
66 l House Plumbing and Unexpected Guests

The amount of time they had spent in Haukke Manor had been longer than they had anticipated. When they arrived outside, the purple mist that had been swirling around had started to dissipate—revealing a bit of the sunlight from above the canopy of the trees. The orange dusk color shone through giving the wood an ambient wash of warm color. 

Kida clapped Richiro Wichiro on his back. “Nice job for your first outing as an Officer of the Twin Adder!” 

Azlyn joined in her friends clapping. “You did such a great job Richiro! I’m very proud of you!” 

The Lalafell nodded. “That means a lot, coming from the slayer of Ifrit herself. I’m sorry if I sounded a bit pompous in the beginning...just nervous.” 

Azlyn furrowed her brow. “Not at all. I should apologize to you for getting you involved in some hairy business.” She bowed. “Those Ascians...” She clenched her fists. 

Nin-Nin approached them from behind, dropping a hand heavily upon the back of her head. Azlyn couldn’t lift herself back up as he ruffled the back of her hair. 

Kida laughed. “Are you comforting her Nin-Nin?” 

He nodded. Then released his grasp on the Au Ra’s head. 

Richiro Wichiro smiled up to Azlyn, even when she was bowing. He reached up to her cheek, patting it gently. “I am a bit angry at those who were responsible for sowing the seeds of darkness within that poor soul. However it is not your fault for their wrongdoing. There is no need to apologize. I am concerned that they mentioned the darkness had taken root in those halls.” The Lalafellin reached up to his own chin then, deep in thought. “I will speak with Master E-Sumi-Yan to see what can be done to undo the evil in this land.” 

Azlyn snapped her body up, and peered to him. She remembered the Ascians had mentioned that she kept the company of other chosen by Hydaelyn as well. “You comprehended the words they spoke prior to their arrival?” 

Kida also gave him a curious look, surprised. “Yeah—you understood that?” 

The male Lalafellin nodded. “...yes? Didn’t everyone?” He looked up to Nin-Nin who shrugged, nodding. He then signed over to Azlyn to translate. Nin-Nin didn’t bother trying to hide the fact that he was blessed, that was how he was able to pick up his work with ease. He was a hired mercenary after all. 

“You too?” Azlyn posed her question back to him, and sighed. “Richiro Wichiro, has anyone ever told you that you might be blessed?” 

He shrugged at her question. “Eh? My mum told me that all the time. I was her bright child!” 

Kida burst out laughing. “Not like that you dolt!” She clutched her sides laughing. “Blessed by Hydaelyn!” 

This seemed to surprise him, shaking his head. “No. I had a strange dream when I first arrived to Gridania. Something about feeling or thinking?” He rubbed his chin before shrugging. “Does that change anything?” 

Azlyn and Kida exchanged looked between one another. Kida spoke to him. “Uh—yeah it does. Hear, Feel, Think. That’s what you heard, right?” 

Richiro Wichiro snapped his fingers. “That was it!” 

They shook their head, while Nin-Nin gestured to them his sign language. Azlyn gave a small smirk. “That’s not nice to say aloud.” She shook her head, which Nin-Nin rolled his eyes at her. 

Kida and Richiro Wichiro stared at Nin-Nin who eventually pointed to Richiro. He seemed quite insistent she say it. 

“Oh fine.” Azlyn sighed, “He said that you’re quite oblivious...don’t give me that look—ugh, fine. He actually said you must not have been the sharpest tool in the shed. Are you happy Nin-Nin?” He nodded at her exact translation, signaling to her that paraphrasing what he said was rude. “Sorry for being rude.” She admitted to him, shaking her head as if she couldn’t help it. “I don’t like saying mean things.” 

He signed that it’s not mean, just a simple truth. 

Richiro huffed at the both of them. He then pointed furiously over to Nin-Nin. “I’ll have you know I am an intellectual and am well read in literature!” The Lalafellin looked to Azlyn. “Azlyn! You will teach me sign language so I can understand what he’s saying!” 

Nin-Nin signaled to him that would be folly, which Azlyn scoffed. She didn’t bother translating before she started to signal in quick, fluid hand signals. Their conversation remained consistent on the fact that anything was possible given the opportunity and determination to learn. He seemed to laugh at that notion, arguing that sheer determination doesn’t always give the person what they wanted.  

He signaled to the Lalafell that he was sheltered, and then pointed back to Azlyn saying the same about her. 

“Hey—hey—hey, don’t you throw shade at me because I was sheltered too!” Azlyn gave her rebuttal, which caused the tall black clad man to chuckle in his own silent way. He then signaled at last that she was still too green around her horns.

Kida crossed her arms, amused at the scene unfolding. She had watched the two of them signing furiously to one another, and Richiro Wichiro fuming down below. “Alright, before we have another battle break out, lets make our way back to Gridania. As funny as it is to watch the three of you fight.” She chuckled at them, all staring at each other with hands on their hips. She started to walk down the path, leaving the three the only option to follow. They slowly moved in a unit.

Azlyn blew the air from her lungs, clenching her fists up in determination. “I’ll get better in the future. I will get stronger!” 

Richiro Wichiro nodded, also growing in determination. “I may not have caught all you two had signed, but I won’t be left behind! I’ll get stronger too!” 

Nin-Nin nodded to them, crossing his arms without saying anything further. He was looking at their walking backs—noticing their resolve. There was a small smirk line that could be seen underneath the fabric. 

He tapped the top of Azlyn’s head, a firm grip of his hand upon her—giving it a good, resolute shake. When he finally released her, she tried to fix the mess he made of her hair. Kida whistled, looking over her shoulder and then Richiro Wichiro rubbed his eyes in wonder. Azlyn turned back to him, about to tell him to stop messing up her hair, only to see he wasn’t with them anymore. The wind picked up, swirling the leaves up off the path they paused on. 

“And he’s gone.” Azlyn huffed, crossing her arms. “I know I have a lot to learn, but he doesn’t need to treat me like a kid.” 

Kida poked her friend on her cheek. “I’m impressed with you—and the progress you’ve made.” She grinned. “He is true that you’re a bit sheltered, but you’re learning.” 

Richiro Wichiro smiled. “He seemed to be a strict mentor.” 

Azlyn agreed. “Yeah, he was—and patient. I learned a bit from him while fighting in Haukke Manor.” 

“It’s too bad.” The Lalafellin clapped his hands together. “He sprinted away almost like the wind! But he’s right—I am sheltered, a bit green around the ears—and I’ll do whatever it takes to become a better healer and support.”

Kida laughed. “Why don’t you stick around with us then little Richi? They’ll be plenty of opportunities to grow—and you can do whatever you want. Roll could also help you, so join our free company!” The archer then sighed. “I should have offered the invitation to Nin-Nin as well.”

Azlyn shook her head. She had a feeling Nin-Nin was someone who didn’t adhere to groups or parties for longer than was needed. “He doesn’t strike me as someone who would willingly choose to join a company.” She sighed. “I’ll have to tell Ozwin to pass our thanks. I never did thank him for saving me.” 

The three smiled to one another, Richiro spoke with a firm voice. “If we didn’t have a strong hand like his, our chances of success would have been lowered. I’m glad that he’s on our side.” He thought of the two black cloaks with their black masks, shivering. “If he was an enemy, I don’t think I’d know it if he stabbed me.” 

Azlyn frowned. “Yeah—but who knows what tomorrow may offer.” 

Kida suddenly stopped on their way back, looking to her two companions. “Why are we walking back! We should just teleport over!” She already started to think of the crystal residing in the central plaza. “Last one there is a rotten egg!”

Azlyn watched as Richiro Wichiro activated his own teleport right away, the purple and white swirl of aether weaved around both of their bodies before they winked out from existence in front of her. She pursed her lips, not because of being called a rotten egg later, but something that she couldn’t quite put together.

“With all of these people chosen by Hydaelyn, why am I their number one problem… is it because of those crystals I found?” She sighed, knowing that without any further clues to their thought process or background she’d get no answer in return. Her musings would have to remain as musings. At least for the time being.

“I wonder if it’s even a good idea to get my friends involved. Nin-Nin wasn’t wrong about that…one day…I could easily be the reason one of my friends die. And it’d be my fault.” Her jaw tightened at the thought, thinking about Roll, Kida—her new friends Koroko Koko and Ozwin. The laughs they had, the recent memories they made, the future ones to come—she couldn’t jeopardize them.

Yet what could she do?

“Get stronger.” She spoke to herself. “I’ll just have to get stronger.”

She activated her teleport, thinking of the crystal back in Gridania—and the haven that city-state provided for waylaid adventurers like herself. When she popped back into existence by the aetheryte Kida and Richiro Wichiro were searching the plaza for her. Richiro spotted her first, running up to her side to point straight up to her.

“I daresay you are the rotten egg!”

Kida pounced over joyfully, a mischievous grin plastered upon her face. “Rotten egg, rotten egg.” She teased.

Azlyn laughed, taking the jest with ease. “Next time I’ll show you two who’s the rotten egg.” She stuck her tongue out to them and blew a raspberry. When their jokes were done, Kida motioned for them to head back to the spot they had previously spoke with Ursandel. They’d left him near the end of the morning, early afternoon so if luck was on their side, he would still be at that bench.

Together they found the elder Elezen with his hands clasped under his chin, it looked like he was contemplating something when they arrived. “Ursandel.” Azlyn greeted him, and watched as he stood up at their presence.

He raised a hand up to his chest. “You are returned! What sights awaited you within the manor? What has become of Lady Amandine? You must tell me all!” Desperation marred his tone as if knowing would alleviate some sort of guilt from his person.

“Lady Amandine is dead. She was dead prior to our arrival—having consorted with the void beyond and selling her soul for the price of beauty. There was no saving her. I’m sorry.” Azlyn remained stoic in her explanation.

“Many voidsent creatures were swarming the manor when we arrived. There was nothing more we could do.” Richiro Wichiro jumped in, explaining the black magics that had been cast upon the very grounds themselves—bleeding the lands and elementals dry. “If the voidsent is not dealt with, the Twelveswood will be in grave danger. This is no matter of protecting a ducal household anymore, but potentially a national crisis. The lands must be healed and purged of that taint.”

Ursandel listened to the trio respectively, bowing his head as he spoke. “So, she went so far as to consort with devils. Would that I could have done more to prevent her fall. May she finally find peace in the beyond.”

Kida crossed her arms, remaining at the side of the bench. She was giving the manservant a stink eye. “We also stumbled across two masked men during our time in Haukke Manor. Do you think you could shed some light on who they were, and if they were the same people who introduced her in the ways of becoming a voidsent?”

The man turned to her, his eyes tired from grief. “I know not whether the masked men you encountered are the same pair that first led my lady astray, but it is plain that they are of the same vile brood.” He paused and turned a cold eye back to Azlyn. “Should the chance ever present itself, promise me that you will visit upon them tenfold the woe they have brought upon others.”

She nodded, “I will.”

He brought his hand down from his chest at last and sighed woefully. The strength in his voice went away as soon as he recovered it. “But who am I to speak of punishment? By my silence many innocent young women died in unspeakable circumstances—It matters not wherefore. Through misplaced loyalty, cowardice, or both—I am an abettor to a gross crime.” He looked over Kida and then to Richiro Wichiro. “Having met you all, I will surrender myself to the authorities and accept whatever punishment they deem just. I only pray that the gods will have mercy on my soul.”

Kida relaxed her tense shoulders, sighing at last to the old man. “Don’t pray to the gods for mercy—rather use your time that you have now to atone for what has been done. We all have our own paths to walk. I hope that you find your own.”

Ursandel nodded and bid the three of them farewell. Richiro Wichiro was about to follow him, however Kida stopped him. Her hand grasped the top of his hood and pulled it slightly off his head. The Lalafell looked up at her wondering why she was forcing him to stop.

“He must do this alone. When we submit the report later, we’ll learn his true character then. Until that time, I think we should let him decide how he wishes to meet his maker.” Kida then stretched her limbs. “On that note, I’m starving. Let’s go home and see what devastation happened in our absence.” She clapped her hands together in a popping beat.

Azlyn sometimes had to wonder how Kida was able to rubber band from a sad note into a happy note with ease. Her jovial countenance was something she missed when the girl left the Studiem. “Should we bring food back with us?”

Kida cooed, “Oooo, good idea! I know a good place here that Roll loves.”

Richiro Wichiro awkwardly scratched one of his arms, looking around nervously. He seemed at a loss. “I-I guess I’ll see you guys around then…”

The two stopped to look at him.

“You’re not joining us?” Azlyn asked him befuddled. “We weren’t kidding when we said you’re welcome to join.”

Kida raised her eyebrow at him. “Come on Richi, we fought against voidsent and nearly peed our pants together. We’re practically siblings at this point. Let’s go home!”

He was surprised by their openness to his being there, before he crossed his arms. Nodding, he agreed to go with them. He stammered to her, and nervously said: “O-on the condition that I get the third of every week off to visit my folks—I’ll consider rendering my services to your c-company.”

Kida scoffed. “Ugh, quit being so stuffy—do whatever you want. I don’t give a fuck.” She smiled, using her thumb to point them in the direction of the food. “We can catch the next flight over after we pick up some grub. I’m tellin’ ya—this place sells amazing stuff. From pierogi’s to steamed buns…I’m drooling thinking about it.”

The three went about their way, running into the busy marketplace of Old Gridania, picking up several baskets and bins of food to bring back for their housemates. The long lines were worth the wait as the smell of the food cooking wafted through the Rose Oak stalls. Then they walked over to Carline Canopy, heading upstairs to catch a last-minute flight to Ul’dah.

There weren’t many people flying out this late in the evening, although Richiro Wichiro nervously sat on the bench of the airship. On his lap he had a huge box of cooked dumplings. He turned to Kida who was also carrying a large container of food.

“D-Don’t you think we should report to the C-Commander?”

Kida shrugged. “I’ll write the report when we get home. The post moogle can deliver it in the morning.”

“But isn’t the voidsent something that should be known sooner than later?” He argued, and Azlyn had to admit he was correct in some respects—however he was arguing with Kida…who hated reports. She was notorious for not writing them. Of course, the Au Ra had to wonder why the Commander of the Twin Adder decided to have Kida of all people train a new enlistee.

She sighed. “You’re too uptight Richi, relax.” She placed the container she was holding onto the bench beside him, smiling. “Even if we were to submit a report tonight, the Twin Adder isn’t going to send a group of people tonight to handle it. We already got our hands full with the Ixal. One thing at a time.” She explained thoroughly and winked to Azlyn. “Plus, I don’t want to write the report tonight.”

“Ehhhhh?” The Lalafell exclaimed at her admission, only to drop his head.

Azlyn chuckled. “You could have just left it at the Ixal.”

Her friend shrugged. “But I really do hate paperwork. I want it to be explicitly known. If I could shout it to the rooftops that I hate paperwork, I would.”

Azlyn pointed to the side of the aircraft as they started to lift off the air strip. “I mean, technically you could right now.”

Kida jumped up on the bench, hanging half of her body out the side of the ship. The workers gawked at her in horror as she yelled at the top of her lungs that she hated paperwork.

Embarrassed by Kida’s hollering, Richiro Wichiro sunk deep into his seat, while a pair of workers ran hurriedly over to them to ask her to not hang out the side while they were in flight. The last thing they needed was someone to fall.

Azlyn shook her head, taking the cue to sit down. The last thing she needed was to get banned because of their rambunctiousness. Kida laughed loudly, taking a seat next to her Lalafellin cohort, and purposely boasted about how well he did on his first mission. The workers didn’t seem to mind them now that they were sitting in their seats proper.

Their flight was back on track without further delays or dilemmas, traveling over to the fairly busy and bustling City-State of Ul’dah. Azlyn could already see the desert expanding from barren landscapes where few small communities were seen. She spotted Camp Drybone when they flew over, and then when Blackbrush Station came into view, so did Ul’dah. 

By this point the flight was practically over, and before the trio knew it, they were whisked off the air dock and into the Steps of Thal. Kida wasted no time directed them to the entrance by the Miner’s Guild, it was one of the few residential area access points that was closest to their home. 

When they did arrive to their new home, it was vastly different from what they remembered. Azlyn and Kida stared up at the wispy-like gate frame that soared up above the three foot tall white brick wall that fenced off their property from the walkway. They could already see a pagoda at the back of the grassy lawn, steaming water from beyond the white wood deck—a large awning overtop to protect the hot sauna from anything overhead or the elements. 

That wasn’t the only thing that was strange—there were quite a bit of familiar faces working around the premise. Azlyn looked to Kida before shrugging. “I guess we should be glad we bought extra stuff?” 

Kida nodded, “I wonder why they’re here?” 

Richiro curiously quirked his amber eyes. “People you know?”

Azlyn hummed a tone, leading them into the front yard. They were greeted by a blonde haired, blue eyed Antecedent of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. She greeted them with a slight wave of her hand. 

“Good evening! You’re just in time for us to finish up the house plumbing!” Minfillia pointed over to the home where Roll had been dressed in a black and white custom maid outfit. She was working on the house valve. Y’shtola and Thancred were assisting her with the work while Koroko Koko, Papalymo, and Tataru were walking back and forth from the house, carrying things back in.

Kida chuckled. “We weren’t expecting the Scions of the Seventh Dawn—what’s the occasion?” The blue haired Au Ra asked pointing to the large gathering. 

Minfillia explained with ease. “Well, we had something to discuss with Azlyn and Thancred mentioned that you all bought a house—so we thought to give you a visit. You always come out to us in Vesper Bay—a bit of traveling never hurt.” The young lady sighed, tapping her chin. “When we arrived, Roll and Koroko were busy repairing the house. Then the young man—Ozwin, I think it was—came by with rolls of copper. After that we decided to offer her our assistance since it seemed the plumbing quite literally exploded.” 

Azlyn nervously pointed to her cousin now slowly turning on the house valve. “And she’s turning it on now?” 

The Antecedent nodded. “Yes! You all should be with water now! It only took a a few hours to make the repairs and replace the piping that needed to be replaced.” 

“Thank you!” Kida smiled brightly, “And we also brought food from Gridania! We can celebrate a job well done!” She cheekily brought up the crate of food, and Minfillia clapped. She was excited at the idea. 

“Excellent!” She clapped her hands in delight before calling to everyone behind her. “Everyone! Azlyn, Kida and—”, Minfillia stopped to look down to the shy Lalafellin Hearer from Gridania. “May I ask who you are?” 

“R-Richiro Wichiro.” He introduced himself nervously. 

She nodded, before turning to her attention back to everyone else outside. “And Richiro have returned! They brought food!” 

At the mention of food, Yda popped her head out the front door—she’d been missing from view until that moment. Excitedly the young pugilist ran over to them to greet them at the gate. “Food!” And then she excitedly greeted Kida. “Kida! This evening just keeps getting better and better!” She grinned to them, and reached over to relieve Azlyn of the food she carried. 

Y’shtola and Thancred waved over to them, heading inside after Minfillia and Yda walked in. Roll, on the other hand, walked over to them—rubbing her hands together. “Did you know that you can replace an entire house of plumbing in a few hours? I thought it’d take weeks. Good thing Ozwin knows people, and then the Scions came by.” She grinned, “I set up a huge table downstairs—we can sit there to eat.” 

“Wasn’t the downstairs flooded?” Azlyn asked, but her cousin waved her off. 

“Koroko and I dealt with that—everything’s back to normal. Come on, check out our new place!” Her cousin gestured for them to follow her. “Oh, good to see you again Richiro. Hope the flight wasn’t too bad.” 

The Lalafell shook his head. “N-no, it was fine. Kida started to hang off the side of the ship though. I thought we were going to get banned.” 

Kida laughed. “It’ll take more than that to get us banned! Come on! The food won’t stay hot for long!” She escaped into the house, and they followed her steps shortly after. Once inside, Azlyn could see the changes were already in place. 

The walls had a nature type of feel—wallpaper with wood inspired groves. Long green tendrils of vines climbed up wooden arches in the art. The floor was carpet, however it looked oddly like a green, grass field that was well taken care of. It’s softness underfoot could be felt, even through their boots and shoes. There was a couch placed in the corner, where a young Hume maid was placing a wet cloth over Ozwin’s eyes. He was sprawled out on the couch, one arm slung up and over his head. 

“Ayakana, how is he?” Roll asked her retainer with a worried look. 

The maid regarded her employer with a soft gaze. “Mister Ozwin’s inflammation around the eyes have gone done considerably—however he says he’s alright.” 

He grumbled under the washcloth. “That’s the last time I work on plumbing.” He murmured. “Get going you all, I’ll be down in a bit.” He then waved his other hand at them to leave him be. 

Kida shrugged, grabbing Richiro by his head and directing him to the staircase that led below. “That’s Ozwin, but we can meet with him later. Let’s go lay out the food!” 

Azlyn knelt by the couch, more worried about their new fishing buddy than preparing for dinner. “What happened?” 

Ayakana explained with care. “Mister Ozwin was helping repair the broken pipe when the repair clamp snapped off and then a gush of water sprayed him in the eyes.” 

“It’s fine.” He waved her concern off. “My eyes are just irritated. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be good as new.” 

“Take it easy—we’ll save you some food.” Roll tapped her cousin’s shoulder. “Come on Azlyn, Ayakana will take care of him.” She waited for her to pull herself up off the carpet, and then started to explain the changes she made. There was quite a bit of things, from the kitchenette and cupboards, to the orchestrion and other miscellaneous objects that gave the house some semblance of identity. 

When they made it downstairs, Azlyn could tell there was quite a bit of work done. Brand new wallpaper, and new flooring. A fairly large round table where everyone was buzzing about excitedly. Kida had several spots next to her available. 

Tataru ran around the table, passing out plates for everyone to have. Minfillia worked on getting everyone the utensils needed. The food they had brought had been placed at the center of the table, available for everyone to reach. The ones who might have a bit of difficulty may have been the Lalafellins, however those who could reach for them did so for them. 

Azlyn looked around the large table, seeing everyone from Vesper Bay was present. Minfillia, Tataru, Yda, Papalymo, Urianger, Thancred, and Y’shtola were scattered around the table. Y’shtola had been next to Urianger and Yda, discussing things in their group. Minfillia, Thancred, and Tataru were enjoying a nice chat with Koroko Koko. Kida had been in Papalymo and Richiro’s discussion, Azlyn could hear Richiro telling the tale of how horrid Haukke Manor had been. It’s hall filled with blood curdling voidsent and demonic presences. 

Halfway through the story Ozwin finally joined them, his green eyes were still bloodshot. There were a few empty seats—some were by Azlyn’s other side. Roll had sat down between herself and Kida. Everyone had quieted during Richiro’s tale, and even Kida perked up to explain what they found. 

Azlyn ate a spoonful of her soup dumpling. 

Richiro blurted out to them. “Oh! And then after Azlyn defeated the Lady of the Household who had been tricked into selling her soul to the voidsent!” Richiro steamrolled into the next plot of the story, seeing a few more interested in the tale. “Nin-Nin, our mute veteran, dealt with the barrier the voidsent master crafted by destroying the four corner candles. Azlyn then valiantly ran through the mistress with her sword, ending the tragedy once and for all!”

Roll chuckled, leaning over to her cousin. She whispered over to her. “I think you have another admirer.” Ozwin happened to overhear it, who snickered. Azlyn shook her head. 

“I think the person we should admire is Nin-Nin. That guy was pretty much leading the group. I learned quite a bit from him.” 

Ozwin leaned on his elbow, looking to Azlyn with a smirk. “So my recommendation went well?” 

Azlyn grimaced, “—Yeah... although I think I pissed him off.” 

The Hyur with green eyes and blonde hair seemed a bit perplexed by this. “Oh? He actually was mad? I’ll ask him the next I see him.” 

The girl sighed. “I’ve never seen someone sign so aggressively before.” She then went back to her dinner. The second to last of her soup dumpling in her dish. “I think he was expecting someone with more experience.” She then remembered him asking them what their experience was. 

Roll quirked her head. “Ozwin, did you tell him that the group was experienced?” 

He shook his head. “No. I actually told him that he’d be working with a few new people.” He crossed his arms, lost in thought. “Huh, well I’ll figure out why he was being a grouch. Maybe he made an assumption.” Then he shrugged. 

Azlyn softly chuckled, trying not to interrupt Richiro’s tale from Haukke Manor.

“We were about to leave the Manor, but then two black robed people with masks arrived through dark portals!” At this admission, Azlyn choked on her food. It was enough to worry her cousin who reached over to tap her back to help her choking. Everyone at the table widened their eyes in horror, before looking to Azlyn and then back to Richiro. 

Y’shtola leaned forward. “I’m sorry—repeat that Richiro?” 

Thancred shook his head. “No-no, I’m pretty sure our ears are working lovely Y’shtola. I do believe a pair of Ascians have now appeared in this tale.” 

Richiro gaped in surprise, realizing now that he had an entire room silently waiting. Save of course Azlyn who was choking on food. Roll and Ozwin now were trying to help her. 

“Pray continue Richiro—what happened after these black-robed men arrived?” Minfillia weaved her fingers together, her brow furrowed in worry. 

The Lalafellin looked to Kida who shrugged, “R-right. They said they were measuring...” He paused before pointing to Azlyn. “they were measuring her strength for their master. Shoot, what was that guy’s name—Lahabutthead? No, that’s what Kida called him.” 

Yda burst out in laughter, “Laha—Lahabutthead!”

The rest of the Scions sighed. Azlyn had finished drinking from her glass of water before clearing her throat. “L-Lahabrea... Sorry. I wasn’t expecting this to become a table discussion.” She weakly replied, shaking her head. 

Thancred turned his attention to Minfillia, he was giving her an intense stare. “...”

Minfillia ignored his blatant gaze, addressing the whole group now. “Two of Lahabrea’s minions? And they sought to measure your their own admission?”

Y’shtola crossed her arms, her face contorted in worry. “The devil taunts us.” 

The Antecedent nodded her own concern. “It is beyond doubt then—the Ascians have begun to move in earnest.” She sighed. “I suppose I shall tell you all what I had asked Azlyn to do while we enjoyed our respite.” 

Azlyn spoke resolutely, it seemed like the Scions were concerned that she led the investigation about the Ascians. “I wanted to look in to the Ascians; so I followed the leads that I could find. One trail led me to Little Ala Mhigo, where Lahabrea taught some of the youth how to summon Rhalgr. The next led to Haukke Manor where, as Richiro explained, a woman driven into a corner after the calamity. Tragedy follows them wherever they go.” She flipped her spoon in her hand delicately, spinning it in the broth of her dish. 

Papalymo rubbed his chin. “It all seems scattered in plan and organization. To what end, I wonder.” The caster remained dubious. Urianger remained quiet, observing the table’s quaint somber feeling. 

Minfillia clapped her hands then, grabbing everyone’s attention. “I will not bemoan our plight. Thanks to your tireless efforts, we are at least aware of the encroaching darkness. We can only do so much. And it is clear to me that we Scions are too few to protect the realm against this threat unaided.” 

“What about involving the City-States?” Koroko Koko replied at the Antecedent’s side. “They should be able to keep an eye on any strange activity. Just as the Grand Companies keep an eye on the primals.” 

The blonde hair with blue eyes smiled to the Thaumaturge caster. “That is an excellent suggestion Koroko. However there is no shortage of misery in the world that the Ascians might exploit. Even if we involve the city-states, we have an arduous struggle ahead of us.”

Thancred bit his cheek, his meal now long forgotten.

“Yet come what may, we must not allow ourselves to become lost to hope, for that is precisely what the enemy desires.” Minfillia continued, noticing some of the scions lost in thought. “We have gleaned all we can from the information available to us. For a spell, we shall set this investigation aside for the present.” She smiled to them, bringing both of her hands back down to her lap. “I’m afraid as much as we love this celebration of sorts, we have another matter that has arisen. It would seem the Maelstrom is requesting our assistance.” 

Y’shtola placed her spoon down on the table, and then wiped her face with her handkerchief. “Concerning the kobolds they sent such copious notes on, I presume?” 

Minfillia now had the whole tables attention, nodding her head. “Yes, and no. It has more to do with their findings, which portend a peril far greater than any beast tribe.” 

Ozwin stretched back in his chair, and Azlyn clasped her hands together. From one task to another, it seemed the realm needed saving every other day. 

“What sort of peril?” The Miqo’te conjurer asked.

“The worst kind. A tribe of kobolds in the vicinity of Limsa Lominsa has reawakened Titan.” 

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