Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 78

Chapter 77: Heartbroken’S Daughter 24

In contrast to the presumption of innocence, the presumption of innocence is the presumption of innocence until a person is found guilty. Only when convicted evidence is collected and retrieved during the investigation process can a conviction be made.

The criminal facts of the suspect are unclear, and the evidence is uncertain and insufficient, and the case cannot be convicted. This is a huge difference from the way of judgment in the Great Zhou Dynasty today.

Guo Zha’s actions are occasionally a little out of line, but she is not crazy enough to challenge the entire judicial system. She rejected her proposal at first, but Ying Lan is not in a hurry. The most important thing she lacks is time and patience.

Afterwards, Ying Lan spent two years reviewing major cases all over the country in the past ten years, day and night, and all cases with insufficient evidence or unclear and contradictory cases were re-examined, and many unjustified cases were found. The wrong case was almost deified in the mouth of the common people.

Guo Zha looked at the sadness and joy on the faces of those who were fortunate enough to have a grievance. He thought of more people, but he died tragically under severe punishment before the grievances were cleared. I couldn’t help but be moved by it, and finally couldn’t help but “combine” with her.

“I hope to be with you, to make the world clear and bright.”

Ying Lan returned with a slight smile, and took out the experience in solving the case that she has worked so hard to sort out over the past few years.

Guo Zha found it a treasure after reading it, and asked her to organize it into a book. After obtaining her consent, it was immediately printed. The members of Dali Temple have one copy, but whether it will be extended to the whole country, he has no idea. Hesitated.

“Can you stop eating because of choking?”

Ying Lan’s simple words dispelled his concerns, and the two of them combined to write a memorial to Emperor Xinning. Wei Qian showed an innovative and enterprising attitude since he ascended the throne. , one of the senior officials who is relied on, and the other is a young minister who is very optimistic. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it.

At the age of seventeen, Ying Lan was promoted to the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, and the Zhou Dynasty also changed the way of deciding cases since this year. What I was worried about at first came true.

Nowadays, most of the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty were from the imperial examinations, and being able to read does not mean that they will become officials.

In the past five years in Xinning, there have been several consecutive murders in Anling County.

Ying Lan personally went out to solve this serial murder case. After the prisoner was subdued, he found out that the reason why he was able to escape suspicion was because the Anling county magistrate carelessly took this book on the way to his office. The “Case Collection” was left in the inn.

After the news came out, the magistrate of Anling was inevitably held accountable, and Ying Lan, the promoter of creation, and even Guo Zha were implicated and impeached by the ministers.

The fart was comforted, and this time the political enemy’s attack and annihilation were easily resolved.

Guo Zha breathed a sigh of relief, turned to Yinglan and proposed to the emperor to separate the judiciary from the administration and set up a special case-handling department.

However, this time Ren Yinglan’s tongue was eloquent, and Emperor Xinning was very moved but did not agree. After all, there were too many things involved, even if he was the emperor, he could not easily move.

Ying Lan was not discouraged, secretly sent people to contact a lot of students who were not so good in the imperial examinations, but were very keen to judge cases, so that Fa would send them to various places as deputy for future preparations Someone will be available when it’s done.

Yinglan was officially crowned soon. After the “Case Collection” was leaked, who in Beijing does not know that this first year of Emperor Xinning’s first year on the throne is in the heart of the emperor? Even if the Wu family didn’t make a big deal, there was still an endless stream of people who came to give gifts and congratulations, almost filling their small yard.

His hair is in a bun and wearing a plain crown, Yinglan calculates that he has been in this small world for 12 years, but it is a pity because “Ziang” was once in Huyuan Temple by Shang Shao Yuan was called Po, and she regretted that she could not use it as a character, but Pengyun, her righteous grandfather Wu Jiade, took it.

Although her mother, Sun Honger, is also very sorry, she is more concerned about her daughter’s safety, and in turn persuades her: “Zi Ang will not blame you if he is alive, your brother has loved you since he was a child, He must wish you well.”

“I know.” Ying Lan didn’t tell her mother that the child had already been reincarnated with the merits she gave, and may have grown up safely in this world now.

“Mrs. Yuanping was talking to me during the banquet today. It sounds like she intends to marry his youngest daughter to you.” Forcing the enthusiasm in her eyes away, Sun Hong’er turned to another headache. thing.

“My mother refused.” Ying Lan said not much.

, is it not a mistake for someone else’s life?

She said with a sullen face: “I can still say that you are young and have no plans to get married, but now you have reached the crown. What excuse do you want me to make?”

Ying Lan thought that this was also a problem. After a while, Wu Pengyun, the youngest champion of the Zhou Dynasty, became seriously ill and had to report the illness at home. Hearing about this, he sent an imperial physician to heal him.

Unfortunately, the most skilled medical judge of the Taiyuan Hospital could not find out what was wrong with her. Suddenly, a Taoist priest with immortal style came and said that he could save her.

At this time, the three of the Wu family were already in a state of urgency and went to the doctor. They invited him home regardless of the origin of the Taoist priest, and set up an altar according to his request, and offered three animals and six animals for him to cast spells.

For several days, the incense and smoke of the mallard wafted over the Wu’s house. The people around who learned about it pointed at the door of their house, but Yinglan’s body did not improve at all. Everyone knew that they had been deceived by false Taoists.

However, on the seventh day, a thunderstorm suddenly sounded in the sky and smashed directly into Yinglan’s room. The young man who had been in a coma for nearly ten days suddenly woke up, still in good spirits. Weak look.

Solitary clean this body, no taboos.”

The story of Wu Pengyun being rescued by the immortals did not go away, and soon the capital was uproar, and the emperors in the palace were attracted to the Wufu mansion to personally watch the altar where the “immortals” performed the law.

Unfortunately, when he asked about Wu Shaoqing, Ying Lan said that he had been drowsy as in a dream, and the master and servant of the Wu family could not tell why, and then he searched for a few years according to the portraits provided by everyone. Instead of finding the missing immortal, a few swindlers emerged and were deceived by Ying Lan.

The emperor who was almost fooled by the liar finally gave up, regretting that he has no immortal fate.

Ying Lan, who was able to escape the marriage because of the “immortal” comment, secretly wiped a cold sweat, thinking that it would be better to use less immortal tricks in this small world in the future, otherwise she would accidentally bring the emperor with him If you go into the ditch, if you do something unintentional about political affairs, you will be finished.

The unexpected joy was that the emperor occupied Wu’s mansion, transformed it into a fairy tale view, and gave Yinglan a larger and more luxurious mansion as compensation, she was speechless for a moment, gladly accepted.

The power of miracles in this era is unimaginable, Yinglan did this to avoid marriage, but unexpectedly it paved the way for her in the court.

The emperor had great trust in this courtier who had to use magic to save the gods. Ying Lan originally thought that it would take at least ten or twenty years to get the opportunity to implement the judicial independence proposal, but he was pressured by him back then to pass.

Yinglan will certainly not refuse if there are such good things, but she just wants to make the life of the common people a little easier, and does not want to finish the world of this rare Mingjun, so be careful when doing things Do not touch the interests of the powerful.

It is unavoidable that she has never been tough, and secretly has many means to cut off their overstretched hands and feet. I don’t want this, but it confirms the rumor that she is protected by gods. No one dared to attack her.

The emperor Yinglan who fully supported her also reciprocated. Since the sixth year of Xinning, some people have donated high-yield potatoes and sweet potatoes, and others have planted high-yield rice. Soon after the meal, another person offered cotton that could be woven and kept warm.

changed a look.

The literati praised Emperor Xinning as a flower, saying that he was favored by the gods, and he was the real son of the emperor throughout the ages.

The emperor was naturally overjoyed, but although he was enjoying it on the face, he thought in his heart that the weather in Da Zhou was because he had a minister who had an immortal body.

At this time, it took Yinglan ten years to finally create a judicial department that was independent of the administration.

There is nothing unwilling to Emperor Xinning. The country is developing rapidly, and he also finds that many laws are no longer suitable for the present.

Ying Lan began to revise the law non-stop, and the last law was not so much “revision” as it was “establishment”. In all respects, it is called the first and most perfect law in history.

Ying Lan spent her whole life arresting and trying criminals. During the Zhou Dynasty when she was with her, the case detection rate was extremely high, and even the crime rate dropped a lot.

Wu Jiade and his wife experienced the pain of bereavement, but adopted a filial righteous daughter and a righteous grandson from Xi in their later years.

Sun Honger lived until she was eighty-three years old under the support of her children, and Yinglan quietly closed her eyes after sixty years as the gods had said.

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