Ugly Bastard

Chapter 223 – Vol.4 epilogue

Yeah, another epilogue that doesn't feel like one. But if you read my author notes you should know that I make the divisions more for myself. 🤪 So just bear with it.

Lina’s tired and irritated face was the first thing any adventurer coming to the guild saw that day. It was rare for her to look so tired from early morning, yet none of her colleagues dared to irk her by asking what had happened, even though she clearly heard them whispering behind her back.

*Tsk* voiced Lina, seeming to be irritated even by their meddlesome talk behind her back. 

“Don’t you have anything to do? Mary, is the report on that new species in the north hunting ground ready?” Asked Lina, looking back at her colleagues with a dark gaze. Everyone quickly scurried in different directions as if mice scared by an angry cat.

*Sigh. Lina breathed out heavily with annoyance. As she sat behind the reception desk propping her head with one hand.

That night she barely caught a wink of sleep after the dream that irritated her so much she could not sleep after it. Still…was it really a dream? It felt so real…also that last part of it... She remembered every small detail of the meeting with Noah, except for that last part where he had given something to her, but she seemed to lose that something. She could not help thinking over and over it, feeling somehow wronged from what happened in dream. That feeling of wrongness bothered her so much she could not sleep anymore. Thus her tired and irritated state in the morning.

The sight of that group of tall busty adventurers that registered the previous day, standing at her reception bright in the morning, even earlier than usual adventurers got here, irritated Lina even more. 

“Do you think those damn slimes and gobs will be stolen from you, that you came here so early?” She grumbled in her head in annoyance as she filled the papers, stamping it unnecessarily hard, which gained her a few strange looks from the team of women. 

“This is the forefront of the human realm. The untrodden land infested with monsters is just over the forest. The monsters are inexhaustible here, no matter how much you slay them, for crap sake. Do you need to hurry so much that you get up this early? Can’t you people just get up later and give me a rest.” Thought Lina in her head with irritation.

“Done. You're good to go.” Said Lina, forcing a slight smile that looked more like scowl and the team of women quickly scurried away afraid to irk her even more, not sure why the receptionist was so angry at them. Lina crumbled into the chair once the group was gone, sighing heavily as if she overexerted herself. 

But just as she sat another bunch of early birds rushed in, ready for a fight from early morning. Their fighting spirit was however slightly dampened by the sight of an irritated look in the eyes of receptionist that seemed to be ready tear their heads off.

“Thank you.” Almost whispered the adventurers team leader as the procedure was done. “Have a nice day.”

“It’s already not nice.” Grumbled Lina.

“Damn, is Paula’s grumpiness now contagious?” Whispered adventurers as they walk out of the guild house.

“If even our precious Miss Louriat caught Paula’s bad mood, we must be having an epidemic.”

“Should we call the church to purify this place?” Said another guy.

“Assholes. I can hear you!” Grumbled Lina sitting back down again as adventurers hurried to leave the guild hall.

“Lina, you alright?” Asked her the voice from behind. It seems that her colleagues finally appointed an ambassador of goodwill to come forward and speak with her. As always Mary was an unlucky volunteer that was going to dare turn Lina’s irk on herself. 

"Have't seen you so grumpy since that Ve...khem....incident in the village a few months ago.

“I'm fine. Just didn't sleep well.” Said Lina resting her head on the counter.

“Oh. Good.” Said Mary. Lina glance at her with squinted eyes.

“I mean, we thought something happened. It’s a relief…” Quickly said Mary.

“Nothing happened.” Muttered Lina glancing at her palm. She closed it into a fist and opened it a few times as if hoping something would appear in her palm. “Just….could not sleep well.”

Mary looked at her actions strangely for a few seconds in silence.

“Wanna slack a bit in the office while I tend the reception?” Asked Mary hesitantly, afraid Lina would be angry by the proposal. Lina did not like slackers and as a secretary of Guild master it was her task to uphold discipline.

Lina raised her head from the table and straightened her posture.

“You would?” Asked Lina with enthusiasm instead of anger.

“Sure.” Answered Mary.

“Thanks.” Said Lina standing up from the chair and shuffling her legs to the back office.

This was a first. It may have been the first time Mary saw Lina going to slack off on her shift.

“HEY!” Shouted a voice suddenly, as a man ran into the hall, slamming the door open with a bang. “Big news! Big news, folks!”

“Shut the fuck up.” Grumbled one of the adventurers with a hangover from the second floor, where he just woke from the loud noise. 

“Huh? Who is it?” Asked Lina looking up at the second floor.

“Bryan…” Said Mary.

“Fucking drunkard sleeping in the guild hall again? The Guild should start charging him for it.” Grumbled Lina as she walked into the back room

"His friends left him there as he was too drunk to be moved after they partied their rank promotion yesterday in the guild hall."

This wasn’t a rare occurrence so guild workers just left those drunks be, and did not bother them. Adventurers are considered to be a mean bunch. And grumpy drunk adventurers are a hundred times worse. Safe was to just not touch them.

“Fuck you screamin so loud?” Grumbled the man lifting his head from the table and looking around trying to figure where he was.

“What time is it? Where’s my fucking team, leaving me here alone again. Fuck.” Said the man.

“Bryan, are you still sleeping? Wake up drunken piss pansy. How can you fucking sleep when something like that is going on in the world!” Shouted the man, waving a newspaper in his hand as he ran up the stairs toward the hangover guy. “Look! Fucking world is crumbling while you sleep!”

“Fuck ya talkin about?” Said the adventurer looking around searching if there was anything to wet his parched throat with.

“Margarve O’Sullivan mansion was attacked by the monsters in the middle of the party. Bunch of high nobles died there. Look! Several heirs to the Count Rank families perished last night while you slept here! A Royal Investigator is coming! This is the fall of the O’Sullivan house I tell ya people.” Shouted excited man.

“Oh fuck.” Muttered Lina. “Here goes my rest.” She said as she walked into the office and slumped onto the couch in the back room. Even with two closed doors she could hear a heated discussion of those guys. Soon another bunch of adventurers would come and join their discussion only adding to the noise.

There were always people like this in the adventurers guild. Attention seekers and gossip mongers. They were the first ones to get the news and ran excitedly to share them with the others, explaining everything they just read as if others can’t read.

Well many adventurers indeed could not read as they were uneducated country men. So soon they would start buying the loud guy drinks to make him tell them more and soon he’ll be standing on the table recalling the events from the newspaper as if he was there, witnessing the events himself. And with news this big it most likely would continue the whole day. She could imagine half a town already buzzing after reading the news.

“Fuck. Give me a break.” Muttered Lina as she lay down, closing her eyes with her hand. "Why today of all days?"

Still when he mentioned the Count families, Lina could not help thinking of Noah. She heard of O’Sullivan party before. It was the main topic of everyone's discussion the entire week. Margrave’s only son was having his bachelor party, after that he was said to be making a proposal to young Lady of the De la Cour family. A big event like that was no doubt going to be attended by all the nobles of the surrounding Counties. Even the Adventurers Guild sent their congratulations. Choosing a gift for the occasion was in fact one of Lina’s tasks. As it was just two day’s travel from here it was almost a local event, so their Guild Branch was responsible for showing respect.

But what bothered Lina the most is whether Noah attended this event as well. He was an heir to the local high noble family as well after all. But Noah said he had ended his relations with his family. Although it was before he was noticed at the ball of an even higher noble family than his own. 

“Guess he is going to return to take back his family now that he has a backer.” Muttered Lina.

Then she remembered Noah's troubled face in her dream. 

"He said his people met trouble on the mission. Could he have been involved in the incident as well?" She thought in her head.

As the thoughts of Noah started to swirl in her head Lina grumbled in annoyance as it seemed her brain was not going to let her rest today at all. 


“What’s up with our pretty receptionist today? Did she have a night visitor after all?” Asked Ria as she sat across from her teammate that was silently watching over the reception from the second floor of guild hall.

“No. No visitors…” Said Bernard, the mage of Stormbringer Team.

“I feel there is a ‘but’ though.” Said Ria.

“There was some minute burst of magic in her place. As if space magic started to activate. But it ended so abruptly, for a moment I thought it was just my imagination.” Said the man.

“Someone tried to teleport?” Asked Ria raising an eyebrow.

“More like teleporting a small object but failing.” Answered Bernard.

“The hell?” Said Ria watching as grumpy Miss Louriat exchanged places at the reception with her colleague and went inside the staff room.

“What did you hear from Paula?” Asked the man.

“It was a fucking mess. When she reached the place there was barely a stone on the stone left from the O’Sullivan mansion. Fucking Wraiths everywhere. But…”

“But?” Said the man raising an eyebrow.

“There was something in her voice, when she sent her voice message…She was pissed. Like seriously pissed. The only time I heard her that way, was when she butchered that hobgob noble who kidnapped girls.” 

“O’Sullivan’s are not monsters though.” Whispered the man with a raised eyebrow.

“There are humans that are worse than monsters. You should know that better than me.” Said Ria.

The look on the man’s face changed, taking a dark tint as memories of a distant past flashed in his mind.

“Should have gone there too.” He said with his voice cracking a bit as his fist clenched.

“By the time you’d reached there it all would already be over.” Said Ria sighing as she reclined in her chair. “Even I would only slow grandma down.” It pissed her off when Paula went to fight alone, but last night was an emergency. 

Although Margrave’s territory was two days away from here, for an A-rank adventurer that could shatter a boulder with a leg kick, it would take half a day’s worth of time to reach there at full speed run. That is if Ria was the one to go there. Grandma Paula reached there in just a few hours after an emergency request for her help was sent out. Ria knew she was going to only slow down their team leader so she listened to Paula’s words and stayed back when Granny told her to stay.

“I wonder what pissed her off so much.” Said Ria with a sigh.

“I just hope she will not go ballistic and start killing nobles left and right again. Last time was a close call. She got away from punishment with just a ban from the central region and ten years service at the frontier only because there was a danger of a monster horde outbreak back then and because she had a good friend. But I doubt everyone will close their eyes on her actions again if she starts a mess. Noble’s are a vengeful bunch.”

Ria turned to look at the man with a surprise on her face. Why didn't she think of it. Come to think of it, it was strange Paula told her to stay back rather than going first and letting them come after her. It was strange and irked Ria quite a bit.

“Fuck…you know what? We should go there to check it out.” Said Ria, jumping up from seat.

“Paula asked to…”

“Fuck it. This girl and her noble boytoy is not as important as Grandma to me. I am not sitting here waiting for who knows what."

The man sighed and stood up from his seat. Ria was always too impatient and Paula always pointed it out to her, but she herself was the same. No wonder Ria that held her in such a high esteem never corrected her behavior. 

As Bernard was the most patient one in their team, Paula always asked him to look after the young Ria whenever she wasn’t around. But this time he agreed with the girl's impatient decision. He was worried about Paula too. He was not afraid when Paula went to fight monsters alone, he knew she was a true monster herself, when she fought. In fact she was stronger alone than with them, considering her system. He was more afraid that Paula would make a mess with severe consequences with no one there to stop her from rash decisions.

“Okay, let's go.” Said Bernard.

“Hey! Hey! Sensation fellas!” Screamed another guy suddenly bursting into the guild hall.

“Shut up. We know it already.” Grumbled the hangover guy. “O’Sulivan party, blah blah. Fuck em nobles.

“The fuck you know! That shit is old news you idiots! It’s Paula! She was arrested!”

“What?!” Shouted Ria rushing to the handrail and gazing at the newcomer in anger. “The fuck you just said?”

“Ria! You heard me, Paula was arrested for murder of a High-noble!” 

All shit broke loose in a guild hall killing all hope for Lina that lay in the staff room to have at least a bit of rest. With news like that, she as a Guild's secretary would be busy as no one else now. But no one heard their pretty receptionist swearing loudly in the staff room because of all the clamor in the hall.

“Fuck. I knew it sounded strange when she asked us to stay back.” Said Bernard.

“You think she knew this was going to happen?” Asked Ria with a worried voice.

“Ay. All that situation stank indeed.” Said Bernard.

“She…That meddlesome old bitch left us back to protect us?” Asked Ria with tears in her eyes. 

“Probably.” Said Bernard. “Fuck.”


“Fuck.” Said Lord Belmont walking through the smoking rubble that was left of the mansion belonging to once one of the most influential noble families in this province of the country. 

“Fire destroyed most of the evidence but it’s quite clear what happened here from the statement of witnesses.” Said his guard Knight Frost walking behind Royal Investigator.

“Umm.” Said Lord Belmont curtly just walking through the rubble as he looked around. He didn't search for anything, just wanted to think calmly away from all the noisy nobles that wouldn’t shut up. Now that his people has restricted access to this place, at least here he would not be bothered by all the "so very much important people".

“It must be Dark Associations doing as the wraith mother was involved.” Said Knight Frost.

“Yeah.” Replied Lord Belmont.

“But why? Did the O'Sullivan family cross their path or something? From what we saw here there’s no doubt O’Sullivan has a deep connection with the underworld. War between factions of the underworld?”

“No. If my gut feeling is right, that piece of shit O’Sullivan had good relations with the Dark Association as well.” Said Royal Investigator.

“Then why? In recent years they struggled to infiltrate high-noble society but there he is, a good chance to do it and they just kill him off in such a messy way?” Asked Knight Frost 

“He is a strong willed man. He would never bend his knee. All they could ever achieve with him is have a few illegal dealing at most. No. A man like that would never be their puppet. They want to have their lap dog sitting on his chair. Someone they would be able to command like a slave.” Said Lord Belmont

“You think they have one of the Counts in their pocket?” Asked Knight Frost.

“Probably. We should pay close attention to the candidates that would arise to take over the O’Sullivans spot as a Margrave. There must be a rat working for the Dark Association among them that they would try to fit into the position.”

“But the son of Theodor O’Sullivan is still alive. Won’t the post fall to him?” Asked Sir Frost.

“Normally it should. But this is no normal situation. Even if he was not missing his son would need to hold some power to grab that post, but with what’s coming for their family after this night... No it’s not possible. They are done for. Young William would be lucky if he manages to keep the title of Count at least.”

“Still…Such a loud and messy action. Is the Dark Association getting arrogant? It’s quite obvious what they would try to achieve next. Isn’t that too sloppy of them?” Said Sir Frost.

“Maybe they don’t need to be covert anymore…” Said Lord Belmont.

“What do you mean?” Asked Sir Frost.

“The war is coming and we now know that these bastards are on Demons’ side, so they might know what we don’t know.” Answered Lord Belmont

“When the demons coming?” Said Sir Frost.


“Still. For them to act so openly, isn't it to early. Demons haven't even attacked yet. This feels too hurried of them.”  Said Sir Frost.

“Yeah. Maybe I am too paranoid and they did not plan this far…" Said Lord Belmont rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “or they did… What if they did plan ahead. A lot more ahead.”

“What do you mean, My Lord?”

“Who is the most likely candidate to be the next Margrave?” Said Lord Belmont turning to his knight.

“Hard to tell. O’Sullivans held the title for generations and it all happened so suddenly. Well if it was a few years ago, I’d say Count McDaniels the most likely candidate. But now… There don’t seem to be any particular family more distinguished than others.”

“A long fight between all Counts huh?” Said Lord Belmont thoughtfully. “Maybe that is the plan. Stretch the time as long as possible.”

“What for?” Asked Sir Frost.

“The chaos of war. It will be easier to appoint their person that way. Someone who would never be chosen otherwise…hmmmm. Who is the most miserable piece of shit among Counts in the province at the moment?” Asked Lord Belmont.

“Count De la Cour. But his family is almost ruined. There is no way others approve of his candidature ...oh. I see. The least likely one to be suspected right now. You think he is the one Dark Association would back?"

“Yeah. He'll do anything if they save his miserable ass. And if it wasn’t for you I would not figure it. Good job Sir Frost. Most likely in the closest future we will witness how that wastrel suddenly becomes a genius merchant and manager of a state, rising like a star. By the time war starts, he’ll be a most likely candidate while his opponents would strangely die off. That's what they were planning to do.”

“Well, now that we figured it out, we can stop their plan entirely.” Said Sir Frost.

“Entirely huh? Unfortunately not entirely. We have already lost one battle here." Said Lord Belmont with a heavy sigh.

“Paula Stormbringer. So that’s why they did it so messy. This was their plan? They wanted to involve her?” Said Knight Frost.

“Yeah. And she fell for it like an idiot.” Said Lord Belmont raising his head to look at the man that was almost running in their direction through the still smoking rubble.

“Lord Belmont! Have you caught that atrocious criminal?” Squealed the man with his disgustingly pompous voice.

“This is the doing of an entire organization, Marquise Gertholf. It is unreasonably high demand to ask for their capture so quickly. The investigation has just began.” Said Lord Belmont calmly.

“What? Oh, I am not speaking of this unfortunate accident befalling O'Sullivans! That despicable scum, Paula Stormbringer! How dare she attack and kill a noble of such an outstanding family like O’Sullivan?! I will not tolerate something like this in my state! I want that traitor executed immediately!”

Lord Belmont and Sir Frost exchanged silent gazes.

“You should have thought of consequences when you demanded the Berserkers help. Didn’t your parents teach you that a Djinn can’t be put back into a bottle once you release it?” Said Lord Belmont without a care.

“What? How can you be so frivolous in the face of such a preposterous incident!? She killed a Count! A Margrave of my State! She was called here for help but turned on the very people she was supposed to help! Even if her system is Berserk she is more like a rabid animal biting at the hand that feeds her. We must dispose of her immediately."

"Hand that feeds her? If she heard it you'd be walking without hands." Muttered Lord Belmont.


"I said, she will be tried once we have finished the investigation. As for the outstanding family of O’Sullivan, they are accused of breaking Royal Decree and treason, breaking Decree of White Tower and performing slavery, punishable by death. Committing multiple murder and torture of innocent people. Hardly worthy of your high regard, don’t you think so Marquise Gertholf?” Said Lord Belmont. “Unless you support these crimes, that is.”

“I…I…I will make a complaint to the Royal Chancellery regarding the methods of your investigation, Lord Belmont! It seems you are too prejudiced. I know of your relations with that despicable woman and what role you played in protecting her the last time she comited a similar crime. The Royal family should have never listened to you and executed her back then! I’ll make you regret it! I will be recommending stripping you of the title of Royal Investigator!” Said Marquise with a pissed off face as he quickly stomped away.

“Why is he so overprotective of the O’Sullivans? I heard he was on knives with dead Margrave.” Said Sir Frost that stood silent while Lord Belmont and Marquise Gertholf were speaking to each other. He had no status to speak up in the presence of such a high ranked noble.

“It’s not O’Sullivans that he is concerned about. If any, he is the one most happy that this shit happened to the O’Sullivans. Margrave and Marquise of the State always oppose each other. And O’Sullivans had high status among local Counts capable of riling Counts against him. Whoever becomes the next Margrave will no doubt be a lot less powerful. He lost a great adversary, so it plays into Marquise' hand the most.” Said Lord Belmont.

“Why’s he so angry then? Should have carried Paula in his hands and kissed the land she walked on for what she did.”

“He was the one requesting her assistance last night. Even if he had spies in every corner of the province, there is no way he would be able to react so efficiently that she came here so promptly. I bet Paula was called here before the shit even hit the fan.” Said Lord Belmont with a dark face as he gazed at the back of the retreating Noble.

“He was in on the plan? Dark Association reach extends so far?” Asked with surprise, Sir Frost.

“I hope he just has deals in the underworld and helped them because it was to his own benefit. One time favor. But if they even have Marquises in their pocket now, we might very well be fucked already if the Demons appear tomorrow.


“Miss me already, sir Royal Investigator?” Said Paula sitting in the cell within the Lord Belmont's private flying ship, bound in chains that sparkled from the multitude of enchantments within them. These chains were made specially to bound high leveled individuals and could bound even someone of the Archduke's level.

“Fuck you, Paula. How could you be so fucking stupid?” Said Lord Belmont standing in front of her cell gazing at her with an angry look in his eyes. “They baited you and you fell for it like a dumb mutt you are. No one gives a fuck about that piece of shit O’Sullivan. They wanted to get rid of you. That’s what all this show was about. You! You old dumb bitch.” 

“Too much attention for me don’t you think? And I never even crossed paths with that Dark Association of yours. Never heard of fuckers until you told about em.” Said Paula with a calm face while sitting on the floor, supporting her back on the wall.

“It could be a preventive move. They may be planning something big and you were a thorn in their ass."

“But now you know all who are involved in it. Just arrest or kill them all. They all traitors.” Said Paula.

Lord Belmont sighed heavily.

“It’s not so easy. They may not be involved with Dark Association enough that I could prove it. They may have just helped out this time simply because every damn noble hates you to the bone, yet could not do shit to you for decades. You been a fucking thorn in the noble's side for decades. They'd pay to have a chance of fucking you over. You should have thought of it when they suddenly beg for your intervention all of a sudden."

"Well, I did think. That's why I came alone. But we've been here before. 

"You’ve been like a Godmother to all A-class adventures of this country. Going against you without an excuse is the same as going against the whole guild. No one dared to do it when you act was justifiable. But now…”

“You're telling me this was not justifiable? Have tou looked in the basement yet, Belmont?”

“You executed a fucking Margrave and his right hand man right in front of the crowd of nobles! A slap to the nobility's face they would never forgive!”

“He was killing innocent people right in front of my eyes! All those innocent girls that witnessed the atrocities that happened here tonight. If I did not stop him, he’d kill them all and then all those noble fuckers would have took his side claiming to have witnessed nothing. I saved your fucking investigation and brought justice to the wicked.” Said Paula. “Now stop wasting time, go interrogate all the women that survived and kill every motherfucker that is involved in the shit that happened here.”

“This will not help you in any way. Even if your act was justifiable, you are now a menace to the whole noble society. Even if Marquise hated O’Sullivan, even if this is exactly what the Dark Association wants them to do, even if you are the official teacher of God Damn Hero, and even if a war with Demons is brewing and we need every damn A-class adventurer as never before, they will not allow this to be hushed. This is not like the last time. This time noble society will force you to bear the consequences. How could you be so damn, idiotic? Fuck.” Kept swearing Lord Belmont.

“Would you stand by and do nothing in my place? Just swallow it and let them kill all these women and servants. There were less people killed by fucking wraiths than by the hands of scared nobles trying to hide their dirty deed this night! Who was more monstrous here? How could they call themselves nobles after committing something like this. Would you just look at all these atrocities and keep silent if you were in my place, Din?”

"THAT'S NOT YOU FUCKING JOB, TO TRIAL THEM OR PUNISH! Why do you think I exist?!" Shouted Lord Belmont.

"You could have bound them, confined them, broke their fucking limbs for fuck sake, but left them alive until I FUCKING COME AND KILL THEM MYSELF!"

A minute passed in silence as they both gazed at each other in anger until they calmed down enough to continue the talk.

“Fuck you. Fuck you and your High-nobles that think they are above everyone!” Said Paula. “If I die, so be it. I don’t regret killing that motherfucker.”

“Above everyone…” muttered Lord Belmont, rubbing his chin thoughtfully and ignoring Paula's swearing.

“Unless you had a backer above everyone…” He said looking up at Paula with that strange look, that she knew over the years of knowing him he would have whenever a “brilliant” idea sparked in his mind. Or at least he thought it brilliant.

“Don't be stupid. Who would back me, going against a Marquise of the province? Even a Duke would think twice in this situation, lest he wants all Marquise's in his Dukedom to turn on him like a vengeful wife that caught her husband cheating.” Said Paula.

“Yeah. We need someone higher….”

“You are seriously thinking up ways to get me out of this sticky situation? What would your Royalty say to that Belmont? Sounds like you are trying to manipulate the investigation.” Said Paula.

“What are you saying? The investigation is still ongoing. We might find interesting facts by the end of it. How would that be manipulation?” Said Lord Belmont with a smirk.

“Yeah, like what? A sudden decree from an Archduke of the West Region, stating that I, a commoner, am allowed to execute a noble of Counts rank in his name, within his entire West Region? Are you delusional? Why would he agree to it?”

“I happened to know what might interest him, and it so happens that I also overheard several interesting reports from the Adventurers guild recently, the ones you were sent to investigate by the way.” Said Lord Belmont.

“You mean that hearsay about something big going on in Dryad house?” Asked Paula.

“Yeah. If some of the suspicions are true, and we play it right, we may be able to save this old stupid idiotic ass of yours from capital punishment. So tell me everything you heard and saw there. All the rumors. All the strange things and happening over the last few years.” Said Belmont.

Paula looked at him with a raised eyebrow for a moment, before sighing and started saying what she knew.

“Hold on, hold on. Dryads were sent just to stand guard when you trained that Tamer boy?” 

“Yeah. I found it strange but could not figure out the reason for their over exaggerated interest in him. I thought that they just reacted badly to the Tamer coming to their forest. We all know how monsters and spirit beasts react to them. But even for the hate of Tamers that reaction seemed a bit over the top.” Said Paula.

“And you are saying you found traces of him in Labyrinth Town recently? Just after the rumors in the Labyrinth began? That is quite an interesting coincidence.”

“Yeah but we didn’t really find him. Just a trace. I left my team to look after his girlfriend in the town but he didn't show up at her place. You think Noah is somehow connected with the rumors?” Asked Paula.

“Wait, what?” Said Lord Belmont. “Girlfriend?”

“The cute receptionist in our Branch Guild hall. They have some relationships. You investigated him, didn't you? How could you not know?”

“Oh, you mean Miss Louriat. The one he asked out on a date that one time? There was hardly any relationship worth mentioning though. Why do you call her his girlfriend…”

Paula looked at him with squinted eyes.

“You always were an idiot when it concerned relationships. That’s why you are still single.” Said Paula.

“Oh, I see. That’s one of those "women's intuition" moments eh? Sorry I don’t have it. You know…being a man and all that.” Said Lord Belmont with a smirk.

“Huuuh.” Breathed out Paula. “You can be such an idiot sometimes. Even if they barely knew each other from the looks of it, there was a deeper relationship there, I am sure of it.” Said Paula. She watched the girl carefully since Noah’s disappearance and was sure there was more to their relationship than everyone knew. “But you did not answer my question. Why do you think he knows something?”

“Well. I am quite sure that Noah knows more than we do about the situation in the Dryad family. Considering a bunch of Dryads serving as maids in his home.”

“The what?” Asked Paula. “Hold on. His home? What do you mean? I never heard about him returning home.”

“Yeah well…Not his family’s home. I mean the place he stays at. We were keeping a close eye on him. So we know where to find him.”

“You knew where he was this whole time and did not tell me? Wait, when we were drinking last time and I begged you to help me out with finding him, you already knew where he was and did not tell me?” Asked Paula.

“I am a Royal Investigator. I can’t go around telling everyone state secrets.”

Paula jerked forward with such a force that chains bounding her shook the whole cell, making the walls of the ship make an ugly creaking noise. Lord Belmont jumped on the spot from fright and took a few steps back from the cell.

“Chill out. Would you.” Said Lord Belmont, a drop of cold sweat running down his back.

“Motherfucker.” Said Paula. “I’ll remember that Din, I even took out my precious three decades old scotch that time. You son of a...”

“I think I heard my subordinates calling me. I need to go.” Said Lord Belmont hurriedly scurrying away.

“Din! DINNAY BELMONT! You sleazy old bastard! Get back here! Return me my precious scotch you motherfucker!” Shouted Paula shaking with anger in her chains.

If you reached up to here, go put a 5⭐ rate for me. My rate is dropping 🥲.  Also too tired to proof read much. Do it tomorrow. Bye.  zzzZzzz 😴

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