
89 l Into the Eye of the Storm

When they arrived in the air dock for Gridania, the Twin Adder guards were surprised to find their ship had managed to fly given the amount of ice and snow it carried. As they prepared their docking preparations, Alphinaud turned to Roll. 

“Roll could you help Cid around the airship? I shall prepare us lodgings at the Carline Canopy.” 

Kida lifted her hands behind her head. “Why? We have two apartments in town.” 

Alphinaud smiled to the blue haired Au Ra. “I don’t think it’d be comfortable fitting ten people into two apartments—though I appreciate your quick thinking.” He waved to them before disembarking. He walked into the building leaving the rest of them with Cid and the ship.

“I was just trying to save you gold, but whatever.” She whistled contently. “Azlyn, how you holding up?” 

The girl roused from under the furs. Ozwin had finally let her lay out on the bench by herself, so she curled up in the furs N’thuzu Tia gave her. “Better.” She mumbled. 

N’thuzu Tia peered over. “How’s your fever?” 

“Persistent.” She answered, pulling herself up and stretching. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.” 

Koroko Koko walked over to her, handing her a vial with red fluid. Azlyn knew right away what it was. 

“Thanks Koroko.” 

The Lalafellin nodded. “How long has it been since you drank one?” 

This made her think back and realized it had been a while. “...probably...sometime...after Titan?” 

Ozwin rolled his eyes. “She goes off the map for over a week and forgets to take her medicine.” 

Azlyn drank the potion, hoping that the taste would disappear. It had a lingering copper taste that she never liked. “I think I was stressed. That’s why it’s hitting me harder.” 

Richiro spoke assuredly. “Stress affects each person differently—and given the things you’ve experienced it would come as no surprise.”

Mjnt had been silently looking up at the green trees, the high arching limbs from the tree branches overstretched and blocked some of the sunlight from up above. “It’s—impeccably green.” She stopped as her ears perked, as if she could hear something. “The wind has a gentle caress.” 

Roll paused in her work, and looked back to Mjnt, “The elements are welcoming you.” 

Richiro walked over to Azlyn and smiled widely. “And they’re incredibly happy right now.” He laughed as the wind picked up and blew through the Au Ra’s hair. 

Azlyn closed her eyes, feeling the gentle breeze wrap around her. “It’s good to be back with friends. I just wish...” She faltered. 

Kida reached over to rub her arm. “One thing at a time girlie. We’ll take care of it together.” 


Ozwin stretched his arms up. “I think we should all shower and get out of these clothes.” He returned a stare to the air dock staff who gawked at their bloody appearances. “Knowing the kid, he’s going to want us to start working right away.” 

“You’re right about that.” Koroko Koko chuckled into her hand. “Before he comes back, we should escape.” 

“Too late for that.” N’thuzu Tia gestured to the returning member of their group. The Sharlayan clapped his hands together as he handed out several keys. They had a total of four rooms. 

“This would be a great time for you all to get cleaned up. I’ll stay with Cid and help him.” The boy announced suddenly, and pointed to their attire. “You didn’t think I would send you out like that, did you?” 

Azlyn laughed, feeling the potion take more effect the longer she waited. “Actually, yeah, we did.” 

Alphinaud shook his head. “I’m not that cruel.” 

“Since we have permission, let’s go before he changes his mind.” Ozwin walked off the dock with N’thuzu Tia and Richiro behind him. Mjnt waited for Azlyn. 

“I don’t know these lands well.” She admitted, staring at the trees. “But it’s peaceful.” 

Kida smirked, hooking an arm through Mjnt’s arm. “Come on, we’ll give you the grand tour. We even know the best spots to clean up.” 

Roll wiped her hands from the grease. “Will you be fine Cid?” 

The man nodded. “Go. I’ll be here.” 

Koroko Koko walked to their side. “I suppose a change in wardrobe will be necessary.” She looked to her black robes tinged with blood.

Kida led their group through Carline Canopy over to Mother Miounne. The elezen woman gave each of them pointed looks, and then settled her gaze to Azlyn. Her expression relaxed, reaching out to tap the top of her counter.

“Welcome home.”

Kida beamed, pointing to herself. “It’s good to be back Mama Miounne! Can we use the shower rooms?”

“Use cold water to wash off the blood. Don’t use hot water—it will spread the blood stain.” The woman recommended to them with a warm smile. “I’ll send the mender up to clean your clothes.”

Roll gratefully nodded. “Thank you Miounne.”

Together they went up the steps, heading straight to the communal rooms to clean themselves. They allowed themselves a little under two hours to clean up, and that gave the mender enough time with their garments. By the time they redressed and returned to the airship, they saw the other half of their party helping clean and rid the ship of the icicles.

“We’ve arrived!” Kida announced proudly, presenting her second outfit for the day. They all were wearing something slightly different from their bloodied attire. As it stood, the mender needed more time to clean their clothes—so Roll decided to pull out her extra sets of clothes for them. She had something for Koroko Koko, and manipulated another outfit so that it would fit Mjnt’s form with ease. 

“Welcome back.” Alphinaud called from the deck, he had a pail of hot water that he poured over the frozen wooden boards. Richiro had been rubbing the ground with a mop head, sloshing the ice that melted under the water. 

Ozwin and N’thuzu Tia were working up on the top of the airship, carefully melting the ice and snow with more hot water. A huge chunk of ice-shaped balloon slipped and crumbled off, dropping into the forest beneath. 

Cid crossed his arms, looking up to the airship they had recovered. “It calms me to look at her. It’s strange how I feel this way—It’s as though I’ve been reunited with a part of me I never knew was missing.” 

Alphinaud walked over to the side of the ship, leaning his arms down to take part of their conversation. “Hardly surprising. You did design and build her.” 

The whole group chuckled, while Cid shrugged. 

The young Sharlayan pulled out a slip of rolled parchment from his back pocket with a big grin on his face. “And while the girls were bathing, the Seedseers have granted our request to house the Enterprise. We may take as long as we require to repair her!” 

“Awesome!” Kida clapped her hands excitedly. 

“What do we need to repair her though?” Roll asked, crossing her arms as she stared up at the airship. “I might have some tools back home, but the materials may be harder to find.” 

Koroko Koko pondered to herself aloud. “Are we not pressed for time? Garuda grows stronger by the hour.” 

Richiro Wichiro walked over to the boarding plank with his mop. He nodded his head exuberantly. “Yes, the sooner we get the airship fixed, the sooner we can save this benighted realm from Garuda’s talons.” 

Azlyn gave the Lalafellin a curious raised eyebrow. “So we’re back to Roll’s initial question of what it is that we need?” 

Cid sighed, gesturing to the airship. “Frankly it’s a miracle that she carried us this far. The wilderness was not kind to her in her time in Coerthas. That much is known.” 

Ozwin jumped down from the top, along with N’thuzu Tia. The pair joined the huge circle the group created as they started to brainstorm. 

Alphinaud started off with the major problem. “As you all know, the Howling Eye is encircled by a raging tempest, apt to turn proud trees to matchwood. Our battle will end before it begins if the Enterprise cannot weather the storm.” 

Cid gave the ship a good look over. “Given time, I believe I can fully repair her. If Roll and Ozwin stay behind to help we could save more time.” 

Roll hummed to herself softly while Ozwin shrugged his shoulders. 

“Which leaves the rest of us to tackle the tempest problem.” Azlyn replied, smacking her fist into her open palm. 

Everyone turned to her. “No, you’re not.” The echo of almost every individual rung in the air dock. 

Kida shook her head. “You literally collapsed girl. Take a rest while we handle this. You can help do some things around Gridania if you’re truly bored.” 

“Although we’d prefer you to save your energy for when we tackle Garuda.” Alphinaud was quick to point out, shaking his own head.

“Question is” Mjnt asked suddenly, drawing the group’s attention to her. She tapped her chin in thought. “Is there a way to brave the fury of the elements?” 

Azlyn nodded. “There is however, the question is how to find—” 

Cid snapped his fingers as if the idea just occurred to him. “The elements! We work upon the element itself! Using the power of a corrupted crystal, we could clear a path through the storm, and spare the Enterprise a battering!” 

The two of them started talking at the same time, only Azlyn stopped mid speech as Cid took charge. The Au Ra with purple eyes explained to the rest of the group. “Basically we utilize the properties of a crystal to alter the element aspect of the installed barrier.” 

The group seemed to understand where they were going with this idea. 

Ozwin placed his hands upon his hips, thinking to himself. “Where can we find these crystals then?” 

“All over Eorzea.” Roll explained, as she nodded. It seemed that she had a good idea of what they were theoretically proposing. “There has been a manifestation of over-aspected aether that can be found throughout the land. Thanks to the Calamity, much of the lands have been rife with these aetheric rich crystals.” 

Kida snapped her fingers, her pink eyes widened. “Oh!! I remember mining a ton of those crystals too! Although they might be too small to use for what you’re proposing.” 

“Which has been a cause of great woe, as they are known to warp aetheric energies.” Alphinaud pointed out. He bit his lip as he talked. “It can even affect living organisms.” 

Ozwin looked to Azlyn. “Then we should definitely keep this one away from those aspected crystals—who knows what could happen with her state of being.” 

“I resent that—but it’s probable.” Azlyn granted, shaking her head.

“We could theoretically use a corrupted crystal to convert the wind-aspected aether comprising Garuda’s barrier into aether of another aspect—one she cannot control.” Cid continued to explain. “With certain modifications, the Enterprise should be able to deliver us to the Howling Eye in comfort, however hard Garuda blows.” 

“The question is where to go, and how do we carry something that could change our aetheric balance?” Richiro asked curiously. 

Cid nodded. “There’s a man in Camp Drybone who I spoke to about theoretical science and the application of corrupted crystals. Or should I say, Marques talked with him. Professor Lamberteint is his name. In either event, he may be your best chance of obtaining a container to house the corrupted crystals.” 

Kida punched her hands together. “Perfect! Then let’s go ahead! I know some good spots in the Burning Wall near Camp Drybone that has some excellent clusters too! Maybe there will be some that will fit the bill!” 

Azlyn smiled to the group. “You guys be safe.” 

N’thuzu Tia reached over to ruffle her hair. “You take it easy. We better not come back to find you missing again.” 

The girl looked to her friends. “I promise I won’t disappear again. I have too many eyes watching me now.” 

Alphinaud chuckled. “She’s right. Go—we’ll repair the Enterprise in the meantime.” 

Azlyn watched as Kida, Koroko Koko, Richiro Wichiro, Mjnt, and N’thuzu Tia walked out from the air dock, heading into the Carline Canopy to prepare their flight plans to Ul’dah. The Au Ra granted that they would probably be gone for several hours—or perhaps they wouldn’t be back until late that evening.

The five of them went to work. Azlyn, Roll, and Alphinaud worked on the main deck clearing out the remainder of the ice while Ozwin and Cid started to melt the ice from the ropes and sails. A good two hours into their task, and the ship looked like it had never been involved in a snowstorm. 

Azlyn sat back, leaning her back against the wooden wall of the dock as she stared up to the Enterprise. It’s sails were blue with white accents. She could see a symbol on the side of the ship, an image of the Garland Ironworks branded on the front hull of the ship. 

Roll knelt beside her, bringing out a simple tea set and cups. “How long do you think they’ll take?” 

Azlyn shrugged, accepting a cup from the set. “Depends on if they find the right aspected crystals. It’s one thing to have a container for it, and completely another to know where the right crystals are.” 

Ozwin walked over to the pair, he crouched down. Roll passed him a cup without a second look. 

He looked down at the contents before smelling the drink. He gingerly sipped the warm liquid, and then let out a discontented sigh. 

“What’s wrong?” Azlyn asked, she quirked her head. 

“Nothing of importance.” He said to her. “I’m wondering if I’m sticking my neck too much into this primal business.” 

Roll sipped her cup with ease. “It’s understandable. You were just a simple fisher before you joined us. You’re free to go wherever you choose. Remember, just because you’re apart of Fated, doesn’t mean you’re obligated.” 

Azlyn gave him a worried glance. “Roll’s right. You don’t have to push yourself on account of me—or anything you don’t want to.” 

Ozwin heavily sighed once more. He gave the girl a curt shake of his head. “You guys all grew on me. Even the little know-it-all.” 

Roll smirked. “Sounds like a personal problem then.” 

“It really is.” He groaned. “After this I’m crashing on the couch.” 

“You would deserve it.” Azlyn pointed out with a smile. She sat there sipping her tea, as Ozwin placed his tea cup down before reaching over and wringing an arm around her neck. “Gah! The tea! The tea!” 

“Who was it that left without a single word.” He reprimanded her, wringing her into a chokehold. 

She tapped his arms to get him to release her. “Me. It was me.” 

“Who was it that caused this whole debacle when she didn’t answer her linkpearl?” 

“Me! Ozwin, I’m sorry I won’t do it again.” 

He gave a long sigh before releasing her. Ozwin clapped her back before looking away. “I thought you were gone kid.”

Azlyn rubbed her neck, sitting back up. “Sorry for worrying everyone.” 

Roll smiled softly. “I can understand why she had to do what she did. Doesn’t make it right though.” 

Ozwin crossed his arms as Roll went to pour the girl another cup of tea. Seeing as her cup previously had spilled over in their tussle. 

“I’ll have to make it up to you all. I’ll earn your trust again.” 

“Damn straight.” Ozwin spoke curtly. 

“We brought dinner!” A young Sharlayan announced as he and Cid emerged from the Carline Canopy, they carried a tray each with food for each. Alphinaud sat between Roll and Azlyn, while Cid sat between Roll and Ozwin. The five of them placed the trays in the center of the circle, and took their respective plates. 

“The Enterprise is looking good.” Roll commented as she dipped her a bit of her bread roll into her creamy potato soup. “Just a few more touches and fixing the barrier, and we’ll be good to go against Garuda.” 

Ozwin drank his soup directly from the side of the bowl, forgoing his utensil. 

“Didn’t you want to make your own airship Roll?” Azlyn asked, then she smiled over to Cid. “She’d make an excellent apprentice!” 


Cid looked to the white haired aura with golden amber eyes. “I...I don’t know how much help I’ll be.” 

Alphinaud pointed his spoon to the engineer. “Cid, you know that you’re the greatest engineer of all time! Please be more confident in yourself.” 

Ozwin finished his soup in the minute that it was delivered, and slowly chewed upon his bread. He sat in silence as the rest of them bickered. 

“Azlyn, did you call your boyfriend yet?” The midlander Hyur asked after he finished chewing his bread. The girl in question choked on her tea as Roll chuckled. 

“How—How many times do I—do I have to say he’s not my boyfriend!” She stammered in shock as Alphinaud tilted his head in confusion. 

Roll explained succinctly. “G’raha Tia.” 

“Ah.” The Sharlayan nodded, looking to Azlyn. “I didn’t know you had a significant other in the Students of Baldesion.” 

“How many times do I have to say that he’s not my boyfriend?” 

Ozwin gave her a thumbs up. 

Azlyn rolled her eyes, before tapping her linkpearl quickly. “I’m only calling him because he’s going to be royally pissed if I don’t.” 

“Oh, I’m pretty sure that he already is.” Ozwin commented. 

“He is.” Roll added, just as Azlyn’s channel opened up to his line. 

“Wait, he’s mad?” Azlyn said without realizing that the line was active. 

“Kida had to answer his calls every day.” 

Alphinaud blinked, staring at Azlyn’s hand that had been glued to her linkpearl as she forgot about it. 

“—Guess I didn’t need to worry too much.” A male voice called into her ear. 

Azlyn felt her jaw drop as she soon realized her mistake. The line feed must have connected halfway through. “’s good to hear from you.” She widened her eyes in shock as she started to inwardly curse. She could see Ozwin holding back his mirthful laughter while Roll smirked. “So—long story or short story?” She opted, hoping the slight timber of his voice wouldn’t harden. 

It did. And she recognized that he started speaking to her not in common, but in ancient Allagan. « I’d prefer the longer story actually. » 

She swallowed the lump in her throat, she spoke back quickly. « Raha, you’re totally allowed to be upset. »

« Yeah. I think I am. Did you apologize to your friends? »

« Yes. And I was calling to— »

He interrupted her with a succinct tone. « Good. I expect one in written form with the story. Until then I won’t be speaking with you. I hope you get grounded by your free company for adding more worries onto us all. But I’m glad to know you’re safe and not dead in some Eorzean ditch »

Azlyn widened her eyes as she soon realized how much she worried them. « I’m truly sorry Raha, I wasn’t thinking— »

The link abruptly cut out as Azlyn blinked. She slowly removed her hand from her linkpearl before dropping her head into her hands. Groaning, she started to curse herself. “I’m so stupid.” She finally muttered in common. 

The entire group looked to her. 

“Didn’t go too well?” Cid gave her an apologetic look. 

She shook her head into her hands. “One problem at a time... I guess. Let’s deal with Garuda and I’ll see what I can do to remedy a soured friendship afterward.” Azlyn admitted. “Also, I’m beginning to see why going off the grid was a bad idea.” 

Ozwin leaned his arms back, his hands propped behind him. “What language were you speaking? You switched halfway through the call.” 

The girl murmured into her hand. “Ancient Allagan. He started speaking it—so my brain just auto adjusted.”

Alphinaud reached a hand over to pat her on her shoulder. “I’m sure it’ll be okay. I can have a chat with him to explain if it will help?” 

Azlyn shook her head. “No, I think he’d be more mad if you did that.” She dropped her hands to her lap before sighing in distress. Her expression clearly paled. “I’m going to have to earn everyone’s trust after this one.” 

“You’ll need to start somewhere.” Roll offered.

“I always think fights are common in relationships.” Ozwin pointed out in a relaxed tone. “It grows character and strengthens the bonds between you and the other person.” 

Azlyn grumbled. “Easy for you to say. You’re not the one who he’s mad at.” 

Cid clapped his hands together, drawing their attention from Azlyn’s sudden anguish. “We only have a bit more to repair before the others bring back the corrupted crystals. Let’s get back to work.” 

Alphinaud collected the bowls, utensils, and trays—carrying them back into the Carline Canopy. Ozwin helped the girls up from the ground and they went to work. Alphinaud shortly returned and assisted Azlyn and Ozwin. Cid and Roll worked on the mechanical aspects of the steering components. 

It wasn’t until late in the evening, when the sun had long since set and the evening chill set in when the others returned. The five of them returned with a pot full of clusters. And immediately Kida dived into the explanation with Richiro’s assistance filling in the gaps. 

“We made it to Camp Drybone where we met that professor, right? And he gives us this pot and tells us to go straight for an assistant of his near Highbridge—we go—his assistant looked ready to jump off the bridge when we come by. He tells us that, ‘No, for the last time I’m not planning suicide!’”

Richiro popped in holding up the vase to Alphinaud. The boy started to inspect the clusters within. “And then we get sent to the Burning Wall where we fight these walking bird knights and gather the corrupted clusters! When we arrive back to Camp Drybone, the professor tells us we gathered clusters that would strengthen Garuda’s barrier!” 

“I hope these aren’t those.” Alphinaud replied, while Roll peered over his shoulder. 

Kida waved her hands as she shook her head. “That’s not even the good part. So the professor sends us alllll the way over to Vylbrand to meet another of his assistants, who has been studying clusters on some island... Isle of Umbras?” 

Azlyn stopped mopping the deck. “Isn’t that island haunted? I remember Baderon told me about it on one of our drinking nights.” 

N’thuzu Tia and Mjnt walk abroad quietly, looking at the clean interior of the airship. They both smiled to the Au Ra and the napping Hyur on the other side of the bench. “It was haunted.” Mjnt replied calmly, taking a seat to enjoy the show. 

Koroko chuckled by Richiro who then jumped up to explain the next part. “Oh! So then we get written permission to go to this isle, because apparently no one will go to the island without one. And you’ll never guess what we found!” Richiro clapped both his hands onto his cheeks. 

Ozwin popped an eye open from his nap. His tone sounded as if he had been rolling his eyes. “I don’t know... if it’s haunted—maybe, you know undead?” 

Azlyn turned to him with a smirk. 

“Not just that!” Kida called out, while Richiro gasped out in terror, “Yes!” 

N’thuzu Tia rubbed his right shoulder. “We fought against a siren.” 

Mjnt smiled widely. “It would make for good conversation back home.” 

Roll whistled. “Did you kill it?”

“No.” Kida puffed her chest out. “But picture this: there we were, fighting off hoards and hoards of undead. The siren kept calling to us, but with our trusty earplugs we were able to fend off the waves of undead and it disappeared into the evening. Thus were we able to safely gather the clusters on the island. But these clusters weren’t the right ones either!” 

Richiro nodded enthusiastically. “Now pressed for time, Ceana—that was the researcher—sent us to Gridania to inquire about the clusters we required from an associate of hers! Hedyn—his name—said that the clusters were available, however we needed to find him his notoriously disappearing spriggan!” 

Mjnt finally added to the story, bemused by the spectacle. “We went to a quaint little place—with flying fairies?” 

“Little Solace.” Koroko Koko spoke calmly of the town Mjnt spoke of.

Kida encouraged the Viera to continue speaking. “The sylphs!” 

“Yes, they were charming. We were able to obtain the location of the creature, saved it, and retrieved the clusters from Hedyn at long last. Then we walked back here.” 

Azlyn mildly clapped her hands together. “It sounds like you guys had quite the adventure.”

Richiro waved off her praise. “Awww... it was just fetching things. Nothing too exciting.” 

Roll crossed her arms over her chest to stare at the young Sharlayan. “Do you think this is enough?” 

Kida skipped over to Azlyn’s side, hooking an arm with hers. “Soooo—what happened between you and lover boy?” 

The girl widened her eyes at the question. “I beg your pardon?” 

The blue haired girl gave her a questioning glance back. “Oh, right—on our way back to Gridania on the flight I got a very feisty call from your boyfriend—“

“Not my boyfriend.” Azlyn interrupted. 

“Right—anyway—he was talking seventy miles a minute and I could barely understand him. Like sometimes he spoke common, the other half of it was some strange language I couldn’t quite pick up. He sounded mad.” 

Azlyn groaned. 

Ozwin popped up from the bench to explain to Kida with a delighted grin. “He was abrupt with her earlier.” 

“Too abrupt.” Roll added, while Alphinaud held up the container full of clusters. 

“Sorry to end this delightful chatter between friends, but let’s save Azlyn’s misery for another night.” The young Sharlayan presented the options before them. “Cid, is this what you’ll need for the last bit of modification?”

The engineer walked over and inspected the clusters. “I’ll need to run some tests to be sure, but this looks to be exactly what we need.”

Roll smiled, wiping the grease from her hands with a cloth. “I’m happy our hard work will finally pay off.”

Richiro jumped for joy. “The airship complete?”

Cid nodded over to him. “The Enterprise is already more than a common airship. Mark my words, soon it will become something greater, something extraordinary.” The man then turned up to stare at the sails, the structure, and all the work they poured into the ship to make it what it was presently. “This is me. This is what I was born to do.”

Mjnt smiled to the engineer, nodding her head. “I’m glad to see you are growing more comfortable with yourself and your talents. It seems like yesterday you were a different man.”

Cid smirked. “Marques has that effect… although, I still don’t remember much about my own past. I feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be—but…”

Azlyn tilted her head, trying to think of the right words to use. “Would it be easier if you remember?”

“Perhaps. Or maybe it’s best I don’t. I’m not too sure at this rate.” The engineer shrugged. “The tests should be complete in an hour—and since it’s getting late—the rest of you should turn in. I’ll make the last-minute changes and we’ll be ready to fly in the morning.”

Roll seemed ready to volunteer to help, but Cid turned her down. “You should get some rest Roll. You and Ozwin helped me the most.”

Alphinaud chuckled into his hand. “What does that make Azlyn and I?”

Ozwin stood up from the bench and walked down the ramp to Carline Canopy. “Cheerleaders.”

“I resent that.” Azlyn shout back. Alphinaud pursed his lips like he wanted to say something, but didn’t quite know how to. When Ozwin was out of sight, the young lad crossed his arms over his chest.

“I daresay he reminds me of Alisaie… but more sardonic.”

“Who’s Alisaie?” Kida asked the boy with a twinkle in her eye. It had the same tone that she would use to tease Azlyn about her friend.

Azlyn slowed her down. “Relax Kida—it’s his twin sister.”

The Au Ra cooed. “She must be as cute as Alphi then!”

“C-cute?” The young Sharlayan sputtered, mostly from the shock of being addressed as cute.

Mjnt chuckled, stretching her arms behind her. “Who is sleeping with whom?” 

Kida ran over to Mjnt. She gave the Viera a huge grin. “Why don’t we have a sleepover altogether! All five of us can share a space!” 

Alphinaud blinked rapidly. “But you all can sleep in beds if you split three to two.” It seemed like he was missing the point behind what a sleepover meant. 

Roll hooked an arm through her cousin’s arm and started to drag her away from the airship. 

Kida then placed her hands on her hips, looking to the young Elezen. “We just met Mjnt today, and I for one want to get to know her! So what better way than to all sleep together in makeshift pillow forts and draped bed sheets!” 

Koroko Koko chuckled into her hand. 

Mjnt smiled warmly. “Thank you for the warm welcome.” 

“Come on Kida—I’m tired from all that travel.” Roll called from up the ramp. 

The girls shortly followed suit, leaving the rest of the guys to figure out their sleeping arrangements. The last thing Azlyn’s ears caught happened to be Richiro’s who had addressed to the young Elezen. “Girl’s are just weird like that. Nothing we can do about that.” 

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