Turned into a Woman, i become the best mom.

Enraged Fate, Depressed Love

[Realm of the gods, Deus Vult POV]

That Girl nearly broke the world... I am weak, and the others weaker still... A triple Singular being, Destined to ascend... But what she did goes beyond that... 

The godess of love is Depressed, her great work destroyed.

Fate is enraged, Her power Drained greatly, the fates of billions Changed... or Removed. 

I have come to the conclusion that we are dying. The girl drained too much power from us. She shouldn't have been able to, but she did... and broke herself in the process.

That Creature she believes she loves... It's not Living, not really. It has no soul. No past. Unbound by fate. Truly an abomination. 

The child has lost part of herself... Yet that part stands beside her. 

Inari is heartbroken, the instinctual connection Her son had to a Female of his species overpowered the Love for The girl... In a way. He still loves Her, but its different. More like the love of a Sibling, or best friend... And That's Not what was Fated. The Fox-girl was supposed to become A concubine, To love them Both, and be loved by both... But The Girl Fucked that up with her Partial Ascension... Should She reclaim her missing part, then Heartbreak awaits... for the thread of love that once bound them is Broken... She... She has lost the capacity to love any but her children. Actually, All Children. And thus is my plan. We gods are dying. Our essence running thin... Except HERS. I hate to do so, but I must ask a favor Of my least favorite family member. The goddess of Sorrow.

[The Heart of Sorrow, Gods Realm, seven months later.]

A beautiful woman clad in black, her hair like starlight, with a sorrowful expression looked at the old man... and laughed.

"So your plan, old fool, is to marry me, Binding my soul, to this Half-Ascended Godling? In order to use my power to Return all your Essences to Base, WITHIN the Godling, Thereby assuring your Rebirth?"

"Indeed Lady Dour. It's the only way to prevent the collapse of existence."


"FINE. Mystarica. Will you do it?"

"Hmm. I would like to say no. But I'm rather fond of existing. Not to mention, I DO find the Girl interesting. Very well. Is fate Ready?"

A swirl of light coalesced into a being neither male nor female.

"Of course we are. We will begin. Make your oath."

"Its been a while, Gestalt. Things MUST be bad."

"The Oath, woman. Now."


"Oath accepted. Souls bound. We will see you on the other side, Little Sister. Or should we call you Father now? That is the role you have been given."

"Farewell for now, Mystarica."

The old man and the Androgynous being melted into light... and were absorbed into The godess of sorrow... along with many other lights... And she felt the weight of Eternity upon her... 

"Woman. You had better not Ruin this in some way... Hurry and Ascend... my Darling..."

[Fall of the gods, Royal capital, Ronan POV.]

I felt them go. My mothers voice in my head, Echoed...

<byebye, Ronan... I'll see you on the other side!>

I ran out of my room, choking on my tears... To find Eina kneeling in the middle of the entryway... tears streaming down her face, Blanc Seemingly unconscious in her arms... and I felt it. The gods were gone, i should be afraid... but that feeling was back... that flutter in my heart... how had I not seen? How did I not notice? The Winged Woman has Eina's face! Eina looked at me, then...

"Ronan... I've killed them. The gods are dead, and I think it's my fault... but I don't remember what i did... and Blanc is A monster! I... I thought i loved her, it, but i don't, I can't... I... Ronan, Help me! Please... help..."

She fell silent... then Blanc opened her eyes. And I saw a light fade from Eina's...

"What's going on? My lady? Lord Ronan? Why does the world feel empty?"

Thats when I knew. My feelings weren't gone, they were suppressed... and Eina was broken. Blanc was... I don't know what, but She was Hurting Eina... And I decided then, that had to stop. I would seek Help from my worst Enemy. It's time for this fox to visit the Fox Hunter.

Well... that's a thing. The plot is as clear as Soup folks! But Maybe this cleared some things up for you. Blanc Is a part of Eina. The "love" she felt was longing for her missing piece. And the one Destined to be Her partner is the godess of sorrow... The End Approaches... but next chapters, prepare for some happy times, some Sorrow, And Another Timeskip... Plus the Hope and Faith POV chapter.

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