
80 l Starlight Celebration

Archon Galuf had prepared the kids starlight presents for them to open after dinner, where many of the Students of Baldesion scholars joined them. It was an eventful time, where the kids played with their new toys from Roll and the scholars that pitched in.

“Merry Starlight!” Many of them chorused to the scholars before they were sent to bed. Tomorrow would be the main celebration day, where they all would repeat the same activities from that day, and possibly do a little bit of work. The Scholars of the Students of Baldesion took a short two to three-day holiday, given the amount of work they shouldered after the beast tribes started summoning their primals. After the Starlight Celebration, they would once again go back to work, doing what they could for the realm.

Azlyn nursed a cup of wine that the scholars cracked open once the kids were asleep. Many of them were in smaller groups, discussing topics related to their studies or catching up with old friends. She found several old instructors that she studied under back in the Studiem, they were incredibly strict with her language courses which allowed her to fully learn over sixteen different languages. She even wrote her main Studiem thesis on languages. It was a long two hundred- and twelve-page dissertation.

“Is that who I think it is?”

Azlyn turned to look over her shoulder, seeing an older Roegabyn with bulky dark skin, a grey scruffy beard, and pink eyes that were somewhat hidden by the bi-focal glasses on his nose approach. He wore a simple white tunic with brown vest. She remembered him primarily for his role as an Archon previously in the Circle of Knowing, however now he belonged to a new group after the Calamity.

“Archon Rammbroes, it’s good to see you again!” Azlyn bowed to him. “It’s been a long time—since the Studiem last I recall.”

The older man nodded, scratching his beard with his hand. “Those were the days—weren’t they? I hear you’ve been making a name for yourself all over Eorzea. The Slayer of Ifrit and now Titan’s Bane… Liliana would be extremely proud.”

The girl chuckled nervously at the praise. “I don’t know—maybe. What brings you back to Sharlayan? Just visiting?”

He nodded. “I decided to deliver some recordings one of my fellows took in her research to the Archives. G’raha Tia will want to view these, as it deals with his expertise.”

She tilted her head. “He’s going to either love it or hate it.”

Rammbroes chuckled. “More than likely enjoy it—seeing as the main character in the video is you.” He explained when Azlyn’s jaw opened in mid-shock. “Forgive the jest, I lead the research team for the Sons of Saint Coinach Find near Mor Dhona. K’mhitra was incredibly pleased with your progress in reviving the Allag Summoning rites.”

“This is making a whole lot more sense now.”

“We’re looking forward to your assistance in summoning the egis. I’m sure we will be working close together in the next few weeks to come.” The Archon supplied, before he noticed G’raha Tia perched on the doorframe. He looked as if he were fiddling with his cup as Krile stood five feet away from him, she said something to him that Azlyn couldn’t discern. “Look at me acting like an old geezer talking about work. Don’t mind me, go enjoy the evening with your friends.” The older man waved goodbye to her and went to Archon Galuf’s side.

With the pleasantries out of the way, she walked over to the two who were mid-debate.

“What you’re suggesting is not something that is a proven fact.” Krile admonished with a shake of her head. Azlyn approached her side. “No known records clearly indicated that the Emperor had dealings with an Ascian. You can’t just pull inferences from old texts that can be misinterpreted.”

G’raha Tia spoke clearly. “I find it hard to believe that Amon—a genius he may have been—to have suddenly found a way to revive their dead emperor without some guidance. Also, it is a known fact that the Allagan Empire was ahead of their years by their technological advancements—who could have come up with that? I have stated that Emperor Xande did have connections with a powerful entity, but it is unclear of who it was.” He grumbled into his cup.

“But with no clear proof, you can’t very well tell the board of Scholars that an Ascian brought about the triumphs and devastation to an empire.” Krile sighed heavily. “There have been plenty of empires before and after the Allags who went through the same troubles.”

“I’m just saying we shouldn’t just ignore the possibility either.”

Azlyn listened, before she added her two cents to the conversation. “It’s great to see you both bouncing ideas—but I’d rather not think about the Ascians if I don’t have to.” She smiled to them. “At least until after Starlight.”

Krile sipped her wine with a nod. “I concur with that assessment—Azlyn I’d not take another step under the doorway.”

The girl blinked, while the MIqo’te rolled his eyes. “Someone put mistletoe up—I’ve already taken it down.” He waved the green offending plant from his hand. “It has to be over your head for that superstition to work. And that’s only if you believe in that kind of stuff.”

The Lalafellin smiled. “Good to know you’re not going to abuse it but just to be sure—Azlyn should stay five feet away until you throw it away.”

Azlyn laughed, “He could be waiting for another girl Krile.”

This seemed to offend the Miqo’te quite more than she intended. “How many times do I—ugh.” He shook his head, stuffing the plant into his pocket. “Nevermind. It’s out of sight, no one’s getting surprised by this.”

They chuckled, shaking their heads. They let the distant chatter of the scholars nearby fill the quiet between them. It wasn’t until a few moments after their quiet reverie that Krile lifted her glass.

Krile smiled wide. “Well I daresay our year has been quite busier comparatively to the last few—but I’m thankful to work in the care of such good people. Cheers and Merry Starlight.”

Azlyn raised her glass to that. She finished her drink just as G’raha drank from his. “Merry Starlight!” They both replied, and they noted the time. It was a bit past midnight so Azlyn, Krile, and G’raha Tia snuck out. 

All of them were exhausted from their long day playing with the kids.

“Good night Azlyn, Raha.” The girl with the yellow hood smiled. Her cheeks were a bit flushed from her drink earlier.

“Night!” Azlyn waved goodnight to Krile who went straight to her room.

Together the pair made their way back to the house. The snow continued to fall the entire day, which left over two to three feet of fresh powder to trudge through. Just like the previous night, G’raha walked her to the house and wished her a good night.

“Running off again?” Azlyn teased. She leaned against the frame of the front door. She crossed her arms over her chest.

“If you’re inviting me for another sleepover, I’m not going to say no.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m being a proper escort, so unless you say otherwise I’ll be heading back.”

She laughed. “Come in you weirdo.”

“Don’t mind if I do.” He jumped up the steps with ease and opened the door.

They didn’t exactly have time to clean the futons since last night, so it was a simple transition. Before Azlyn could snag the bed first, G’raha had beat her to it—hopping down on most of the futon. She rolled her eyes, finding the same spot she had last time.

He laid his head on his arm as he faced her, a playful smirk on his face. “The kids were excited to see you summoning the fairies from the Ancient Nymian. I was a bit surprised that you not only found a soul gem for lost Allagan arts, but also for the long lost Nymian militia.”

Azlyn chuckled, mimicking his body language and laying upon her own arm. “Trust me, I was just as surprised. It was mostly luck that I happened to be involved. I’m glad for the opportunity.” She grinned.

G’raha drummed his fingers against the side of his leg. “One day you’re going to make history—and when you do, I’m going to apply to be that historian.”

The girl shook her head. “Ain’t happening. You love Allagan history too much to shift gears.”

“Who says I can’t be knowledgeable about both!” G’raha huffed to her, reaching out with one of his hands to tickle her exposed side. She jumped at the contact, laughing as he continued to pin her down. She attempted to get back at him, but she was failing to keep up with his quick hands. After several moments of rough housing between one another, Azlyn found herself being smushed by him. 

She pushed him off to the side. “Alright you win—you can do both if that’s really what you want. I don’t think it’s going to happen though.” Azlyn laid on her back, letting her tail thump lazily on the futon. 

“You don’t think bards will sing of your triumphs? I think they will—I mean, a publishing company wrote a novel about you.”

Azlyn sighed, staring up to the ceiling. “They’re just finding something that will be eye catching. Given time, I’ll be forgotten about and a new hero will step in the limelight. I’m just trying to help people. I’m not in this for fame or fortune.”

G’raha Tia laughed, his heterochromia eyes gleamed. “That’s a common trait in all the heroes of eld—you know that right?”

She groaned. “I haven’t done much. For the most part it’s just luck and the help of my friends. You’ve done so much too—same with Krile and Ejika.” Azlyn let her hand run along the blanket. “I wouldn’t be here or who I am today without the help and support of everyone.”

“I predict one day you’ll be amazing—and you’ll save the world time and time again. You might even put the Garleans in their place.” He stopped drumming his fingers to reach out to grasp her hand in his. “I believe in you. I’m your number one fan.”

Azlyn laughed at last, shaking her head at him. Since he caught her hand in his, she couldn’t use it to flick him. “Don’t be asking for an autograph. I’m not giving those out anymore.”

“But you did! That means those are going to be super valuable in the future.” He chuckled. “I’ll get you to sign my copy. I have my ways.” He grinned mischievously.

“You did not buy that book.” She gaped in horror.

“I did. And you have to sign it.”

Azlyn tried to pull away. “Nooooooo. Not you too.”

“I’ll consider it my Starlight present this year.” He pulled her into him laughing. She could feel the rumble from his chest as he laughed.

“I’m going to sleep.” She pouted at last.

“Good night. Let’s make breakfast in the morning.” G’raha laughed as he placed his chin on top of her head as he held her close to him.

She smiled, closing her eyes. “Night.”

The morning after seemed to be much colder than the day previous—more snow had fallen over the course of the night. She roused from her sleep, as her companion whispered in her ear. “What do you want for breakfast?” He waited for her to mumble back. 

“Something warm.” 

He grabbed the blankets and threw them over her to add to the warmth. “Alright, you can keep sleeping. I’ll get it ready.” 

“I’ up in five minutes.” She grumbled, accepting the added warmth with a bit of joy. When he had moved it had brought in a wave of cold air which made it a drastic change from before. 

“Sleep.” He pressed a hand over her eyes, darkening her view so that she could go back to sleep. 

By the time she came around the smell of breakfast being made in the kitchen wafted through the air. Her stomach gave a slight rumble, as Azlyn realized how hungry she actually was. She let the blankets fall down off her as she stretched, feeling her limbs and tail warm up with each movement.

Slowly she started to move, going over to wash her face and fix her hair that had gone frizzy. With her morning routine accomplished, she walked out from the bedroom to see the Miqo’te with red hair preparing the plates full of food.

“Good morning sleepy head, I got something warm prepared.”

Azlyn walked over to the table, sitting down on the floor cushion. “Thank you for the food.”

A simple medley of grains and vegetables from the garden were used, as well as some dried meats that were heated up. A traditional Mediterranean feast for three people. She looked at the third plate sitting at the table. “Who’s joining us?”

“Krile. I called her an hour ago. She should be over soon.”

Azlyn chuckled. “Hopefully she doesn’t have a hangover.”

“Food will be a good remedy for that.”

Shortly after they began eating did a recently bathed Krile appeared, her hair had a bit of ice on the tips as she had forgotten to dry it prior to leaving the Archive building.

“The weather is frightfully freezing. Last time I ever walk out with wet hair.” She sat at the table smelling the food. “When are you heading back to Eorzea Azlyn?” Krile asked. 

The girl paused, she did recall saying she would head back to the Waking Sands for Starlight. “Probably after this meal. I might head home to the Goblet first to see if I can make some treats.” 

G’raha Tia drank from his teacup. “Next time we’ll have to go out to you.” 

Krile nodded. “Maybe in a month or so—given that our workload doesn’t increase exponentially between now and then.” 

They ate in peace, a quiet snow-clad morning with a hot breakfast to enjoy. 

Shortly after breakfast, the trio cleaned up the house by putting away all the things that they used the past two nights. Then they went out to the garden, where Azlyn started to gather some of the tea leaves and herbs that would make a decent cup of brewed tea. 

Together when the herbs were gathered, they raced over to the Archives where Archon Galuf had been working in his private study. Azlyn brewed him a cup of tea for her Starlight present to him. She then handed Krile and G’raha the wrapped gifts she’d prepared in advance—things she’d bought or found through her travels of Eorzea. 

G’raha had ran over to his work space to retrieve a book, one in which Azlyn frowned upon seeing the cover page. He grinned widely as she reached out for a pen and begrudgingly signed the table of contents. Then for added purpose, she drew Raha, her, Krile and Ejika in small form in the corner of the page. 

“There you crazy fanatic.” She handed him the book back, rolling her eyes. “I better not see that book ever again.” 

Krile chuckled as G’raha stowed it under his arm. 

“I promise on my honor as an Archon not to show off your astonishing art and signature.” He saluted, running out to stow it away in his office. 

Archon Galuf smiled to the three of them having fun. He sipped on the tea with joy. “It is good to see you again my dear. It is too bad you’re going to be leaving soon.” 

Azlyn gazed over to the older Archon. “I’ll try to write as often as I can.” 

Krile smiled over to her adoptive father. “We should go and visit her in Eorzea when we have the time.” 

“Yes, I do believe we should. It’d be good to see the Scions once more.” He rubbed his graying beard that he let grow in. A small scruff on his chin. 

 G’raha Tia returned, and they enjoyed an idle chat and relaxation for an hour or so. 

When the conversation died down, Azlyn grabbed her things. “I should probably head back to Eorzea. I’ve had fun hanging out with everyone.” Archon Galuf reached over for one of his tomes, wiping the cover before walking over to her. She quizzically looked at the content before gazing back to him. “You’re giving me this?” 

The title of the textbook was called: Aether Studies In Regard to the Physical Body. 

“We discussed it in lengthy detail beforehand—I just forgot to give it to you.” He smiled warmly to her. “Merry Starlight.” 

She nodded, and she prepared to teleport back home. Krile pulled out a wrapped present accompanied with a hand written note. Azlyn looked over the note, noting the messy handwriting of the children. 

“They didn’t have to get me anything.” 

G’raha smirked, “Now remember, whatever it is you can’t burn it or regift it.” 

Azlyn quirked her head at that comment. “By the Twelve, do you think I’m so terrible as to do such a thing?” 

All she got in response was a chuckle. Krile shook her head. “I told them you would like anything they would buy for you—however Raha was the one who put the idea in their heads. Just blame him later.” 

This led her to have way more questions than answers, as she stowed the gift in her satchel for safe keeping. “I’ll open it when I get home. That way I don’t murder Raha if it’s that bad.” 

G’raha Tia gave her a thumbs up. “Much appreciated, I hope you have safe travels and keep sending me your weekly updates. I enjoy reading them just as much as everyone here.” 

Krile chuckled. “It’s nice to hear.”

The Au Ra nodded. “Okay. Then without further ado, I’m heading out. Bye guys!” She waved goodbye, and they watched as she teleported out from the cold front of Sharlayan into the slightly warm winter morning of Thanalan’s residential district. No snow covered the ground, only the soft gentle breeze and the soft glow of the rising sun. 

She walked into the house moments after she arrived, seeing some members of the free company working in the kitchen. The counter had stacks of small cakes in cute boxes and different colored ribbons. Both Roll and Kida were making at least a baker’s dozen of small cakes. She also noted they were dressed on red and white furred dresses.

“Are you trying to feed an entire army?”

Kida perked up at the sound of her voice. “Azlyn! Merry Starlight, are you back already?” 

Roll had a bit of flour on her cheek when she turned to her. “There’s a ceremony tonight in Gridania—the officers from the Twin Adder volunteered to make foods and deserts for the event.” 

Kida laughed. “Yeah, and since we were making a ton, we decided to make some for the Scions! Did you want to run it over for us?”

Azlyn nodded, “Yeah, let me call Minfillia and make sure they’re there first.” She reached her linkpearl, activating a channel. “Minfillia! This is Azlyn!” 

There was a moment before the line connected. A cheerful Minfillia answered back. “Merry Starlight Azlyn! It is good to hear from you! Y’shtola informed me of your success earlier this week! You have won a great victory for the people of Eorzea, one that shall not be forgotten.” 

The girl smiled, tapping her linkpearl. “It’s thanks to my friends and her for that accomplishment—not solely mine. I’ll be sure to pass the word along.” 

“We’re just thankful that you all returned from O’Ghomoro unscathed. Why, Tataru and the others seemed as glad of that as they did of Titan’s fall!” 

 Azlyn chuckled. Kida interrupted their chat by jumping onto the frequency. “Minfillia dear! It is Kida! Merry Starlight!” 

The Antecedent paused before answering her. “It’s so good to hear from you Kida! Merry Starlight. You’ve been keeping out of trouble, have you not?” 

The Au Ra with blue haired wiped her doughy finger under her nose. “Hehe, of course! If anything Azlyn and Roll keep me out of it. Any road, Roll and I made a ton of cakes. We’re going to send Azlyn to delivery them! Make sure you all enjoy it!” 

Minfillia chuckled over the line. “You can look forward to us welcoming her with a hero’s welcome. Azlyn, we’ll be awaiting your return at the Waking Sands. There is much to discuss! Godsspeed.” 

She ended the call immediately after, to which Azlyn walked over to the counter. While they were chatting over the call, Roll had already started to package them all safely in a large crate for Azlyn to carry. 

“Come meet us in Miu Khetto’s Amphitheatre tonight.” Her cousin handed her the crate. “Kida got us tickets to see the singing Chocobo.” 

Azlyn wondered how a chocobo had the ability to sing in the first place. Smiling, she bobbed her head in excitement. “Okay! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” 

With the cakes in her arms, she thought of the crystal in Horizon. She would have to travel slowly with the large crate in her arms, but the walk would be good. Maybe she could see if a caravan was driving through. If she planned the timing well, she could stay with the Scions for the day until evening, and then teleport over to Gridania to help with the festivities. 

When she arrived in Horizon, she took the path heading northwest, traveling through the Silent Kings and toward the smell of ocean. She noticed there were people scurrying away from Vesper Bay, but they didn’t stop to explain why. 

“Damn them!” 

“Hopefully they don’t storm into the valley.” 

“Who’d have known?!”

The strange pieces of broken conversations and shouts Azlyn discerned from the running folks. They weren’t specifically stating what had happened, or why they were running. A strange feeling overcame her as more and more folks started to run down the pathway toward Horizon. 

She increased her speed, not full on sprint but a steady jog. She was trying to keep the cakes from jumping around too much as she travelled. By the time she arrived in Vesper Bay, the town looked completely empty. The merchants that should have been on the streets were missing, many of the businesses had there windows and doors closed. She looked over to the warehouses—in particular to the Waking Sands entrance and felt her blood run cold. 

The door had been busted in, bullet casings and blood smeared along the front way as she entered. Many of the lights were shot, making the only light source the few fires that burned on the torches. 

She ran down the steps, pushing past the doors of the downstairs areas and gaped at the sight. She dropped the crate of cakes in front of her—the sound of the cakes messily squishing and her exhale of shock were the only things she registered as she stared at the bodies swarmed by puncture wounds, bullet holes, and pools of blood.

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