Ugly Bastard

Chapter 76 – Keepers and Guardians

"Yes." Answered Noah. "The seed of evil sent by the Evil God becomes a dungeon when it grows. People learned to capture it and subdue it, making Labyrinth out of it."

"Yes. That's right. And how long does it take for a seed to grow into a dungeon?"

Noah opened his.mouth for a moment then closed it back. "No, I don't know." He answered a moment later. 

"Decades. It takes decades to nurture it into a dungeon core. And that is with it freely growing, absorbing magic from surroundings. So why is it that humanity doesn't just attack dungeon after dungeon clearing out huge areas of space?"

"Hmm. They are afraid of dungeon breaks…"

"A dungeon break once in a few decades isn't very scary when you can clear multiple dungeons with several teams enlarging human habitable areas for thousands of kilometers within these decades."

"Alright, something is not adding up. I was thought that a dungeon break would happen shortly after one dungeon was destroyed." Said Noah in thought.

"Yes. The reason being is that there is an uncountable amount of evil seeds in the ground all around the place. We don't know how many, where they are and how to find them until a dungeon occurs. However they are unable to grow into the dungeon core because the dungeon core that occurs first prevents others from growing by sucking out the needed mana for their breakthrough. Once the dungeon core is destroyed however, the next closest to breakthrough seed immediately grows into a dungeon core. Because of that instead of decades for a new seed to be planted and nurtured we get at most a few months before a disaster of dungeon break." Explained Tessa.

"Alright. That's understandable. How does that concern you?" Asked Noah.

"Well, you see, Labyrinth is sucking dry the dungeon core, slowly weathering it, by producing magic crystals that we use all over the place. But what would happen once it is finally dry and dies?"

"New dungeon break would occur." Said Noah humping in thought.

"Exactly." Confirmed Tessa nodding. "So how to prevent it?"

"I don't know." Answered Noah.

"There are actually two ways that humanity came up with. First nurture the dungeon core to prolong its life. But it needs evil energy for it. Evil energy that monsters can actually produce as well. Just a miniscule amount compared to what is needed by the core."

"I see. So monsters' families are the ones that nurture cores to prolong their lives?"

"Yes. That is one of the duties we have in exchange for being allowed to live among civilizations."

"Alright, what's the second way?"

"The second way is to find another evil seed in the area close to the Labyrinth and nurture it forcefully to the pseudo core. As other seeds would not be able to breakthrough into the core because of lack of mana in the area, they would always be behind the artificially nurtured seed in the breakthrough process. This will allow us to control where the dungeon occurs next and turn it into the labyrinth before it even breaks."

"That's smart, but I sense a loophole in this method. We can't find evil seeds. If we find any it would be by pure luck." Said Noah in thought.

"Correct. I really like your brain, dear." Said Tessa. "And as you figured, we can't control which seed to nurture, we just nurture the one we find. This however brings us to the situation where the new core will not cover the exact same area that the previous core did. It will allow evil seeds in the area furthest from new core to breakthrough and bring dungeon break. Which is why we need multiple pseudo cores in many areas around the labyrinth. This way we will cover all its areas with new cores in different areas, when the labyrinth is dead."

"I see. And as I understand monsters are also needed for pseudo cores creation?"

"Yes." Said Tessa and put a kiss on his lips with elation. "Dungeon core is nurtured by mana and evil energy. To nurture a pseudo core it needs to be regularly supplied with evil energy. Thus the need for monster houses."

"Hold on, you are telling me monster families live near evil seeds to supply it with evil energy? So there is an evil seed nearby?"

"Not nearby. Under us." Said Tessa patting the floor with her foot. The mansion is standing right above the pseudo core of the dungeon. Once the need for its use occurs, this area will be taken over by the spiritual beast family that can manage labyrinths, while the monster family will go to another seed and nurture it into a new pseudo core. But this core was kept unused for the last century as the labyrinth in the area is successfully being nurtured and kept alive."

"But you do not leave this place. You have only one duty?" Asked Noah.

"Monsters that keep the Labyrinth core alive are called Keepers. The duty to provide nurture for the core thus called the Keepers duty. Monsters that nurture evil seeds into the pseudo core are called Guardians. And their duty is a guardian duty. These two duties differ drastically."

"I see, so the different families perform different duties." Nodded Noah.

"Well, usually yes. These duties are separated, but sometimes the Guardian would have to perform the Keepers duty."

"Only Guardians? Keepers can't do Guardian duty?"

"Correct. Keepers need to provide a massive amount of evil energy. This can be done by either many weak monsters or a few strong monsters. If we lack keepers for some reason, it is enough to capture monsters from other places and force them with different skills to provide evil energy. Keepers are not as highly regarded as Guardians. However Guardian duty is different. Pseudo core is imbued with mana to its fullest already. What it needs is the purity of evil energy. Quality of it. And this needs a very powerful monster. Such as I. Which is very rare. Forcing me to perform such a duty is impossible, I can only cooperate. We are held in high esteem."

"So when you said you stopped performing duties…."

"Yeah I stopped my guardian duty and pseudo core almost turned back to evil seed. Kingdom took action and founded another house close by on another evil seed that was found later. Luckily the one who became that second pseudo core guardian is my best friend - Cassandra. That's why her words in my favor saved my and the girls lives. However, now that there is another pseudo core in this area, so I am basically useless for the kingdom as my loyalty is distrustful. I lost all territories outside the barrier and was no longer a lord of the region. I was left only with this mansion and its immediate area. With no source of income…Well, the result of it, you have seen when you were outside. In decades I lost almost all resources and had to provide for my family with the creation of magic items but this was just barely enough to live." Explained Tessa.

"Now that I am here we will find a way to repair it."

"Oh, Noah. No this is not why I want you here, I am not using you to…"

"Shh." Said Noah, placing a finger on her lips. "I am your mate now. Isn't it a mate's duty to provide for his female?"

Tessa hugged him silently, pressing into his chest and holding him tightly.

"If you continue to be this way I will fall in love, you stupid boy. What are you going to do with a monster following you around everywhere?" Whispered Tessa while hugging him. However, what she felt was that she might have already been lost, falling in love with this strange boy that suddenly appeared at her door just a few hours ago.

"I will smile with the biggest the world, making everyone jealous of my happiness." Said Noah holding her dearly.

"Take me. I want to feel you in me." She whispered back.


"This is the weaving training hall." Said Tessa entering the wide empty hall through the thick double doors. "I made it to teach girls the weaving skill. But Priscilla has almost occupied it as her own room. Bri doesn't come here often. Only when I start to nag that her weaving skill will drop if she doesn't spend time on it." She walked around explaining.

"It's empty." Said Noah entering after her and looking around the huge room that had nothing inside, save for the strange magic circles on the floor and ceiling.

"Yes, silly. As I said it is for….oh. You don't know what weaver skill is?"

"Ok. Now that you said it looks like I am definitely having some misconception regarding it. Could you please explain?"

"The Weaver skill is not just about making spider webs. It is about weaving threads." Said Tessa

"What threads?" 

"All kinds of threads. Threads of magic. Threads of all matter. Threads of space and even time to some degree. I told you that I was providing for myself by making magical items, remember?"

"Umm." Voiced Noah nodding.

"Well weaving space and time is a prerequisite of the creation of space sacks and pocket rings."

"Hold on. You make pocket rings and you aren't able to provide for yourself?"

"It requires a lot of materials, not just skill. Also maintaining a pseudo core and barriers of such power is not cheap. And initial stages that it dropped are also the most costly. Once it is stable it requires just provision of pure evil energy. In the initial stages it has more difficulties. Without Kingdoms help I am bearing these costs myself now. Also Brianna's hobbies aren't cheap."

"Why do you keep doing it if the Kingdom doesn't need it any more?" Asked Noah

"That's the only reason I was allowed to be here. I doubt they would entrust a new core to me. And if I am left with no duty, why would they need me? Someone will soon get an idea that I better be disposed of." Said Tessa sadly. "Maintaining this pseudo core directly saves my own life now. I am struggling to protect myself, not the pseudo core."

Noah did not say anything, but there was a firm look in his face. He won't let this happen. He will find a way to make a safe place that he would be able to take her away to and hide her from the kingdom if something happens to this core. It is now his duty. But the best way to help right now is to find a way to provide money and resources to repair the mansion, barriers and let her nurture the pseudo core to its former power. 

Noah already had thoughts to turn to alchemy with the help of slimes. However the quickly escalating events in Greenville prevented him from taking this path. Now that he is safe under Tessa's protection, he has an opportunity for this.

"A penny for your thoughts." Said Tessa smiling.

"I was thinking about my poison slimes and how they can help me with the alchemy."

"I have one of the biggest alchemy books in my library by the way." Said Tessa with a nonchalant voice but Noah saw a trace of proud smile on her lips. And moved over to kiss her.

"Would it be ok to study them, My Lady?"

"Anything." Said Tessa kissing him back with passion. "No need to ask."

"However, books are not the best thing." She said breaking their kiss suddenly as if remembering something. Then she took his hand and quickly walked out of the room pulling Noah behind her.

Soon they reached another huge double door and Tessa pushed both doors opening view to the large room filled to the brim with all kinds of equipment.

"Ta-daaa." Said Tessa happily.

"Wow" Said Noah

*Ding. Said System.

"This is the workshop." Said Tessa. "Brianna almost lives here crafting her puppets."

*Conditions have been met. Would you like to use skill: Stronger companion?

"Umm, Noah? Is everything ok?" Asked Tessa.

"These puppets over there…" Said Noah pointing at a bunch of human sized dolls

"That's Brianna's hobby. She is infatuated with puppeteering. She sure is talented but I think it's also me pampering her a lot at fault she likes playing with dolls so much. When girls were little, I used all my imagination to entertain them in this closed off space. Puppet theaters were common. I think she fell in love with puppets back then. When she grew up she started to make puppets herself."

Noah looked at the workshop that was separated into many different parts. One part had alchemy laboratory equipment that was mainly used by Tessa to teach her daughters. The other part was full of craft equipment and looked like a war zone, with everything laying in piles and chaotic work order. What caught Noah's attention was the pile of all kind of puppets and their parts that were piling in the corner of that area. There were half done projects and something that looked scrapped. Among them, there were puppets that were clearly done for battle. Armors and sharp weapons adorned their bodies. One of the puppets looked like a prototype of sort and an older version of them. Funny but it is that very puppet Noah had a reaction to.

"This puppet, over there." Said Noah pointing at that prototype human-like puppet. "Would Brianna mind if I used it?"

"Oh that one…" Said Tessa scratching her cheek a bit with a shy expression. "Is actually mine. Made it as a kind of an example for some things Bri did not understand well. I don't think she would mind. Why you need it though?" Asked Tessa.

Noah did not answer her but closed his eyes and accepted the skill offered by the system.

Tessa's eyes grew large from shock the next moment when she felt an energy build up around Noah and then that energy streamed into the puppet they talked about.

A few moments later, Tessa's shock grew levels above still. With a bit of a screech and shudder the puppet started to move while throwing off all kinds of things that were thrown above it over time.

*Woof. Sounded the voice from the puppet a moment later when a human like puppet squatted on the floor as a dog.

"Wolfy?" Asked Noah with surprise.

*Woof. Sounded it's happy voice again.

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