had just been announced.

Maria naturally complied and when they started up her stream, Gerald immediately put up the censoring on her location, character ID, and some other information restrictions. He couldn't play his own game while his sister was streaming since she needed someone to monitor and moderate her stream and channel.

It was a sacrifice that he was willing to take but he was also teaching the family's butler on how to do this sort of thing so that next time, he would be able to play even when his sister was streaming.


Inside the game, Maria was curiously looking at the mechanical probe that was hovering in the air just ahead of her. The probe was being controlled directly by her brother who was inside the game acting as the probe.

Naturally, Gerald could communicate with Maria and since it was his first time witnessing the sights of the new planet, he really wanted to take a long around but refrained from doing so.

It could potentially leak the news about the new world Maria was in and this was disadvantageous to his sister. He reeled in his curiosity and focused the probe's camera at his sister.

"Wow...she really does have a beautiful avatar!"

Maria was just silently looking back at the probe with a frown on her face. Above the probe, there was a number on it and it read '5'.

It was the number of viewers she had. She could tell that 3 of them were most likely Lizzy, Amanda, Emily, and the other one was probably Zack, but who was the last one? She just started streaming and she didn't particularly advertise it and just told her 3 closest friends.

3 personal messages popped up and it came from four people. Emily, Lizzy wished her good luck while Amanda and Zack did so as well and said they were watching her stream together while using the in-game virtual browser.

The only person who knew that she started streaming was her brother Gerald who was manning the probe and the butler who was also connected with the probe and learning about what to do from Gerald so the last viewer was a mystery.


Back in the real world at the Heltania family's megacorporation, Corinthos Heltania, Maria's father, was currently watching on his tablet his daughter's stream.

As for how he knew about it, it was because of the family's butler, David, had personally informed him of the news. Naturally, he wouldn't miss his precious daughter's Livestream so he quickly opened up a Switch Account, registered, and quickly tuned in.

He had a hard time picking a name but he settled for 'Papa Angel'. On the tablet, he could see his daughter staring straight at the camera with a frown and he couldn't understand why. Maybe it was because his daughter still wasn't used to something like this perhaps.

His daughter was somewhat of an introvert so it was understandable that she still wasn't used to it, but he wished her luck in his heart. Too bad Corinthos didn't know about the stream's chat because if he did, he would have said a few words of encouragement.

"Good luck, cupcake~"


Back in the game, Maria was scrolling through the names of the people watching her stream, and other than her friends' IDs, she found someone with the handle "Papa Angel". Maria smiled when she saw the name and she immediately knew who it was. She quickly looked up at the camera and waved with a charming smile.

"Okay, let's get this started! Ash, Alexa, Lilah, let's get going!"

Gerald and David both had a bird's eye view of the area Maria was in so they were able to easily adjust the camera's angle and perspective whenever needed, but even they didn't see this coming.

On the ground, 4 black magic circles formed and activated. From these magic circles emerged the figures of 3 individuals and 1 monster.


"What's happening?"

Gerald and David exclaimed simultaneously.

Her friends who were watching the stream were also somewhat surprised but then again, were there ever any moments when Maria had ever stopped surprising them? They were used to her surprises so they had gotten used to it somewhat.

They recognized the 2 of the black circles and they were for summoning pets, but the other 2 magic circles were foreign to them.

The four individuals that appeared after the darkness dissipated from their bodies was a large red hound, a small black-dressed fairy, and 2 pale individuals who had a very beautiful appearance.

It was the first time anyone saw Maria's two vampire subordinates. They didn't know that they were vampires but their attractive appearances were quite the sight to behold.

The two vampires knelt before her and greeted, "My Lady." "Queen Sister."

Maria tilted her head at Alexa's greeting but she didn't mind it. In front of Ash, Maria guessed that the girl needed to show her the utmost respect and behavior because her uncle Ash was there to monitor her behavior.

It was different if they only hunted together without Ash, but with him here, Alexa needed to behave appropriately or else Ash would reprimand her. Maria felt a little iffy by it but she didn't want to put Alexa in a tough spot so she let her be.

"Let's go hunting~"

Maria stepped over to the ferocious red hound and began petting it intimately before it transformed into a small puppy. Maria picked it up and curled up one of her wings and placed Little Red on it.

"Master, where are we going?"

"We're gonna go to those mountains and see what's beyond it."

"Okay. I needed a breather anyway. Staying with those hard-faced ministers all day is really stifling!"

"Haha, then let's get going~"

With her subordinates present, Maria stopped being conscious of the camera and began acting as she normally would.

"Let's fly~"

Maria jumped into the air and took off. Lilah was already on her shoulders and enjoying the ride in the air while the two vampires spread their bat wings and followed after her from behind.

Gerald was taken aback but he quickly moved the probe and followed after them. The other couldn't see the probe so they didn't have any questions and this was a good thing because it would be a headache if they asked any and Maria had to explain to them.

The name of her channel was after her in-game title, Queen of the Dire, and Gerald titled the stream, 'The Fallen Angel's Debut Stream'.

And from the thumbnail and the preview, people became curious, and slowly, they trickled into her stream. The number count above the probe's head began increasing and it continued to climb up.


Maria's silent debut was slowly garnering more and more attention as people joined and shared the news through their social media.

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