Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 387 The Devil's Counterattack (I)

The worlds that the Hell plane leads to are basically not powerful worlds, because powerful worlds have their own set of operating logic, such as the Marvel multiverse, which is a huge and complex system. The power it possesses is difficult for Hell to invade, and the Marvel universe itself also has a Hell plane.

The new worlds found by the various Earth Federations are basically some worlds with very weak capabilities and very weak technology.

The large-scale invasion and destruction of the lairs of various demon lords by humans soon spread along with the escaped demons. This provocative behavior soon angered all the demon lords.

One lord alone may not be a match for humans, but they have many demons and miscellaneous soldiers!

It’s a sad fact, but it’s true. They only have miscellaneous soldiers. If the strongest Titan demon of Hell, the Holy Elephant of Sin, is still alive, he may be able to fight against humans with powerful weapons, but now...

Don’t think so. Even if there is no Holy Elephant of Sin, they are not without any ability to fight back.

Humans should never think of hell as their own backyard. The demon lords gathered together for a meeting, filled with righteous indignation but also faced up to the power of humans.

They first sent demon messengers to negotiate... As a result, the negotiating messengers were captured by bounty hunters and sold for money as soon as they arrived at the human base.

No matter how the demon lord explained in human language, the humans would not listen. After being beaten, they were thrown into the factory and minced into meat paste.

After the soul of the high-level demon messenger returned to the pool water and was reborn, all the demon lords were furious and moved forward the action that was originally supposed to take place decades later and began to assemble the demon army.

Hundreds of millions of demons began to gather, and they also obtained a large number of long-range weapons from the holy city.

Demons are not only able to attack with the filthy magic that demons bring with them. They have cooperated with technological civilization, and many races that covet the immortal power of hell will use their technology in exchange for the power of unlimited resurrection and rebirth.

These people have brought a lot of technological products to hell, so hell is not barbaric. On the contrary, hell has a lot of powerful technology.

The perfect combination of urban technology and demon power in the holy city of hell, the strongest monarch of hell lives in that civilized holy city.

They asked the Holy City for a lot of technological weapons, armed their elite demons again, and began to gather a larger demon frenzy to invade the Shadow Plain.

The souls of demons are protected by hell. Unless there is some kind of power restriction, demons can be resurrected infinitely, at the cost of consuming a certain amount of filthy energy, that is, the demon lords need to cede part of their power to resurrect the soldiers.

This has high requirements for tactics and action plans, otherwise it will just be a waste of manpower. →

While gathering the demon army, the demon lords sent flying units to investigate the Shadow Plain and found that the Shadow Plain has now become a playground for humans. Those humans are like running around in their own homes, smashing, looting and burning everywhere with some backward kinetic weapons!

The demons will be chopped off and sold to the park. The miserable howling of the demons inside has gathered into a force. It may not be long before the filthy energy condenses into a sub-gold slurry flowing down.

It's really evil and terrifying!

These humans are more cruel than demons. They can't be allowed to continue like this!

The movements of the demons outside the plains have been monitored. The sky is covered by dense energy clouds. There is no way to use satellites, so the group uses simple stealth drones for reconnaissance.

When they make any unusual movements, the drones have faithfully gathered the situation away. Those demons seem to be planning to make trouble!

In the drone's field of vision, a large number of demons are led by high-level demons and move towards a certain direction of hell. A large number of demons scattered on the ground are also slowly gathering.

The gathering is not very concentrated. On the contrary, the demons have become more scattered and gathered into thousands of demon teams. A large number of flying demons are constantly approaching the original area. The intention of reconnaissance is too obvious.

But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if billions of demons are still making trouble. The energy they contribute and the harvest of unmanned factories in the Shadow Plains can form an autonomous operation system.

The factory will continue to replicate mobile factories under the protection of the shield, and various mobile factories will continue to produce drones, self-destructing cars, missiles, ammunition, energy weapons, etc.

These weapons produced are the best props to deal with demons. Take from hell and use in hell.

The demons are coming, let them experience the power of hell!

Which is stronger, nearly endless resources or nearly endless demons?


Because the demons have already taken out technological weapons, people can't guess the true composition of the demons, and they are worried that the demons have weapons of mass destruction, which has forced them to choose to wait and see for the time being and be ready to evacuate at any time.

Finally, after two years, nearly 6 billion demons gathered outside the Shadow Plains began to come to the Shadow Plains in batches.

They stood in a relatively scattered position. After being wiped out by nuclear bombs, these demons learned to be smart. They did not gather in a group to charge towards the plains, but attacked the plains from three locations: the sky, the ground, and the underground.

While the opposing troops were advancing rapidly, there were already hell summoners using teleportation to fly in some hidden corners of the plains, releasing a large number of powerful demons.

The Hell Knights could barely be considered elite monsters, but when the demon lords collectively got serious, the Hell Knights became ordinary soldiers. Only the higher-level Hell Barons with red skin and double horns on their heads could be considered elite monsters in this demon army.

The demon summoners who raided the Shadow Plains summoned the demon squad led by the Hell Barons. Their mission was to destroy all the buildings in the human settlement, but the results were minimal.

Even though these demon barons and demon knights wore strange leather armor to increase their defense and wore helmets that could withstand ordinary electromagnetic rifle bullets, they were still no match for the fixed artillery in the camp.

Because the demons have a different concept of time than humans, in the two years when the demons gathered their troops to prepare for the attack, an airtight defense network had been built here in the Shadow Plains. The trenches were dug in circles, and a steel nail was driven into the cracks in the ground at intervals.

The number of fixed machine gun bunkers has reached millions. The products coming off the assembly line can be transported to the designated location and fixed in place before they can be put into operation. The special fire control system turns these bunkers into mountains that are difficult for demons to climb.

So what if the airdrop is close to the top of the mountain?

In the end, they will still be smashed to pieces!

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