Ugly Bastard

Chapter 95 – Choice

Hey fellas, sorry for making you wait. Had a rough week on work and just fell half dead when I came back home so I had no motivation to write at all. Ideas just did not come to my head. This is also why previous chaps came out kind of......boring, I think...😓...just hope not everyone left this ship yet.🧘...Also that cough is killing me.🤧...okay I am done whining, lets move on to get closer to the cultured chapter soon🤤

Heavy sigh sounded in the dimly lit room, followed by the sound of the book snapping close. Tessa sat in the light coming from the chandelier standing on the table near the armchair that she sat in, with a book in her arms. She tried to redirect her thoughts to something else to not think about the problem that troubled her these days, however understood that she could not concentrate on reading at all, as in the last hour did not get a word from what she read.

"Mom?" Sounded Brianna's soft voice making Tessa startle with realization that she was so deep in thoughts that she did not feel the presence of someone else in the room.

Tessa turned to the side seeing both her daughters lingering at the door.

"Yes dear?" Said Tessa lookingbat Brianna that was standing there with a shy pose as if hugging herself. Then her gaze skipped toward Priscilla who stood behind her sister with even more uncomfortable demeanor while staring into the floor as if afraid to look Tessa in the eyes.

"Can we talk for a bit?" Asked Brianna with uncertainty in her voice.

"Yes of course." Said Tessa and watched as her daughters came closer. Brianna sat in the armchair nearby while Priscilla sat on its arm rest further from Tessa, still avoiding looking her mother in the eyes.

"Mom, we would like to discuss what to do with…the matter we all bothered with."

"I understand." Said Tessa, putting her book on the table. "Have you two made your decisions?"

"We would like to know what you think of this." Said Brianna.

"I love you girls, dearly. I want you to be happy. I don't want to lie to you that I will find a way to solve your stage passing problem. You saw how I failed miserably to help Priscilla. We both know it is inevitable for you to mark him as well and I will not interfere. You already know how it will turn out after that." Said Tessa moving her gaze toward Priscilla that lifted her gaze for a moment but quickly turned away seeing her mother looking at her.

"I…I can live with you two hating me. With you two leaving me. As long as you two are happy somewhere out there, this is enough for me." Continued Tessa. "But I don't want to live a single day while viciously hating you. I would rather choose death."

Both Brianna and Priscilla lifted their eyes to stare at their mother that had tears in her eyes. 

"That's why it doesn't matter, sweety. You don't have to worry what I will think. Either choice you make I will approve. You both should not worry about me, because I will let him use that skill in me for my own sake. Not because I want you two to stay. Not because I want Noah to stay. But because it tears my heart apart to think that I will spend the rest of my life stomping into the ground the most precious feeling that I got - my love toward the two of you." Said Tessa looking away from her daughters.

Brianna sighed and then looked at her sister, noticing how she was biting at her own lips with tears in her eyes as well.

"Mom, do you trust that Ugy guy?" Asked Brianna turning back to her mother. "I am sure that Noah does not wish to bring any harm to us, but can that bear be trusted?"

"I understand your worry. No, dear, I don't trust him. I know Noah wishes to help. But his system has been plotting a lot so he can't be trusted. But there is also one fact that speaks up for him. He and Noah do not owe us anything. They could have been gone from here any moment they wished for. I am sure of it. If he wanted, Noah would have disappeared just as suddenly as he appeared here too. And they both know that there is another way for us to solve the problem. To kill him." Said Tessa watching both girls look down to their knees avoiding her gaze.

"But he is still here. Knowing the danger, Noah chose to trust us. Chose love for us above himself. I know that if that Ugy guy tries to harm us, Noah will not allow it. He will fight for us even if it is against his own system. I trust Noah, not Ugy. But just in case I will allow him to use the skill on me first and if it goes awry, I will fight back." Answered Tessa. "Also…" She wanted to add something else but then shook her head. "No it's nothing. Don't worry."

"I see…" Said Brianna gazing at her mother thoughtfully.

"Me too." Sounded Priscilla's soft voice from the side, making both women turn to her.

"I want to do it too, mom." Said Priscilla lifting her gaze to stare her mother in the eye with a firm look for the first time in days. "I don't want this feeling either. I hate it. I am so ashamed of it, I can't look you in the eyes. I know what we are going to do is probably  going to make us do some shameful things. But they don't scare me as much as what is happening to me right now. I love you mom. I am so sorry for my behavior." Said Priscilla tearing up.

Tessa stood up and came to her daughter.

"This is not your fault dear. So I forgive you. But can you wait a bit?"

"No. Let's do it together. I don't want to hide behind your back. Don't want to let you go through this alone. I am an adult now. I have to bear the consequences of my actions. I want to do it too. Besides, you are forgetting something. Ugy said that Noah needs to concentrate for the skill to work right. If we wait too long he would have to spend time concentrating again, " said Priscilla firmly. "It may not be a problem for Bri, but…I don't have the leisure to wait anymore, mom.

Tessa looked at her daughter for a few moments before nodding.

"I don't have the right to dissuade you." Said Tessa with a weak voice.

"Also, I don't agree with your words. You did not fail me. You did everything…more than everything. I know that. Know what sacrifices you made to find a way to help me. The treasures and knowledge you bartered for all those people help. The price you paid to bring me those potions that you fed me with. I know it all, mom. All of it. You did not fail me, mom." Said Priscilla standing up to gaze her mother in the eyes as equal.

"You were there for me. Fought every day for me. Only thanks to that I could hold myself in hands for so long. Long enough to finally find the way to cross the stage. You gave me this strength, mom. Don't ever say you failed, because I am here with my sanity intact only thanks to your effort." Said Priscilla and saw her mother start to bawl her eyes out, so she hugged her mother tightly.

"When are we going to do it, mom?" Asked Priscilla after some time.

"Umm…Before that." Said Tessa wiping her tears away. "I want Brianna to cross her stage. If…if his skill goes awry, I want her to be at least safe in this regard. This way she will be able to live safely if something happens to us." She added and both women turned to look at the youngest woman.

Brianna sat red as tomato with her eyes swimming all over the place but not looking back at them.

"Umm. How about…tonight?" She whispered nervously tapping her index fingers against each other.

"If you are ready, dear." Said Tessa.

"I am, but…umm…you were there for Cil, right?" Half mumbled Brianna. "I…ummm…could you…"

"Of course dear." Said Tessa. "If you don't mind, dear."

Priscilla bit her lips with frustration on her face but did not say anything.


Light knocking sound spread in the room that Noah used when he went to his mind realm. A few moments later dark figure appeared in the room. Black smoke covering it quickly dissipated, leaving Noah sitting on the bed.

"Yes?" Said Noah's voice in the dim room.

"Noah, I would like to have a talk. Would you please come to…our room." Said Tessa through the closed door stalling a bit with her words at the end.

"I will be there in a moment."

Noah heavily sighed. Girls took a few days to think in and discuss the crazy idea that his system offered. Now it was finally time to hear their choice.

He stood up and slowly moved toward the door exiting the room. When he looked down the hallway, he saw that the door to Tessa's room was slightly open with the dim shuddering light escaping it into the dark hallway just like in their first night together.

Strange fear spread through him making him shudder slightly. 

He stood there watching that scene in thoughts just like he did it back then. A few seconds later clenching his fiat and breathing heavily in and out he walked toward that inviting room. 

There was that same fear that he felt that first night back in his heart. That same feeling of uncertainty. 

Noah came over to the slightly ajar door and pushed it slightly.

When the door slid to fully open he stood frozen in place looking inside with a face full of surprise.

Three pairs of eyes stared back at him from inside the room. Tessa, Priscilla and Brianna stood there with shy looks on their faces smiling at him sheepishly.

A small smile touched the corner of Noah's lips as well. He stepped inside the room and closed the door behind him, bringing back darkness into the hallway.

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