Ugly Bastard

Chapter 62 – Round two

"System! Any battle strategy suggestions?" Asked Noah while two people attacking him discussed their strategy.

*As I suggested before, the only way out is to make them succumb to our horny aura skill. However as we just saw, once they are inside the shadow this skill loses effect. From what I have analyzed, while we stand in the area with no shadows there are only two ways for them to disperse. One: sink into our shadow. Two: sink into each other's shadow. While they hide in shadows they don't have their own shadows, so one of them must appear in the real world for a second one to hide in her shadow. The only way out I see is to somehow separate them from each other and hold them away from each other to not let the sober one drag the horny one into shadow.*

/And try to survive their attacks, while am at it?/

*They are coming!* Said system and Noah saw the person in black attire rushing at him from the forest while the second dot in his minimap had disappeared.

*Remember one dot on minimap means they are inside each other's shadow, two dots means one of them is inside yours.*

Shadow person lunged at him with a knife slashing at his neck with a speed of flash. Noah evaded it thanks to a momentary time stop from the system and parried the knife with his hand clad in dark energy. But before he could do anything more a kick in his gut from her leg made him bend. In the next moment she pushed herself off his body jumping over him and slamming her other leg into his jaw, making him drop to the side. While falling he shot a dark beam at her body that was in mid air. However before the beam reached her another person appeared below her kicking Noah's falling down body and allowing the mid air person to disperse making the dark beam pass through and over the second person's head. 

Noah's body rolled on the ground a few times before he jumped to his legs right before the drop kick landed on the ground where he was just a second ago, cracking the ground from the force in the leg. Noah flashed her with light and the person with the knife reappeared from her shadow while grabbing the first person and making her disappear, exchanging places with her and immediately slashed at Noah, making him barely evade the slash. This time Noah was ready for a follow up kick, blocking it with his black hand. 

Woman felt pain and jumped away trying to exchange places with the second person, however Noah was ready and immediately flashed her shadow. Second person reappeared and before she could drag the woman with the knife away Noah flashed again while jumping toward them. He slammed the second girl full force making her tumble away. But immediately received a stab in a shoulder from a first girl that could not hit him properly on one leg with the second leg hurt from his degenerative touch. Noah turned around to smash his fist in her but she dispersed into his shadow. He grabbed the knife that seemed to suck out his energy from his shoulder and with his black hand and knife degenerated in his hand and healed his shoulder in a process.

Noah immediately looked at the second girl that was thrown away by his slam and saw that she already jumped up from the ground and rushed toward him. He jumped back from her and started to fire dark beams at her to hold her off. She rolled to the left side and just as she stood up she immediately jumped back to the right evading two successive beams. When she was about to rush at him he flashed her stunning her for a split second, but before he could throw a dark energy beam at her, the system screamed BEHIND in his head and slowed time making him turn in time to see the woman appear from his shadow stabbing at him from behind.

Noah managed to turn awkwardly barely enough to prevent a stab in vitals and received her stab while punching at her head with his fist, however even surprised she managed to evade it. At the same time a throwing knife stabbed him in the back. Noah tumbled forward from pain and received a slash to his leg falling to his knee. The second girl at this time reached him and dispersed in his shadow appearing in front of him and smashing her knee in his face. 

He tumbled backward from the force of the hit and if not for his passive skill would have lost consciousness. The moment he dropped to the ground another knife pierced his shoulder.

Whatever he did they were just too agile, too well-coordinated with each other covering each other at every attempt to counter them. While he lay they both exchanged places in a split second and dispersed all effects that his horny aura skill accumulated while they were materialized, then one of them dispersed into shadow of the second one.

The woman with a knife kicked at him but was suddenly grabbed by a hand that flashed like lightning. His body suddenly turned, dragging her by the leg over himself and slamming her into the ground, but before she hit it she dispersed into his shadow. He flashed under himself making two women stumble out of his shadow and roll however before one of them could properly get ready a black fist slammed into her making her fly away. He immediately turned around to punch at the second person coming at him from behind, but she disappeared as if going through his fist and immediately reappeared from his other side rushing to her friend. 

Just as she managed to grab her friend, a blow to her side lifted her from the ground and made her fly, yet a second person jumped out of her shadow and she dispersed in the air.

"What the hell?" He is faster and stronger. Said the person that materialized.

"Look at his eyes." Said the voice from her shadow.

"Huh? Berserk?"

With a loud voice Noah rushed at her with both hands clad in dark energy. However she just jumped back a few meters and waited for him to get close. Just as he was about to reach her, he flashed her with his light, stunning her for split second, but as he was about to slam her with his fist, he suddenly dispersed into shadow and reappeared a few meters away from her while slamming face down into the ground with the second woman sitting on his back stabbing her knife into his shoulder. 

Noah regained his sanity a moment later feeling how his leftover energy was leaving him through the black knife stabbed into him.

"Came around? Boy?" Said the woman sitting on his back. "Did you think berserk skill would help? There's no way a berserker would watch out for the shadows like you did, boy. It's no brainer to point him towards the trees that you so struggled to avoid. And yeah it's not only dispersing our status ailment but yours too. Now that your berserk is gone you feel like shit ain't you. So stop struggling like a good boy and let me scan your memory.

"You want to use mind invasion on him?"


"It will fry his brain."


Noah felt how his transformation skill was losing power and he started to transform back, losing even hope to struggle against them.

"We were not ordered to…"

"Holy Lady ordered us to find out what broke her divination skill. That's what I am going to do. Anyway, look at what he did with the forest. Do you think she would leave him alive? He is no different from a demon. That's what she mistook him for. And did you notice what his status skill does? He was drugging us to become lustful. I bet that's what he's been doing in the town as well. Trying to subdue the people around him with his lust skill. Isn't that what you did, boy?" She said, "I bet that's why that attendant girl suddenly started liking you."

"" barely managed to say Noah.

"And the poison slime?"

"I will steal that skill away once I break his mind and find which skill he used. Holy Lady would not mind as long as we get the skill and complete the mission given to us."

"We can just take him…"

"Fuck this. I am not dragging him around with an A-class bitch on our tail." Said the woman and grabbed Noah's head from behind. Suddenly mana started to flow over her hand and started to seep into his head.

Noah felt head splitting pain as if she was breaking his skull to take out his brain. Inside the mind his system looked as the unfamiliar energy that was seeping into the darkness of the mind realm from the outside world and analyzing with its full power.

/SYSTEM!/ Groaned Noah asking for help but did not get any reply. Noah tried to disappear into the mind realm but felt that black knife was interfering even with that. All he could do was enter his mind realm with his sleep mode.

/System can you do something?/ Said Noah with a trembling voice. His head felt as if there were rats inside his skull gnawing at his brain. He watched as the small fragments of the story worlds that were left in his mind after every story he read shuddered and crumbled.

The huge mountain in the distance cracked in half and started to fall apart. One huge rock fell onto the school building under it. The windows in the building blew out with shards scattering around. The roof caved in and walls crumbled, making the whole building fall to pieces.

System can't help you, Noah. Suddenly said a voice in his head.

It is just a program. It is useless. There is nothing it can do. But we can. If you allow us.

/Who is this?/ Said Noah through force.

It doesn't matter who we are. It is what we can do that matters, Noah.

/What can you do?/

*User, who are you talking to?*

/You don't hear the voice?/ Asked Noah.

Of course not. It is limited in its capability, it's just a tool made for specific use. It is weak, Noah. But we are not. Release us. Give us control and we will show you.

/Release you?/

Yes. Let us free. Give us control and we will get you out of here.

*User what are you doing? Who are you talking to?*

/What do you mean by giving you control?/

*User, I implore you to refrain from taking thoughtless actions! User please explain who you are talking to.*

Just give us control, Noah and we will show you what you are truly capable of. We will show them all that we are not to be messed with. Do you want to survive? Do you want to make them pay? Will you give us control?

Noah watched as his mind realm was shattering under the invasive energy that tore his mind apart.

/System any suggestions./

*I…I…there might be…*

/I see. Yes./ Said Noah as if giving up. /Yes, I give you control./

Black world that was still untouched by the invasive energy suddenly swirled and black tentacles started to form. Next moment they grabbed Noah and started to drag him into darkness away from the invasive energy.

*User, what have you done?* Asked the system's worried voice. Then Noah started to lose consciousness feeling how his thoughts simply flooded with darkness. The last thing he heard before his mind went blank was scream. Horrified scream of the women that were attacking him.

I feel too eggzjawsteed to proof read fellas. I'll do it tamarrawh

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