
51 l Aether Amplification

“Azlyn?” She awoke to the sound of her name, as she felt herself being carried on someone’s back. She stirred, feeling her arms drooping over the shoulders of a small frame. She could smell the lavender perfume off the female Au Ra that carried her, her soft white hair tickled the side of her face as she lifted her head. She could already she the small white horns that formed around her face. 

“What happened?” Azlyn mumbled, she felt her cousin shuffle her on her back so that her arms could support her weight. 

“You collapsed after the teleport.” 

Azlyn frowned. “Are we going back to the apartment then?” 

“Uh—nope.” Her cousin shook her head. Given the current landscape they were walking through the bustling Steps of Nald in Ul’dah. She wondered how they wound up there. “We did two days ago, but you weren’t getting better. You continued to sleep and so we started looking for ways to help you. Kida’s found someone who might be able to help you.” 

“Help me?” 

“We’re going to the thaumaturge’s guild. We’re going to resolve this aether problem you have.” Roll explained, moving through the crowds and ignoring the stares of the merchants. “If we don’t, you’re going to die Azlyn.” 

Azlyn sighed. “I just feel sick.” She lowered her head so that she was resting on her cousin’s shoulder. “It’ll pass like all the other times.” 

“Just humor us.” Roll started to turn to a large ornate building, and up the winding staircase. A pair of two met them at the top of the stairs, Kida waving and a Lalafell woman dressed in robes of black, half of her face and head had been wrapped and bandages underneath a hat. Her piercing red eye could be seen. The other unawares. 

“How was the flight?” Kida ran over, as Roll approached them. 

“Quiet. Do we have a place where Azlyn can lay down?” Roll shuffled her cousin on her back once more. Azlyn just let herself be carried, looking to Kida with a dreary expression.

The Lalafell answered her question with a smile. “Yes, if you follow me within the halls. The Guildmaster Cocobuki Lolobuki is expecting you within.” 

Roll nodded, walking into the hall where Azlyn had went once before. She remembered getting a thaumaturge set from Yayake when she first arrived—having an aptitude for the art—however she didn’t really have the time to put forth an effort into casting elemental magicks. 

There was a giant statue near the front, where the thaumaturges walked in groups around the hall. 

The Lalafell by Kida’s side showed them in, past the large statue. “Master Kida informed me of your plight, which it’s a good thing she did. My name is Koroko Koko, a leading thaumaturge of the guild here.” 

Kida walked beside them, humming. “Koroko, are you sure this may help?” 

Koroko Koko raised her hand up as she gestured to them. “I am positive Master Kida, our Guildmaster can explain more on it. This way.” 

Roll and Azlyn were led past the spacious hall behind the statue, and led further inside. Well within the chambers, they walked until they came across six Lalafells. five of them were dressed in robes with their crimson hoods over their heads, and the sixth member dressed in a blue tunic. The well dressed Lalafell with black robes, and bandages covering his face stepped forward giving their group a passing glance. 

His red eye lingered on Azlyn’s huddled form on Roll’s back before turning around. “Cocobusi, you brought the potion?” 

The youngest Lalafell dressed in the blue tunic nodded. “I did brother Cocobuki.” 

The black robed one called Cocobuki opened the door to the room. “This way everyone.” 

Roll waited for all the Lalafells to enter, and Kida before she entered. Azlyn looked around the darkened room lit only with candles. There was a mat laid on in the center of the room, with strange glyphs on the ground surrounding it. Azlyn leaned close to Roll’s horn. 

“A-Are you guys gonna sacrifice me...?” 

Roll slightly moved her head close to her cousin. “This is just how they operate.” 

“By sacrificing?” Azlyn whispered, only to hear the chuckles from the Lalafells below them. 

Koroko Koko chuckled the loudest, the less ominous sounding of the bunch, as she patted the mat. “If you please, the Guildmaster will explain.” 

Kida sat down on the ground, she folded her legs under one another. Roll knelt down to the side, letting Azlyn slide down onto the ground. When Azlyn had been released, she could feel her energy leave her legs as she crumpled in a heap. Roll helped her back into a seating position as the proclaimed Guildmaster stepped up. 

He reached out a hand to grip Azlyn’s chin in his palm. “Hm hm hm hm.” He mused, before turning to one of the robed members. “Bring over a vase. And a glass of water. Any of them will do.” 

One of them nodded, running off to the side of the room. He grabbed a glass vase and walked back over. Another of the Lalafells brought a glass of water over, waiting. 

“Greetings little Au Ra, my name is Cocobuki. I am the eldest brother to the other masters of the thaumaturges guild. I see you have a great pool of aether at your disposal. Hm hm hmm.” He tilted her head from side to side.

“I’m Azlyn.” She introduced herself, and then looked to Roll. “My cousin Roll. And Kida’s over there.” 

“Were it under better circumstances you’d be more at ease in our guild.” The Lalafell chuckled. “Brother Cocobani and brother Cocobezi, please bring your gathered items here.” Both of the Lalafells stepped forward, handing over the vase and water. He set them both in front of them, and then smiled. “My brothers and I had quite an interesting experience—something our friend Koroko Koko assisted us with. My youngest brother, Cocobusi had been possessed by a Voidsent called Mormo—terrible business really.” 

Azlyn blinked at the tale. “Is he alright?” She wondered aloud. 

The Guildmaster nodded, “Oh yes, Cocobusi stands before you now. He works for the alchemist’s guild, as he’s lacking the aether necessary to become a thaumaturge like his brothers. Long story short, my aether had all been sucked from me by Mormo, who slaughtered Thaumaturges around Ul’dah to grow in power. Koroko Koko and my brothers were able to defeat her with their combined strength, however, I was on the verge of death from aether depletion—and Cocobusi saved me with his tonic. We’re going to give you the same thing, to replenish the aether you’re losing.” 

Cocobusi brought forth the potion, nodding to Roll who accepted it gratefully from him. “Thank you.” 

Cocobuki shook his head. “You shouldn’t thank us yet. We’ve only provided a means of restoring your aether. We never resolved how you’d stop losing the aether.  Let me explain the current state of your affairs.” He lifted the glass of water, shaking it to gather everyone’s attention. “Pretend this is your aether reservoir, and this vase is the material body of which you live within.” 

He poured the glass of water into the vase, and they watched as the water filled up a portion of the vase. The Guildmaster then lifted the vase for his brother to hold. “Cocobygo, please hold this.” One of the other brother’s stepped forward, grabbing the vase in his arms. When he stepped back, Cocobuki lifted his staff by his side, and cracked it against the bottom of the vase. Splinters appeared on the vase, as water started to trickle from the cracks. 

They all watched as the Guildmaster crossed his arms. “You have aetherial cracks extending from your head, neck, arm, and hand.” He gestured to her entire right side. “I can see some remedial attention had been given to you, however it was nothing more than a proverbial bandaid.” 

Roll held the potion in her hands, looking to her cousin. “Is this potion just another means of a bandaid?” 

Cocobuki nodded. “Yes, but this will sustain her. Tell me, how much do you use aether? Do you construct magicks, teleport often, find yourself in harrowing experiences that forces you to expend your energies?” 

Azlyn bit her lip to the question. “I use magicks quite a bit.” She thought of her grimoire, bringing it into existence from nothing. She watched his red eye widen at her usage of this strange power she possessed, and then she brought forth her thaumaturgy set. “It takes a bit of energy to do this much.” 

The Guildmaster, along with the other occupants save Roll and Kida watched in surprise. Azlyn let the staff disappear once more before leaning into her cousin. Her head started to throb at the consistent usage. “I see. Hm hm hmm. Cocobusi, it seems like you’ve created quite a useful tonic for not only your brothers, but also for this young lady. In fact, you’ll help extend her life quite a bit.” 

Cocobusi blinked in surprise. “Ah—right! I can make more mana-amplifying potion, but it’s potency is limited.” 

Koroko Koko crossed her arms behind her back, nodding. “It’ll restore the aether she’s losing though—it’s a start.” 

Kida pointed to Azlyn. “Would it also help the fever’s and her sudden collapses?” 

Cocobuki shook his head. “The fever won’t abate. This is something she’ll be dealing with for the remainder of her life. However, the aether can be restored. The way you use aether is quite—remarkable really. You’d make an excellent thaumaturge.” He hummed happily. “Let’s have her drink.” He gestured to Roll to assist her. 

Roll lifted the greenish-yellow colored vase, and then brought it to Azlyn’s lips. She felt her head tilt back, as Roll let the liquid pour into her mouth. 

Azlyn swallowed, feeling something warm fill her. It was an instant effect, as she opened her eyes once again. “Thanks.” She murmured, the heaviness in her right side started to feel better with each passing moment. 

“How do you feel?” Roll asked.

Kida leaning in close. Her pink eyes wide as she watched. 

“Not as heavy.” Azlyn replied, lifting her right arm up and flexing her hand. “I feel a bit better actually.” 

Cocobuki nodded. “Of course, you restored some aether back. For the time being, you’ll probably have to rely on this potion when you’re on the verge of collapse. Now, Koroko Koko, I fulfilled my favor to you for your assistance with my brothers. Make sure they repay your kindness in return.” The brothers of the Thaumaturges nodded to their group, before waving goodbye to them. 

Kida scratched behind her head. “So—I might have promised Koroko we’d help her with a problem she’d been forced into.” 

Roll sighed. She looked to the red-eyed Lalafell with the bandages. “Figured. So Koroko Koko, what is it that you need done? Need something killed? Need an item?” She didn’t sound excited about being in a debt to her.

The Lalafell smiled to them, as she brought forth a rolled piece of parchment. “I mean this is a means to an end—you help me with clearing this dungeon, and you get easy access to this tonic your friend needs. It sounds like a win-win to me.” 

Kida shrugged. “Look Roll, it was a lead I couldn’t chance losing. This was for Azlyn’s sake.” 

Roll shook her head. She checked Azlyn’s forehead with her hand before nodding. “Your fever is down quite a bit. I was hoping for a solution, but this bandaid will have to do. Alright,  but our price for helping will be that tonic.” 

Koroko Koko nodded. “Of course, that was what we agreed upon. Cocobusi will be happy to supply you with the potion whenever you need it. Or if you’d like to stock up, I’m sure he’d be happy to oblige.” 

“Free?” Roll questioned. 

“Given you help me with my tasks, yes.” Koroko Koko smiled. “I hope you don’t mind a new addition to your ranks. Now let me explain in detail about what it is we’ll be doing.” Koroko Koko reached a hand out to Azlyn. “But first, let’s find a more suitable place to talk. The Quicksand always has an open table.” 

Kida pulled herself up from the ground, stretching her arms above her. Roll followed once her cousin was assisted up by the black-dressed Lalafell that would be working with them. 

Azlyn smiled. “Thank you—you didn’t have to help us, but you did.” 

“Strange dreams, covered in black fog—until I met Master Kida. I believe we were meant to meet.” Koroko Koko gripped her hands upon hers, a mysterious and puzzling expression on what parts of her face she could see. “You shouldn’t thank me. After all, I did exploit upon the kindness of your friends.” 

Roll scoffed. “At least you know that much.” 

Kida widened her eyes to Roll. “Hey, we’re getting somewhere. Don’t be mad.” 

Her cousin sighed, shaking her head. “I don’t like being used. No more than I like being exploited. I hope you don’t mind my distrust when an Ul’dahn comes into the mix wanting favors repaid.” 

Koroko Koko chuckled once more, leading them out from the Thaumaturge’s guild, the Ossaury Amaissary, and back into the paved roads of the Steps of Nald. “I’m guessing someone here must have screwed you over in your time.” 

Azlyn turned to her cousin, not exactly sure why her cousin was on edge. “It’s okay Roll, maybe this will be a step toward finding a solution—we’ll just take it one day at a time.”

Roll crossed her arms. “You’re too trustful Azlyn. A good trait, but not one to have here.”  

Kida tapped her on the shoulder. “What happened Roll to make you be on edge as you are?” 

Koroko Koko silently listened, leading their group through the crowds. Roll shook her head. “Let’s just keeping walking. My business is my own. And Azlyn’s if she wishes to know. But not now.” 

Their friend with dark blue, curly hair tensed. “I-I see. Any road, hey, I see the building up ahead!” She changed the topic, running up to Koroko Koko who was walking up the set of stairs. The building stretched wide, covering a large portion of the north side of the Step of Nald’s walk. 

“Your history is not an uncommon tale in Ul’dah Master Roll.” Koroko Koko smiled, opening the doors to the Quicksand. “Let us relax and enjoy some food. Give me a moment while I ask Master Momodi for some food and drink.” She waited until they were sitting at one of the tables on the bottom floor of the Quicksand before heading off to the Proprietress. 

Azlyn looked between Kida and Roll. Both of them had peculiar expressions. Kida’s was one of worry, while her cousins was that of concealment. She was keeping her emotions to herself, while they sat in an awkward silence. 

“Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?” Azlyn finally asked, looking between the two. 

Kida sighed, leaning both of her arms on the table. “It’s nothing. I’m pouting. Roll’s mad.” 

Roll placed an elbow on the table, and leaned her chin on her exposed palm. She shook her head. “I just wish you could have talked with us first beforehand.” 

The Au Ra frowned. “But you said not to contact the Scions—so I decided to try my other contacts.” 

Azlyn blinked. “Why not the Scions?” 

Both of them looked to her. It wasn’t long before her cousin released a long sigh. “You didn’t seem like you wanted to bother them.” 

Kida snapped her fingers. “And you didn’t seem keen on me contacting your boyfriend either.” 

With the mention of boyfriend, Azlyn’s face blushed a deeper shade of red. “Wh-what?! Boyfriend? Who has a boyfriend? We’re not like that!”

Roll shrugged, a tiny laugh escaped her lips. “Heh.” 

Kida chuckled in return. “You might as well be—so I contacted my friend who happened to be well-versed in aether studies.” 

“Ah—yes, Master Kida did contact me rather abruptly.” They all jumped at the sudden presence of Koroko Koko who joined them back at the table. She gave them a cheery grin. “Food’s ordered, but I hope you aren’t mad Master Roll. It was not my intention to cause internal strife between your small number.” 

Roll shook her head, finally straightening up. “Question, why do you refer to me as a Master?” 

“I refer to everyone as Master—after all we all have things we excel at. For instance, Master Kida will master the arts of dance, bringing joys and supports to those beside her. Master Roll, an interesting future in your case—one with steady hands and your gun at your side.” Koroko Koko chuckled, “You look as if you don’t believe me.” 

All three of them stared with wide eyes. Kida then reached over to grab Azlyn’s shoulders, shaking her back and forth. “What about her! What’s her future like!?” 

Roll narrowed her eyes. “A gun, really?” 

Koroko Koko looked to Azlyn, a perplexed expression on her face. “Neither Master nor Failure.” 

“Wait—what?” All of them blinked, wondering what that strange statement meant. 

“A dark cloud covers all, but a beacon of hope to forge ahead. Hm hm hmmm.” The Lalafell surmised, tapping her hands on top of the wooden table. Her chuckle at the end of her statement oddly emulated the guildmaster’s of the thaumaturge’s guild. 

Azlyn looked confused, but so did her cousin and friend. “I’m—not sure I follow.” 

Koroko Koko explained. “No need to worry—it’s a strange habit of mine.” She brought forth the parchment she showed them in the room about fifteen minutes ago. Undoing the wax seal, she rolled it out for them to see. “The Immortal Flames have asked me to assist them in their endeavors to clear out a certain place—this unique area is known as Halatali. Unfortunately it is too much excitement for me to handle alone, so I’m asking you three to help.”

Roll crossed her arms over her chest. “Isn’t that in eastern Thanalan?” 

Koroko Koko nodded. “Indeed it is Master Roll. Halatali boasts a storied history, and was built some one hundred years past as a training grounds for gladiators.” 

Kida whistled. “So your Grand Company assigned you an impossible task to do alone?” 

Koroko Koko smiled back to Kida. “Let’s just say they didn’t like the way I addressed certain—things.”

“They’re hazing you?” Azlyn asked, wondering why they’d assign only a mage to this task. 

“An asinine way of explaining it.” Roll replied, only to stop when a waiter with a large tray ran over to them. The young Roegabyn smiled to them before placing several trays of foods and drinks down. 

They waited until the waiter left, before continuing. 

“The Calamity laid ruin to Halatali, as it did most things.” Koroko Koko explained, breaking the large piece of bread on the table. “It is nothing more than a shadow of its former self, but in the dark of that shadow lurks wild beasts.” 

Kida reached over for the tankard of juice, smelling the sweet drink. “Bloodthirsty and beyond count, I’m sure.” 

Koroko Koko nodded. “The Grand Company I’m enlisted in decided that they wanted to initiate me this way. Such a strange way to bring in people—when they are hurting for them.” 

Azlyn didn’t think the Grand Company would do such a thing, especially since they were so eager for her to join their ranks after Ifrit. Maybe it was the power of strength they wanted to proffer. 

Roll sighed, “This is the way it is for the Immortal Flames. You could just move away—choose a different place.” 

Koroko Koko chuckled darkly, shaking her head. “Sadly no, my place is here. As is my purpose.” 

“I see.” Roll replied at last, looking to Azlyn. “Are you well enough for this?” 

Azlyn pulled her drink away from her lips, nodding. “I’m feeling better and better. A bit tired from not moving though.” 

The Thaumaturge Lalafell smiled. “Then this trip should be a useful exercise for you. Let us get you properly prepared once we are finished eating.” She reached forward, filling her plate with several of the other dishes items. 

“Properly prepared?” Azlyn questioned, while the Lalafell hummed. 

“You need a sword and shield, do you not?” 

They all blinked, before Azlyn turned to Kida. “Did you tell her my sword and shield was ruined in Toto-Rak?”

Kida shook her head slowly. “No. I didn’t.” 

Roll narrowed her eyes. “Question, are you blessed?” 

Koroko Koko smiled back to them. “Blessed? Hm, hm hmmm. I guess you can say that I am.” She ate a small bite of food before sighing in joy. “This food is amazing. Please, enjoy!” 

Azlyn shook her head, wondering who this Lalafell thaumaturge was and how much of an enigma she played. It seemed that her cousin also felt the same, as she stared at her with a curious expression. 

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