Universal job change: I chose jobless individual

Chapter 121


"Blood Explosion On!"

"Yunchen has 20 seconds left in the burst cycle, and once the time passes, he will definitely lose. "

There are skills in the berserk class of each class, but they are rarely opened.

Unless you are really cornered, you generally don't open it.

Otherwise, after the continuous berserk, just the long sequelae time after that, and the extremely weakened all-attribute state, will naturally be certain to die.

"If you are smarter, you will immediately dodge when you see this skill, flash wildly, and use all kinds of off-battle skills, and wait until a while, it is not easy to take the opponent. "

This is indeed the correct solution!

It's just that......

This Wilder is already ready to fly, and some of them have already taken the lead in launching an offensive.

Even if he took off an exoskeleton armed combat suit, he lost the matching rocket backpack.

However, the rear ribs have been clearly mechanically modified, and there are more than a dozen dense small ejection holes, from which air currents continue to erupt, so that they continue to produce the terrifying effect of rocket boosting.


"This bloody momentum is too fierce, and the bones of this scattered body are a bit exaggerated, beyond imagination!!"

The other side.......

After turning on the blood explosion, the unemployed scattered people who had been brewing for less than half a second had already evaporated with blood qi around their bodies, and their thickness was like a blood-colored aura rising into the sky, full of power.

In this instant, under the incredulous gaze of several martial artists who stood up and looked at them in disbelief.......

Before the momentum on the field could be raised to the extreme, a force erupted in the same place, and he was wrapped in rolling blood flames, disappeared in place, and rushed to the opposite side.

It's coming!!

It stands to reason that Yunchen is half a beat behind, a full half a second!!


The speed of his power explosion was too fast, and with the blessing of double all attributes, it was already difficult for many people in the audience to capture his clear figure with their dynamic vision.

Those who are a little more discerning can clearly see that the figure of this scattered person has been chased after him!

As soon as you speed up a little, it's a little faster than the other side!!

Moreover, this guy's blood boiling has not yet exploded to the highest point, so that the blood-colored aura that permeates and releases around his body is more and more spectacular, as if a wave of blood is rolling!!


"Blood rolls!"

"This guy's tempered physique, the strength of his limbs and bones is even better than mine!"

There was an orthodox martial artist whose mentality had collapsed.

How can this scattered person be virtuous!

At first, he couldn't figure out the level, but seeing that the blood-colored aura released by the other party still had room to rise, he knew that this guy's physical strength was very exaggerated.

Otherwise, the boiling blood would not have caused such a terrifying scene in the body.

"It's not ....... good"


In the audience, the students of the Ivy League Six School of the White Eagle Country had already realized that something was wrong.

Don't get up!!

Come on!

Survive the duration of the blood blast!

This is what they are saying!

No matter how you look at it, there's no need to face an opponent who is completely desperate!!

About this......

How could Wilder not know about it on the field?!

Standing in the middle of it, he saw that the blood and momentum of this scattered man were becoming more and more amazing, and he had already realized in his heart that something was wrong.

He didn't know why a scattered person had such a terrifying and exaggerated physical strength.

But there was no time for him to think about it right now.......

He was the first to launch a rocket to boost and rush forward, and the opposite side was half a beat behind before colliding head-on.

However, its efficiency is significantly faster than his.


Survive the blood blast!

Wilder chose to admit cowardice at this moment and chose to escape!

At this time.

He completely forgot about the extreme attack he had just made, and chose to throw away a heavy exoskeleton combat suit.

When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

It's just that......

Wilder, who suddenly came to his senses, still let his sanity return, and did not wait for the two to collide head-on in the next moment.

His body, which was originally advancing straight forward to the rocket, actually switched the direction of the attack without any reason in an instant, and his whole body suddenly rose vertically into the air.


This is a bodily action that seriously violates the laws of human inertia.

The reason for this is that Wilder's mechanically modified body has made a great contribution.

As long as there is no complete overload and loss of control of the robotic arm just now, just the more than ten dense jet holes that play a major role in his back ribs, as long as they are uniformly dispatched and switch the direction of the nozzle, the forward body can instantly switch any direction.

Not to mention, the dense jet rows under the soles of his mechanical combat boots were enough for him to gain the power to burst into the air in an instant.

In this way, his body that had forced his forward rush suddenly rose vertically into the air.


This scene has already made some people look straight.

If this Wilder had been a little slower, he would have been affected by the oncoming fist energy.

This dodge can be described as dangerous and dangerous.

"It's a master's move!"

The scattered man just now dodged a blow in a way that was very close to the limit.

Now, an eye for an eye.

Wilder still showed off the other side in this extreme dodge way!

It's just that.......

What's even more shocking is that he successfully showed it, but he didn't show it completely.

Because others are more beautiful than him!


"This ........"

Under the completely unbelieving gaze of a crowd, I saw that the unemployed person was so stubbornly curbing his forward momentum at this moment.

Switch from Extreme Motion to Extreme Quiet!

It didn't even take a moment in general.

The violent inertia of the whole person rushing forward seems to disappear without any evidence, which seriously violates the laws of physics.

What's even more outrageous is that this jobless scattered person has just restrained the inertia of the forward rush and has not yet maintained a momentary static state.


As soon as he stepped on his foot, the ground on his right foot was already shattered.

With this thrust, the whole person rose into the air!

It's a 'step away!'


At this moment, not to mention martial artists, many melee professional existences have people subconsciously stood up.


"What kind of operation is this!"

"Are you sure the two legs under him are all right?"

Without any external objects, it is theoretically difficult to restrain the momentum of rushing forward with all his strength in an instant, as Wilder did, and relying on the help of various jet propulsions!

It's like throwing a punch forward with all your might, and before your strength is completely burst out and exhausted, you have to force it to retract instantly.

It's a competition between yourself and yourself!!

You can imagine how uncomfortable this is, and how much torture you have to endure for your arm muscles!!

It's hard!

In a situation like Yunchen in front of him, he obviously had to let his two-legged muscles contain and withstand this incomparably huge forward inertia.

He did it!

And it was in a very perfect posture that the momentum was choked in an instant.

It's incredible!!

It also makes a group of people wonder if each other's two legs can still be used?!

But then the connection is incomparable, and a completely coherent step skill completely gives a heavy blow to the shocked audience in the past.

The other party perfectly retracted the momentum, not to mention, but also in one go, and the flowing clouds also rose into the air.

"This ......."

Everyone is stupid.

"Not good!!"

And in the area where the six schools of the Ivy League were sitting, an unpleasant shout suddenly erupted.

The two figures just rose into the air one after the other.

But obvious.......

The blood qi around his body was brewing to the extreme, and the unemployed scattered people who were bathed in the billowing blood mist were even better, and they had already followed the other party's figure with just one empty step.

And the right fist he had already pinched was hit out under the stunned gaze of the other party.


A beautiful uppercut blows to the stomach.

Martial artist's elementary skill 'Crash Fist!'

But the arm muscles shrouded in blood mist emerged with the 'inch strength' of a warrior monk.

The most outrageous thing is......

The tightly clenched fist contained a netherworld flame.

As you can imagine, the momentum of this punch is a bit terrifying.


When the punch falls......

In the explosion of the three-in-one combination technique, a wide gap was blown up in Wilder's waist and abdomen on the spot, causing the opponent to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

His terrifying strength went straight to his back, so much so that the numerous jet gas holes in his back ribs exploded in small bursts, constantly malfunctioning, and completely out of order.

And the Netherworld Demon Flame, which was tightly compressed in the heart of the fist, was even more cathartic with the power of the fist, surging towards the opponent's body.

When the punch exploded, Wilder's body, which was about to curl into steamed shrimp, was already being sent into the air.

But it's not over yet.......

This jobless man thoroughly explains what it means to be unforgiving.


His body that rose into the air did not have the slightest intention of falling, but with a single arrow step, it suddenly rose vertically by several meters!

'Double-Handed Komba!'

The new skills of the martial artist class have exploded.

With the blessing of the new B+ effect attack speed, Yunchen, who was already a 60% attack speed bonus of the Storm Four-Piece Set, became more and more rapid.

In a flash.......

The palm shadows were dense like rain, constantly bombarding and slapping on Wilder's body.


Blood blooms in the air.


There are also many scrapped mechanical parts and even steel plate scraps thrown out.

At last.......

Wait until the momentum of your own flight has completely disappeared, and the momentum of falling has just started.

The figure in front of him, who was already like a sandbag, was ruthlessly beaten and almost lost consciousness, and Yun Chen took the lead in grasping his neck, and then his arms suddenly surged with great force, and the blood released by his arms suddenly steamed like mist.


Under the explosion of such a force, such a sandbag with no backhand power was thrown to the ground by him from more than ten meters in the air!

Less than .......


It was like a cannonball falling to the ground, and the earth exploded violently.


"This is going to be beaten to the death!!"

What's even more unexpected is ...... This unemployed scattered person will be accepted if he is not good!


Just taking advantage of the momentum of his fall from the air, he also took advantage of the 'trampling' of the martial artist profession!

At a height of more than ten meters, the potential energy in it can definitely deal terrifying skill damage.

What's even more terrifying is that this is a state of blood explosion turned on, and the blood mist is steaming all over the body, if this blow hits the head, it is estimated that the head will explode on the spot!!

And isn't he afraid of stepping on the micro-reactor energy device in the heart of the other party and causing a big explosion?!!

"This ......."

At this moment, even the referee on the sidelines of the match was already hesitating, not knowing whether to stop the game.

It's too late, it's too soon.


Just now, when he was still in mid-air, his body was steaming with blood and qi, and it just landed like a blood-colored pillar of light.

The terrifying vigor of his right foot fell violently towards the figure in the pit on the ground.


Under the outbreak of this terrible falling momentum, the deep pit in front of him continued to burst open.

And the expected reactor explosion didn't happen, because Yunchen stepped on the other party's waist!

His trampling momentum fell on the wound of the opponent's waist so ruthlessly.

Wound on wound!

So much so that the entire flesh and mechanical intertwined body of the other party was completely broken into two halves.

And this Wilder was also completely unconscious under the successive heavy blows, and just lay down in the pit and couldn't move.

Of course.......

If Wilder's exoskeleton combat suit were still there, then in the event of an unconscious condition, a high-spec adrenal hormone from the suit's inner lining would automatically inject to forcibly wake the wearer.


This Wilder, who was born in a top wealthy family, still has a lot of life-saving cards.

At this time, when his body was seriously injured, there were already invisible nanoparticles working rapidly in his body, and many wounds even faintly showed a tendency to recover.

Even the broken mechanical parts were quickly repaired.

It's a pity.......

Yunchen had already thought of a countermeasure.

Whether it's the three-in-one combination just now, or that double-palm fast fight!!

Every close-range attack has Nether Flame attached to it.

Other words......

Wisps of extremely destructive dark flames had already burrowed into the opponent's body from the gaps in his body and even from the jet holes in his elbows.

At this moment, it is conscious, organized, and constantly merging from within, destroying all its structures.

Zizi Zi !!

Dense electronic explosions continued to burst out from the mechanical arms of both hands, and even from the places where the body had been mechanically transformed.

Just like that.......

The momentum of these nanoparticles frantically repairing the injuries in the body is far from keeping up with the momentum of internal destruction.

After all, it's much easier to simply destroy than to repair it.

"Be careful!"

"Don't touch the other person's heart device. "

In the stands, a reminder was already heard from the area where the sixth school of the Xuanlong Kingdom was located.

In fact, Yunchen knows it by heart.

Many of the mechs that mechanics ride are equipped with self-detonation devices.

If something goes wrong, it will immediately eject out of the warehouse, and the mechs that remain behind will activate the self-detonation level, giving the enemy a big gift.

In this technological context, which is also highly developed with magic, a heart battery that provides power delivery can be even more terrifying than imagined if it destroys itself.


Yunchen deliberately did not move this heart device.

Furthermore, even if there is an accident, it is not vegetarian to be present with so many four-turn existences.

No matter how bad it is, after Yunchen realizes that the other party is wrong and even has a tendency to self-destruct, he can also turn on the 'invincible' or use the 'Divine Flash' to retreat.

It's a pity.......

Even if the other party is angry and really has a tendency to self-destruct, he can't get up.


The two rocket manipulators, which applied high-end new materials, still burned completely from the inside out under the ruthless erosion of the magic flame.

Not to mention, the sound of mechanical parts that are still exploding densely around its body makes it impossible for the nanoparticles in its body to work at all.

"That's it!!"

"Stop ......."

"You've won!"


The referee had already pronounced the verdict amid a slight noise around him.

If he hadn't just seen the nanoparticles on Wilder's body rapidly resuscitating, he wouldn't have waited until now to announce the verdict.

Of course.

The tournament side is not afraid of unnecessary trouble, because if there is a self-destruct explosion, one of the magic gods of the tournament side is enough to use time magic to transfer it back.

"Turing's No. 1 seed, Wilder, has completely lost his will......."

"Congratulations to Yunchen, the third-seeded player from Jiangnan University in Xuanlong Kingdom, who successfully advanced to the round of 64. "

The results were also officially announced by the announcer at this moment.


Compared with the last game won by Yunchen, after the results were released, the applause of the entire scene was still scarce, but there was undoubtedly more discussion.

The last game of bells and whistles, the show's dazzling seven-in-a-row combo can be called a dazzling scattered summoning routine, but it is just exciting, and I paid a little attention to this scattered person.

And this time, several fighting skills displayed by Yunchen were secondary.

What was terrifying was the terrifying physical control that this jobless man had shown in this battle.

And after the blood explosion was turned on, the scene of the blood boiling like wolf smoke was enough to completely show that the opponent may be much stronger than many orthodox martial artists here in terms of physical strength.

"This big life....... It's outrageous!"

"Here's the problem. "

"How did he just contain the inertia momentum of the forward rush, and then he could connect perfectly, changing the movement of his body in one go. "

The reason for the discussion is more than the most astonishing scene just now.

Everyone thought that Wilder had already relied on the booster jet hole to complete the vertical lift in an instant, came to the limit dodge, and successfully played the opposite side.

Unexpectedly, this guy could react quickly, without showing weakness, and without any external help, he completed a set of incredible connection movements, and successfully followed closely and stepped into the air together.


How the hell did this guy do it!!

In the end, you have to have a meticulous control of your body muscles to instantly restrain the momentum of your full rush.

Yunchen naturally won't answer this question.

Even after returning to their seats, the personnel of the sixth school of Xuanlong Country only congratulated them, and no one lacked the IQ to inquire why.


That's a secret battle!

I don't have a heart to ask.

In fact, this is not the first time that Yunchen has shown such terrifying body control.

Of course.......

This time the difficulty is the highest ever.

Because after the blood explosion was opened, the momentum of rushing forward with strength all over his body was not ordinarily powerful.

To this end......

It's not enough for him to rely on nuanced body control.

When he completely recovered the strength of his whole body to rush forward, completely contained it, and completed the instantaneous retraction and release, the wisps of muscle bundles in his two legs were slightly damaged, and the ligaments were completely ruptured.

Even so, Yunchen didn't frown, as if he really regarded his body as a war machine, and even took a 'step into the air' to take off.

And the moment when it doesn't take off, the moment it takes off....... His extraordinary talent for self-healing, which contains a majestic vitality, has completely healed this injury.


To achieve his freedom in the explosiveness of the body.

In addition to the need for nuanced body control, rare combat instinct talent.

It is also necessary to have a high-quality extraordinary healing ability, so that the moment you feel pain, the injury has already healed.

Otherwise, if he is in such a mess, I am afraid it will affect the subsequent physical strength play.

Outsiders naturally don't know the doorway inside.

While there was a lot of discussion, he was still shocked by Yunchen's free-flowing body explosion.


At this moment, the princess of the empire, Luciene, still applauded her hands very facefully, which lasted for many seconds.

Even many representatives of the host in the VIP table were amazed.

"It's hard to really let him grow. "

It is not easy to get the praise of these high-level third-turners, or even the existence of two veteran fourth-turners.

Relying on the admiration of the top bloodline and the secret art that is not passed down from the family.

Probably quite a few are given to you behind the Immortal Bird Family, Prince Dracula's Family, and so on.

To put it bluntly, it is the wealthy family behind you who is too powerful, and the inherited bloodline and the secret techniques inherited are too fierce.

But for Yunchen....... Just another heartfelt compliment.

"This teenager's physical control is simply extraordinary, and he has done things that are unimaginable to anyone, which is not even something that can be possessed at this stage. "

And his keen fighting instincts are simply the magic weapon to win, and it really makes all those who fight him wary and careful. "

At the very beginning, after the small body of the scattered person dodged to the limit, he immediately put his hands together.

Overloading someone else's weapon with one hand, stealing it with the other, is full of aura, quick response, and steals the miniature dangerous device on someone's belt.

If the average assassin managed to steal it, he really wouldn't be able to use the skill of muscle memory like him.


It's just that this unemployed Sanren Association has too many professional skills, not only can there be many, but also very proficient.

So much so that every time you improvise, you can play an incredible exaggerated effect.

"Not bad. "

"It is worthy of being the only protégé accepted by Xia Chengcheng, and it is no wonder that she would give such a Nether Demon Flame to her students. "

It seems that his innate talent for fighting intuition has already impressed the Iceberg Empress. "

Those who have the foresight to see have more or less seen the origin of the dark fireworks just now.


The entire arena was silent for some time after the initial chatter.

"This guy...... Chances are you're one of the favourites!!"

Although I don't dare to pack tickets, it's a big hit.

But even if the person who is slow to react, when he really feels the explosion of the other party's free power, and even the terrifying physical strength, he has already realized that the unemployed person is much more tricky than he imagined.

"The scariest thing is....... We still don't know what tricks are hidden by this unprecedented jobless person. "

"The summoning system, the fighting system tactical routines, is that all he has?!"

"No way, someone said before that this guy showed double casting and wandless casting, I'm afraid he is also a terrible mage. "

"The outrageous thing is that so far, no one has asked him to take out his weapon!"

This is at least an improvement.

After all, in the last game, this scattered person didn't even take a step to solve the opponent.

This one, it can be regarded as forcing out some of his hole cards!

He even hit his 'blood blast'!

Considering the cooldown time of the Blood Explosion skill, and repeated use within a day, the effect may not be as good as the first time, and everyone's mood is a little more steady.

"Those sighs and sighs are basically not good, and they are destined to be eliminated......"

The three princes of the Beamon Empire just supported the railing of the audience with both hands, and looked at the faces around them easily.

The favourites looked easy.

After all.......

If it was himself who had just confronted Sanren head-on, the Third Prince would have great confidence even in the face of Sanren who had started the blood explosion.

He's not going to dodge half a point!

It is true that he really can't burst into the power of his body like Yunchen can retract and release it freely, and he can suddenly change the direction of his body under extreme movement.

But the third prince is a little disdainful of this, and his style of play does not have any concept of dodge and body style.

Looking at some figures who were pensive and troubled, he knew that those people were basically rice buckets, and they were not his opponents at all.



Not long after the game on Yunchen's side ended, another game of the same batch on the other side also came to an end.

Hozia, the second-seeded player from the Terran Military Academy of the Northern Giant Bear Country, won a first-seeded player from the Rhine Federation.

As a traditional power on the earth in the past, Khozia's excellent performance is obvious to all.


There wasn't much room for discussion and applause for him.

Not even a few spectators were paying attention to the match between the two just now.

Even the students of their own school and country were attracted by another competition that was more intense and more interesting.

He walked off the stage with some emotion.

As for the other enemy on the stage, who was seriously injured and unconscious, he had already begun to receive medical treatment.

It is worth mentioning that.......

Wilder hadn't been treated with the traditional treatment just now, because his body was flesh and blood and mechanics intertwined, and healing wouldn't work on mechanical units.

Moreover, without the little demon flame in his body, the transcendent nanoparticles hidden in his body have begun to work, repairing cells and repairing broken parts.

It didn't take long for Wilder, who had already regained consciousness on his own, to be gloomy.

He was eliminated!

Only fell in the top 128!!

This is completely different from the previous idea of guaranteeing the quarterfinals.


Lost to such a first-year student.

A person who doesn't know what to call a jobless person.

Especially before the game, Wilder only felt extremely ashamed.

If you lose so badly, you might as well self-destruct and bury him with you!

With his temper, if he hadn't lost consciousness at the time, Wilder would have done so.

Now that his anger had subsided slightly, Wilder had calmed down a lot.

"Teacher ......."

"It seems that I am not strong enough, and when I go back, I will immediately undergo further mechanical modifications. "

This decadent and weak flesh and blood body should be completely lost!!

That's a drag!

That's a burden!


He also despised this innate human emotion, otherwise he would not have had a trace of cowardice and retreat when he was hard at that time.

Hearing this, the teacher at Turing University wanted to comfort the other party, after all, judging from his ruthless eyes and past experience, if there were other hole cards, the scattered man was likely to go to the end.

Therefore, their own students did not lose unjustly.

But when he saw Wilder's resolute look, he knew he couldn't persuade him.

"It's good!"

"Flesh and blood are bitter and weak, and it is also a good thing to get rid of the sea of suffering as soon as possible and abandon the burden. "




The knockout rounds for the round of 128 to the round of 64 continues.

One life!

If you lose, you will be eliminated.


In this round, there are already some people who have been conservative and restrained from the past, trying not to show more hole cards, and suddenly became forced to start playing various hole cards.


"Demon Bloodline Talent!"

President Lu Miaoyan reminded on the side.

Yun Chen, who was sitting on the side, had already seen that a witch in the field had used the natural ability of the demon descendant.

Obviously, this is also an existence who has taken the Pure Elixir of the Demon Venerable, and has absorbed it well, and has also obtained the bloodline talent from it.

"That's the essence of Nether Demon Venerable. "

"It only fell a few years ago. "

"That's right......"

"Do you want to guess how many people at the scene have taken the 'Essence of the God of War' and the existence of the 'Essence of the Law God'. "

"There are still some people hiding a dual-class combat system waiting to be used as hole cards!"

Lu Miaoyan's next words made Yunchen a little interested.

In fact.

The 'essence of the god of war' revealed in the National Freshman Exchange Contest that day was not the first in the world.

The world has heard the news before or after.

And after the Great War almost two months ago, the earthlings who received a large number of 'sacrifices' from it also succeeded in obtaining new divine gifts from the creator god through sacrifices.

These include the new elixir 'Essence of the God of War', 'The Essence of the Law God', 'The Essence of the God of Fighting', etc.

The creator god only accepts sacrifices from another world beyond the rift, and the more precious the thing, the more you can sacrifice to the god, and you will receive a good gift from it.

In a sense, this even pushed the battle between the two planes to heat up further.

After all, only war and looting can get more sacrificial items.


The plane war not long ago has stopped, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.

War is also a business.

At least many of the world's top families or aristocratic families have made some sacrifices, but they have more or less grabbed a lot of benefits from them.

Among them, the magic medicine of the new dual-class system is definitely the most sought-after.

And it's basically in young people!

It will definitely appear on a few people, or even a dozen people, in the field at this moment.

Here's their hole card!

In this knockout round, which is only 128 into the top 64, it is naturally impossible to use.

Of course........

At least, in the eyes of others, Yunchen has opened a berserk skill to obtain a full attribute bonus, which is already a big hole card that has been used.


They didn't know it was a fold that hadn't been played in a long time and was played on a whim!



PS: Ask for daily flowers and evaluation votes! Ask for automatic subscription!!

PS2: Moving to a new house tomorrow is estimated to be delayed for a long time, but a chapter of 10,000 words is still guaranteed.

As for the update issue, I'll make it clear when the work is stabilized.,There's no plan to add a change at the moment.,I'm really sorry everyone.。

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