Ugly Bastard

Chapter 110 – Painful plan

"Um, um." Voiced Brianna, sitting on the couch and nodding her head while listening to Ugy's short summary of the plan. "Very interesting. I do have one question though." She said after Ugy ended his speech. "You two boys do realize I am sitting here while you discuss how to make my beloved aunt your bitch?" She asked with her hands crossed and her finger tapping at her lips.

"Oh." Said Ugy as if just remembering something important, turning from the TV and looking at two spider ladies sitting on the couch. One of them sat with a serious face while the other barely held herself from blowing up with laughter.

"Ummm. Sorry, Bri." Sounded Noah's voice from the TV. "I kind of actually forgot. I was a bit too overwhelmed here. What do you think I should do?"

"Well, aunt Cassandra really was kind of a bitch today." Said Brianna with a sigh. "I mean, what the hell? She is trying to kill our mate! She really asked for it. But after hearing Ugy's list of the benefits she gets, I kind of feel no remorse at all. Hell if she was here right now she would have asked to be your bitch herself."

Yuko glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean, metaphorically speaking." Said Brianna flushing red. "In other words, I approve. To tell you truth I am bothered more by the price Noah will pay. Will you be ok?"

"I will manage." Said Noah trying to not seem bothered.

"Alright if you are sure. But…" She said with a thoughtful voice. "This plan greatly depends on the fact that she is Gorean. I actually never heard my aunt or our mother ever mentioning something like that. What if you are wrong about that, Ugy?" Asked Brianna

"Sensible remark." Said Noah.

"Agree." Said Yuko.

Plush bear rolled his eyes as if they offended him with these words. "I am right. We have no time to listen to my explanation, but fine… Go say something to her in Gorean. If she understands, that should be proof enough."

Yuko and Brianna shrugged. 

"Fine." Said Noah.

"Alright, user. Once the time starts to run again, repeat after me." Said Ugy.


Cassandra was so angry, she forgot her own plan. She of course did not dare kill or maim that man until she got proof of him taming her friend. She needed him to confess. She thought that when he is forced into the corner and recognized that there is no one to protect him, he would beg her for his life while confessing his crimes. She would kill him then without hesitation. But without confession, there were too many weak points in the theory of him being a tamer at all. If she harmed him and it turned out she was wrong, just as Tessa told her when she left, she and her nieces would never forgive her. No matter how much the presence of this man in her friend's family disturbed her, the fact that he saved Priscilla's and Brianna's lives could not be ignored.

The fact that he actually helped the girls to cross a stage was speaking in his favor greatly. No matter how good a tamer was at influencing monsters' minds, there was no way they could cheat the gene recognition organ of Arachna. 

On the other hand, there was a disturbing feeling of this being too unnatural. Every Arachna seeks in her mate something special that she desires. Being suitable to multiple partners is a rare occurrence even for the spider kin. This human on the other hand was recognized as worthy kin by all three of them. This reeked of a skill. A skill that cheated the physiological defense of their bodies. 

However, finding out his strong mental barrier that could resist her hypnosis agitated her emotions. This spoke loudly of him being a tamer, so she lost her calm. In her fury, she went further than she planned in harming him.

Her hand started to squeeze his manhood to rip it out and make him feel the pain and shame she wanted to inflict on him at the moment. However the next moment he opened his mouth saying something that made her stop as if rooted in place. His words did not find their way into her brain quickly enough for their meaning to down on her so at first they simply startled her into stall. She stood blinking a few moments, so surprised she forgot what she was doing here.

Only after a few seconds of silence did the words he uttered and their meaning finally dawn on her. In her confused state, she let go of his crotch looking at him with a bewildered face.

"You speak Gorean?" She muttered unconsciously. How long has it been since she last heard her native language? How long since she last remembered her birth country? The ancient country of Gor. It was gone so long ago, there was barely any mention of it left in the oldest chronicles that humans had. Barely scraps of word about it here and there. How did he say it in such clear language….Tell her 'To take a sitting slave pose and be ready to beg as he will soon claim her as his slavegirl'? 

"The fuck did you just say to me?!" She roared with a fury even higher than before 

/See she reacted just as expected. Now, do I have your approval to proceed?/ Asked Ugy.

/Yes./ Said Noah looking into the eyes of a furious monster. He did not know what he just said. But knowing Ugy, it definitely wasn't something like 'The weather is nice today' or 'Your eyes are beautiful'.


*You have leveled up.*


*You have leveled up.*

/Clench your teeth, user. This will hurt./

Sounded two consecutive announcements in Noah's head, followed by Ugy's words.

I hate this system.  Thought Noah clenching his teeth.


Once Noah gave his approval and unlocked all the functions that he banned system from in his last fit of anger at being manipulated, Ugy acted with lightning speed.

First, he needed to unlock one specific side effect of their Level Up.

At the first Level, Noah could "See" the information that the people in Comment Section shared. At his second level, he opened the function to "Hear" the information shared in Comment Section. The third level gave him the ability to get information of "Smell". 

Following this logic, the system theorized that at least five first levels should all have something to do with the "Five Basic Senses" of humans. Namely: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, and Touch. What the System aimed at right now was the sense of Touch or specifically the ability to feel. However, they could not predict which sense would open at the next level and had no time to check. So they decided to binge level up, instead of doing it gradually as they intended to do it before.

There was of course enough 'Evolution Energy' for that. Noah did not want to admit it, but his actions in the last month were very much in accordance with the rules of his system, gaining enough EE to level up a few times. 

The first few level-ups showed him that violating nature and people, as well as degenerating, corrupting, and defiling everything around him were the prerequisites of his EE accumulation. Well, from the looks of it breaking into the territory of a lonely ancient monster lady and a single mother in the middle of the night, fucking her silly, then banging her daughters in front of her, mind-breaking all three of them, and turning them into bisexual orgy loving family, fit that criteria quite well. So with his last month's daily activity, EE flowed with abundance.

Which made Noah frown with displeasure at the fairness of it. After all, it did not take into account the circumstances and emotional aspects behind his actions. It sure looked like he was a perverted psycho sex fiend desiring to defile and corrupt this family if you judge by the actions alone. That however was not his driving motive at all. All he did was try to help them and well, they were not opposed to it. But sometimes he wondered if that's what all the perverted psycho sex fiends told standing in the court: I was helping them; They even liked it. But then he would scream at himself. No, no definitely not! He was not like that!

Well, at least he wasn't until now. This time he definitely was doing it with exactly that purpose in mind. He was going to corrupt, defile, and degrade. And do it of his own free will and mental sobriety. Something he would never even thought of doing a few months ago. This system… really turned him for the worse. Why would God play such a trick on him?

After a quick level-up, before Noah could even check the new perks brought by the system advance, Ugy moved to the second stage of the plan. Time was of the essence, as they were but a split moment away from being shredded to pieces by enraged ancient high noble vampire overprotective sister and aunt of Noah's mates.

The screen of the Comment Section opened and with a flash-like motion scrolled down for a few moments, skipping weeks of discussions among commenters in a split moment. The scrolling stopped at the area where Noah noticed a whole bunch of blurred pictures filtered by his system to prevent this, as the CS users called it 'Wave' from influencing his mind.

It started with an innocent dialog of two people expressing their displeasure toward some specific topic, which Noah did not manage to read through before the system moved the lines upward starting to unblock the next posts of the commenters. What he did notice was that one of them said 'What a pain in the ass it was', which looked like triggered a reaction from one of the commenters that did not even taken part in the discussion before.

/Pain?/ He wrote replying to their discussion all of a sudden. /You all don't know the true meaning of Pain!/ Was written in his text, but under that text was a picture of a strange man with piercing all over his face and strange purple eyes with circles in their pupils. There was an ominous text written over that picture. /THIS WORLD SHALL KNOW PAIN/

People in comment quickly reacted to that screaming in panic and ordering admin to quickly ban that guy clearly understanding what was coming for them.

The picture with texts like "Oh shit, Let's get out of here!" and "It's coming!" Streamed one after another.

No matter how they pleaded to 'STAHP' the madman, nothing helped. A short time after the Picture wave began.

Picture after picture started to flood the Comment Section as that user spammed with no delay. Pictures of true horror.

There was a picture of a man's leg with a needle put under his toenail and then he smashed that leg against the wall. To drive that needle deep under his toenail.

There was a picture of a bee sitting on a person's eye biting him in a pupil.

There was a picture of a person holding living cancer near his genitals and that cancer snapped them with its pincers.

There was a picture of a guy standing with legs apart and someone slamming into his treasures with a full-force football kick.

There was a picture of a hand with a burr on the finger that was pulled so hard that skin from the nail to the forearm was torn off in a straight line.

There was a picture of a man with skin torn off from his palm, putting that hand into salt.

There was a picture of the toe hitting against a corner of the wall full force, definitely breaking it to pieces.

A picture of a person that stretched out his tongue from his mouth and then another person hitting his lower jaw, making him bite his tongue.

A picture of a man grinding at his teeth with a rough file. Half his teeth were already ground to dust

A picture of a person that tore out a corner of his own teeth with pliers and then bit into ice cream.

Picture of a hammer slamming full force onto the finger.

All kinds of pictures that made you feel the pain just from looking at them streamed into the CS, making people scream in agony in comments and slamming Mark as Spam buttons as mad. Questioning him why he does this to them and what kind of monster is he to make them see this. Pictures of flushing themselves with holy water or outright poking themselves in the eyes streamed in replies. But it did not help to keep that madman from posting and posting. Dozens of pain-inducing pictures streamed into CS.

As all this streamed into the CS and Noah's mind through his connection with it unfiltered by his system and with his newly acquired ability to 'Feel' everything that was posted there, Noah felt every picture and all the pain in them as his own.

If you people don't know what Gorean culture is about, Google it, you uncultured barbarians. How the hell can you read Ugly Bastard novel and not know something so highly cultured and well esteemed as that 😏.

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