Ugly Bastard

Chapter 116 – The start of the first adventure

I basically wrote this chapter standing in the line in a overcrowded mall, where "Express Kassa's" for self service did not work. Yeah express service is so not my country it seems. I really thought I would age and die of dementia while standing that line....fucking hell.

 Noah rolled his eyes at the swearing Lilly, washing her mouth with water after taking out a flask from her pocket ring.

"It can absorb all harmful things and it's a slime that digests everything it touches. It is a lot cleaner than your mouth, you know?" Said Noah looking at the spitting to the ground young woman.

"Go to hell! I am not putting it in my mouth." Snapped back at him Lilly.

"You can feel the effect of it, right? You don't slur your words anymore and the numbness in your tongue from potion intoxication is gone." Said Noah.

"Lilly, " Said Samantha. "He is right. It is effective and we need all the time we can get to help Dany."

Lilly looked at her sister with miserable eyes for a few moments, but Samantha's gaze was firm, making her sister waver. Lilly sighed, closing her eyes and placing the slime back into her mouth.

After that Noah took out a few stamina potions and gave them to Kate and Samantha. 

"Restore your strength and use slime too if you feel aftereffects as well." He said as the two women took the small bottles.

"Thanks…" Muttered Samantha barely audibly. They traveled on the borrowed money and the potions they had were used up in this fight. But without them, in their current state, recovery would take too long.

Noah nodded silently and turned to Brianna looking her over, hoping no one would mention that it was him robbing them of all their possessions. If she figured he went to brothel where he slept with her that night, wanting to buy a girl for a night with the money he stole from her, there was no doubt she was going to stab him. It was better to quickly change the topic.

"Bri, I just spoke to you Mom. It looks like our connection is back. They more or less resolved the situation there to a degree, but Tessa says we better stay away until she get back home. And it looks like that Theron guy left the house together with his cronies soon after us, so it's not possible to question him."

"I see. Mother is safe then. I am glad." Answered Brianna nodding with a relieved face.

"What are you going to do? Go back or stay? I am afraid the dress is not good for travel." Said Noah to the elegant girl while Samantha covertly looked between them slowly drinking the potion.

Brianna looked down at herself and thought for a second with her usual thoughtful pose of crossing hands and tapping at her lip with a finger. 

"You promised to take me on an adventure right?" A moment later she smiled at him with a coy smile. "And it looks like this is going to be an intriguing one. Just what I wanted for my first adventure. I am IN!" She added, raising her fist and suddenly spider legs came out of her back. With quick motions they started to circle around her, while she moved the fingers of her outstretched hands in strange patterns. 

The ball dress Brianna wore started to quickly change, right on her body and in just a few minutes, she turned it into a battle dress similar to Lilly's clerical raiment, only having lace and ruffles in some spots making it more elegant and beautiful.

The three women standing behind Noah, stood with their mouths agape after seeing the scene.

Noah looked her over again from feet to her shoulders with a strange look in his face.

"I know it looks too plain. It's just that I am not as good as Mother and Cil." Said Brianna with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"No, you look very…" Started to say Noah.

"What the hell was that? What are you?" Exclaimed Lilly, interrupting them.

"Brianna is an Arachna, the highest order of Spider monster species and also my mate." Said Noah taking Brianna's hand, making her smile sheepishly.

"Monster?" Asked Kate. "Why the hell there are so many monsters casually chatting with humans today. What's going on?"

Noah sighed looking at Brianna with a smile and saw her shrug with the same expression. Then turned to the three surprised women. 

"This is a secret information in our world. But basically, on very rare occasions, monsters can awaken sentience equal to humans. And some of them got Kingdoms permission to live among humans. Brianna is one of such monsters. As well as those three." Explained Noah, pointing at the corpse of the werewolf.

"How can no one know of it?" Asked Kate. "And why the hell would the Kingdom allow that? Does the Church know of this too?" Poured questions Kate.

"It's a long story." Said Noah. "Well, basically, among humans would mingle only those monsters who can turn into human forms and would not be recognized as monsters. It's possible because the information about it is forcefully suppressed and only circulated amongst the high nobles. Commoners and even low level nobles with acquired titles such as: Knight's, Baronets, Barons, Burgraffs and Viscounts have no access to this information unless they are somehow connected in dealing with the monster households. And yeah church is on this deal as well of course." 

"Households? Monsters live like Nobles?" Asked Lilly.

"Some of them, yes. Brianna here has a higher title than me even. Her mother is a Duchess, while I am just a Count." Said Noah.

"Count…" muttered Samantha silently lowering her eyes, staring into the ground.

"Are you also his mate?" Asked Brianna, turning to Samantha, surprising Noah.

Samantha lifted her head with a startle, glancing momentarily at Noah before looking back to Brianna.

"Umm…that is….we…" She started to suddenly stutter not sure what to answer.

"Bri, our relationship is a bit complicated to discuss now. But in the past I hurt these women very much…"

"You mean the rape in the forest? Yeah, Ugy told me while we were watching the fight. You lost control back then so it was not on purpose. And you two still like each other, right?" Said Brianna looking into Samantha's eyes who hid her eyes staring to the ground with a gawky expression.

"Bri, this is a bit..." Started to say Noah.

"Noah, if you did not like her you would not rush here to help in the middle of an important situation we were in back there." Said Brianna and Samantha looked at him with a bashful face for a moment before hiding her face from him again.

"Bri, let it go. This was before we met and…I now have you all…" Started to say Noah.

"We don't mind, you know?" Brianna interrupted him, while turning to look at Samantha. "We don't mind him having mates of other species. And he is a strong mate. He can please more mates than us three." 

"Three?" Asked Samantha with a questioning look in bewilderment.

"Our household. Me, my sister and mother. Noah is a mate to all of us." Said Brianna.

"The fuck?" Swore Lilly. "You really are some kind of sex fiend! Her mother? Seriously?"

"Bri. Can we not discuss this?" Groaned Noah.

"Girl, how old do you think I am?" Asked Brianna measuring Lilly with frown in her face. "We monsters don't age as you humans. I am older than your grandmother. What difference is there between me and my mother when neither of us will ever look old as you humans do? And mates like Noah that can be compatible are not common. We have no freedom to go around choosing to mate with whoever we wish, like you."

Lilly crossed her hands, meeting Brianna's firm gaze with a strange look in her face, clearly wanting to say something while searching for words.

"Lilly, stop it." Said Samantha, turning to her sister. "Lady Brianna, I am a commoner…."

"Noah's mother was a commoner." Said Brianna, interrupting her, making Samantha look up with surprise. 

"You humans dwell on these statuses you implemented in your society, stealing that concept from the monsters without really knowing the true meaning of it for us monsters. But there is no real difference between you humans that would separate you from higher and lower beings unlike us. You all are born equal. Your titles are just made up things with no depth to them. Basically, it is simply someone else telling you that he or you is not worthy of each other. If someone would have told me that Noah is not worthy of me, because of some idiotic noble title you humans give each other, I would have torn that person to pieces and fed him to my kin as fodder." Said Brianna gazing at Samantha that gulped and turned her eyes away with an uncomfortable expression.

"Bri, enough. This is between us." Said Noah, deciding to stop Brianna as this was not a time and place to have such discussions.

"I said everything I wanted." Said Brianna smiling at him and kissing his cheek, before turning away and walking toward the battle golem. "Wolfy! Let's change your clothes. Butler's get-up is not suitable for travel and we are going to have an adventure soon." She said with a happy voice, starting to weave new clothes for battle golem.

Samantha gazed at Noah biting her lip, but the moment he turned to her she quickly moved her eyes away.

"Come here girls." Said Samantha to her friend and sister. "Let's sit down over there to rest for a bit for potions to have the best effects." She said hurriedly, pulling her teammates to the side where she saw a few tree stumps.

"Sam, you ok?" Whispered Kate when they walked away from Noah.

"Umm" Voiced Samantha quietly with a dejected look on her face. She could not express what she felt at the moment. She barely could grasp everything that was revealed in such a short time. However, the most important right now for her was to save Dany. Her feelings could wait.

Noah looked at their backs with an unreadable expression on his face while Lilly stared daggers at him over her shoulder while Kate and Samantha helped her to walk. He smiled with a depressing smile and shook his head putting his thoughts away for the moment. This matter could wait.

"Bri, could you do something about my dress code too?" Asked Noah, turning to his mate that was making something akin to a traveler's clothes for the battle golem with a cape that could hide his appearance well, making him look no different from a normal person from the side, even if a bit suspicious looking one.

"Why? You look good, love. So gentlemanly." Said Brianna looking at him with a cunning smile. Then she came over to him, placing a hand on his chest, rubbing him with coy eyes. 

"You should have seen those guys faces when a monster in a classy noble's clothes bashed their heads against the ground, while having a huge bulge between his legs. I don't know what they were more afraid of, being beaten with your fists or that you take that stick out of your pants that you've been hiding there." She whispered seeing how Noah's face started to flush so hard he almost looked like a tomato, making her laugh aloud.

Noah kind of gotten used to his system's crazy skills, so he forgot the side effect of his 'Ugly Bastard Transformation'. The one where he had a huge boner for the entire duration of the skill.

"Oh, my first adventure is going to be so fun." Said Brianna smiling at him. "I am so excited."

/Fuck, if the start of this adventure is already this embarrassing. What's waiting ahead?/ Thought Noah.


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