Ugly Bastard

Chapter 226 – The Idol fan club

“I see. Very interesting.” Said Commander Beatrix, that sat listening to Investigator Lorenz story without interrupting up till the end. “From what you told me this is no doubt a set up. They made a performance just for you. You were an idiot to not notice.”

Investigator Lorenz bowed his head in embarrassment.

“Whether you’ve been misled or allowed yourself to be misled is still waiting to be investigated. What bothers me, is that it still do not give us an answer of what has happened. How they did all that happened is still beyond my understanding. We must be missing some pieces of the puzzle. Tell me everything once again and in more detail.” Said Commander Beatrix, standing up from the chair and starting to walk around the Investigator Lorenz that sat in the center of the room following her every move with his scared eyes.

“Yes.” Muttered Lorenz with a dispirited voice.

“Start from how and where did you hear about the event?”

“I heard about the event one evening when I walked through the red light street. The whole street was literally buzzing with excitement. It was very noticeable. I stopped a random whore and…”

“Khem.” Voiced Commander Beatrix from behind him.

“I…stopped a random prostitute at the side of the street, and asked what was going on.” Corrected himself, Investigator Lorenz.

“She said I must be crazy for not knowing because the whole town was gossiping already. The Seductress was hosting a closed party where all the Madams and Ladies from all the best Brothels in the West Region were invited. The most influential women of the profession were called for a gathering at Madam Irene’s Entertainment Hall.”

"Influential." Said Rona with a smirk.

"Don't underestimate the power of pillow talk, Ron." Said Commander Beatrix. "Men are susceptible to women's pleas and request when they are thoroughly satisfied. And the women invited have best merchants and men of prominent power as their regulars. If only they all whisper the same lie into the ears of their lover, this lie will soon turn to truth simply because of how many men with status and authority would be believing it." Said Commander Beatrix.

"Pillow talk is not this fella's thing. Teacher. His love life never been longer than three minutes." Said the young woman from the side.

"You want to check?" Grumbled Ron staring daggers at her.

“So it was well known news. No one approached you specifically?.” Said Commander Beatrix ignoring her pupils argues.

“No. As I said. Streets were buzzing. Girls on the streets were all excited. This was a chance to get out of the streets and be hired into one of the best brothels in some other towns. You know how there is always one good place in one Town and others for just anyone. Well Madam Irene’s place was full and she did not search for new hires. So there was no career growth so to say in Greenville Town." Explained Lorenz, hearing a smirk from the male Knight.

"But if they could show themselves well, maybe some of the madams’ from another town would like them. Men on the other hand were beyond happy. Even a normal prostitute these days went far and beyond to look good. Expensive cosmetics and hairstyles. New dresses. You could imagine what those who had popularity had been like if even cheap who...prostitutes went out of their way to present themselves. And then new girls also. For those who only thought of start working this was the best time. The streets were filled with beauty and freshness if you know what I mean. The Red Light street has never been this packed with clientele before as in those days.”

“A fucking parade of prostitutes. Can you imagine?” Said the Knight at the door with a glee after a whistle, but quickly shut up after getting another glare from his Commander.

“Seductress?” Asked Commander Beatrix from behind Lorenz.

“That’s what they call Madam Irene on the streets. There is a saying that no man can withstand her charm and those who were lucky to spend the night with her are forever ruined for any other woman.” Said Lorenz.

“I think we need to investigate that.” Said Knight with a smirk. “I’ll volunteer.”

“Idiot.” Muttered the young woman at the table, who held the record of discussion, as she rolled her eyes.

“Are the rumors true? Is she really that good? Have you spent the night with her?” Asked Commander Beatrix with a cold voice from behind him.

“No. I don’t get paid nearly enough to have time with her.” Said Lorenz with a dispirited laugh.

Beatrix raised an eyebrow in surprise. “That expensive?” She asked in disbelief.

“Largest mercenary companies, Highest rank adventurers, best merchants, and nobles alike propose to her almost on a daily basis. They say the reason the town Lord is still single is because of her. With admirers like that you can imagine the price that some of them are willing to pay just to outdo the competitors.” Said Lorenz.

“I don’t get it. If even Nobles ask for her hand, why is she still doing the business? She could live lavishly without the need to be a prostitute.” Said Beatrix rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

“Maybe because she likes it. A slut is a slut.” Said the girl at the table after she took a quick glance at the Knight and the previously cold expression on her face instantly soured with disgust written all over it, as she saw a happy grin on his face.

“I don’t know the reason but she is known as the biggest heartbreaker of the Region if not the Country as a whole, as no one who tried wooing her has ever succeeded. And a lot has tried. They say there is no noble house in the West Region that has no young men who were in love with her still or had his heart broken. But people come to The Great Tree Labyrinth from all over the country so…”

“So the base of admirers must be a lot wider.” Said Commander Beatrix, nodding. “As well as ill-wishers.” She added glancing at the young woman that kept recording with a scrunched face intentionally avoiding her Commander's gaze.

“Yes and no.” Said Investigator Lorenz. “There is lots of jealousy and envy, yes. Many wish to put a knife into her back. But this woman has a way with people. She isn’t just admired by the men. Many women wish to befriend her as well. Some of course have questionable sexual tastes, but mostly normal women as well.”

“Why?” Asked the young woman lifting her head from the paper and glancing at Lorenz sceptically.

“This Madam Irene seems to have an almost magical ability to incline people toward herself. As I heard, no matter how viciously you hate her, after an hour alone with her in the room she’ll become your best friend.” Said Lorenz.

“As if.” Said the young woman with a harumph.  

“There is a well known story about Madam Irene circulating on the streets. A noble woman came to confront her after finding out that her fiance slept with her. She made a scene right at the front door of the brothel, while pulling her guilty looking fiance by the ear. The entire red light street claims to have been a witness to it. She screamed and swore profusely. As the story goes, Madam Irene brought that pair of nobles aside to have a chat. And an hour later the noble woman went away excited and happy, linking her hand with her cheating fiance, while thanking Madam Irene profusely on her way out. Can you imagine it? Thanked the woman that her fiance cheated on her with.”

“Magic?” Asked young woman looking at the Commander Beatrix with a surprised face.

“Maybe.” Said Commander calmly, while gazed up into nothing, with a pondering expression. “Any information on her system?” She asked, glancing at Lorenz a few moments later, starting to walk around once again.

“None. I also thought it may be magic or skill at first. But this is a well renowned matter. If not The Bureau then at least city guards would have investigated. If she was suspected of using mind magic or possessing a skill with mind influence, anyone higher in level than her would easily notice it. I don’t think she’d do something so stupid this openly. And no one has ever reported finding something of the sorts.” Said Lorenz.

“Tara?” Said Commander Beatrix, turning to the young woman.

“Haven’t found any record of her. She hasn’t been circulating in Bureau investigations.” Said the woman after pulling out a strange device with a magical crystal imbedded into it and closing her eyes for a few seconds.

“None?” Asked Commander with squinted eyes. 

“No. Not a word.” Confirmed the young lady.

“That is interesting.” Muttered Beatrix. 

“Why?” Asked Tara raising an eyebrow but the captain just waved her hand dismissing her question.

“Alright. What else can you tell?” Said Commander to Lorenz.

“As I just said, this Madam Irene is a sort of celebrity among commoners. Not only because she is kind to all the girls.on street and loved in general for her kind character. But also because, she, a commoner herself, has been fawned and admired by both men and women of nobility, mingling in their circles as if one of them. A life that many Merchant's wives only dream of.. But if men were just…you know, men, ready to jump on a sweetest flower like bees and measure cocks in their noble manner in hope to attract her attention, for Noble women it is a bit different. 

On many occasions Madam Irene has been invited to parties and luncheons. You know how popularity of people grow when Nobles invite someone interesting to such events at least once. That woman, however, had been invited constantly. She's almost a permanent member of some circles and rumor go even deeper. What people say, is that she is like a Queen Bee while Noble women who are above her in status flock around her, acting like her maids. It's like a fan club. The interesting thing is that members of this circle are always the same.  If governors and politicians gather in so called Gentlemen's clubs. Then this Madam Irene owns something akin to a Women's club, where she's definitely a leader. They may be just ladies, but they are wives, daughters, and mothers of many powerful men.”

“I see. A secret closed off members only club.” Said Commander Beatrix "And if she has influence on them she has influence on their men.”

“Well, I have not found any direct evidence of her ever doing something to influence the politics, but the influence she does have. But mostly on women in town. It is strange to explain, but she is like an idol. If she wears red this week to the club meeting, the noble women of her fan club wear it the next week too. Then their friends and soon all the red is the top selling cloth in the whole town. If Madam Irene has blue lips paint this week, soon her fans will have it, and a bit more later half a town's women would soon be seen painting lips blue. If Madam Irene praises a dish in a restaurant, soon the chef is invited for a luncheon and a few days later the restaurant will be so packed there will not be empty spots even in the most unpopular time of day."

"She has influence on the Merchants." Said Beatrix thoughtfully.

"Indeed. Merchants sometimes would ask her to advertise their products paying her astronomical price, yet it would still pay off with interest. As if women of this town are ready to buy anything that Madam Irene touched. But Madam Irene has a sort of status, a grade a brand to her name so to say. She would not advertise some trash. Would not wear something poorly made. Would not praise something not really suiting her taste. Her praise can't be just bought. And her fans love her for it. Trust her. So her word have a great influence.”

Commander Beatrix stood silently pondering these words and their implication at the side of the room, before walking in front of sitting Investigator Lorenz, gazing down on him.

“Is it only the Greenville town?” She asked with suspicion as worrisome idea creeped into her mind.

“As I said. Noble women. There are only so many nobles in one Town. I found it comical at the beginning too, thinking it was just a group of noble women doing eccentric things from boredom, but when I heard that her fame spread on the outside of town as well, I did a bit of research on just how widely it spreads and was shocked. The number of people in her 'fan club' has such a magnitude that if she was a mob boss, she would hold half a Region in her hands if not the whole Region.”

"How the fuck did we overlook something like that? This woman has serious weight." Said Knight Ron.

“I am at a loss myself. Alright, I now get why her gathering attracted your attention. Why didn't you report all this to the Bureau? That's quite a a serious matter, as and Investigator you should have understood that.” Said Commander. 

“Wanted to find out the whole picture. There was one more rumor that I wanted to confirm before sending my report. There was a word, that Madam Irene did not just hold one Entertainment hall in Greenville town. People gossiped that she was actually the de facto owner of all the best places in other Towns too. I did not find any direct evidence proving it. But the fact that some of her 'Fan Club' members were from other towns kind of spoke for it. So I thought the gathering she had was a good opportunity to find out.” Said Lorenz.

“The whoring monopoly. That's a crime. That’s why prices there are so big.” Said the Knight named Ron, inputting another of his gleeful comments.

“No no. Not all places. Only the best. Those that Nobles and Rich men would go to. The normal whorehouses are all protected by crime bosses and gangs, but they never mess with her places. Her places are protected by nobles that visit it and then Noble ladies that adore her. Mess with her and you get Town Guard on your ass for the rest of your life. Her places are a separate entity from a Red Light district. An independent state in that sphere. Or was so, until recently.”

“What happened?” Asked Beatrix.

“The Vega village incident. Shortly after that a rumor hit the street that she is with the Dark Association. The Guild and Town Hall were forced to detach themselves. Well the Town Lord was still seen visiting the place occasionally still, just not as often. But the Guild and Mercenaries have stopped providing their service to her. They did it as precaution, but even if they never made any accusation for common people this was the same as finding her guilty. Gangsters quickly senses the fresh blood in the water and started to circle her like sharks. Her business in other towns took a hit and she herself lost quite a lot of her status. Many of her fans quickly defected from the club, leaving only the most loyal fans.” Explained Lorenz.

“Have you investigated the rumors about her involvement with the Dark Association?”

“Yeah.” Said Lorenz.

“No shit? You actually did your fucking job? And I got the feeling you only visited whorehouses.” Said Ron leaning at the door. “Oh wait, all you ever investigated actually concerned whorehouse too. Didn't know we have a brothels expert position in Bureau.”

“Envy? Bet you’d gladly apply for position.” Said Tara turning to him with a displeased face. Ron gazed at her with smirk.

"You bet I would." Said Ron.

“Stop it, Ron. You too, Tara” Said Beatrix with a sigh, sensing another brewing quarrel between the two of her pupils. 

Their conduct seemed unprofessional, but the reason they allowed themselves to bicker so openly, was because she wanted them and gave a signal. They did a lot of interrogations to know their rolls well. This bickering allowed her to discharge the atmosphere a bit letting Lorenz a bit.

So far Beatrix has already came to a conclusion regarding the unlucky guy.

For once, Lorenz was a wastrel, but surely not a traitor, so her “hard questioning” method with Ron beating the shit out of the man while she scared him to death has been useless. He had no master or curator, so there was no truth beyond his stupidity to beat out of the unfortunate fella. 

When interrogating a traitor main rule of investigators was to agitate him and scare him enough to spill the secrets and list the perpetrators.

But scared shitless person tended to forget finer details only concentrating on the main ideas.

Now that she needed Lorenz remember the details from a day more than two weeks ago, his scared to the brink of pissing himself state was more hindering than useful.

Her disciples knew their teacher well and quickly understood what she needed. With their light jokes and bickering they allowed to lighten the mood of the Lorenz giving him hope that she would get out of here alive if he cooperated, so it made him recall things more clear-headedly. 

“What did you find?” Asked Beatrix calmly.

“The origin of the rumor is strange. I found no connections, as if someone was just slandering her. But someone with power. Rumors spread wide and fast.” Said Lorenz. “That’s why I felt compelled to get to the gathering. If she was a hidden crime boss, this could be an excuse of sorts. Like gathering all henchmen for a discussion of the future plans and how to get out of situation. If there was any evidence to be found of her having some kind of secret organization or a sect, then it was at that event.” Said Lorenz.

“That's sound logical. But as it was the women's only party, you had to crossdress.” Said Commander Beatrix waving her hand to stop Tara from recording. "That's why you did not report it all from the get go."

“Yeah.” Said Lorenz embarrassedly.

“And no one figured you out? How did you do it? I mean seriously.” Said Ron. "A dude in dress. I would tell you from a mile."

“It's one of my skills.” Said Lorenz, righting his posture on the squeaky chair, clearly uncomfortable from this topic.

“What system do you have?” Asked Commander Beatrix bluntly. Lorenz looked at her hesitating but only saw her raise an eyebrow still waiting for an answer.

“It’s called U-tuber system.” Said Lorenz.

“What does it mean?” Asked Beatrix with a bewildered expression.

“I don’t know. No one knows.” Said Lorenz with a sigh. “Just that it has several strange skills. One of them is named Cosplay. It helps me to blend in when I camouflage. Even when I cross dress it helps me keep looking so natural that people can’t discern whether I am a guy or really a woman.”

“Bullshit.” Said Ron clearly in disbelief. “No way I wouldn’t recognize a guy from a mile away. And how can you not know your system's meaning? You seriously want us to believe that?”

“You’re such an idiot, Ron.” Said Tara.

“Hey. Why am I am idiot? He’s the one that doesn’t know his own system.” Said Ron

“This is the first course lesson, you dimwit. If you listened even just slightly you would know that it is currently believed that systems occurred at the time of the first disaster. It was in the time of the ancient civilisation. All the Profession type systems have been registered at that time. As that civilization was destroyed, many of those professions do not exist in our world, however systems with those professions still reoccur. The fact that it such a strange name means it is somewhat of a rare thing. It could very well be that in the times of Ancient Civilization he would have been a lucky guy with super useful Profession System. But in our times…There are countless such people that have a system that has no use in our world. Investigator Lorenz was lucky his skills were recognized and he found the use for them. Many people has not been lucky, living as the lowest of low.” Said Tara looking at Ron occasionally. “It’s not their fault. But you are an idiot for not knowing it after finishing the Academy.”

“Well. Suck to be them.” Said Rona spreading hands. “I lucked out in life with mine, so why should I care?”

Tara rolled her eyes, turning aways. Talking reason with him was useless.

“Alright. Back to the topic. The gathering of all prominent brothels in the West Region. You infiltrated the venue. What did you see there exactly? Anything suspicious?” Said Beatrix.

“There were more than just Madams of halls and famous prostitutes. There were also Noble ladies that came there in disguises, covering their faces. But even though it's frowned upon in Noble society if a lady of prominent blood is noticed in such a place, they still risked it and attended the show. It was a gathering of the entire Women’s club. The tops of Madam Irene’s fan club were there.”

“Show.” Asked Beatrix “Explain in detail. What was happening? What was said?”

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