Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

B1 – Chapter 22: Making a Decision

Zeke could make out a second figure behind the boy. He recognized the girl with the lowered head as Lilly, the same girl he had harbored feelings for until not too long ago. His eyes flitted to the boy in front, who had introduced himself as Samuel.

Samuel looked at Zeke with a knowing gaze as his lips curled into a sly smile. "I know you used to be good friends with Lilly," he said, glancing over at the girl who was still staring at the ground.

"I've got some good news to share with you," Samuel continued, the words dripping with false sincerity.

Zeke narrowed his eyes, his body tensing in preparation for whatever was coming. "I'm not sure I believe you," he said, his voice laced with suspicion. Samuel chuckled in response, his eyes glittering with malice.

"Oh, you'll believe me soon enough," he said, his voice low and dangerous, “You see, I have taken a liking to this girl and we have come to an agreement. Lilly will be adopted into my Luftschloss family. This is a great chance for her to move up in the world.”

Despite how things ended between them, Zeke felt happy for his childhood friend. He knew that this was a great opportunity for her.

"Congratulations," he said, "I'm happy for you."

Lilly seemed ashamed at his words and kept her head lowered. She didn’t seem very happy at the announcement for some reason. Zeke had the impression that he was missing a crucial piece of information. Sure enough, Samuel didn’t let him wait for long.

"Oh, and there's another bit of news that I'd like to share," Samuel said, his voice dripping with disdain. "Lilly has also agreed to become my concubine! That was the deal she accepted in order to be worthy of the honor to join my family.”

Zeke whipped his head at the girl that would still not meet his eyes. Zeke could not understand her decision. With a greater Wind affinity, she had options. Why would she accept such a deal?

“Now, Lilly here tells me that I have you to thank for her coming here in the first place,” Samuel continued, “Thank you, little Zeke. You've prepared a fine present for me."

Zeke's heart sank, his mind racing with disbelief and anger. He had known right away that Samuel was a sleazy, spoiled brat, but he had never imagined that he would stoop so low as to call Lilly a present right to her face.

Zeke's fists clenched at his sides. His body tensed up. All his life, he had been protective of Lilly. Their recent falling out was not enough to completely kill those instincts. It was hard for him to accept the thought of her marrying such a person.

"Lilly deserves better than to be treated like a piece of property!" He said in a silent voice.

Samuel sneered at him, his eyes narrowed in contempt. "Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?" he spat out. "Lilly has agreed to this arrangement, and I have the support of my family. Your opinion is irrelevant."

"If your family wants to adopt her, then do so without adding any weird conditions,” Zeke demanded, “This is no way to treat a talent like her.”

Samuel's eyes narrowed, a cold smile spreading across his face. "You think you have a say in how my family conducts business?" he said, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're nothing but a peasant yourself, with no power or influence. You have no means or right to even get involved in this issue."

“Can you leave him alone, Samuel?” Lilly pleaded, “Ezekiel has nothing to do-”

“Shut the fuck up,” Samuel yelled. He caught her across the face with a backhanded swipe of his hand. Lilly did not expect the blow and tumbled to the floor.

Zeke's anger reached a boiling point. Despite the rational part of his mind urging caution, warning him that this was surely a trap, Zeke couldn't contain his rage. He shifted into a fighting stance, ready to defend himself.

Samuel was one step ahead. As if he had been waiting for Zeke to make his move, he unleashed a [Wind Slash]. The sudden attack left Zeke no time to dodge. He crossed his arms and braced for the spell to hit.

The moment before the spell made contact, a muscular arm appeared before Zeke. The [Wind Slash] cut a small wound along the forearm. Theodor Steiner stepped up from behind Zeke. The cut he had sustained was already closing with the use of his Blood Magic. It seemed to Zeke that the technique Theodore used was way more advanced than what they learned in class. The tall Earth Mage looked down at Samuel for a long moment before speaking.

"Who put you up to this?" he asked. His voice was stern and disapproving. "I can see that you are playing some game. But this is going too far.”

Samuel sneered, his eyes narrowed in anger. "Stay out of this, Steiner," he exclaimed. "This has nothing to do with you."

Theodore gave Samuel a look of disbelief before he started to chuckle. He stood up to his full height, towering a head over the other boy as he stepped right in front of him. His eyes became hard as he looked down at Samuel.

"WHAT - did you just say to me, you pathetic cretin? Since when does your pitiful Luftschloss family have the guts to talk to a member of the Steiner family like that?"

Samuel started shaking when he met Theodore's eyes. He had realized his mistake too late. Not only was he no match against the second-year student in a fight, but his family background was no match as well. He had gotten too carried away while talking to Zeke and accidentally adopted the same tone when talking to the Steiner heir.

“Why did you decide to cause a scene here?” Theodore asked one more time. Again, Samuel didn’t answer. Lilly had gotten up and was now also standing rooted to her spot.

“I don’t care much for what you first-years are up to,” Theodore said, “I detest getting involved in troublesome affairs in general. But there must be a reason why you would pick a fight with so many witnesses. We would all become guilty were we to just stand by. You must have been aware of this.”

Samuel's face paled at the words, his fear and worry were written all over his face. He looked around nervously as if trying to find an escape route. But Theodore wasn't about to let him off the hook so easily. He grabbed Samuel by the collar and lifted him a foot off the ground, so they were eye to eye.

"Why are you silent?" Theodore asked in a low and menacing tone, "I have heard all about how you and your cronies have been picking on that kid. I want to know why. If you tell me now, nobody will have to suffer. Refuse to talk and I’ll swear that what you did to Ezekiel will look like a picnic in comparison to the nightmare you will have to endure.”

Samuel's eyes darted around. His body was trembling with fear. He seemed to be weighing his options, trying to decide whether it was better to confess or face the consequences. After what seemed like an eternity, Samuel gritted his teeth and responded.

“You think I’m afraid of you?” Samuel asked, “Do you think I have nobody backing me? Even as a member of the Steiner Family, there are people you can’t afford to provoke lightly.”

Theodore was unimpressed by the threat. He started to shake the boy in his grasp like a sack of wheat. “Where are your protectors then?” Theodore asked, “All I see is that scared girl behind you. Is she going to defend you? Doesn’t seem like she will, Samuel. It seems to me like you are all alone. Whoever you made a deal with seemed to have given up on you.”

“But Alexander promised…” Samuel started, but immediately realized his mistake as he shut his mouth. Far too late. Theodore's eyes narrowed as he glared at Samuel.

"And you were foolish enough to listen to him?" he spat with contempt, "You're not a child anymore, Luftschloss. You should’ve known better. What do you think Viola will do when she learns that you have become his Lapdog? You’ll be lucky if your family doesn’t end up paying the price for your idiocy.

“It’s only a matter of time before you’re kicked out of school if you continue to blatantly attack that kid. You guys have been lucky so far because he heals fast, but now you even attack him in the middle of a classroom? Right in front of so many witnesses? Right in front of ME? THE FUCKING GALL YOU HAVE!" Theodore started off calm but seemed to get more and more enraged as he continued talking. At the end of his sentence, He was screaming right in Samuel's face. He ended his tirade by tossing Samuel on the ground like a used rag.

Samuel retreated as if he was running for his life. He only stopped once to grab Lilly and drag her with him. However, before he reached the door he was stopped once more by Theodore’s voice.

"You have gotten away with a lot, Samuel,” Theodore stated, ”But that stops now. Word on the street is that Bombastus has asked to see the boy. I am not getting dragged into this mess if that old monster is involved. You should know as well what happens if you cross him. You can tell that slimy cunt Alexander to fuck off as well. I have an idea what this is about, and I'm getting real sick of him playing politics at school!"

Samuel merely nodded before leaving with Lilly. Theodore didn’t even turn once to look at Zeke before he also exited the room. The sound of his footsteps faded into the distance. Zeke was deep in thought. He had learned a lot from the discussion between the two nobles.

When Zeke returned to his senses, he was alone. Everybody else had left at some point without him noticing. He couldn't believe what he had learned today. Lilly, his former friend, had agreed to marry a man like Samuel, an arrogant, entitled noble, just for the sake of gaining a title and status.

More importantly, someone named ‘Alexander’ had been the mastermind behind his suffering. Who could that be? The only Alexander that he knew of was Alexander Feuerkranz, but how could it be him? Zeke had never even crossed paths with the older boy, much less talked to him. He felt a sense of despondency wash over him. He had long since realized that the powerful and rich held all the cards in this world, but to see his former friend succumb to their manipulation and coercion was a wake-up call.

He remembered the offer that Maximilian had made him. The old man had offered to adopt Zeke, make him a noble, and teach him a new way to use magic. Up until now, Zeke had been hesitant. But now, as he stood alone in the room, he realized that he had nothing to lose and everything to gain by accepting the offer.

Since when had he become such a coward that he wouldn't dare to take a hand offered in friendship for the fear of betrayal? This was not the person he was, not the person he wanted to be.

Zeke's eyes regained their clarity. His mind was made up. He would accept the old man’s offer and gamble on the veracity of Maximilian's words. It was a risky move, but the gains were more than equal to the risk. As he was now, he would forever remain a plaything of those in power. He could either give up on his dreams and return to his life as a farmer or take a chance on Maximilian.

He made his way to the location that Maximilian had specified, his determination growing with each step. What was the worst that could happen?

Theodore Steiner

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