
78 l Wrestling

“Wake up sleepyhead! Time for training!” Azlyn was jostled awake, just after a few short hours of coming back from her night out with Koroko. She grumbled from under the comforter, before even that was taken from her. 

“...Can I get...five more minutes?” She mumbled, curling over to the wall. 

The blonde hair, green-eyed Hyur sighed heavily. “No. Get up.” 

Reluctantly she rolled over to the edge of the bed, wanting to glare but decided it would be best not to cause trouble just after waking up. “What time is it?” She asked, hoping it wasn’t some awful time.

“Five in the morning. Rise and shine kid, you have a long morning ahead of you.” 

Azlyn did as she was told, stretching out all of her limbs and tail from her sleep. It only took her a few minutes to rub the sleep from her eyes and pull back her hair so that it wouldn’t get in the way. Together they went outside and back to training in the front yard. 

They had two chocobos watching them as they trained, Markarov nestled himself on the ground, his head poked out from under the stable fence. Remi was the vocal one between the two, chirping for attention whenever Ozwin walked by. 

She went through her sets as she had before, and three long hours later, she was wiping the sweat from her face with a towel. Ozwin merely drank from his chosen coffee mug, as he pointed it to her. “Want to try your test again?”

She shook her head. “I’m not ready for that level of combat this early in the day.” She learned yesterday that she was a bit overconfident. She’d try again near the end of the week after fully developing a better stance and foundation in melee combat. 

Ozwin smirked, chugging the rest of his coffee. “Shame, I would have gone easier on you.” 

“I highly doubt that.” She rubbed her sore muscles in her arms. “My arms are killing me.” 

The Hyur looked at the training dummy, smirking. “You’re actually using the muscles you’re supposed to. Well, good work. Same time tomorrow.” He handed her the cup he was holding, and then looked to the time. “I have some errands I need to run today—also try to get some rest today. Yesterday I heard you were out with Richi.” 

She chuckled, “Oh, so you did understand I was super tired. I also went out to help Koroko in the middle of the night. I’m dead tired.” Azlyn stifled a yawn by raising her hand up to her face. 

Ozwin raised his hand up in the air, activating his teleport spell to leave. “Grow a backbone, and learn to say no once in a while.” Then disappeared into the aether flow leaving Azlyn alone in the front yard. 

She wondered if that was really the case, only to think otherwise. She wanted to help people, and sometimes doing so required a bit of patience and sacrifice. Azlyn went back to the house after cleaning up. She prepared a light meal for breakfast which drew in the sleepy Kida. Roll shortly joined them afterward, and they all ate together at the table below. Kida pointed to Azlyn with her fork. “I have an adventure for you today Azlyn!” 

The girl was surprised by the exclamation. “You do?” She questioned, placing her utensil back down on the placemat. “Can I nap before then?” 

Roll chuckled into her bowl of rice. “I saw Koroko dragged you out from your sleep last night.” 

Azlyn heavily sighed, tapping her fingers on the table. “I should be happy lost arts are being found once again—like the forgotten arts of Nym or Allagan’s lost art of summoning. I just didn’t realize I’d have the chance to see three lost arts found within one after the other.” She drummed her fingers steadily. 

Kida rubbed her hands together. “Oh yeah! You can sleep all day—it won’t be until a bit later this evening!” The blue haired Au Ra winked. “I still need to head out to the Coliseum to buy tickets!” 

Roll perked at the mention of the coliseum. “What’s going on there tonight?” 

Kida grinned ear to ear. “You’ll love it! Make sure you don’t have any plans! Oh, I’ll see if the others want to join!” With breakfast out of the way, the Au Ra bounced into activity, running up the stairs and out the door. 

Azlyn looked at the forgotten plates she left in her wake. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” 

Roll was still eating the remainder of her food, so the white haired Au Ra started to gather the dishes not being used. “Thank you for breakfast Azlyn.” 

She grinned to her cousin. “Anytime. The breakfast yesterday was tasty.” 

“You burned the eggs though.” Roll pointed out, to which the girl blushed in embarrassment. 

“I like to bake than cook. Okay?” 

Roll chuckled, finishing the last of her meal and helped her clean up. The time it took to clean didn’t take nearly as long as she thought. Roll had been particular on where things went, so Azlyn left it with her once they were washed and wiped dry.  Then she showered, and took a nap on the couch. 

True to their word she was allowed to sleep for the good remainder of the day, only for the front door to creak open. Azlyn opened one purple eye to see Ozwin walking in with a huge crate of different metals. Beside him stood Richiro and Koroko, all talking amicably amongst themselves. 

“Oh dear!” Richiro gasped, raising his hands up in shock. His hazel eyes wide, he spoke over to the direction of the couch. “I think we woke Azlyn up with our entrance!” 

Ozwin purposely stomped into the common room, and toward the workshop. “She’s fine—she slept like the dead earlier when I came in.” 

Koroko walked over to Azlyn’s groggy state, and smiled over to her. “Good evening once again.” 

“Mmm...” Azlyn pulled herself off the couch, stretching. “G’evening.” She blurred the words together and tried to wake up. 

Richiro hopped up onto the couch next to her when she made space. “I was able to see the scholar stones safely to Mealvaan’s Gate yesterday!”

Koroko Koko smiled deviously. “That’s wonderful. You’re well on your way with destiny Master Richiro.” 

Richiro flushed red at what Azlyn assumed was her compliment to the young man. “Thanks!” He didn’t catch on to the fact that she shouldn’t have known about that transaction. 

“That’s good to hear.” Azlyn decided to ignore it, as it was something Koroko must have seen. Her ability was quite peculiar—now the question was, could she control it or not. “I know the interim Guildmaster will do what’s best for the stones.” 

Richiro happily tapped his chin. “Then Kida called me this morning! She said we’re in for a treat!” 

Koroko nodded. “A show of sorts she explained.” 

“A show?” Azlyn questioned, now wondering what Kida had in store for them. The door to the workshop opened once again bringing out the two from within. 

Roll had been wiping her hands of the grease and Ozwin cracked his neck behind her.

“Kida also invited me. Figured it would be a nice outing with the group.” Ozwin shrugged. “Not as great as fishing, but it’ll do.” 

Roll stared at the front door. “Kida should getting the tickets—and with more information that what she gave to each of us.” 

They brought their attention to the door, as if expecting her to come in at that moment. The group stood and sat in silence before Richiro coughed into his hand at the awkwardness that developed between them all. 

“I believe this is the first time we’ve all gathered together!” 

Ozwin walked over to the couch, and gestured for Azlyn to scoot over. Richiro moved over, which allowed her to move over. He popped down next to her. “Second time if you count the Scions over for that surprise dinner. Then you all ran out after Titan.” 

Azlyn leaned back against the back of the couch, looking up to the ceiling. “Right. That feels like it was a while—and not five to six days ago.”

Koroko Koko chuckled. “Fighting a primal can be draining.” 

Roll nodded at that assertion. “Titan had been a tough opponent, so it’s only fair to be exhausted. I’m still tired from all the running around.” 

Richiro looked over to Ozwin, blinking curiously to him. “I saw you briefly at the dinner—you’re the guy who got his eyes blasted with water. What’s your name again?” 

Ozwin placed his one arm on the side of the couch and mimicked Azlyn leaning back. “Remembering the pipes bursting just makes me eyes hurt.” He closed his eyes. “Name’s Ozwin.” 

Koroko had been offered a chair to sit upon by Roll. Then the Au Ra went to retrieve her own. All five of them were now delving into this conversation. “Master Ozwin will become a master fisher.” 

Roll smiled. “I still don’t see how I’ll be proficient with a gun. That sounds oddly like Garlean technology.” 

Richiro greeted everyone in return. “It’s nice to meet you. I am Richiro Wichiro, the eldest son to the family line of Wichiro from Limsa Lominsa. I have many younger siblings and I excel at reading!” 

Azlyn stifled another yawn. 

“Bored?” Ozwin opened one of his eyes to look down to her. 

She shook her head. “You know that’s not true.”

Richiro pointed to her. “She’s tired is all!” 

Ozwin smirked, giving his word of caution. “Be careful when you yawn. You don’t want a bug to fly into your gaping mouth.” 

Azlyn’s side glance held a bit of bewilderment. “There’s no bugs in here.” 

Roll held up a makeshift wand with a paddle at the end of it. “If one comes in, I’ll kill it.” The paddle of the wand lit up with a bit of electricity.

“That’s very much like Master Roll.” Koroko Koko mentioned astutely, pointing to the door. “Oh, I think we have a guest.” 

Everyone turned their attention to the closed door, and Azlyn quirked her head. “Eh? But no one knocked on the door?” 

The five of them sat silently, until a firm knock broke the quiet in the room. Slowly, they turned to stare at Koroko who merely shrugged. Richiro hopped off the couch and walked over to the door. 

“It can’t be Kida—she knows to just come in.” Roll curiously looked to the door. 

As it opened, all of them found themselves in the presence of a new individual—a well tanned Miqo’te dressed in his furs and linens. He had his axe at his side, his black hair and dark brown eyes scanned the common area before he saw Azlyn and Roll within. 

“I found it after all.” The warrior gave a small smile. “Ah, you were that young healer from before. My thanks for last time.” 

Richiro waved in greeting, allowing their guest into the house. “It is great to see you so soon. Hope you are feeling better.”

The Miqo’te nodded, he reached up to his own face to lightly touch upon the healing black eye. “It’s healing faster than normal, and I have you to thank.” 

“Thuzu!” Azlyn hopped up off the couch to greet him. Roll followed after her. 

Ozwin whistled slowly from the couch. “Now if only she’d show that type of motivation in her training.” 

“Quiet Ozwin.” She retorted, and then looked up to N’thuzu Tia. “What brings you here?”

Roll nodded.

Reluctantly the Miqo’te rubbed the side of his arm. His expression seemed more hallow than usual, his eyes darker than the last she saw. “Curious Gorge told me to take a break from training. I am.” 

Azlyn remembered the fight between him and Curious Gorge’s brother—and recalled the Warrior from the tribe had been melancholy after the incident in Wineport. She had a bad feeling something happened that caused N’thuzu Tia to come there. 

Roll smiled to him, not realizing the severity of his tone. “Welcome to the Fated household.” She gestured to the chair she abandoned when she went over to greet him. “Take a seat. We can introduce everyone.” 

Ozwin straightened up when N’thuzu Tia sat in the chair in front of him. Koroko Koko chuckled, looking over to the warrior Miqo’te with a curious glance. “One more and we’ll be a complete set.” 

Her words confused Azlyn as she walked back over to the couch. She decided to sit on the arm of the couch, on the other side of Ozwin. Roll took the spot Azlyn originally sat in before. “...what?” 

“Nothing.” She amended, and turned to N’thuzu Tia. “I am Koroko Koko. It’s an honor to meet you.” 

The male nodded to her introduction. “Uh—thanks. I’m N’thuzu Tia. My friends call me Thuzu.” 

Ozwin eyed him carefully, before he gave him a bright grin. “Ozwin Cotter. I like to fish.” 

N’thuzu Tia perked at the mere mentioning of fish. His eyes gleamed with keen interest. “I enjoy fishing. Actually, I spearfish.” 

This caused the entire group to look at him curiously. 

“Spear fishing?” 

Roll blinked at this. “I think that’d be fun to try.” 

Ozwin had an excited look in his green eyes. “I think you and I are going to be great fishing buddies. We can have a guys trip only! You, me, and little Richi—if he cares for fishing.” 

Richiro blinked rapidly. He pointed to N’thuzu Tia with a purposeful gesture. “I can fish!” He walked back to the couch, hopping up to the opposite end of the couch. The middle cushion had been taken by Roll.

Azlyn played with the curls at the end of her hair, before she said to them. “—Why can’t it be a whole group thing? Why does it have to be a guy only thing?” She then felt Ozwin poke the side of her leg with a finger. 

He deviously grinned at her. “The point of a guys only trip is to talk about guy stuff. You girls always have girls only stuff. Guys need that too.” 

Azlyn stuck her tongue out to him in response.

Roll scoffed. “It’s fine, Azlyn, Koroko, Kida and I can enjoy a girl’s night out while shopping with Ozwin’s lost coffers.” 

Koroko Koko snickered. 

Azlyn grinned brightly down to Ozwin at the mention of his lost coffers. The time was well spent their first night in the house, where she beat him at Triple Triad. “Do you want to add to the funds? Have another go at Triple Triad?” 

He looked to N’thuzu Tia, ignoring the girl’s staring at him. “You see what I put up with? It’d be nice to have another guy around.” 

N’thuzu chuckled, the sound of it was hearty and full. “From my time working with them in Brayflox’s Longstop, I could tell they were a lively bunch.” 

Roll smirked over to him. “Heh.” 

Koroko Koko hummed to herself, and her attention was brought over to the door. Azlyn caught her looking away, and wondered if she was seeing something they had not seen again.

Richiro raised his hand up to grab their attention. “Does Kida know we have one more with us? I’d feel bad if N’thuzu Tia was unable to join our group outing!” 

N’thuzu Tia jittered his left leg, it bounced upon the flush carpet as he gazed around the common room. He seemed worried. “Oh—uh—I didn’t know you all have plans. I could come back later.” 

Azlyn called out to him to relax. “I’ll call Kida. I’m sure we can add one more!” She reached up to her link pearl. “Kida!” 

It took a moment for the girl to answer. “Please don’t tell me you’re canceling tonight.” 

Azlyn chuckled. “I’m not. Actually, I was wondering if you could get one more ticket for—whatever it is—you’re having us go to?” 

There was a bit of silence. “Oh yeah, that’s no problem. I haven’t bought the tickets yet. I should be heading to the coliseum to buy them in the next thirty minutes.” 

Roll tapped upon her linkpearl to jump into the conversation. “Should we just meet you at the coliseum?” 

“Sure. The seats will be open around half past seven. Show starts at eight.” 

Koroko Koko tapped her chin. “We’re only twenty minutes away from the coliseum.”

“What exactly are we seeing tonight Kida?” Azlyn’s curiously pondered, hoping that her friend would reveal it at last. 

But her friend was as lucrative as she typically was. “You shall find out when you get there. Oh! Roll, you should wear your favorite Mirage shirt. Meet me in front of the coliseum in thirty minutes! Bye!” 

The call ended. 

“Heh.” Roll got up from the couch to walk into the workshop. 

Azlyn watched her cousin, and her questions just seemed to grow more and more. Ozwin poked her in her leg once again. “Azlyn, you look like you’re ready to burst with your questions.” 

She looked to him. “Of course I’d be! Why is she and Kida so secretive! I want to know!” 

“You know curiosity killed the cat, right?” 

N’thuzu Tia widened his eyes in horror, the ears atop his head flattened. “That’s a thing?” 

“No!” Richiro and Azlyn both shouted back to the horrified Miqo’te. Azlyn then, for good measure, smacked Ozwin for saying such a thing. “You can’t be saying misleading proverbial things.” 

Ozwin smirked, shrugging his shoulders. “It was a jest N’thuzu Tia. Oh I see Roll has come back.” He pointed to her coming back in, a shirt with an image of a masked Lalafellin on the face of her shirt. She also had a matching mask on her face. 

“Alright, enough sitting around let’s head to the coliseum!” Roll uncharacteristically bounced in excitement. “Let’s go. Let’s go.” 

This seemed to surprise Azlyn. She leaned back in shock. “You’re like a different person Roll—what’s that on your shirt?”

“Doesn’t matter, come on. Let’s go. This is going to be fun!” Roll hurried over to Azlyn, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her with. 

Shortly after the duo started to leave, the rest of their party began walking together out from the residential district into the heart of Ul’dah. Ozwin walked in the back, whistling a quiet hum. N’thuzu Tia stared up and down the circling paths. 

“Is this your first time in Ul’dah?” Richiro asked to the Miqo’te. 

“Yes.” He spoke, looking up at the lit gas lamps on the high walls. “I never imagined a place to be large.” They were walking slowly through the corridors. 

Koroko Koko chuckled into her hand. “We must be sure you don’t get lost. The Steps of Thal look identical to those who are unfamiliar.” 

Azlyn looked back to the group, a smile on her lips. “I was a bit confused when I first came too—Roll and Kida helped me quite a bit.” 

Ozwin perked from behind them. “I’m not surprised.” 

Richiro Wichiro ran ahead of their group, by the Gladiator’s Guild to see a huge crowd forming around the amphitheatre entrance. There were quite a few speculators and show goers forming large groups. 

Azlyn noted the strange shirts with different Lalafellin’s with different styled masks. There were some people who were even dressed like the people on the shirts. They were standing by the far side, looking around and trying to spot Kida in the crowd. 

Koroko Koko hummed. “Ooohhhh.” 

Roll rubbed her hands together vigorously. “I heard tonight’s showcase would be the big showdown!” 

The only ones who seemed unfamiliar with the events were the ones not from Ul’dah. The three of them stared down at the growing crowds with wide eyes. 

“What exactly is this?” 

A pink eyed, blue haired Au Ra popped up in the middle of their group, she was holding a handful of tickets. “Evening Ladies and gents! Look what I procured!” She started distributing the tickets. “One for you, for you, for you...oh hey! Thuzu, good to see you—here’s your ticket.” 

When the tickets were all passed out, the seven of them stared at the header of the ticket. 

“Lalafellin....” Azlyn trailed off, while Ozwin finished. “Wrestling?” 

Kida nodded enthusiastically. “Yup! I heard the championship belt was on the line tonight against Roll’s favorite wrestler, Mirage!” 

Roll bounced with excitement. “They’re the headliner fight tonight! I forgot all about the match until you mentioned it over the linkpearl.” 

Richiro Wichiro pointed to the Lalafellin with the crown on his head, “Who is that?” 

“The Grand Master.” Kida smiled. “Apparently he is in possession of the championship belt.” 

Roll nodded. “Mirage is going to beat him and finally get the chance he deserves!” 

Ozwin laughed, holding his ticket tightly in his hand. “The things you drag us into Kida.” 

Kida gave him a thumbs up. “You betcha! Alright, when they open the doors we should find some ideal seats!” 

They could see the amount of interest grow in the crowds, as the time went by. It wasn’t long before the ushers allowed them into the coliseum, and into the seats. Their group stuck together, finding a spot on the northern side of the arena. Ozwin nudged N’thuzu Tia when he sat next to him, pointing over to the strange square stage with ropes bounded around it.

“Haven’t seen that kind of stage.” 

N’thuzu Tia shook his head. “Me neither.” 

Azlyn was positioned in between Kida and Roll, where Richiro and Koroko sat between them and the pair of guys talking about the wrestling stage. 

“Popcorn! Get your popcorn!” A runner ran by with snacks. Roll immediately jumped up to buy several boxes. She then passed it down their group. 

Thirty minutes of haggling for food and drink died down the crowds, as the rumble of the people in their seats echoed in the amphitheatre. Shortly a Lalafellin announcer arrived in the ring, holding a device that amplified his voice. 


The crowds roared at the call. Azlyn jumped at the loud and boisterous crowds. 

“ARE YOU READY FOR SOME LAUGHS?! SOME HORROR!? HOW ABOUT OUR MAIN HEADLINER!” The announcer worked the crowds, jumping upon the ropes as he rallied them all. “WELL YOU’RE IN IT FOR TONIGHT! GET READY FOR THE FIRST MATCH!” 

On the south end of the floor, the gates lifted to bring out a Lalafellin dress in all white—the white hooded mask with black accent stepped out and glided to the ring. 

“Ghost!” “Ghost!” “Ghost!” “Ghost!” 

The crowds erupted into cheers as the silent small fighter floated up the steps and over the ropes. 

The northern gates opened, as the southern crowds started to boo loudly. Another contestant, a Lalafellin dressed in crazy rag-tag rags came into view for them, they were hopping around hooting and hollering loudly at the crowds booing at him. 

“BOOOO!” “Get outta here Crazy Eyes!” “Ghost’s gonna beat you dead!” “Crazy Eyes!” 

Azlyn leaned over to Kida. “Why is that guy called Crazy Eyes?” 

Kida laughed, pointing to his face when it came into view. 

His eyes darted dangerously and anxiously, even when his masquerade mask covered parts of his face didn’t stop the crazed look he portrayed. He caught sight of their group staring at him from the edge of the stage, he snarled at them—his eyes bulging as he howled. 

Azlyn leaned back, toward Kida. “By the Twelve.” 

N’thuzu Tia just munched on the popcorn. “This is pretty tasty.” 

“Gimme some of that.” Ozwin reached a hand into the box to grab some of the kernels. They all were able to watch the show unfurl—how each contestant worked to gain the crowd favor.

It had been approximately under two hours of consistent high-flying, jumping off the ropes, taunting and catcalling. The first fight between Ghost and Crazy Eyes had been an upset—It looked as if Ghost had cornered Crazy Eyes into a submission hold—only for Crazy Eyes to grab hold of Ghost’s lower form and chuck him out of the ring. The crowd had been watching in anticipation, as the announcer counted down from ten—but Ghost did not move.

The crowd went nuts over the first match, and then the atmosphere carried well into the second and third matches. Some of the contestants and fighters were preformists in Azlyn’s eyes. They were performing daring jumps and flips, appealing to the crowd’s tastes and adding to the fire in the masses.

The last match, as Roll stated at the intermission, was an important one. Many of the crowd had favorites—some for the Grand Master and some others for the contender known as Mirage. Again, as Azlyn watched, she noted the wrestlers were more flyers and opportunists when it came to stage play. It was a good showing, which seemed to please the crowd as after a ten to fifteen-minute brawl wound up with the Champion still holding his title. Mirage had lost after a surprise flying counter delivered by Grand Master, knocking him into the ropes and tangling him.

Ozwin and N’thuzu Tia had gotten familiar with one another during the fights, chuckling occasionally. Richiro and Koroko seemed to have had an enjoyable time watching the show. Kida was clapping in enjoyment over the fun event they were able to see. The announcer announced then that their other wrestling competitors would be having their main-stage sometime after the day of Starlight Celebration. Everyone had been given a chance to enjoy their holiday and come back to work after Heavensturn.

As the show ended, all of them decided that they should stop and get dinner together. The Quicksand had options for all of them, so they left the Coliseum and slowly made their way to the Steps of Nald. The streets had been empty prior to the show ending, and when they arrived Azlyn could see many of the fans talking excitedly to one another.

Many of them were wearing the merchandise of their favorite performer—as Roll had. She looked back to her cousin who walked confidently down the avenue. She didn’t seem bothered by the mask she wore, nor the shirt she had on.

Azlyn turned her attention up to the sky, her body just followed the direction the group. The stars were not as bright that night—with some clouds blocking out most of them. The slight haze of pollution from central Thanalan also contributed to the lack of sight. It was then she turned her attention down and away—not sure what drew her to the alleyway—but she recognized the white tunic and specifically tailored black pants right away.

There was unlit at certain parts of the alley. She could see the silhouette of him standing, but as he shifted into the lamp post, she could see the purple markings of the archon on his neck—and that he was talking with someone in the shadows. Azlyn slowed her pace, before stopping entirely to go back.

“Azlyn?” She heard Kida had called out to her with a curious expression. “What’s up?”

The Au Ra smiled, “Oh, I just saw another friend. You guys grab the table—I’ll be with you in a moment or two.”

N’thuzu Tia shrugged, turning back to his conversation with Ozwin. She could tell the two were hitting it off rather well. Ozwin led the charge this time, with Richiro at his heel. They were yelling back and forth about with entrees would be the best.

As their voices drowned in the crowds, Azlyn slipped back to the alley. She noted there weren’t any bypassers in this area, as she quietly made her approach.

“All is going to plan.” She heard Thancred reply.

“For your sake it better.” The one who he addressed spoke back.

Azlyn stepped forward from the shadow into the light of the alley. She didn’t intend to approach quietly, but when she emerged she could see the pair tense at her arrival. 

“Who goes there?” The question sounded on edge, as if ready to lash out if he needed. 


She could see Thancred slowly turning to her. His eyes—they held some sort of harshness that she wasn’t quite used to. She went to see who he was talking to, only to see no one had been there. Curious, she narrowed her eyes in worry. 

“…What are you doing here?” He asked her, his hand twitched at the side. She couldn’t tell if he was agitated or not. 

She wasn’t used to this hostility and secrecy. Maybe she stepped into something she shouldn’t have.  “I saw you in passing—we all just got out from a show—pretty interesting if you ask me.” She awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. “We’re going to be getting dinner, did you want to join us?”

This seemed to surprise the man, as he just stared at her coldly. “…”

Azlyn nervously fidgeted. “Right…”

“Perchance this is an opportunity one must needs take advantage of.” He drawled aloud, as he reached one of his hands to his chin. “What brought you out here to this place?” He curiously responded, and Azlyn felt weirded by the context. 

“Oh—Kida bought us tickets to watch Lalafellin Wrestling. It was mostly just aerials and flips being performed for the audience approval rates…” Azlyn trailed off, only to hear Thancred chuckle darkly. 

“How mundane.” 

“I’m sorry?” Azlyn thought she heard something uncharacteristic come forth. “Is everything alright? You’re not working yourself too hard, right?”

Thancred stepped forward to her, and involuntarily she took a tiny step back. She had no idea why she was acting that way, but her instincts were telling her otherwise. “Not at all. In fact, you’re making it that much easier.” 

The way he spoke sent chills. “...Right. Well I won’t bother you while you’re working. If you need any help looking into the Ascians, let me know. I’ll help you.” 

She immediately turned on her heel, wanting nothing more than to sprint away only for Thancred to call out to her. “When are you going back?”


“To Vesper Bay.” He quipped. 

She hadn’t really thought of that. “Probably on the day of Starlight. I’ll bring a treat over for everyone.” Azlyn smiled over her shoulder. With a simple wave, she hoped to make a quick escape. “I won’t keep you, have a safe night!”

She ran off without another word—she sensed a sort of—prickling sensation; as if something had been wrong but couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Azlyn didn’t stop in her sprint, not until she ran through the doors of the Quicksand. In her hurry, she happened to scare a couple of young adventurers about to go out for a stroll.

“S-sorry!” She bowed apologetically.

The pair waved her off, scoffing. She deserved the strange looks she received, even as she found her group of friends drinking at the table.

“What took you so long?” Koroko Koko asked, holding up a pint for the Au Ra to have.

Azlyn frowned at the stout ale. “Hmmmm, I don’t know.” She then slammed the drink back.

Roll quirked her head at her cousin. “Something wrong?”

The girl shrugged at last, bringing the drink to the table. “It’s probably nothing. Anyroad,” She smiled back to her friends. “what’s for dinner?”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.