Ultimate Man [JJK X SOL]: Loading Golden Entries at The Start

Chapter 51: Space Distortion and Sisterly Protection

Distorting space? Entering a dimension?

Isn't this exactly like Obito's Kamui ability?

The only difference was that Obito needed the Mangekyō Sharingan to use it, while Ryuji didn't. Instead, he consumed spiritual power, not chakra, and didn't have to worry about going blind. It was basically a perfect version of the ability!


If Ryuji wasn't in class, he might have shouted out loud in excitement.

It was now clear that golden entries drawn through the system and those triggered by interacting with others were completely different.

Achieving full virtualization would take some practice. As for entering the Third Dimension, Ryuji decided against trying it out in the classroom. Disappearing in the middle of a lesson wasn't the best idea.

What he could test, however, was it's ability to distort space.


"Talent entry system!

Host: Ryuji!

Bloodline: Human!

Loaded entries: Soul Devouring [Red], Yin-Yang Eyes [Gold], Presence Concealment [Gold], Tranquility [Gold], Reverse Cursed Technique [Gold], Monster Attracting Physique [Gold], Third Dimension [Gold], Iron Fist [Purple].

Points: 61120!"


Ryuji quickly reviewed his character template and then picked up a pen from the desk in front of him.


He glanced around the room, making sure no one was paying attention.

Satisfied that everyone was focused on the lesson, Ryuji began to channel the Third Dimension ability to distort space on the pen in his hand.

As soon as he activated the power, Ryuji could feel his spiritual energy depleting rapidly, as if it were water flowing down the drain.

"Good thing I had a big meal earlier!"

If he hadn't gorged on weird spirits using Soul Devouring earlier, he doubted he'd have enough spiritual energy to sustain the ability.

As Ryuji concentrated, the space around the pen began to twist and warp, bending reality itself. The pen wasn't physically bending; rather, the space around it was distorting, causing the pen to seem like it was being twisted out of existence.

Within moments, the pen vanished completely into the distorted space.

"Success!" Ryuji grinned to himself, his face lighting up with joy.

But just as he was about to revel in his newfound power...


Yui's sudden scream broke the quiet of the classroom.



The entire class turned to look at her, including Ryuji. 

Was I seen? Ryuji wondered briefly, but he didn't panic. If he had really wanted to stay under the radar, he wouldn't have tested his ability in the classroom to begin with.

But then he noticed Yui's panicked expression, her eyes wide like a frightened animal.

Apparently, only she had seen what had just happened.

"What's wrong, Yuigahama-san?" the teacher asked from the front of the classroom, raising an eyebrow.

Even Yumiko and the others sitting near Yui turned to look, their faces curious.

"N-No, nothing!" Yui stammered, lowering her head in embarrassment.

The teacher, convinced she must've dozed off, smiled knowingly. "It's okay to sleep, but try not to have nightmares next time."

The class erupted into laughter, assuming that Yui had just woken up from a bad dream. 


Yui blushed, her face turning red from the attention, though in reality, she hadn't been sleeping at all. What had startled her was the bizarre scene she'd just witnessed the pen in Ryuji's hand had disappeared into thin air.

She quickly glanced at Ryuji from the corner of her eye, only to find him watching her with a playful smile, as if he was waiting for something.

Panicked, she averted her gaze.


"Alright, alright, let's settle down!" the teacher called, clapping his hands to restore order. "Let's continue the lesson."

The classroom fell silent again, though Yui's thoughts were far from the class material. She kept stealing glances at Ryuji, her curiosity piqued.

Did that pen really just vanish? She couldn't have imagined it. She'd seen it with her own eyes Ryuji had made the pen disappear into thin air.

Is it some kind of superpower? Yuigahama's imagination began to run wild, completely forgetting about the lesson.


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city, Yukino's older sister, Haruno, was busy conducting her own investigation.

Initially, she had set out to uncover the identity of the sorcerer her sister had mentioned. But during her search, she stumbled upon something else that made her blood boil.

Her precious little sister, Yukino, seemed to be romantically involved with someone.

No, it couldn't be that Yukino was willingly dating someone. In Haruno's eyes, her sister was perfect and wouldn't make such decisions lightly. It had to be the other party manipulating her.

As a real sister, it was Haruno's duty to protect Yukino from such dangerous influences. She had to be the one to save her.

"This is the guy, huh?" Haruno muttered to herself, pulling out a photo.

The picture was of Ryuji.

According to the information she'd gathered, her sister had been spending a lot of time with this boy, Ryuji.

"How dare he!" Haruno clenched her fists, her temper flaring. 

The idea of her beloved sister being with another man was unacceptable. As her older sister, it was Haruno's job to protect Yukino from being taken advantage of.


Haruno hadn't even considered the possibility that Ryuji could be a sorcerer. After all, she had investigated his family background, and there was nothing unusual about him. Sorcerers typically came from prestigious bloodlines, and Ryuji had none of that. 

In Haruno's mind, someone like Ryuji, with such a clean, normal family background, couldn't possibly have the qualifications to be a sorcerer.

She doesn't realize that some people cheat at life.


Fueled by the thought that her sister was being tricked, Haruno couldn't sit still any longer. Without a second thought, she stormed out of her house, hopped into her supercar, and sped off toward the school.

There was no way she was going to let some random boy trick her little sister.

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