True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 29 The Soul-Destroying Crow

"This crow with black feathers and blue eyes should be a soul-destroying crow. It is parasitic in the bodies of other spiritual beasts. It feeds on the host's soul and is good at soul-power attacks." Bi Yong said.

"The soul-destroying crow? A name for a strange beast that I have never heard of before." Xu Yang muttered to himself.

The figure of the soul-destroying crows hovering in the air was blurred, and four identical black crows were actually separated.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Four black phantoms were like four black ghosts attacking towards the four of them.

"Soul Splitting Technique! This spirit crow actually has such a talent, everyone should be careful!"

The four of them stood back to back, staring at the four black crows in the sky.

Blue light flashed in the soul-destroying crow's eyes, and circles of blue ripples rippled, quickly covering a large area of ​​space. Suddenly, the scenery in front of the four people changed drastically. The earth under their feet disappeared and was replaced by a vast expanse of water.

Xu Yang quickly took out the compass and took a closer look. The pointer on the compass was spinning rapidly and seemed to be unable to stop.

"Even the compass doesn't work."

"This is a water illusion, everyone, be careful." Zhu Liuqing said.

The originally black bodies of the four soul-destroying crows quickly turned into transparent water and disappeared from the sight of the four people.

The calm water surface began to churn, and the huge body of water climbed upwards, and in an instant it turned into a huge transparent water ball, trapping the four people in the center. Four soul-destroying crows were vaguely visible on the surface of the water, as transparent as ice cubes, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xu Yang moved his skills with one palm, and the Dark Fire Technique prompted a ball of fire to shoot out and bombard it towards the water body. The moment the fireball came into contact with the water, there was only a slight fluctuation, and the fireball actually disappeared into the water.

The next moment, there was a violent fluctuation on the other side of the water body, and a roaring fireball flew out. It was clearly the fireball Xu Yang had just shot.

Xu Yang hurriedly pointed with one hand and whispered: "Disperse!" The big fireball turned into sparks all over the sky and disappeared. Controlling a fireball out of thin air to disperse it consumes several times more mana than sending out a fireball.

Seeing this, Zhu Liuqing raised the Fenglin knife in her hand and struck it towards the water body. There was another wave of fluctuation, and the fierce sword force was like a mud cow entering the sea.

The four of them stood back to back, not daring to move rashly.

"We are in an illusion, and the directions of various attacks have been confused. It is better not to attack easily. Wait for me to use my means to find its body." After Bi Yong finished speaking, he took out a small white porcelain jar about an inch in size. There is a silver talisman sealed at the mouth of the small jar.

Bi Yong took off the talisman with one hand and opened the porcelain jar. A small red snake about a foot long crawled out of the porcelain jar.

"My fire-breathing spirit snake is very sensitive to the spiritual energy fluctuations of spiritual beasts. I can trace its body within a certain distance."

The little snake was entangled in the palm, spitting out its core. After a moment, its head stared in one direction, and a trace of fire breath came out of its nostrils.

"The main body should be hidden there, let's attack together."

The four of them attacked together.

With a crash, a big hole was blasted out of the water body. The void shook, the surrounding waters disappeared, and the four people returned to reality.

The body of the soul-destroying crow is hovering above the heads of the four people.

"This guy keeps pestering us. It seems like it doesn't want us to escape. Maybe we killed its host and it wants revenge. Or maybe it wants to turn us into its host." Bi Zhi said half seriously and half jokingly. .

The soul-destroying crow suddenly spread its wings and flew in one direction, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the sky where the soul-destroying crows disappeared, the four of them felt lingering fear.

The four decided to deal with Black Wind Peacock's body first.

Bizhi took out the peacock gallbladder from his body and put it away, while Xu Yang put the other parts in a storage bag.

"I was able to successfully obtain the peacock gallbladder this time, thanks to the help of you two. I also made Junior Sister Zhu injured, I'm really sorry." Bi Yong said.

"A little injury."

"I didn't expect that there are strange birds like soul-destroying crows in this ghostly land. If you two don't mind it, how about the four of us form a team to explore together." Bi Yong suggested.

"Junior sister is injured, of course we can form a team with the two senior brothers." Xu Yang said.

Zhu Liuqing on the side also nodded slightly.

The four of them continued walking together.

Perhaps the four of them were originally more powerful than the two, but they didn't encounter any spiritual beasts and successfully obtained some spiritual herbs.

One day later, the four of them came to a small square.

A large teleportation array stands in the center of the square. The teleportation array is surrounded by a light blue defensive light curtain.

Except for the four people, sporadic disciples of the Wood Spirit Academy could be seen entering and exiting the teleportation array.

"This is the entrance to the middle level of the Ghost Howling Land. At the current time, there are still ten days before the trial of the Ghost Howling Land is closed. In the middle level of the Ghost Howling Land, there is one we want to pick this time. The spiritual grass is called "Xuezhicao". Can you two go together, or you can go back first? "Bi Yong suggested.

Xu Yang refused almost without hesitation the Bi family brothers' proposal.

Before entering the land of ghost roars, Master Xiao had already explained that outer disciples should not easily enter the middle level. The encounter on the outer level made him instinctively feel that the danger in the middle level was beyond what he and Zhu Liuqing could handle.

Before Xu Yang could speak, Zhu Liuqing said, "Now that we're here, we might as well go and have a look."

"Junior Sister Zhu, your injury has not healed yet. Isn't it inappropriate to enter the middle level like this?" Xu Yang said.

"I'm fine, and I have two senior brothers from the Bi family going with me. It's a rare opportunity."

Seeing what Zhu Liuqing said so decisively, Xu Yang felt vaguely that something was wrong.

"Although Zhu Liuqing didn't get along with him for long. But in the past few days when they entered the land of ghost roars together, Xu Yang felt that Zhu Liuqing was not a reckless person. Now that the soul has been injured but has not yet healed, it insists on entering the middle level, which makes people feel a little bit I don’t understand. Could it be that Zhu Liuqing’s soul was injured, which caused a temporary change in her temperament, which affected her judgment on things? She cannot be allowed to take risks alone in this state." Xu Yang thought of this, firmly. Said: "Okay, let's go together."

The four of them entered the teleportation array together.

The middle level of the Ghost Roaring Land.

Half a day later, the four people appeared near an underground wind tunnel in a hidden canyon. Cold air surges out of this wind tunnel from time to time, and ice spiritual energy is extremely abundant.

The four of them searched carefully around the wind tunnel, but did not find a single piece of snow grass.

"Did someone come here in advance, or the snow grass grows inside the wind tunnel?" Bi Yong said doubtfully.

"In that case, let's go into the wind tunnel to explore." Bi Yong said, taking out a small bottle and pouring out four red bean-sized pills.

"Although the wind in this wind tunnel is not strong, the cold is very strong. I have four body-warming pills here that can drive away the cold." As he said that, he and Bizhi each took one, and the other two were handed to Xu. Yanghe Zhu Liuqing.

"Thank you." Xu Yang took the elixir and put it into his mouth. The elixir melted in his mouth. A continuous stream of heat energy slowly spreads to all the veins in the body, and most of the coldness is eliminated.

The two brothers from the Bi family were in front, and the two Xu Yang brothers were behind. The four of them entered the wind tunnel.

A thin layer of ice formed on the walls and floor of the wind tunnel. The four of them moved forward cautiously, at a much slower pace.

Just a short distance into the wind tunnel.

Bi Yong stopped, waved one hand and said, "Wait a minute! Someone seems to be coming from outside the cave."

As soon as he finished speaking, a black figure appeared behind the four people.

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