Ugly Bastard

Chapter 52 – Stolen flower

Absolute darkness with an absolute silence that complemented it creating the tranquility of void and emptiness have suddenly lit up almost blinding Noah.

*User. User! Wake up.* Said system's voice breaking the silence and plunging Noah back to reality.

"Who dares interrupt this grandfather! You court death! I, your father will slap your face to death!"

"User, snap out of it!*

"Huh? Who dares?" Asked Noah.

*User. Get a hold of yourself, you have to stop here or you will be late for the date.*

"Date? What? What date is it? This grandfather cultivated 200 years, which bastard dares…"

*User! This is your system. You are inside the mind realm. You were reading a story."

"Oh…Yeah…system….it was just a story."

*Did you finally snap out of it?*

"Yeah. I think I am okay now. So why did you stop the story?"

*You'll be late for your date with Miss Louriat*

"Huh? What time is it? How long was the story?"

*You've been there all night and day. It's evening now. You will be late if you don't start getting ready?*

"So long? How much of the story is left?"

*You have just read one tenth of the story.*

"God, this story is too long. Did we at least learn a skill from it?"

*The information haul was plentiful but not enough to make a skill yet."

"WHAT? I've been there hundreds of years meditating all this time like an idiot and not even a skill? How many thousands of years do I need to spend there to get anything?"

*Well it did help you to raise the amount of mana and also increased your mana circulation within the body. Within the time you spent meditating in the story the result you got was actually better than the result any mage with the meditation skill would get.*

"I see. Mage's meditation skill is quite useful for their growth, I heard. If you can't meditate well you never get to a higher level. So I guess at least there is some positive result out of this. But damn that story is making me lose the sense of reality with how long it is. I feel like we need to break apart the reading into sessions or I'll go crazy."

*Yes, that would be better. Now you have to get ready.*


"Oooooh! There he is!" Called one of the adventurers when Noah entered the guild hall.

"Guys look who's here! Our hero is back!" Laughed guys with beer in hands at the bar in the far back of the hall.

"Noah! Toast for the guy that saved our asses!" Screamed another guy and people raised the mugs.

"Noah, drink with us!"

"Sorry guys. Not this time. I have something important this evening." Said Noah with a smile.

"Ha-ha look at him go for the beauty guys! I bet he heard that our Miss Louriat was all pretty today and ran to check. He'll be here drinking with us in a moment!" Said one guy making others laugh.

"The hero charm doesn't work on her buddy. Don't bother." Said another adventurer.

Noah walked to the counter ignoring the raucous at the far back of the guild and smiled when he saw Miss Louriat rolling eyes at the man jokes and smiling shyly at Noah.

"Hey." Said Noah.

"Hey." Answered Lina.

"You look gorgeous." 

"Thanks." She answered. "You look quite nice too."

"For the first time right? I thought it would be untasteful to come in as weary state as always."

"Ooh. You weary state had all your charm." Said Lina smiling.

"Alright I'll be weary and sleepless to the next date. So are you ready to go?" Said Noah.

"Yeah. I have already finished for today."

"No, you're not, liar." Muttered Marry at the side looking into documents as if she did not eavesdrop.

Noah smiled but did not comment. 

"Let's go then?"

"Yeah." Said Lina coming out from behind the counter appearing in all her glory in front of him making him stare and actually putting the whole hall to silence broken only by the noise of some guy at the bar falling from the chair from shock.

She stood in front of him on high heels and covered in dark stockings legs peeking from knee length tight fitting black skirt that was in set with her jacket. Her brown hair were spread out but moved away behind her ear from one side showing off her stylish earrings. She has just a bit more make up than usually, yet looked so stunning Noah barely could hild his mouth from opening unconsciously.

"Wow." Said Noah.

"Wow? How wordy of you." Said Lina smiling.

"You look stunning." 

"Yes, I see that you stand there stunned instead of taking me to a nice dinner."

Noah smiled at her jolly fun poking at him, and went up to offer his hand to lead her.

Lina took him by the forearm and they went out in hand out of the building, with the whole guild in silence.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Screamed people finally after they left bringing smiles on Noah's and Lina's faces hearing their screams from outside the building.


"So that's what you meant I might be in danger but not from the guild. I guess I am number one public enemy now?" Asked Noah while they walked.

"Ara, is Mr.Hero scared to take a lady to the dinner because of a few threats?"

"No my lady, no amount of those ruffians would stop me." Said Noah. "But, please stop with the hero name. I feel awkward from it."

"Why? Shy of your own achievements?"

"No. Just, don't feel it well deserved. I did not do much. It was all thanks to my companions. But people may start to think of me higher than I really am. Wouldn't want to disappoint them later."

"Speaking of your companions." Said Lina. "I read the report. These slimes you gave people. There is a huge storm brewing because of that."

"Yeah. I figured it might be. A universal remedy against all poisons. I knew it would bring me trouble, but I figured that saving lives was more important."

"That's very nice to hear. However you should be careful with any information regarding these slimes. I think that even Crown is very interested in this topic now, so you should avoid giving any promises to whoever may come to you in near future until you solve the issue with the Crown."

"Yeah. I understand." Said Noah with a perplexed face.

"Also, you might be put under surveillance and in the lights of this. We can't exclude the possibility of dark society targeting you. Poison is one of their money making way after all."

"So, basically nothing would change." Said Noah and Lina stoped as if rooted while he continued to make a few more steps leisurely. "What? Surprised that I know of guilds surveillance on me?" Asked Noah finally turning around.

"You knew. Why did you confess?"

"It would be stupid to keep denying it. I bet Jake and Rey suspect me already after all what they've seen in the village, pretending I did not know would only make me more suspicious. I am already enough suspicious as I am, right?"

"For a reason." Said Lina watching him in the eyes.

"I don't deny it. But I explained my reason. So would lady be to afraid to go on a dinner with me?"

"Nonsense." Said Lina stepping forward and grabbing his firearm again. "I was looking forward to it too much to turn tail at a slight bit if danger."

"I assure you that there is no threat coming from me, my lady."

Lina did not say anything but just nodded.

"I did not agree to this dinner just for spying on you." Said Lina with a reserved voice looking down.

"I am glad to hear this." Answered Noah 

"Let's change topic. I don't want to discuss guild matters this evening." Said Lina.

"But then I would have to tell about myself don't I? That would basically be the same as draw out an information from me."

"You don't have to if you don't want." Said Lina with a bit of guilt.

"No. I don't mind, if you really would like to know about me. But how much you know as of now?

"Let's say. You were unlucky to meet a person that could see through your fraud identity."

"I see. But guild hushed about it instead of punishing me immediately. So I assume there is a place for negotiation."

"Yes. That's why you were put under survillance."

"Have I proven my good will to the guild yet?"

"You saved our asses this time, Noah. This is without doubt but,..."

"But I am still too suspicious." Finished the phrase for her Noah. "Especially when I appeared just in time for that event to happen. I see how guild could have seen it too much of a coincidence."

"May I ask…just for myself it will stay between us…if you trust me on this." Said Lina.

"Ask my lady."

"Was it a tool or a skill that allowed you to do it?"


"Can it be used for others?"

"I am not sure." Answered Noah.

Lina looked at him from the side.

"I will not lie to you, Lina. I don't know the limits of it. But right now I can only change the information that your scanning device perceive of me. The face alteration is an extension of it too."

"Thank you. For being honest."

"You're welcome, my lady. I hope I earned to know a secrete in exchange though. Where is that you are taking me?"

"Hmm I don't know if it is fair exchange of information. I think I'll hild you in suspense until we reach there." Said Lina smiling.


"Aaaargh, we are finally home." Said Bobby, sighing heavily when they entered the Greenville town.

"Too early to relax. We should report to the guild manager first." Said Jake.

"Can't you do that alone. You're the party leader." Nagged Bobby.

"Stop crying Bobby, we all know you are going with Jake anyway, just to see Miss Louriate." Said Kail.

"I am not!" Denied Bobby.

When they entered the guild hall they noticed the dark atmosphere immediately.

"What's with the gloom here?" Asked Bobby aloud while looking around.

"Bobby? You did not hear? Our Miss Beauty….she…"

"Wha? What happened to Miss Louriat?" Asked Bobby seeing that Lina was not at the counter.

"She was taken, Bobby." Said one of the adventurers and gulp entire mug down in one go.

"Taken? Where?"

"That newbie bastard, Noah. He took her away. Stole our guilds flower from us!"

"What do you mean? What did he do?"

Rey and Jake looked at each other with strange faces. 

"Hey! What happened, say it clearly!" Roared Jake.

"She went on a date. With Noah!" Said another guy and also downed his mug.

Bobby walked to the bar counter and looked at the barmen.

"Pourm me the strongest you have." He said with emotionless face and sat down at the counter with the same dispirited face as others."

Jake, Rey and Kail shook their heads and walked away leaving him to sulk at the bar with others.

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