Tribe of All Nations (Tribulation of Myriad Clans)

Chapter 18 - The whole army is annihilated (for collection, for recommendation)

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Liu Wenyan took off.

It is impossible to float without flying. Obviously, Liu Wenyan’s will at this moment succeeded, and officially entered the flying space.

The flesh has not yet been converted, but the vitality gathered around it is for him to strengthen the flesh.

Just a few tens of meters away, Wuhen was walking in the air at the moment, but his face was a bit ugly.

It’s too late to stop!

“Fortunately, fortunately, he was just showing up, not fleshing out …”

Wuhen secretly rejoiced, not the worst news.

After all, Liu Wenyan is old and his body is decayed. Even if his will is vacated, his body is still very important. He vacated himself twice, and he was not afraid of Liu Wenyan.

Wanzu religion still dominates!

Wan Shijing was far more than the other party. Long Wuwei’s Wan Shijing was entangled by the hostess of the surname Chen. At this moment, the other party was relying on more Qianjingjing, and the formation was barely self-protection.


No trace broke out, a short blade appeared out of thin air in his hand, and there was a glowing glow above the short blade, and he instantly shot at Liu Wenyan.

“You and the Civilization Master compare the power of remote control?”

Liu Wenyan looked at him like this, and smiled, “Beasts just don’t get on the table, the strength of a civilized teacher, can you understand it like a scumbag!”


The short blade of Baku shot instantly fixed!



The short blade fell back, burst out of the air, and flew away towards Wuhen.

Wuhen just wanted to avoid it, the golden light above Liu Wenyan’s head, the golden light burst into a dazzling light!


This time, it is not a short blade, but no trace!

Wuhen instantly felt that the space around him gathered and fixed him.


There was no trace of roaring, a roaring sound, seven **** bleeding, golden eyes burst out in my eyes, blood exploded all over the body, there was a bang, the air exploded, and no trace shifted a step.


Originally aimed at the short blade of his head, he instantly inserted into his shoulder, and blood burst, but he escaped after all.


Wuhen’s face was horrified, “Impossible, you just realized your will, even if the civilized teacher is slightly stronger than me, it is impossible to hold me!”

The civilization master walks along with the will manifestation, so even if it is just manifested, it is stronger than the general vacancy.

The flesh and air together, the will power may not be comparable to the other party, but the physical body is tough, the blood is full, how easy is the other party to imprison him.

“That’s because you are too weak!”

Liu Wenyan laughed, his face slightly whitish, apparently just consumed a lot.

But at the moment, Liu Wenyan was laughing loudly.

“The ten thousand religions, the frog at the bottom of the well, also compete with Sun and Moon!”


With a sip, the short blade inserted on Wuhen’s shoulder shook instantly, and Wuhen’s face changed, and the short blade suddenly fled from the spot.

As a result, Liu Wenyan didn’t deal with him at all.

The short blade breaks out of the air and is extremely fast.

The Wan Shijings, who were fighting against the City Guards and the Master of the Fengfeng Hall, hadn’t had time to react. The short blade snorted through the head of Wan Shi.

Several other people were frightened, and Liu Wenyan’s willpower broke out again.

The movements of several people were stagnant, and the two Wanshi Nine Heavy Powers were unwilling to show their weakness. The swords came out, killing the two Wanzujia Wanshi Realm instantly, and the short blade also penetrated one person again.


In the blink of an eye, four Wanshi fell!

“No trace!”

There, the woman screamed angrily, and the woman who was entangled with the city owner Wu Wenhai shouted sharply: “He has just realized, his willpower is limited, and he is entangled! ? “

If it was n’t for Wu Wenyan who did n’t have any traces, she ran straight away, and Liu Wenyan had the opportunity to kill several Wan Shi instantly.

Suddenly killed four top-level Wan Shijing, the loss was too great.

There, Wu Han’s face changed, and then he gritted his teeth, and once again killed Liu Wenyan who was pale.

Yes, Liu Wenyan pretended to be.

The end of the strong crossbow!

Previously, his weapons and himself were fixed one after another, and several ten thousand stone realm cultivators were also fixed. I am afraid that the willpower has been exhausted, and Liu Wenyan, who is in full flesh, is not afraid at all!

Liu Wenyan did have a pale complexion, and his face changed slightly when she saw Wu Chen rushing back.

The next moment, hurriedly backed away.

Seeing that there was no trace, he was overjoyed, and he returned with a move, recalling the short blade, which was three points faster, and he broke into the air in a blink of an eye, killing Liu Wenyan.

Liu Wenyan continued to retreat!

With a buzzing sound, Wuhen has been killed, close to Liu Wenyan, and stabbed him in the head!

“Go to hell!”

Penetrating without a trace, it feels extremely smooth, without any resistance, happy.

At this moment, someone behind him screamed: “Idiot, retreat!”

Suddenly screamed, woke up without trace.

Just as if dreaming, look at this moment, Liu Wenyan who was just stabbed to death by him, there is no shadow, illusion!

Will interferes with reality!

“Impossible, he just realized, how could …”

Just like this thought flashed in Wuhen’s mind, a thick needle of chalk pierced his purple house instantly, with a snorting sound, as if leaking, the vitality in Wuhen’s body instantly overflowed, and even emptiness could not be maintained at this moment.


Over there, the woman and the old man are extremely anxious, stupid, Wuhen’s stupid will is too fragile, and was actually disturbed by Liu Wenyan.

The **** Que was broken, the vitality leaked out, and the traces were over!


The old man slapped Fei Xia Bing in the palm of his hand and just wanted to withdraw from the war circle. The other nine Wanshijing Dragon and Wuwei desperately killed him and entangled him.


The old man did not shout, but looked at the woman and gestured.

After letting others stay off, they evacuated.

No trace is over!

If a deceased vacant, the other party has a civilized teacher with the will, they may not necessarily lose, but … Why do you want to die?

Big deal task failure!

Is it really impossible to fight in the end!

The two had just reached an agreement. There was a short blade on Wuhen’s head. His own short blade, Wuhen’s eyes widened, and he looked dead!

he died!

Liu Wenyan has just emerged. He actually lost to the other side and was killed by a fleshy civilizationist.


The corpse fell!

Liu Wenyan landed and gasped violently. He looked at the fighters who were still fighting there. He smiled and ignored them. He shouted, “Surround them!”

Words fall, willpower reappears!

Not far away, the Wanshi Realm who was about to escape had a slight stagnation in their movements, and this moment of stagnation was death!

Zhang Yun and Zeng Hua, who killed several Wan Shi, are all Wan Shijiu, after all, Nanyuan ’s high-level team is not weak, and the two cooperated very well. With a few grunts, the sword entered the body!

Several of Wan Shijing’s flesh shattered and fell one after another!

At this moment, those ancestors no longer dare to kill without blood!

If they fight to the end, they may not lose.

There are still nearly 20 people in Wan Shijing. The two hosts have suppressed Longwuwei and the city host. Their strength has been weakened, but they can still fight together. Liu Wenyan’s willpower is limited.

But if they are really brave and fearless to death, they will not be taught by all races.

In a smooth battle, these people will become more and more brave.

But once there is an error, and there is a defeat, these people do not attack themselves.



“Run away!”

Hundreds of thousands of people of all ethnic groups were frightened and fled.

The back was exposed to the coaches and city guards, and at this moment, dozens of tens of thousands of people were killed on the spot.

Some were lost originally. In a blink of an eye, 300 people died nearly a hundred, and the remaining 200 people were scattered throughout the school.


At this moment, the two hosts did not intend to fight anymore, and the mission failed.

Since it failed, then escape, there is no need to lose your life here.

As for the honor, the end of the battle, it does not exist.

What could be more important than life?

Even if they all knew that Liu Wenyan might be unable to fight anymore, but this is Nanyuan City, and once entangled, they will die sooner or later.

The two hosts, one triple, one quadruple, after all, are stronger than Wu Wenhai. They retreated side by side and began to evacuate outside the school.

Outside the academy, the collapsed ancestors of the tens of thousands of people also showed their magical powers, fleeing at great speed.

At this time, a group of people suddenly appeared outside the university.

There are elderly, middle-aged, and disabled.

“Archer, shoot!”

An elderly man with gray hair sipped, and at the next moment, more than ten elderly men bowed and shot!


In the blink of an eye, the heads of more than ten million ethnic groups have burst!

“Gunmen, get together!”

There are dozens of middle-aged and elderly people who intercept with guns and shoot out!

“Swordsmen advance!”


There was a lot of noise in the ears, and the exodus of all ethnic groups collapsed completely, there were crying and crying, and there were begging.

The leading old man, with his lips pouted, is somewhat disdainful.

In this regard, dare to come to the wild in Daxiafu!

“Nanyuan Militia Corps came to aid, kill, and keep the film armor!”


A group of old people shouted at the sky.

Poo, poo …

Heads fall one by one!

In the blink of an eye, dozens more people fell on the spot.

In the rear, the chasing city guards also killed one after another, and under the double attack, the Wanzu religion completely collapsed!

“Stupid, on the battlefield, how can you retreat! Enemies in the stomach, you are not dead, who will die!”

The old man’s face was indifferent, nothing more.

Is a war of hundreds of people a war?

Among the Wanzu religions, some people saw the old man, some were unwilling, and some could not believe it. He knew the old man. It was difficult to get up the stairs on weekdays, and he had to take a few breaks to buy a vegetable.

Just like this old man, actually took a group of old guys chatting and farting in the park to kill them?

“What are you looking at? Have you ever seen a murder?”

The old man yelled and shouted, “How about the axe soldiers? Projectile!”


More than ten axes used to cut firewood shot out, and they were very precise, and instantly shattered more than a dozen heads.

“Lao Zhang, you are blind! The axe almost hit Lao Tzu!”

The old man yelled, and an axe almost hit him.

Behind, an old rickety man, with a helpless face, “hands are shaking a little, they are getting old, didn’t you hack you?”

“Less nonsense!”

The old man roared again and shouted, “Did the kid behind haven’t eaten yet? Don’t know if we have no energy? Quick kill, being rushed out, the old men can’t run, can’t catch up!”


The coaches and the city guards and Jifengtang people also turned red!

Shameful, too shameful!

Hundreds of people who fled were killed by a group of old guys who could not run in a blink of an eye, and no more than a few, they had no face to see people.

The battle was very smooth. These people had no discipline at all. At this moment, the hearts of the people were scattered. Hundreds of people besieged them. After a while, the Wanzu almost saw no living people.

The only few Wan Shijing are still breaking through fiercely, but death is also a matter of time.

At this moment, the most fierce battle in the academy is still in two flying battles.

The two have fought outside the academy, at this moment there is no longer any desperate heart, only to escape.

Seeing that there was little hope of killing the two in the air, Xia Bing suddenly shouted, “Let him go, kill the woman!”

As the words fell, the 10 Long Wuwei didn’t hesitate, gave up the old man in an instant, and went towards the woman in a blink of an eye.

“Master Chen!”

The woman shouted sharply, but Master Chen didn’t even look at it, she was fast, she rose into the air, and fled when she broke through.

As long as he doesn’t die, he can still care for others.

Almost instantaneously, the old man broke through hundreds of meters and escaped from the circle of war.

Defeat defeated!

They still had the advantage just now, when they chose to escape, they died dead and wounded, which made the old man no longer have any thoughts to stay. Daxia House, as a matter of fact, the people’s customs are sturdy. I didn’t expect that the retired soldiers could burst out so powerful. the power of.

Some of those veterans are still in the mid-term, and their bodies are decaying, but under the formation, they killed a large number of high-ranking soldiers in a blink of an eye.

This is the place where the human race is strong.

The old man was so glad that the woman blocked him.

The woman is dead!

He didn’t care much about it, and ran away with his head buried in his head.

Running on the ground is too easy to be blocked.

However, in the air, the goal is also very large.

Just as the old man rejoiced, a young man appeared ahead of him, somehow.

“Good luck, got one!”

The young man laughed, and the old man’s face changed, “You …”

“Da Xia Civilization Institute, assistant researcher Bai Feng, merit points!”

With a chuckle, the next moment, the old man’s vitality suddenly faded, his face pale, “You … dispelled my vitality …”

“Yeah, how simple!”

Bai Feng smiled and said: “Tianyi’s major” Yi Shen Jue “is just a **** practice. There are too many loopholes. The Tianyi Protoss confuses the cultivation practice you made. It’s too simple for you to fight back … “

“Can’t talk anymore, I still have something to do, you go to die, thank you for your merits!”

Bai Feng laughed again, the person did not come close, the power of the will broke out, instantaneously broke the old man’s nine qiao, the vitality was completely dissipated, the vitality was bitter, the old man lost his breath in the blink of an eye.

“made money!”

Bai Feng laughed, and flicked his hand. The objects on the old man floated towards him and were taken into his pocket.

“Baiying’s merit points, I like it, not only is there a lot of vacant quadruple.”

With that said, Bai Feng saw Long Wuwei and the city owner Wu Wenhai not far away. They came to fight here and hurriedly said, “Do you need help?”

Long Wuwei shouted angrily, “Go! Bai Feng, you haven’t been able to hide, have you come to harvest now?”


Bai Feng grieved: “I really just arrived, Long Wuwei’s people are grumpy! My fellow researcher, how can I do such a thing …”

With that, looking at Liu Wenyan who was chasing after him, he immediately smiled and said, “Congratulations to Master Liu for his promotion!”

Liu Wenyan glanced at him, not looking good.

“I’m not your teacher, don’t confess your relatives!”

“Uncle, the teacher told me before coming …”


Liu Wenyan is not polite to him, his face is black, he does not want to see this guy.

Bai Feng sighed, who did I mess with?

I really arrived. By the way, I helped you kill a quartet. How do you treat me like this?

Bai Feng didn’t speak anymore, and fell to the side, regardless of the battle situation there, Long Wuwei plus the city master, can’t kill a flying triple, it really **** it.

“Uncle …”

Bai Feng just wanted to speak, Liu Wenyan said angrily: “Who is your teacher!”

“Cough, coach Liu, coach Liu!”

Bai Feng coughed and said with a smile: “Director Liu, the school received your request for help, and immediately sent me to come, the teacher is very worried about you …”

Liu Wenyan was annoyed and said: “I don’t need him to worry! I have a very good life, and you have come too late. Do you want me to remember other people’s feelings? This is a public matter, not a private matter.

“Yes, yes, you are always right.”

Bai Feng didn’t mind either, and said with a smile: “Teacher … Liu teaches, didn’t the school lose much?”

Liu Wenyan frowned slightly. Behind him, the old governor came to gasp, slightly sad, and quickly said: “Five coaches died, a dozen were guarded by the City Guard and Jifengtang. The students … all in the classroom It ’s okay. I ’m afraid that more than a dozen people have died outside … “

Counting down, in a battle, nearly 30 people died.

Liu Wenyan didn’t look good, and Bai Feng no longer smiled, embarrassingly said: “I’m really here very quickly. I’m rushing to this side non-stop. The chief of the palace, uncle, sorry, I thought I could catch up … “


Liu Wenyan was too lazy to take care of him, but the governor did not blame him, and said: “It is already very good, you leave that vacancy, it is the best result.”

As for the dead … nothing to do.

The strength of the Wanzu religion is not weak. So many people came this time, and 30 people died, which wiped out the Wanzu religion. This is also a great victory on the battlefield.

“So strong!”

At this moment, Su Yu and Chen Hao also approached the gate of the academy and saw the previous battle.

Su Yu was a little shocked, the young man was so strong.

Before Long Wuwei besieged Chen Tangzhu for a long time, not only failed to win the opponent, but also almost killed in the end. As a result, Chen Tang was easily killed by this guy named Bai Feng, what strength is this guy?

“Is this a person from the Civilization Academy?”

Su Yu couldn’t help but glance at Liu Wenyan in front of him. The teacher didn’t lie to me, and the Civilization Institute came out alone, so strong!

Four times to kill in the air, kill!

What’s more, the teacher’s will was instant, and he instantly killed several Wan Shi and a powerful double-headed man. It was incredible!

“Is this the power of the Civilization Academy, the power of will?”

He was shocked, and Chen Hao on the side was also dull, “A Yu, isn’t it very strong to take off? How does it feel … like paper?”

Liu Wenyan kills Wu Wu, so does Bai Feng kill Chen Tangzhu.

Fast and incredible!

Almost in a blink of an eye, the two died in the air.

“do not know……”

Su Yu is also shocked. His father is very important. He always feels that his father is still quite powerful, but now a comparison … Dad is really weak!

There are dozens of people in Wan Shi who died today!

Daddy ’s strength, he still has to fight in the battlefields of the heavens. I ’m really not afraid of death!

Just thinking, with a sharp and shrill call, the woman was cut by Xia Bing’s head and died!

The violation of the Wanzu religion was broken.

completely annihilated!

Hundreds of elite forces, one did not stay, all died in Nanyuan.

On this day, Su Yu killed two extremely important people, and also saw the strength of the Civilization Institute.

At this moment in his heart, the civilization school is terrible. If you come out personally, you are flying, killing the flying like ants. As for Liu to coach … I am afraid it is really the worst.

He didn’t know what Bai Feng’s so-called assistant researcher meant.

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