Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 87

Chapter 87 Small Square

If you successfully tease the newcomer and scare the newcomer to pee your pants, you can get 5 points as a reward.

Did not scare the newcomer to pee, but irritated the newcomer, causing me to get fattened and get 5 points as a reward.

Tell the newcomers the rules of filming and successfully bring the newcomers to the set, there is another 5 points reward.

In other words, as long as he completes this task, he can get 10 extra points!

Of course, there are 5 points to be used to repay the debt, he can actually only get 5 points.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. Li Teng quickly clicked to confirm and accepted the task.

In order to avoid delaying the time and causing the task to be unfinished, Li Teng didn’t even order a meal and went straight to the clothing store on the street.

After entering the clothing store, I don’t know which outfit is the special dress for the newcomer’s help task, so I can only go to the dress to find it.

After going to the dress area, Li Teng didn’t take much effort to find the special dress.

Because the dress was placed in a locked cabinet by the wall, when Li Teng walked over, the door of the cabinet opened automatically to show the dress, with the words ‘special dress for newcomer helping mission’ written on it.

After changing into this dress, you can mix into the wax museum and fake one of the wax figures.

The dress also has a set of controls: a watch and a pair of gloves.

The watch can open the positioning system to view the current location of the newcomer.

At the same time there are some simple menus, and some documentation.

The fingertips of the gloves are equipped with control buttons. With a certain combination of buttons, the wax figures in the wax museum can be manipulated, and the wax figures can be gathered to the door according to his instructions and look at someone together.

He can wear all these dresses until the end of the shooting. Because it is leased, the stone pillars cannot be brought back.

Of course, if there are special costumes during the performance, they still have to be replaced.

After getting dressed and proficient in the control commands, Li Teng ran to the direction of the newcomer he wanted to’help’ according to the positioning system in the watch.

Li Teng has never been to the birthplace of this newcomer before.

Not at the beach, but in a small square.

She is a young girl, about seventeen or eight years old, one or two years older than Daisy.

When Li Teng came to the small square, the helicopter sending the girl had just dropped the girl and took off.

The girl was wearing a set of pink bunny pajamas, with long bunny ears, which made her look a little cute. At this time, she was standing in the small square with a look of fear and awkwardness and looking around.

After a while, the girl walked over to the small restaurant on the square.

Like Li Teng, after being hungry on the stone pillar for a few days, after arriving at the film and television city, he would first be attracted by the restaurant and come over to find food.

Li Teng followed the girl, found a suitable place to hide her figure, and then watched her every move.

After entering the restaurant, the girl did not order, and soon came out of the restaurant.

Then, she saw the wax museum on the other side of the square.

The wax museum has no signs, and newcomers who come here for the first time may not necessarily realize that it is a wax museum.

The first thing that attracted the newcomers was the two women standing in front of the wax museum.

It will make people mistaken for a living person nearby.

The girl really regarded the two women as alive. She walked cautiously in the direction of the wax museum, carefully observing the two women by the door as she walked, and then stopped five meters away from the two women. .

“Hello!” The girl noticed that the two women were motionless. After she stopped, she tried to raise her hand to say hello to the two women.

Obviously, it is impossible for her to get a response.

“Go in! Go in!” Li Teng hoped that the girl could enter the wax museum as soon as possible so that he could quickly complete the task of getting points.

The girl seemed a little scared. She didn’t go any further. After looking at the two women for a while, she turned and walked in other directions.

“This is a little troublesome.” Li Teng frowned.

If the girl doesn’t take the initiative to enter the wax museum, how can he trick her into it?

When Li Teng entered the wax museum, he was attracted by the sound of Goofy’s footsteps and entered the wax museum step by step.

Li Teng was more courageous. He was not afraid to see the motionless wax statues. He took the initiative to touch the wax statues and rushed in when he heard footsteps inside.

But the girl looked timid and cautious. She didn’t dare to approach a strange place like the Wax Museum. If Li Teng hid in it and made footsteps, there would only be one.

That scared the girl away.

The girl didn’t approach the wax museum, but went to the clothing store and other places, but she didn’t even go in. Instead, she stood at the entrance of the store and observed it carefully, trying to figure out the situation she was facing now.

After waiting for a while Li Teng became a little impatient.

He wanted to complete the task as soon as possible, and then rushed to the cafe.

Come so early today, the snacks on the table in front of the cafe should still be there, right?

If the time delay is too long, the snacks will definitely be eaten by other actors.

Soon Li Teng thought of a way to get the girl into the wax museum.

He took off his dress and put it into a plastic bag, and hid the plastic bag near the wax museum.

Wearing only a hospital gown, he hid in a small alley near the small square, and then wrapped some tattered pajamas around his head like a bandage, showing only two eyes.

He took another branch from a nearby tree and wrapped it in torn pajamas.

Then he let out a howl of wild beasts and rushed out of the alley.

Hospital gown, bandage mask, strange weapon in hand…

It looks like a little villain in the game.

The girl was frightened and screamed and fled in the small square.

How can a girl be as fast as Li Teng? Not long after, Li Teng chased him up from behind.

When Li Teng caught up with the girl, he pretended to be awkwardly rushing over his head, then turned and howled and rushed towards the girl.

The girl continued to scream and continued to flee.

Then, the monster played by Li Teng pushed towards the door of the wax museum little by little.

In the end, the girl had nowhere to escape but hid in the wax museum.

After rushing into the wax museum, the girl was frightened by the wax statue inside and continued to scream loudly. In order to prevent her from turning around and escaping, Li Teng howled outside again.

The girl did not dare to come out.

Li Teng retrieved the hidden plastic bag, and while quickly putting on his dress, he continued to learn howling beasts outside, frightening the girl not to let her out.

After changing into the dress, Li Teng approached cautiously.

In order to avoid being discovered by the girl, Li Teng crouched on the ground while observing and crawled into the wax museum.

After crawling in, he couldn’t help frowning when he saw what happened inside.

“No way?”

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