Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

The True Nature

"So, instead of thinking about the ways things could go wrong and stand still, I'll move forward and make sure nothing like that happens," That was about it, and he knew that such a change would not be possible if he hadn't met the certain people thanks to this shop.

He was strong, yes, but the ones who gave him courage were the ones who were far weaker than him. They could change themselves to seek their happiness, so it was only natural that he should do the same, after all this wasn't something foreign to him.

'And I wouldn't be able to meet them if not for this shop,' Thanks to the nature of this shop, all of this was made possible and the main factor in all of that was the one in front of him.

"That is why, I wanted to thank you with this, I know that one day's worth of food is nothing—even with how much you ate—But I mean it," So, he wanted to thank her, after all, she did try to cheer him up when he wasn't in a good headspace, "if you need my help in something, don't hesitate to ask me."

"…" The Goddess was shaken to the core, as someone who dealt with wishes, she knew of how people expressed their gratitude when their wishes were granted.

'It is rare…' Gratitude was an expression that rarely came from people, who got what they asked for.

After all, it was human nature to not look at what you received, instead their thoughts would go to what they don't have.

'And it isn't that all of them are similar, over the years I have received a substantial amount of gratitude from people,' She had to keep track of it, since it was one of the sources of her powers.

'But I don't think all of that can compare, to what I have received from him in this instant.' And that was the reason she was so dumbfounded, but it showed that he wasn't lying to her and he was really thankful for what she did—even when he knew nothing.

"It's fine… I don't need your help," The Goddess said plainly.

"Oh, well, if you need it in the future the-"

"I said I don't!" She cut him off and vanished on the spot.

"Hmm, did she get embarrassed?" Adam tilted his head, he kind of expected that to happen but he thought she would be more boastful, "It might be something else then…"

Regardless, he had no way of knowing what it was and he had another problem on his hand.

"I made so much for her, and she didn't even take it with her," He sighed looking at the storage ring in his hand, "well, it is not that bad to have some in adva—Oh, there it goes."

'Looks like it isn't that serious after all,' Adam smiled looking at his now empty hand, the ring had reached it's rightful owner.

"Hmm, now who should I visit?" Adam leaned back on the sofa with a thoughtful look.

'I should go and meet her after all,' He was now relaxed because he knew what he wanted to do next.

"It is time to go on the offense…"

But he didn't know that his actions had once again, caused some problems where he couldn't see.

"Why didn't you use that opportunity?" The second oldest asked, she was intrigued by this choice the most.

"And leaving that aside, why did you block our attempt to do so?" The eldest frowned, she was particularly unhappy with the move the youngest had pulled.

"I will not allow it," But the Youngest had no plans of explaining her actions.

"Come again?" That is why the eldest's frown deepened.

"I said I will not allow him to be dragged into this," But the youngest was clear on her decision.

"Do you think that you have the liberty to make that decision?" The air around them started to cry out in pain, this seemed to be the limit to the eldest's patience.

"Yes, I do, I am the current Goddess of Wishes, not you, and he is my Apostle, what happens to him will be decided by me, and me alone," Even then the youngest wasn't backing down from her point, and the coldness in the air was raised to contest to the eldest's intimidation.

"Hey now, no need to fight," The second eldest spoke cheerily, she didn't want such a fight to happen because it would be nothing but self-harm.

"Yeah, keep it down eldest, and youngest you are freezing my choco lava cake, I'll fight you if it actually happens…" The fifth eldest spoke and most of them couldn't help but shake their heads at her reason.

"This isn't time to worry about a cake here," And naturally the eldest wasn't having it, all of them were too relaxed about this, "we have something way more important on the line, youngest you know why this needs to be done…"

"Yes, I do and that is why I am against it," The youngest knew that if they went as planned, something she didn't want to, will happen.

'It is too early for me to die, I still haven't married, I don't have my own cute kids that will bother me all day, I haven't seen my own grandkids yet, there is still sooooo much that I have to do.'

And How could see continue after hearing him say that? It was the first time he opened his heart, so she couldn't betray him this way.

"That is all I want to say," The Youngest turned her heel and walked away.

"Youngest do you think this is a joke!!" The eldest shouted toppling the chair behind her.

"This is the last time I come here, do not attempt to take over me next time,"

"Come back!! Hey!!" The eldest was left shouting watching her leave.

"Calm down, she has already left, so don't make so much noise Envy," This was when the one who was sleeping through it all, spoke up.

"Well Well, it is rare for you to give your input, Sloth," The second eldest smiled sweetly, but the sharpness in her eyes demanded an explanation.

This wasn't something that could be written off lightly, after all this was of importance for their survival.

"Sigh, you are always such a handful Lust," Sloth stifled a yawn and stretched her body, "why are you acting like this has nothing to do with you?"

"Oh My, I wonder what you are talking about?" Lust feigned ignorance.

"This all escalated because of the lie you told him," Sloth rubbed her eyes lazily, "If you had let the youngest take care of it, things wouldn't have reached this point."

"Yeah, now I won't be able to steal all this tasty food either, us being locked out is your fault," The fourth eldest spoke while munching on some fried chicken.

"Gluttony, you know you can remake anything you eat once, right?" Lust didn't know if this one had lost her memories of her powers or something.

"I just Nom* like nom* Nom* to eat nom* Nom* Nom*…"

"Yeah, she is beyond hope," Sloth just gave up at that moment, because it was no use talking to that one, and the rest followed suit.

"Well Well, that is her true nature after all," Lust smiled happily and glanced at everyone else at the table in a subtle manner, "just like how we have been displaying ours…"

"It is too late to do that now and you all know it," But they all stopped in place hearing Sloth's words.

"Envy, you were the most Charitable, Lust, you were the purest, Greed you were the generous one, Wrath was the most patient, Gluttony was the one with the most restraint, and I was the most diligent one…" Sloth spoke while looking at her sisters, who stared at her with deep frowns. They didn't want to be reminded of that, after all, that was the source of their problems.

"None of us were able to stay true to our inherent nature, and that was our sin, and the reason we ended up being stained by other's wishes and desires, but the youngest is different from us… in front of us all—the ones who came before her and guided her through her journey—she just displayed her true nature without any reservation even with how we have been trying to force her down a path..." The sleepiness on Sloth's face was gone, and that showed how serious this matter was, not just for her but every single one of them.

"No, what she had done today wasn't what you are thinking…" Envy shook her head, there was no way she would accept that.

"No, it is as she says, whether we like it or not, the youngest has just displayed her Pride—her true nature—unlike any of us were able to even with us trying to force her down a path, and we can't deny that he was the trigger for this,"

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