Twisted Realm

Chapter 32 - stay overnight

“Blood Origin!”

Meng Xuan whispered softly, the whites of his eyes were covered with fine bloodshots that were clearly visible.

His body has also undergone some subtle changes.

The pores all over his body were extremely shrunk, so that the cold hairs and even the hair felt like they were standing upside down.

Boom boom boom!

The heart beat fast, the blood in the body kept rushing, the brain became extremely clear at this moment, all the bodily functions were activated in an instant, and an extreme and uncontrollable desire to attack poured into Meng Xuan’s heart .

That feeling is a bit like injecting a large dose of stimulant into the body.

Brush brush brush brush!

Holding a ten-kilogram iron saber in one hand, Meng Xuan slashed at will, dancing a piece of saber flower, swaying freely.

“The energy supply system of the body’s internal circulation has been activated almost completely, and my physical fitness has been raised to a level in a short period of time…”

“The real effect of blood source is actually the control of the body’s internal circulatory system, stimulating the high-load operation of the body’s energy supply system with a reasonable hormone level, and pushing the body’s physical energy to a peak in a short period of time. Blood related…”

“Specific duration and sequelae of use…”

About ten minutes later, the bright red blood in Meng Xuan’s eyes slowly faded, the fluffy hair that was standing upside down collapsed, and the tightened skin slackened.

At the moment when the pores open, a large amount of heat evaporates from the body, and when it encounters the cold air that is close to zero outside, it turns into a large amount of white mist, and then quickly cools down, turning into sweat beads that stick to the body and clothes.

Meng Xuan’s lips were white, and he was gasping for breath. He felt extreme pain and exhaustion all over his body. He slowly moved to the wall where the backpack was placed, and sat down.

He opened the backpack, took out a few bags of Doma chocolate energy bars, opened the package, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it quickly, and swallowed it into his stomach.

A lot of sugar and calories are absorbed into the body, and the feeling of fatigue is relieved.

“The ‘Blood Origin’ state can last for about ten minutes without strenuous exercise, but if you fight with all your strength and accelerate your physical energy consumption, it may only last for five minutes or even less.

After the end of the duration, due to the overloaded consumption of physical energy, there will be a very serious feeling of loss of strength and weakness. A large amount of high-sugar and high-calorie food is good for supplementing physical energy.

The recovery time needs to be further determined, but if you die hard for a day, you can use it twice, and the consequences are expected to be tragic.

As for how much physical fitness is improved… It is difficult to judge the improvement limit without a proper reference, but it is at least 50% or more, which can be used as a surprise lore method. “

Meng Xuan sat against the wall, waiting for his physical fitness to recover, while summarizing the information about the blood source ability that he had obtained after the test last night.

There is no suitable reference, and he does not know what kind of lethality he has after using the blood source ability, superimposed the level of swordsmanship enhanced by the supernatural ability.

The abilities brought by the Blood Origin Ceremony are not only there.

Meng Xuan found that under normal conditions, he can control the endocrine and internal circulatory system to stimulate the body continuously and for a long time, and slightly accelerate the growth of all aspects of the body. This is what Meng Xuan values ​​most.

The Bloodborne Ritual is much more complicated and dangerous than the Sensation Ritual, but the effect it brings is worth the money, and it is more powerful than the Sensation Ritual.

“It’s just that eating every day becomes a problem.”

Meng Xuan shook his head. Using the blood source ability to stimulate the growth of physical fitness would accelerate the consumption of energy in the body, and the consequence would be to starve faster.

From last night to now, he has eaten four or five meals, and then he bought a large package of chocolate energy bars to carry with him, and this situation improved.

It seems that chocolate energy bars will be used as a standing ration to carry around for a long time…

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Meng Xuan finished the teaching course at the Blacktail Budokan.

I don’t know if it’s because of the deterrent effect of last week, or because Akto and the others have done a good job of thinking, these little gangsters have become very cooperative, the hair on their heads has been trimmed and dyed back to black, One sip of a coach is sweeter than the two girls at the front desk, which makes Meng Xuan’s scalp feel numb.

The teaching went very smoothly. The basic skills of Chikun Daoshu are actually very simple. The important thing is the advanced strength control, attack selection, explosive skills and practical application. They can’t learn these for the time being, so Meng Xuan is more than enough to deal with it.

He replaced his martial arts uniform with ordinary clothes, ignoring Akto Xia Kerou and the others who had left his subordinates for additional training. Meng Xuan left the Black-tailed Martial Arts Hall amid the eager farewells of the two little girls at the front desk. .




Just as he got on the bus home, Meng Xuan’s phone rang.

“Meng Xuan, where are you now?”

Liu Wanru’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

“I’m on the bus, what’s wrong?”

Meng Xuan said with a frown.

“I forgot to tell you before. Your cousin is going to stay at home for a while. She should be at the station after six o’clock. You go and bring people back for dinner.”

Liu Wanru said.

“Cousin? Which cousin?”

Meng Xuan felt a little inexplicable, where did he come from as a cousin?

“Your distant cousin Lin Ya, the one who moved to Suhai before, it was good to play with your sister when I was a child. You still yelled like sister Yaya, don’t you remember?”

Liu Wanru reminded.

“Uh…it seems to be a bit of an impression.”

Meng Xuan tried hard to think about it. It seemed that there really was such a person. Generally speaking, he couldn’t remember the names of relatives. Those who could remember names should be considered familiar. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This Lin Ya seems to be the daughter of one of his cousins. When she was a child, she and her sister Meng Qian were very good playmates, two or three years older than her sister.

But this guy’s life experience is quite miserable. It seems that his cousin died in a car accident when he was thirteen or fourteen years old.

Her mother took her to Suhai to remarry, but unfortunately the man didn’t want to see her, so she ran away from home and lived at home for a while.

A few years ago, I heard that I was admitted to an art school to learn dance, and there was little contact between the two sides.

It’s just that I know from my sister’s mouth that the other party is now graduating, and it seems that he has opened a dance training class in Suhai, and his life is quite enjoyable.

“Didn’t she hold a dance training class in Suhai? Why did she suddenly come back to Shahe City when she had time?”

Meng Xuan asked strangely.

“It is said that the dance class in Suhai is doing well. We are considering opening a class in Shahe City, come back early to do some research, and stay at our house for a while.”

Liu Wanru explained.

“Oh, that’s it, then send me her phone number. I don’t remember what she looks like.”

Meng Xuan replied, he only remembered that the other party seemed to be pretty and had a good figure. As for what his face looked like, he couldn’t remember clearly, anyway, pretty women all looked alike, and they might not recognize them when they met.

“You guy, can’t you have some memory?”

Liu Wanru scolded her and hung up the phone. After a while, she sent Meng Xuan a call from Lin Ya via text message.

At this time, a passenger car bound for Shahe City.

A woman with long hair reaching her waist, fair skin, and delicate facial features sits on the seat with sunglasses. A black tight sweater and tight jeans outline a beautiful figure. Even the low temperature outside cannot stop this woman’s warm temperament. .

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