
64 l Haukke Manor

The three of them circled up by the edge of the pond, where each shared a similar look of trouble. Kida, with her legs tucked under each other and her hands clenching on her ankles clicked her tongue. “Alright so we should prepare what we can and head over to the Central Shroud.” 

Richiro Wichiro gravely nodded. “This would also explain the dead mutilated bodies found primarily in the Central Shroud.” 

Azlyn reached up to her linkpearl and gave a call over to Ozwin. “Ozwin, this is Azlyn.” She waited for him to pick up the line. 

“That was fairly quick, did you all find out more?” Ozwin musically spoke back. He sounded like he outside where the wind was roaring. 

“Yes, if your friend is still interested we can be found in Apkallu Falls in Old Gridania. We found out that we’re potentially dealing with something demonic in nature that overtook Haukke Manor within the Central Shroud.” She explained as simply as she could, and heard the line faintly click. 

Ozwin responded. “I see. Alright I’m on my way to meet Nin-Nin now. I’ll inform him of what you told me, and he’ll be over there. Is this an urgent manner?” 

Azlyn confirmed. “Yes, the sooner we deal with this problem, the better for this community. There’s already been way too many murders with mutilated ladies.” 

“...Understood. I’ll tell him to meet you in less than an hour. You’ll know him when you see him.” And the connection broke off between them. 

Azlyn looked to Richiro and Kida who were waiting on her to finish up. “Ozwin said Nin-Nin will be joining us in less than an hour. Apparently we’ll know him when we see him.” She shrugged at this as Kida rocked back and forth. 

“You’re not anxious, are you Kida?” Richiro Wichiro asked the girl with a concerned look. 

The archer of their group shook her head. Her blue and white curls bobbed with her. “No, I’m just curious how horrific these wounds this head of the household has that would turn her into some murdering fanatic—but I’ll probably see it soon.” She smiled sadly. “I didn’t miss the fact that Ursandel mentioned the masked men in his tale. Azlyn, do you think it’s Lahabutthead?” 

The girl had to resist the urge to laugh at the nickname, “I’m not sure if it is or isn’t. I’m just wondering why he’d, or any of the Ascians, would want to sow seeds in a case like this. I guess I can’t understand their motif operandi.” She sighed loudly. 

The Lalafellin conjurer rubbed his forehead with his hand. “Perhaps it is someone unrelated to your other investigation—that could also be something as well.” 

“You might be right.” Azlyn agreed, looking at the calm surface of the water. “Did you come up with lahabutthead on your own, or was that just something you thought up just now?” She couldn’t ignore the fact now that the nickname was pretty catchy. Kida smirked over to her with a growing grin. 

“I just thought of it. Now I’ll have to come up with some more names.” She started to scheme deviously. “Maybe I can make a song just for him. A song of taunts.” She chuckled. 

Richiro Wichiro frowned to them. “It’s not nice to make fun of a person’s name.” 

“If you met him, you would not mind.” Kida immediately gave her rebuttal. “He deserves it.” 

Azlyn had to agree with her. “While you are correct Richiro, this guy we’re talking about has done atrocious things. A few nicknames won’t hurt his pride—I’m sure he’s been through it before.” 

The Lalafell male nodded to her. He pulled out a map of the Central Shroud, and started to plot out their next course of action. He showed them many of the routes they could take, and then gestured to the plot that Haukke Manor had been thought to be. The three of them worked together, finally deciding on a tactical plan on approaching the manor. 

Richiro crossed his arms at what they decided.  “I see and—Twelve Preserve!” He jumped back in shock and into Kida’s side as he, and the rest of their group realized another had joined them. The mysterious person joining them was standing on the balls of his feet, hunched down to their level listening to their conversation. He made no noise or indication that he had joined them. He looked over the map of Central Shroud with great interest, quirking his head to the side. “Who’s that!”

Azlyn stared at the intense amount of black fabric on this person—they were literally done up from head to toe in black. Their clothes were form fitting around what seemed to be a muscular Hyur or Hume. She couldn’t even tell the color of his skin, or color of his hair. Everything about him was shrouded in mystery. The only thing she could tell was the clear blue eyes that were seen in between the black mask covering their lower face and nose, and the black hood that wrapped it around his head. 

It oddly reminded her of those illustrations she’d seen as a kid growing up of a ninja. 

“Sick!” Kida’s pink eyes popped wide with amazement. “Are you Nin-Nin! It’s only been like—what, forty minutes since you talked with Ozwin!” 

The man nodded once, and then pointed to Azlyn. He gave a quick hand signal to her to interpret. 

She was surprised. “He is known as Nin-Nin, and sorry for the wait.” He then signaled another set of motions using both of his hands. Azlyn had to focus on his hands as his face was impeccably hard to read given the amount of fabric wrapped around his face. “Wow, you sign really quick.” She chuckled before translating what he told to her. “He would have been here sooner, however Ozwin held him up in Limsa Lominsa. He had to find several rolls of copper for—oh.” Azlyn paused in her interpretation. “Right, copper lines for the plumbing. Sorry for dumping our problem on you Nin-Nin. He said he teleported to Gridania as soon as he was able.” 

The man signed a simple signal to her, and then shrugged. It seemed like he wasn’t worried about it.

Kida watched their interaction with keen attention. “So how much do we owe you for this adventure?” She asked him now. 

After a moment of his signaling to them, Azlyn smiled. “He owed Ozwin a favor so this time is free of charge—tomorrow’s a different story.” 

Richiro Wichiro relaxed after watching everything between the three transpire, and given their demeanor he spoke. “If we’re ready to head out then, I suggest we do so while we have sunlight.” 

Nin-Nin looked to the small Lalafellin in the group, before pointing to him and gesturing to Azlyn with his hands. She spoke over to Richiro for Nin-Nin. “He says that he likes how you operate Richiro Wichiro. He’ll follow our lead.” 

Kida hopped up. Richiro Wichiro wiped the grass off the back of his robes. Azlyn stood up with ease, smiling to their new addition. When Nin-Nin was standing at his full height, she could barely reach his shoulder in height. Kida was a quarter of a head taller than her, but he still towered over them. 

Nin-Nin signed over to her, asking her about role dynamics of the party. “I’ll probably be running the show up front with my sword and shield. Kida will be using her bows and arrows.” The archer overheard her name and gave them a peace sign. 

“That’s me! I’ll be your sharpshooter this fine day.” 

Azlyn then gestured to Richiro Wichiro. “Richiro will be our conjurer—what combat skills do you have?” 

Kida perked beside him as he drew out two daggers from the sheathes on his thighs. The black-clad individual showed them all his daggers. They were well taken care of, as if cleaned and polished prior. 

“Those look custom made!” Kida exclaimed, and Richiro Wichiro agreed. 

“And sharp.” 

Nin-Nin gave them a curt nod, before sheathing his daggers back into place. They continued their walk out from Gridania and into the depths of the Central Shroud. As the group of four, they entered the forest of the Twelveswood, they travelled westbound away from Bentbranch Meadow and beyond the tall ridge—the large willowy trees had a vast number of roots that were thick and dove into the ground below. The Gridanians had crafted a series of ramps and outposts that led further into the woods, which their group took by foot. Kida domineered the conversation between them, pointing out the fauna and local beasts that roamed nearby.

It was by the time they went further west that they started seeing strange signs. Dead, shriveled up trees, a lack of general life, an eerie fog cloaking the browned grassy knolls—no animals were seen in their trek. Despite the day still being in the early to midafternoon, the light vanished from the area. Almost as if this part of the wood had been perpetually succumbed to the dark of night.

“What the actual fuck.” Kida replied now that the landscape had permanently changed. “Did we just walk into a hellscape or something?”

Azlyn thought up her sword and shield, readying the weapons just in case they needed them. Nin-Nin tapped her shoulder to stop her. “What?”

He gestured in quick, efficient motions before pointing to Kida and beckoning her over to him.

“Kida, he wants you to go with him to scout.”

The girl tapped her chest and pointed back at him. “I got you homey. Let’s roll.”

The two darted off further ahead while Richiro and Azlyn remained behind. The Lalafellin crouched down to examine the ground with a worrying glance. “This isn’t normal. It’s as if the life were sucked out from the area.”

The white-haired Au Ra frowned. “Something that Ursandel said bothers me. The ‘Rite of Rejuvenation’ business. I’ve never read anything about rituals that could restore the beauty or heal grievous wounds—however I have read some tales of people selling their souls to the void beyond.” Her frown only deepened as she stared at the ground where the Lalafell was examining the grass. “This oddly reminds me of one of those such events.”

“Is there a way to deal with it?” Richiro Wichiro asked, standing up to pat down his robes. His amber eyes had a ponderous expression to them.

“We kill the source.” Azlyn muttered. “Or so the stories go. With the state of the landscape, it may take several—if not more—years to recover.”

Richiro Wichiro could not argue against her on that point. The land had been sucked dry and was on the verge of dilapidation. Even the elementals were silent, which meant they were already gone from that area. “Then we have no choice but to put an end to the Darcantours reign of terror. As Officers of the Twin Adder, we must see to the safety and protection of the Twelveswood.” He sighed, rubbing a hand up his other arm. He seemed to have the jitters. “Is this a bad time to say I’m not good with scary things?” 

“…Oh... I guess I should say I don’t do well in scary situations either. I tend to overthink them, to be honest.” Azlyn stopped talking when she heard two pairs of feet running back to them, Kida a hair behind Nin-Nin as they stopped in front.

Kida shook her head. “Haukke Manor is up ahead alright, and you’re not going to like what we saw flying around.”

Nin-Nin started to aggressively sign to Azlyn a description depicting the iron gates that led into the foggy courtyard of the large manor—and numerous medium to large sized creatures that had one eye and flew rampantly all over. He used an adjective that she wasn’t expecting, and that was the word demonic. She tensed.

“Is it our winged, one eyed creature that everyone’s been sighting as of late?” Richiro Wichiro asked Kida, unaware of the story Nin-Nin had told to the white-haired Au Ra.

“Numerous—are we talking an amount over 5 to 10?” Azlyn questioned him, to which the black clad man nodded. “Great. Yes, Richiro Wichiro we’re dealing with a potential army of voidsent monstrosities before reaching the front door. Kida.” Azlyn turned to her friend. “Any way we can avoid the monsters and sneak in from the back or a window?”

She crossed her arms at her question. “From what I could gather from our quick jaunt around, all the windows are sealed shut. There’s a tall mountain ridge that blocks access over to the back half of the estate, and I only saw the front being the only way in. The whole estate is surrounded by a large, rusted iron wrought gate. And I wouldn’t recommend climbing them.” Kida tapped her foot to an unsteady rhythm, a triplet that soon rolled into quarter to eighth beats. “If we’re going in, we’re going to have to charge in from the front. We can’t tiptoe around it.”

“I was afraid of that.” Azlyn looked to Nin-Nin. “You up for a bit of combat?” He answered her by pulling out his daggers and walking into the mist.

Richiro Wichiro brought forth his staff. “L-let’s go wreak some more havoc.” He was showing some signs of reluctance at the eerie landscape and having to enter it. 

Kida gasped, as her foot stopped in its rhythm. “Did Richi just say we can wreak some havoc? Yes! Nin-Nin wait for me!” She darted after the black clad man while Azlyn and their healer followed shortly after.

“Better get my tank face on.” Azlyn slapped both sides of her cheeks. When she was all ready she pushed ahead into the thick of the fog. She could see Nin-Nin and Kida running back to them, Kida launching several arrows and drawing in a few of the winged creatures toward them. Azlyn bolted to the front to intercept, a screeching belt came from the gruesome wide mouth as it and two others drew closer.

Seeing it up close and personal, the girl could now see why some of the folk in Fallgourd Float were terrified. These things were horrendous looking, their skin looked like slick wet tar—it’s eye was massive, and held the shape of the entire creature. If nightmare fueled bats were a thing, this took that description easily. They were easily dealt with however, as her sword cleanly sliced through the wing appendages. When they dropped to the ground, writhing she would pierce her sword into the center iris of the creature—impaling it, and hoping it would end its life.

Nin-Nin was already handling one on her right side, he leapt straight into action hacking and slashing at the wings of the beast. He did similar as she, attacking all the creature’s vulnerable spots. Kida shot them like she did for target practice, slinging her arrows with a musical lilt to her voice. “If you get past their ugly mugs, their eyes make great bullseyes.”

They pushed through, slaying and getting rid of any winged creatures that tried to assault them. By the time the four of them made it to the walkway of the courtyard, most of the winged beasts were laid bleeding on the ground. The courtyard was huge—Azlyn hadn’t thought it would be this large of scale as she and her fellow companions walked down the paved area. The path went forward for about two hundred feet and expanded into a large roundabout. A decent sized pond had been placed as the centerpiece. Nearing the water, they found it to be purple in color and a foul-smelling stench from what should have been the local fauna. They could see past the rolling fog on this path used to be lit by the large, black torch lamps stationed every twenty feet. Cobwebs and moss-like residue painted the surfaces of each section. Overgrown bushes, and unmaintained gardens served on each side of the paved courtyard, running rampart as the flying voidsent creatures had been previous.

They moved past the pond and up the steps to the grand awning of the Manor. A multi-blue colored glass-stained window was perked on the top of the awning, a decorative and beautiful sight comparatively to the rest of the disorder of this estate.

Richiro Wichiro studied the grounds with a keen eye. “This place must have been quite beautiful pre-calamity.”

Kida had her bow at the ready. “Maybe when this whole business is done, someone from Gridania may come out here to renovate.”

Azlyn shook her head. “Something tells me it’s going to take more than one party of adventurers to clean this business up. This reeks of years and years of bad juju.”

Nin-Nin walked past them and up to the large oak doors. He checked the knobs, tried to turn them, and then looked back, signing with his hands.

“Can you unlock the doors?” Azlyn answered his question without translating it to the whole group. The three made their way up to his side, and when she was in reach of the door, Azlyn touched the knob. She didn’t know why she was checking the knobs, since she just watched him do the same thing. Except this time something strange happened. A sharp shock went through her, and she violently jerked her hand away. Richiro screamed at her yelp, while Kida watched the door with a mix of horror and fascination. Azlyn’s face contorted in pain as the door slowly opened on its own, and a cackling laugh echoed from within.

Nin-Nin inspected her hand immediately. “I-I’m fine.” She shook off the sudden jolt of aether that shocked her. She felt a strange presence then—as if a pair of eyes were watching their every move. She wriggled her fingers slowly. “I think she knows we’re here.”

Richiro Wichiro started to shake and Kida tapped her foot anxiously off beat once again.

“A-Are we r-r-ready?”

“T-That wasn’t very welcoming of you!” Kida yelled into Haukke Manor.

Nin-Nin didn’t bother touching the doors, as he kicked it to the side with a quick movement. The door rattled against its hinges, making a heavy, cringe-worthy noise. Azlyn tested her hand, squeezing the palm and her fingers several times before stepping forward.

“Alright guys let’s not disappoint our gracious hostess. She’ll probably have more tricks up her sleeves inside. Let’s be careful, okay?” She smiled to them, and they gave her a nod of affirmation. They entered Haukke Manor in pairs. Azlyn entered first with Nin-Nin on her trail, while Richiro and Kida formed the back. The inside of the place looked like it hadn’t seen a cleaning day in years—the dust and broken furniture decorated the maroon colored rugs that lined all the halls. The first room they entered, had a large staircase that led up to the second floor—however there seemed to be an aetheric barrier set in place to prevent entry. A large magic circle and series of glyphs warded anyone from entering the top floor.

“Doesn’t look like we’ll be going up anytime soon.” Richiro Wichiro noted and jumped when the front door behind them viciously shut with a loud, thundering boom. More laughter cackled in the grand hall, as the four of them grimaced.

“It’s pretty dark in here—save for the lit torches and chandeliers.” Azlyn heard the flutter of bats as they started to fly out from the western wing of the main floor. “Bats…nice.” They watched as the bats fluttered up and toward the second story, only for them to burst into cinders upon impacting the barrier. “…And not so nice.”

The eastern hall of the Manor had tons of furniture and broken chairs, dressers, tables, and other miscellaneous household items that formed a type of barricade. Azlyn couldn’t tell if it was to prevent someone from leaving or coming out, with how hap hazardous it all looked.

Nin-Nin walked over to the western hall, gesturing for the group to follow. Azlyn ran after him, waiting to keep the group together in case their host had other plans to split them apart. When they turned the corner, and around the hall they found the first set of demonic, void sent monstrosities this Manor possessed.

Floating Handmaidens resembling succubus with horns and tails cackled, and casted black magicks upon them when they drew close. Nin-Nin was able to draw away the hordes of slug like creatures that stained the carpets with murky red substances—which Azlyn hoped wasn’t coagulated blood. She dealt with one of the handmaidens, as she crumpled to the ground. Kida shot the other in the back of the head with an arrow—but she didn’t die. Eerily she turned to them, as blood poured down her back. Azlyn jumped forward, yanking on the succubus’ tail to pull her back. She decided at that moment if a headshot wasn’t enough to kill her, then she might as well remove her head. With a quick slash of her blade, she felt the sword run through flesh, bone, and muscle before the head toppled off and rolled to the ground.

The black irises within the head rolled rapidly back and forth in front of Richiro who punted the horned head away from him. It bounced several feet away before exploding into black smoke. Nin-Nin had taken care of the other creatures, and they reconvened once more in the hall. They had found one room that had been open, while the rest of the doors were locked shut.

“We’ll have to search the room. Maybe we’ll find a key, or clue to open the barrier.” Kida explained, while Richiro stuck close to her side. Azlyn felt a bit bad for the Lalafellin—but there wasn’t anything she could do about it. This was all new territory for her and Kida. She wasn’t sure if Nin-Nin dealt with voidsent monsters before, but he didn’t seem to care. Or act like he cared.

They entered the room, checking under what remained of the tables and chairs. Richiro Wichiro had been shuffling through a box when he pulled out a key. “I found something.”

Azlyn crossed her arms. “Let’s check one of the locked doors and find out.”

And they went down the hall, the first key unlocked a room for them, and they wound up fighting another set of voidsent lying in wait. After eliminating the threat, they searched the room finding another key. This continued all the way down into the hall, checking all the rooms and areas thoroughly. The place had been littered with surprises and monsters.

They walked down the blood-stained carpets and monster littered floor to the one of the two unopened doors remaining. The door that had been left locked in that hall had a green tinted knob—probably indicating that it required a different key to open it.

Thus, did they use the regular gray key on the other door, slowly creaking it open. An empty ballroom, with large red colored tapestries that covered all the windows on one of the rooms side. The ground was not carpeted, but a dirty grey colored marble. The room was barely lit by two chandeliers, and the few lamps that hung on the walls.

“Nothing here?” Kida had her bow lowered by her hip, an arrow notched and ready to fire. Azlyn edged into the room, walking dead center and looking for any signs of movement. Nin-Nin went over to examine the windows, checking the tapestries for hidden keys or notes. Richiro remained close to Kida’s side, he seemed reliant on the girl now that they were in it together.

Azlyn walked further up into the room, not sensing anything. She decided to turn back to her group. “I don’t see anythi—!!” She was surprised when something black bolted to her, daggers up and a loud clang of metal upon metal echoed the hall. Kida reacted immediately, firing her prepared shot while Richiro had covered his face with his hands in fright.

When she turned back to look behind she saw a beautiful maiden with long black hair, horns, a long flowing and tattered black cape—and was bigger than the other succubus they had run into in the halls. Her jagged sword in her hand snapped at Nin-Nin’s daggers with a ferocity Azlyn didn’t think possible. He was holding her off, protecting Azlyn from the surprise attack.

“Sh-she appeared from the g-ground!” Richiro called out in horror, and Azlyn raised her sword and shield. That was what she got for lowering her guard—if it wasn’t for Nin-Nin she would have—she didn’t want to think about it. He pushed the voidsent creature back from them, and Azlyn repositioned herself so that she could start her attack.

This succubus was stronger than the voidsent creatures they had gone up against previously, her skin healed quick and she casted fire and thunder spells to them all. Azlyn waited until she was casting a fire spell with her extended hand, and then slashed against her forearm and wrist. She had hoped her sword would cleanly cut off her hand but found her sword only able to cut halfway through to the bone. She yanked back the blade, as the woman stopped her casting—and stared right at her. A heavy stream of blood poured from her arm, whether she felt the pain of not, it didn’t seem to matter as all her focus was on Azlyn now.

“Watch out!” Kida yelled, firing several arrows into the back of the woman. Nin-Nin withdrew from close combat. While Richiro casted his support spells from the side.

Azlyn wanted to move, she wanted to pull away, but those black irises stopped her in her tracks. She could feel like she was there in that moment, fighting with her friends, and yet she wasn’t in control. She was screaming at herself to move, but her body refused. Her purple eyes widened in fear, a vision played before her, the fall of Dalamud and the calamity that struck. She was scared—but there was no reason to be—she wasn’t fighting in the war with the lesser moon fell. She was fighting against a voidsent messing with her mind. She knew that, and she knew that the illusion was a facade to freeze her. However…

No. no. no. movemovemovemoveMOVE BODY MOVE!

A solid slap smacked her on the face as her focus returned. The maiden was not in front of her, but now fighting Nin-Nin. Kida stood in front of her, shaking her shoulders fervently. Azlyn felt another slap on her face as she finally snapped back to reality.


Kida pinched Azlyn’s nose a bit more forcefully. “Don’t scare us. Now get back in there, and don’t fall for her tricks!”

“Yes Ma’am.” Azlyn felt her cheek ache as she picked up the sword and shield she dropped on the marble. It must have clattered to the ground when she was caught in her spell. Nin-Nin saw her returning, as Richiro casted a wave of heals upon them all. Nin-Nin hacked and slashed at any vulnerable spots she gave, and Azlyn decided to try and cut off her half-torn off hand. This time was more successful, as the maiden clenched her forearm in pain. The hand flopped onto the marble, with blood spewing out from the appendage and limb.

The maiden glared to all of them, before attempting to attacking Nin-Nin. Kida, however, lobbied a powerful hook shot that went straight through the woman’s spinal cord in her throat. Given the chance to finish her off, both Nin-Nin and Azlyn charged at her with their weapons. They slammed the blades of their weapons each into a different part of the woman’s body, and they waited until she exploded in a poof of black smoke. Her cries silenced within the halls.

Kida and Richiro ran over to them, while Nin-Nin sheathed his daggers. When he approached Azlyn, he immediately chopped the side of his palm down upon her head.


Then he started to quickly sign to her a bit of his frustration. She rubbed her head, watching and comprehending what he was trying to tell her. He told her that she was being too careless in her attack, and her hesitancy would wind up getting herself or someone killed. Then told her that for her initial warning of caution earlier, she didn’t follow her own words well. When he was finished, he crossed his arms waiting for her response.

Kida and Richiro both watched them with wide eyes, not sure what to make of it.

“You’re right—I’m sorry for burdening you with my inexperience.” She bowed to him. “I know that I’m careless and a bit reckless, but I promise you I will learn. I won’t die or let someone die on my watch.” She straightened herself back up to look into his eyes. She couldn’t shake the feeling she’d seen those sets of eyes before—but the blue was throwing her off. “I will make that promise with you, and everyone here.”

Kida shrugged, pointing to Richiro Wichiro. “We’re a bit out of sync with each other, but we’ll get team coordination one of these days. To be honest these demonic creatures are a bit unnerving for us too.”

Nin-Nin sighed silently, before he signed a question to Azlyn. He was asking her how many expeditions like this she’d done before. 

She started to count off the few ventures she’d been on. “If we’re counting this venture, this would be my sixth.”

“What is he asking?” Kida asked. 

“He asked how many expeditions we’ve been on.”

“Th-this is my first time.” Richiro Wichiro knelt to the ground. He was examining something he found. 

Kida seemed to be counting off a number in her head while Nin-Nin stayed between the two newer adventurers like they grew three heads. “Oh! I’ve done a little over twenty or so. How many have you done Nin-Nin?” Kida posed the question back to the man, and he signed simply enough for all of them to tell. 

“300...” Azlyn said the number aloud as if it were unbelievable. 

“Wow... you’re quite the veteran.” Richiro Wichiro picked himself up from the ground, an object in his hand. He coughed, hoping to change the topic. “Well, look w-what dropped.” They peered down and saw a green key in his hand. “Th-think this might go to that d-door just outside this room?”

Nin-Nin took the key from the Lalafellin’s hand and motioned for them to follow him. Azlyn let him lead, as he was probably wanting to get out of this mess. What he said to her wasn’t wrong—and she needed to pull herself together. Azlyn slapped both of her cheeks before following after her party members.

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