
87 l Stone Vigil

They crowded around the central fountain of Whitebrim Front where Alphinaud crossed his arms over his chest. He had counted their total number within their group before a long sigh passed his lips. “See Azlyn, this is why you should never underestimate the power of rumors.”

“If I knew they all would search for me—I probably would have told them earlier.” Azlyn found herself squeezed between Kida and Roll as they waited for Lord Drillemont to send word over to the lookout.

Kida stuck her tongue out to her. “I would have come still.”

“Same.” Roll replied. “We all would have. Especially after what happened in Vesper Bay.”

Mjnt had been relaxing, sitting calmly on the bench of the fountain while she spoke to Koroko Koko and Richiro Wichiro. N’thuzu Tia had been near them, speaking to them when it wanted to add something. Ozwin had walked over to Cid, staring at him for the longest time. Their conversation had been mostly Ozwin speaking—telling Cid of the things he did during the Calamity five years ago that helped him and his colleagues. He kept the details sparse, but Cid looked appreciative as he listened to him.

Alphinaud shook his head. “I suppose the more people we have searching for the airship will be better in the long run. We can divide our forces and scour the entire fort. If what Lord Drillemont states is true, the airship had been garrisoned into the fort five years ago. However, after five years with no use the Enterprise may be in bad shape.”

Kida leaned her head on Azlyn’s shoulder. “Or it could have been taken elsewhere during the takeover of Stone Vigil by the draconian scalekin.”

Alphinaud sighed heavily. “There is that as well.”

“Let’s just check to be sure.” Roll spoke confidently. “The best-case scenario it’s within the walls of that fortress. The worst-case scenario is that the ship isn’t there and we’re back to square one.”

Azlyn peered over to her cousin. “You faced Garuda in the past Roll—how did you enter the sanctuary?”

Her cousin frowned, thinking back. “Last time Garuda didn’t summon a large vortex wall to barricade herself within. We walked into her nest with several brigades from the Twin Adder. Only a handful of us made it out.”

Kida moved her finger on Azlyn’s palm as she spoke aloud. “It appears Garuda learned that this vortex wall will keep out the walking forces—at least until she’s ready to take on the world.”

“That’s what I’m worried about. She could cause a great deal of damage if she’s left to her own devices.” Roll provided to them. “Alphinaud, I hope you have a plan with this airship. It may be our only way out if things turn south—which it will. Garuda is as vicious as the story goes. In fact, I would be surprised if she didn’t attack the ship as it sailed in.”

The young Sharlayan nodded over to the white-haired healer. His expression grim as he took in her personal account. “We will tackle that series of problems when we get the ship. Until then, all we can do is do what we can now. Given our growth in numbers, I foresee this venture into the Stone Vigil being a quick one.”

Azlyn thought about the fort and the layout. “Do you think Lord Drillemont will give us a map of the fort?”

Alphinaud grinned, pulling out from his satchel a rolled parchment. “One step ahead of you Azlyn. Here at our disposal is Stone Vigil’s blueprints.” He turned around to spread out the paper on the rounding bench of the fountain. One side of the parchment rolled out to Mjnt’s side. “Mjnt, could you hold that end there with your hand?”

Mjnt, Koroko Koko, Richiro Wichiro and N’thuzu Tia stopped their conversation at Alphinaud’s request—as the Viera placed her hand to hold the edge firmly to the bench. Alphinaud then flattened the other side out next to Cid who paused their conversation to join theirs. The amnesiac engineer held the paper without being asked to do so while Ozwin peered over the smaller one’s heads.

“Is that the area we’re going to?” Ozwin asked pointedly.

Alphinaud nodded. “Stone Vigil. We shall come in from the front here.” He pointed to the entrance where the sentries of House Durendaire had stood watch. “Since we have some numbers I propose we split into two teams. We will need to find a clear-cut path to the airship if it is indeed in there.”

Azlyn tapped her linkpearl making sure that it could still turn on. The slight static hum of the live line welcomed her. “We’ll use the linkpearls to stay in touch with the other group. We can do two groups of four, although—” The girl looked to Cid and Alphinaud. “What will you two do? You’re not thinking of joining the combat teams, are you?”

The younger sharlayan pulled his arcanist’s book to his side. “Cid and I will have to wait at the entrance while you all clear the paths. We’re counting on you to make the area secure.” 

Ozwin pointed to the book he had. “Is that just for show then?”

The sharlayan gave Ozwin a crossed look. “I can fight if push comes to shove—however our main purpose is the find the ship—not tire ourselves out before Garuda.”

“I’m more of a fisher than a fighter.” Ozwin tapped his foot behind his other as he raised both of his hands behind his dusty blonde hair. Azlyn could see the roots of his darker hair growing in, giving him a clashing dark and light hairdo.

Mjnt playfully pointed to the spear strapped to his back. “Is that just for show then?” She gave him a devious look, knowing full well that she mimicked his tone from before.

The Midlander Hyur silently turned to her. He looked ready to retort something but had nothing good to say as his lips faltered around the words. At last he sighed. “This is why I should have told Nin-Nin to come. You know this spear isn’t for me but for our princess.” He gestured his thumb over to the purple eyed Au Ra. “Except she skipped out on her training to go play hooky with her boyfriend.”

Azlyn’s face burst into a crimson red at his words. “Hold on there—we’re not like that!”

Alphinaud chuckled at this admission. Cid had to cover his mouth to soften the sound of his own laughter.

Koroko Koko defended Azlyn with a knowing smile. “You can’t always deflect to Azlyn when you’re embarrassed Ozwin.”

The Midlander Hyur tsked at the Lalafellin who muffled her laughter. N’thuzu Tia crossed his arms over his chest plate. He had a bemused expression on his face. “He says he’s a fisher, but he’s been an effective fighter.”

Ozwin grumbled to himself, turning his back on the group.

Mjnt gave a mischievous chuckle. “The bigger they are, the mushier they are.”

“Shut it.”

Richiro Wichiro walked over to Ozwin’s side, and gasped when he looked up. “He’s blushing bright red!”

Ozwin immediately dropped to his haunches, digging both of his fists into the cranium of Richi for his outburst. “Shut up Richi! They don’t need to know that!”


They all laughed minus the two, one drilling their hands into the Lalafellin’s head and the other trying to desperately get away.

Azlyn shook her head before returning to the map in front of them. She peer at the large fortress before sighing. “Alright, we should really set up our two teams then. Our healers should be spread out, so Roll should be on one team. Richiro on the other.”

Mjnt smiled. “Excellent suggestion. Shall we consider the teams by names. Let’s say Roll is on Team A and Richiro will be on Team B?”

Alphinaud nodded. “Then we should have our vanguards spread out evenly.” The young lad turned to N’thuzu Tia. “Which team would you like to be with, A or B?”

The Miqo’te hadn’t expected being given a choice and he shrugged. “I suppose I can lead the second group.”

“Then who is our first vanguard?”

Azlyn raised one of her arms. “I can run vanguard for the first group with Roll if there is no one else.”

Ozwin dragged Richiro over to N’thuzu Tia’s side. “We three are together. Koroko Koko, you in with us?”

The mage caster smiled warmly. “I shall gladly accompany you to wreak destruction on our enemies.”

N’thuzu Tia scratched his head. “How wide spread are we talking here?”

“Hmmm hmm hm.” Was the response they received.

Mjnt stood up, towering over the three Auri who were still huddled together. “Then we four are together. Please take care of me.” The Viera gave them a courteous bow.

Azlyn nervously rubbed the back of her neck with her free arm. “No need for honorifics Mjnt—let’s do well together, okay?”

Kida smiled to the dragoon. “I can’t wait to see you in more action! The way you soar through the air and land atop enemies is awe-inspiring!” Her pink eyes were gleaming with excitement. “It’s as if you dance through the skies!”

“It’s more like a vibrant fire lily surrounded by white snow.” Roll pointed out, her amber-gold eyes warmed.

“You honor me with your words.” Mjnt chuckled, then turned to the map. “If you would take my suggestion—I would recommend we split at the junction near the front. One team shall clear the western side of the fortress, the other the east. Together we can reconvene in this central point and push further in if the ship has yet to be found.”

Alphinaud agreed with her assessment. “Since we are in an accord, all that’s left is for Lord Drillemont to…” The young elezen stopped when the heavy crunch of chainmail greaves into the snow approached them. They all turned their attention over to the three new knights that joined them. The one who led them to their group was none other than Lord Drillemont himself. “What a welcome surprise! Lord Drillemont are we allowed to enter Stone Vigil?”

The Lord nodded, handing over a certificate to Azlyn. She took the parchment with a small smile.

“Present this to Ser Nathelain. You will find the entrance to Stone Vigil Northwest of Whitebrim Front.”

Now that they had the Lord’s blessing to enter the premise the ten of them shoved off into the snowfields of Whitebrim, heading northwest. The paths were filled with powdered snow and ice—these lands didn’t seem to lose their chill, even in the hottest part of the day. As they traveled, they all spoke in their small circles—the conversations were minimal at best but kept the consensus of the fact they had a job they needed to complete.

After fifteen minutes of walking, they all found themselves staring up at the magnificent ruined fortress that once had been Stone Vigil. The architecture had bolstered for strong defenses—however the scorch marks and broken cannonball sized holes riddles some of the outer walls. Azlyn could see a battered flag, frosted at the ends and shredded from the elements. The symbol looked familiar, but from how worn down it was—it was hard to tell.

“House Hallienarte used to guard this fortress—alongside Steel Vigil near Providence Point.” Mjnt started to explain without prompting. “During the war against the Dravanian forces, the House lost control and was quick to be overrun. There was not they could do to prevent the fall of these posts—but the Dravanians were pushed back after some time. These lands have are still plagued by these new breeding grounds. If the Ishgardians do not handle this situation, the outer lands will be overrun by the scalekin.”

Kida pointed up to the open wall, where they watched as a light blue scaled dragon flew into the premise. “Dragons too.” 

Alphinaud cleared his throat, hoping to raise the morale. “There’s eight of you—this should be a walk in the park. Come—let’s not be discouraged before we begin.” 

They continued up the path, and just before they reached the posted guards, they shouted to them to halt. “Who goes there! These lands are protected under House Durendaire. Turn around or face the consequences!” 

Azlyn raised her hand up with the signed certificate from Lord Drillemont. “I have a signed letter from Lord Drillemont allowing us access into Stone Vigil. May I present it to you?” 

The guards looked between each other, before motioning for her to approach. “Only you may approach until the contents have been verified! Your group will stay where they are!” 

As the Au Ra stepped forward, she was met halfway by two of the four guard where they took the letter from her. They read the contents quickly before nodding. 

“Lord Drillemont has given them access into Stone Vigil for as long as they wish.” 

The two guards standing guard waved them through. “The hordes have increased in activity as of late. Try not to die.” 

The party regarded the knights before sighing. Given the knights disposition it seemed as if they were hoping they would clear out the Stone Vigil in their stead. 

Alphinaud clapped his hands together. “Alright teams, we have our battle game prepared. If things get dangerous pray come to the entrance and we will review what happened.” 

Ozwin clapped N’thuzu Tia on the back, as the four stepped forward. “We’ll be covering the east side of the fort. Which team will clear out their side first?” 

Kida snorted as she notched her arrows, getting them ready. “You know for a fact we’ll win!”

Azlyn smiled confidently, she let her summoner’s grimoire disappear into the aetherial pocket. Instead she brought out her sword and shield. “Yeah! Don’t count your eggs in your basket!”

Richiro Wichiro crossed his arms, staring up to her. “Shouldn’t it be, ‘Don’t put your eggs all in one basket’?”

The girl widened her eyes as she went through her proverbs in her head. She muttered to herself in multiple languages before groaning in frustration. “My brain translated that proverb weirdly!”

Koroko Koko playfully hummed, as the eight of them stepped into the front entrance to Stone Vigil. The path had already broken off into two distinct pathways, and just before they broke off into their groups they could see the halls littered with Aevis’ and large flying dragon scouts. 

“Hey!” Ozwin shouted over to Azlyn’s group. “Keep a tight leash on her.” He pointed to Azlyn. “We just found her, don’t let her out of your sight!”


Kida laughed. “Take care of your own hide Master Baiter!” 

“Oh?” Mjnt called out coyly, a smirk devilishly played on her lips. 

“Fisher! Fisher!” He hollered at them before following N’thuzu Tia, Richiro, and Koroko. They could see they were already being bombarded by the Aevis’ on their side. 

Azlyn dashed ahead down the left corridor, ignoring their usual banter and drew all of the monsters to the center of the room. Mjnt took advantage of the cluster, easily piercing the hides of the Aevis’s turned on her. Kida started launching arrow after arrow, taking down the flyers and Roll kept her attention on their fighter front and center. Azlyn felt her wounds healing, which gave her the additional boost she needed to keep up the fight. 

Mjnt and Kida were able to deal sufficient damage to other monsters, before they continued further into the abandoned fort. 

The rooms all spaced out and empty were laid out as the blueprints stated they would. Many of the rooms were crowded with monsters and scalekin. Every once and a while they’d hear an explosion in the opposite side. The cries of the scalekin echoed up into the open air, carrying down the dead halls. As they cleared out the halls and grand rooms, they found little things scattered. 

Broken utensils strewn all over the wooden tables. 

Ripped banners, torn by fang and claw. 

Dented shields, pierced armor chest pieces with half of the bones remaining within. 

“This is almost as bad as a bug infestation.” Roll replied as they walked down the newly cleared out hall. 

“Yeah, we should have just set the place on fire.” Kida added, readying for a quick shot. Many of the aevis’ that attacked were quick, so they all started to react first, ask questions later. 

All four of them were decorated by the blood of the scalekin—there was no way to avoid the spread of blood that sprayed out from the vital wounds, so after thirty minutes and not getting closer to finding the airship, they found themselves taking a break. 

“I wonder how the other four are doing.” Mjnt wiped her forehead with the back of her glove.

“We had a pretty even split of abilities. They should be good on their own.” Roll replied casually, plucking out four water bottles from her bag. She tossed one to each of the group before opening her own.

“The explosions are still going on.” Kida pointed out with a big grin. “Koroko is probably keeping them on their toes.”

Azlyn chuckled.

They resumed their duty to clear out their side of the barracks before wandering down the hall that would meet back up with the east path.

“—By the Twelve, how often do these monsters reproduce!” They heard Richiro’s voice from around the corner. “Koroko Koko you have blood on your dress.”

“You do too.” She said, and Team B emerged from their side in a similar blood drenched fashion as Team A. Mjnt leaned on her spear with a knowing smirk.

“We win.” The Viera chuckled while N’thuzu Tia rolled his neck.

“Don’t we all win if we’re alive?” The Miqo’te suggested with a wry grin.

The Midlander Hyur was not appeased by her statement. “I suck guys. We couldn’t even win against Azlyn. She takes forever too.”

“Hey!” Azlyn retorted, placing her hands upon her hips. “I resent that!”

Kida laughed. “Come on, we have a good portion to still clear out.”

“That should have been the barracks portion.” Koroko Koko pointed out, and then started to make her way down the single corridor to the large open courtyard ahead. “This should be the Barbican.”

Mjnt nodded. “Correct. If the barracks were any indication of there being a scalekin issue, the Barbican will probably have one or two breeding grounds.”

“What about that light blue dragon we saw earlier?” Kida asked, examining her arrows. “I have about forty arrows left. I’m going to need start collecting my arrows after each kill.”

Roll investigated her bag, frowning. “I didn’t bring my reserve sets with me.”

Azlyn wondered about that dragon as well. “We’re going to need to be ready if that dragon decides to drop in. It’s not exactly a fortified spot.” She responded, pointing up to the broken ceilings and rubble around them.

N’thuzu Tia raised his axe, leading their whole party through. They paired off into pairs of two, walking through the long outer hall into the large open Barbican. There didn’t seem to be anything in the vicinity—and as they all piled into the open space—they looked around.

“—This place is surprisingly void of scalekin.” Richiro Wichiro spoke first.

“That’s probably not a good thing.” Mjnt noted with concern. “That just means something stronger has claimed this spot.”

Ozwin started to swing his spear, readying it for battle. Azlyn prepped her shield at the ready, keeping Roll and Richiro guarded.

“Uh guys.” Kida responded suddenly, snapping her bow upward to the wall above the south doorway. “We got company!”

All at once they brought their attention to the large dragon climbing over the southern outer wall, roaring to announce itself to them. Kida had been the first to fire her arrow, but it had missed the target as the dragon dropped instantly into the grounds.

Mjnt charged, followed by N’thuzu Tia with his axe. The pair were drawing the dragon away from their large clump.

“Spread out!” Ozwin shouted to the ranged and distant fighters.

Kida sprinted to one side, with Koroko Koko on her heels. Roll and Richiro moved to the opposite end.

“Watch out Thuzu!” Azlyn shouted as the dragon swung it thrashed about. The Miqo’te blocked the blow, however the power was enough to send him flying ten feet away. Azlyn jumped into the mix, provoking the dragon by clanging her shield rapidly with her sword. “Come and get me.”

Ozwin ran around the side, as the rest of their party started to push in their attack. N’thuzu Tia recovered after taking a moment to breathe. Altogether they started to get into a rhythm, maneuvering and shifting positions whenever the dragon moved.

The dragon started to corner itself, as they all started to converge upon it. In that lapse of time where they thought one last push when kill the dragon, they all soon realized the mistake they made. The dragon realized a heavy musky air from its mouth, breathing the black mist onto them. They all dropped to their knee, trying to gasp for air.

“…?!” Roll clenched her throat, withdrawing away. Koroko and Richiro started to do the same, realizing that they couldn’t cast any spells from whatever had poured over them.

Mjnt winced under the powder, as did Ozwin, N’thuzu, and Kida. They were all silenced, not able to utter a word as their throats constricted.

Azlyn struggled to stand back up, just as the dragon lashed out with its’ claw. She lifted her shield to block the blow, but the pain reverberated in her entire arm. She held her ground, choking on the black mist.

As if to mock them, the dragon started to spout black mist from the nostrils—preparing another heavy dose of black miasma to spread onto them within its throat sac.

N’thuzu Tia grabbed Ozwin’s arm, pointing to the dragon’s exposed neck. Ozwin grimaced but seemed to come to an understanding. The pair sprinted off in different directions, one to the left the other to the right side. The dragon saw them approach, but before it could react Azlyn had chucked her shield right at the bridge of its nose.

The shield cracked painfully loud, not from impacting the dragon, but from the dragon swatting it down and crunching it underfoot.  But that was the distraction that she needed to make as her friends closed in. 

N’thuzu Tia tore into the lower abdomen of the exposed dragon, while Ozwin pierced the throat. Kida fired several shots from behind Azlyn, the arrows landing one shot after the other.

Mjnt stood up, her body shaking from the after effects, and jumped high into the sky. She soared above them and started her descent from above. With all their main melee attacks coming in from all sides, the dragon found itself obtaining one wound after another from them.

The final blow came from the Viera, as she impaled the dragon from high in the sky. As the large creature crumpled under the force of her dive, she withdrew her spear from the head letting the blood seep out.

Azlyn ran over to the spellcasters of their group, the effects of the black mist still affected them.

Seeing the dragon taken care of, Roll dumped the contents of her bag out—tons of vials and medicine cases dropped out. Some water bottles rolled out and away, but she was focused on the glass vials she labelled. Many of them were struggling to talk, barely getting a word out.

Roll brought up a vial labeled: Echo Herbs and popped the cork off with her thumb. She drank the contents immediately before coughing. “Silence. It’s a condition that makes it difficult to spell cast. It also makes it hard to speak.” The healer scrambled through her vials, finding others labelled the same concoction.

“Richiro, drink this. Then start using esuna to cleanse the rest of us.” Roll stood up and began casting her own cleansing spells, casting it over Koroko and then Azlyn.

“That’s the taste of Echo Herbs. It’s minty.” The Lalafellin commented before Kida pointed to her throat. Azlyn could tell that she wanted to be unsilenced.

“She—wants you to cleanse her.” Azlyn struggled, her throat released the constricting feeling as Roll’s magic took effect.

After a minute of spell casting everyone had been recovered at staring to the dragon.

“There’s all kinds of dragons in this realm.” Mjnt replied, rubbing her throat with her hand. “I hope I don’t have to face that kind again.”

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