
42 l Grand Companies of Eorzea

When she collected herself enough to head back into the Solar, she found Minfillia staring at the broken staff left from Archon Louisoix. She always wondered what made people follow a man like him, but the answer was clear. He was a great man—probably gifted in his own right—who was taken away by unfortunate circumstances. She approached the desk as tentatively as she could. 

Minfillia mused to herself. “Until not so very long ago, you were but one of the many adventurers seeking to make their way in Eorzea. But for your character and courage, you were raised to the esteemed post of envoy. Thereafter, you traveled the realm, aiding those in need without thought of reward, confirming to Y’shtola that the Scions would benefit from your aid. And no sooner had you joined us than you personally bested the primal Ifrit.” 

Azlyn silently listened, waiting for her to turn around and face her. After a few moments she did look from the staff on the wall, and over her desk to her standing at its edge. She had a resolute expression, one that was willing to do whatever it took, so that no more lives were lost. Minfillia noticed, deciding to approach her. She stopped a few feet away from her as she tried to encourage her. 

“You have achieved a great deal in a short time, and won fame in so doing. Alas, fame does not come without a price, as you will soon discover.” 

Azlyn remembered about that strange story of the bloody princess cleaving Ifrit in two. And worried if it would bite her in the end. She was inclined to think so, as Minfillia looked to the entry to the Solar. She gave Azlyn a pitiful expression. “We have guests Azlyn, or rather— you have guests. Tataru had been keeping them busy in the break room. I fear they may know you’re here, however.” 

Almost on cue, the doors opened revealing three officers in different colored uniforms bursting in. Tataru was right on their heels, while Kida and Roll watched in amusement from the hall. 

“Beg Pardon!” They all ran until they were within five feet of Azlyn, looking at her with expectant eyes. All three of them gave her a different kind of salute, one measured for each grand company. 

The officer with the Ul’dah emblem on his hat spoke first. “Ahh—Lady Minfillia, Radiant as always!” 

The officer from Gridania, in his yellow uniform, the two serpents entwined on his hat spoke next. “I am given to understand that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn have but recently welcome a new hero into their midst!”

Finally the Maelstrom officer in his crimson attire, his ship emblem on his hat spoke. “I am here on behalf of the Maelstrom, Grand Company of Limsa Lominsa, to offer said hero a place of honor within our ranks!” 

All three of them turned to her with expectant eyes. Azlyn took an unsteady step backward into the desk. 

Minfillia sighed, shrugging her shoulders to Azlyn. “As you can see Azlyn, your recent exploits have garnered you the attentions of the Grand Companies of Eorzea. Each organization would have Ifrit’s bane for it’s own. To this end, all three have sent officers to court you.” 

Azlyn made a disgruntled face, looking between all three of them and then back to Minfillia. “You know this wasn’t what I signed up for.” She said, more alarmed by their enthusiastic approach to their causes. 

Minfillia explained as best she could. “They would not ordinarily go to such lengths to enlist a recruit. That they have is evidence of their high regard for you.” 

She was trying to smooth her out, but Azlyn felt like she was being primed for the chopping block. She stared at the three officers anticipating her answer with their wide eyes. 

It was this time that Minfillia looked to Tataru, and over to Kida and Roll who were standing by the doors of the Solar. “I find myself wondering how word of Azlyn’s deeds spread so quickly. That the Immortal Flames should know of her triumph is to be expected—but what of the other Grand Companies?” 

Kida perked from the door. “Ah—The Twin Adders learned about her from our Archery Competition. One of the officers apparently overhead us talking about slaying Ifrit and that’s why Gridania’s gossip started.” 

Tataru suddenly went nervous as she wobbled in worry. “Eep!”

Roll shrugged, “I just went fishing with a buddy of mine in Limsa.”

The one from Twin Adder stepped forward. “Your reputation proceeds you Mistress Azlyn. ‘Tis no ordinary woman who can face a primal and emerge a victor. Then to come win against an excellent marksmen right afterward! Your deeds have shown great promise to us! The Order of Twin Adder has need of valiant women such as you. Join your strength to ours friend, and together let us ensure that peace ever reigns over the Twelveswood!”

Not wanting to be upshown by the previous company, the Immortal Flames officer stepped forward and spoke directly to Azlyn. “What a pleasure it is to finally meet you, Master Azlyn! My comrades speak of you in the most glowing terms! From your gallant affairs within Thanalan, and how you triumphed over Ifrit is but one of the many qualities we seek in a candidate! A lady of your talent belongs with the Immortal Flames. Join your strength to ours, and together let us secure a prosperous future for Ul’dah!”

Azlyn almost expected this comedic show to end, only for the Maelstrom officer to step forward. He smiled down to her as he exuberantly encouraged her to join their ranks. 

“The Admiral was not exaggerating when she said you have the look of a hero! Full often does she speak of you. Even before you’re triumphs around the realm, the people of Limsa Lominsa have held your name in high regard! From your selfless deeds, to your courageous actions, the Maelstrom is in need of the Bloody Princess who will strive against all who try to turn the tides. It is only natural that we should want you to join us. With your strength to ours, we shall see our grand vessel of Limsa Lominsa to the shores of glory!”

When the Maelstrom officer announced her as the Bloody Princess, they all started to exhume her talents. It was in this moment that Azlyn had to take a step backwards and felt her foot collide with the desk. All she wanted to do now was bury her head in a hole. 

The three officers noticed her shocked expression, and instead turned to Minfillia. They each saluted her as they bowed. “Lady Minfillia.” 

As the leader of the Scions sighed in a moment of lament, she looked to Kida and Roll. “If you two would be so kind, why don’t you show our guests back to the break room. I shall have a chat with Azlyn in the meantime.” 

Kida saluted cheerfully. “Aye Aye Minfillia! Gentlemen, would you be sure kind to follow us! If you like our friend so much, I can regale you of her school days!” 

Roll smirked. “Or her childhood.” 

The officers followed after the two Au Ra, while Azlyn groaned in protest. She shook her head as Tataru nervously looked between Minfillia and Azlyn. 

Minfillia crossed her arms over her chest as she explained. “As you know the Grand Companies are all-encompassing organizations empowered to call upon the martial, economic, and technological resources of their respective City-states in times of strife. As you’ve seen, there are three such organizations in Eorzea: the Maelstrom in Limsa Lominsa, the Order of the Twin Adder of Gridania, and the Immortal Flames of Ul’dah. Serving a Grand Company means serving the nation to which it belongs. You will be charged with its defense, and tasked with advancing its cause. In return, you’ll be furnished with various rewards, some of which may well prove useful to you in your other endeavors.” 

Azlyn leaned against the desk, fanning her face as she finally found herself a moment of peace. “Basically it’s another way of saying: scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.” 

Minfillia chuckled, “I suppose you could say that. If you’re agonizing over which of the Grand Companies to choose from, be at ease—the commitment you make this day need not be permanent. Should you wish to shift your allegiance at a later date, you are entitled to do so. And yet—I concede that it is no small choice you face.” 

The woman with her blue eyes, and blonde hair pulled back into an intricate updo snapped her fingers at an idea that popped up in her head. She looked to Azlyn as if she had found the solution to her problem. “A thought occurs to me! You, of course, recall that the three City-states are planning to hold remembrance services. As part of the proceedings, I am given to understand that the leader of each Grand Company will deliver an address. Hearing these addresses ought to help you make an informed decision.” 

Azlyn had been preoccupied with other things that had popped up in her life that she almost forgot all about the Remembrance Ceremonies entirely. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she nodded. “A-alright. Then I’ll try to go to each one. And make a decision afterward.” 

Minfillia smiled, “We shall inform the officers of this decision so they don’t think you’ve up and ran away.” She chuckled at the young Au Ra beside her who looked stuck between a rock and a hard place. “They will understand, especially since they came here without so much as a word.” She winked to Azlyn. 

Tataru heavily sighed, her shoulders dropped as she looked to the ground. “I shall go prepare them some tea and snacks in the meanwhile.” She left from the room, closing the doors behind her leaving Azlyn alone with Minfillia. 

The woman shrugged, shaking her own head. She said. “I know full well that adventurers are by their nature a liberty-loving breed, and not best suited for military services, but I strongly urge you to join a Grand Company nonetheless. While the promise of reward if enticing in itself, it is not the only benefit. After all, you possess a great power Azlyn. With it you are capable of doing untold good. Yet know that great power is wont to attract attention—not all of it friendly.” 

Azlyn frowned, nodding at the prospects of her future. She didn’t really mind the work she did for the city-states. However, she felt weird getting this type of attention. 

“There will be those who wish you ill, and you must needs be on the lookout for them. Yet however vigilant you are, you are but one woman. In the midst of a Grand Company, however, you will be one woman amongst many—a friend amongst friends. Your achievements will be shared, and so will the danger. I can think of no better arrangement.” 

Minfillia waited for Azlyn to respond, as the girl shuffled her feet nervously on the carpet. After digesting all of her information given to her, Azlyn finally let out a long sigh. “You know I grew up in Sharlayan—I—well I had a place in with the Students of Baldesion. I couldn’t commit, something about it seemed wrong like I wasn’t meant to be studying.” Azlyn looked to the side, feeling a bit worried. “I really loved studying, the long hours with my nose stuck in a book. My family... but I chose adventuring. I wonder if choosing a Grand Company would make me a hypocrite.” 

She crossed one of her legs over the other. 

“I don’t think so.” Minfillia replied softly to her, looking up to the back wall behind her. “I think Grandpa—I mean Archon Baldesion would be happy to see you working in your element. Likewise, your counterparts in the Students of Baldesion wish only the best for you. Krile called the other day asking how you were faring.” 

Azlyn chuckled, shaking her head once more. “She’s prone to worry.” 

Minfillia nodded. “Indeed. Should I have told her about your fever and untimely collapse?” 

Azlyn widened her eyes with fright. “No—please don’t worry her. By the Twelve, she’d probably come here to drag me back in bubble wrap.” 

The leader of the Scions laughed whole heartedly. “Then it’s a good thing I didn’t. I did however share with her your triumphs over Ifrit. She was very impressed.”

The Au Ra finally relaxed her posture, as she stared back to the wall with Archon Louisoix’s staff. She stared at it for a brief time in silence, enjoying the quiet that came between them. She closed her eyes, thinking of everything that had occurred, and came to a decision. “I’ll join a Grand Company after I see each of the ceremonies. Not because of the rewards, or the fame—I just want to help as many people as I can. No matter my allegiance to whatever country, I just want to help.” 

Minfillia nodded. “Of course. I had hoped that we can continue to rely upon your aid—the Twelve know that we will have need of it in the days ahead.” She raised her finger at the thought. “We Scions seek to preserve the future of Eorzea as a whole. Similar to a Grand Company, yet not quite the same.” 

Azlyn chuckled. “I guess we’ll be working together for quite some time then. I look forward to working with you Minfillia.” 

The woman smiled, walking behind her desk. She reached into one of her drawers as she spied a few papers needing reviewed. “Eorzea is changing Azlyn, and you have the power to help shape it anew. None can say what the morrow will bring, but so long as we believe in ourselves, there is naught we cannot achieve.” Minfillia placed the paper she was holding back down on the desk. “Pray, speak with Tataru before you leave. She should have a schedule for when and where all the services will be held.” 

Azlyn decided to excuse herself from Minfillia’s office, exiting the Solar and sneaking away from the break room. She already could hear Kida’s voice telling tales from Sharlayan. 

“There was this one time where she, myself, and a friend of hers were jumping off the roof of the library, and we accidentally landed in a nest of Marlboro’s—“ 

Azlyn shook her head, wondering why she was telling her that story of all things. She snuck away past the doors and into the upper landing where Tataru fidgeted at her desk. Hoping not to sneak up on her, she knocked on the railing to announce her presence. “Tataru—I hope I’m not bothering you.” She kept her voice down in case it traveled down into the break room. 

Tataru stopped her fidgeting to look at her with a worried expression. “I—um—I’m sorry.” The Lalafell bowed to her unexpectedly. “I might have sung your praises a little too loudly Azlyn—and often—to a few too many people.” She cleared her throat. “Next time I’ll be sure to hold my tongue—literally if necessary.” 

Azlyn laughed at her comment. “It’s alright Tataru, what’s done is done. I already had some bizarre rumors following me as it was.” She sighed, “It was only a matter of time. Oh, Minfillia sent me to see you about the schedule for the Remembrance Ceremonies. Do they all overlap, or are they split up into days? Hours?” 

Tataru smiled, happy to see that this moment was water under the bridge. She breathed a huge sigh of relief. “If all goes to plan, Gridania’s Grand Company, the Order of the Twin Adder, will hold the first of the three services. Elder Seedseer Kan-E-Semna will deliver the address at Mih Khetto Amphitheatre.” Tataru scanned a sheet next to her. “Next you’ll want to head to Ul’dah where Flame General Raubahn Aldynn will be addressing the masses. I heard they’ll be having a special guest too. That’s exciting.” Tataru shuffled through the book reports on the table. Her stacks of endless papers seemed to grow every day. “Last but not least, you must make your way to the Stateroom in Limsa Lominsa, where the Maelstrom Chief Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn will be giving her address. You have to access the Stateroom by a particular elevator.”

Azlyn nodded. “I’ve been to her Stateroom before.” 

Tataru sighed in relief, “Perfect, now I should probably mention at this point that due to the organizational challenges involved in assembling all of the involved parties. It’s possible that the order of the services might change—Still there’s not much we can do about that, so make Gridania your first port to call. They should have started by now. If you hurry, you can make it to the speech.” 

“I’ll be on the way then. Could you inform Roll and Kida when they’re done entertaining the guests?” 

Tataru nodded. “It’d be my pleasure. See you soon Azlyn!” She waved goodbye to her as the young Au Ra decided it best to leave as soon as she could, especially if her day would be filled with traveling to all the City-states for their addresses. With a tight schedule as the one she had, she needed to use her time wisely. She connected with the Crystal in Gridania, silently sending an apology to her friends she left behind. They would catch up if they thought it necessary. Besides, they had her link pearl information.

She found the plaza of Gridania active with activities—as many of the Order of Twin Adder Officers had set up many shops, activities, and plaques around the City-State of how Gridania came to be. She went through many of the excerpts finding only a few that came from Archon Louisoix—there were some pictures taken that had been restored, shared for everyone to see but nothing of import about the Calamity five years prior. It was almost as if no one remembered what happened that day. As Azlyn walked through, she found herself slowly meandering through the displays. 

A few children ran by with a kite, as they said they were finally free from their parents. Apparently the speech from the Elder Seedseer was starting in the Amphitheatre. She decided to check out the rest of the displays afterward, and rushed over to the grounds. There had been quite a few people that had arrived, it was hard to find any spot to sit since everyone had arrived earlier for this address. Azlyn decided to lean against the fence in back of the grounds, as the influx of voices filled the open theatre. She found herself looking around, noticing a few familiar faces. On the stage stood several clandestine guards, beside the several people who had yet to speak. She could see the Elder Seedseer speaking with the two younger children beside her, and to the Guildmaster of the Conjurer’s guild but she couldn’t tell what exactly they were discussing in private. It was then that someone tapped her shoulder. 

“Pardon the intrusion, do you mind if we share the fence with you? It appears we both missed the opportunity to snag a few seats up front.” A male’s voice caught her attention, as she looked down to see a striking pair of twins—one she thought looked familiar. They had matching outfits, long white hair tied back with different colors ties. The teenage boy had the blue tie, while his sister had the red tie in her hair. Their eyes both were a crystal blue that could even rival an azure gem. She gestured to the open space. 

“If you don’t mind the company of a stranger.” Azlyn smiled, leaning back against the rail. 

The teenage girl did not say anything to her, merely crossing her arms as she leaned back against the rail following Azlyn’s lead. The boy chuckled to his sister, also mimicking her behavior. 

Azlyn heard a soft click of a staff tapping the stage, and the crowd went silent. Many of the people turned to look to their Elder Seedseer as she started her address. “Our forebears were once strangers in the Twelveswood. Fearful of the greenwrath, they hid themselves in the dark recesses of the earth. Yet they dreamed of basking the the dappled sunlight of the forest. Through great effort, they proved their worth to the elementals, and were granted a place beneath the boughs. So it was that Gridania was born, some five centuries ago. Working hand in hand, the Hyur and the Elezen settlers sowed the seeds of our civilization. And soon they were joined by folk of all races. So nourished by the waters of unity and blessed by the light of the Matron, Gridania flourished into the great nation it is today.”

The boy pointed to his sister drawing Azlyn’s attention to their whispering. “Do you see the Gridanian standard? There, handing behind the Elder Seedseer?” 

Azlyn looked to the banner while his sister scoffed at his question. “Of course I see it brother.” 

He continued unabated by his sister’s ill refuted remark to him. He probably noticed that he had Azlyn’s attention. “The entwined serpents represent the unity between Hyur and Elezen. An elegant symbol, do you not agree?” 

Azlyn shrugged. “It doesn’t help the Traditionalists with accepting outsiders though.” She remembered her earlier trifle with Silvairre, shaking her head. 

The self assured youth turned to her with an amused expression. “Indeed, that is very true.” 

Their whispers died down as they tuned back into the Elder Seedseer speaking. “In accordance with the will of the elementals, we have embraced a life of peace. Alas, our neighbors have not always sought the same for themselves—not for us. Though we Gridanians have no love for war, we have still less for those who would threaten our way of life. Ever have we fought to protect the sanctity of the Twelveswood. When the Garlean Empire brought its war of conquest to Eorzea, we rallied under the noble standards of the Twin Adder, that we might push back the encroaching darkness. And it was we who prepared the ground for the reformation of the Eorzean Alliance, that all the people’s of this realm might stand united against the common threat.” 

The people in the open theatre began applauding in caucus response. Azlyn crossed her arms, letting a long sigh escape her lips. This didn’t seem to escape the twin’s notice, however Azlyn remained silent about her feelings. There was no reason to vent to strangers. 

She watched the Elder Seedseer, who had placed a hand over her chest as she spoke willfully to her people. “Five years ago, the Alliance met the armies of the Empire upon the fields of Carteneau. It would prove the bloodiest battle in recent memory. Countless Gridanian lives were lost. As supreme commander of the Order of Twin Adder, ever shall I bear the weight of our people’s sacrifice. Alas, their loss was not the only tragedy to befall us that day, for soon came the Calamity. The scars borne by our forest are a constant reminder of its violence. Our lives have been irrevocably changed, each waking hour a struggle to survive. Driven to Desperation, some among us have strayed from the path of righteousness, resorting to banditry, poaching, and other unconscionable deeds. To compound our woes, the Ixal have returned in force, emboldened by our suffering. They test our defenses nigh without cease, and prey upon the vulnerable. So beleaguered from within and without, it is of little wonder that our unity now falters. Dark times are upon us.” 

The crowd started to get riled now, as they were informed of future troubles ahead for them. They were concerned that their way of life would be disrupted like it had been five years prior. 

Azlyn stared straight at the Elder Seedseer, as her gaze met hers in the crowd. She spoke firmly and with purpose. “On this day, five years ago, countless Eorzeans laid their lives that we might behold another dawn. Please join me in honoring their memory.” 

A majority of the people started to bow their heads, closing their eyes to pray. Azlyn relaxed her posture as she looked up to the bright sky. The cool breeze blew through catching the ends of her hair. She embraced the feel of nature, and felt a bit better because of it. 

The teenage girl whispered to her brother, her cynicism oozed in her tone. “And how do you propose to honor the memory of those you cannot remember, pray tell?” 

Her brother shrugged to her, his expression showed a sense of unknowing. 

Azlyn didn’t say anything, as she kind of understood her feeling. How does one honor a memory of those lost when one could barely remember their faces? It was a mind-boggling phenomenon. 

Kan-E-Semna continued after a pregnant pause. She drew the people back to her speech with fluidity and grace. “The destruction wrought by the Calamity was indiscriminate—it dealt death to Eorzean and Garlean alike. Yet while we have labored to rebuild our homes—to rebuild our lives—the Empire has set about raising steel fortresses here in the Twelveswood. Let none be mistaken—the Garleans remain the greatest threat to our survival. If we are to stand against them, we must remember what it is to be united. Our many troubles blind us to the woes of our fellow man. Thence is harmony lost. Yet harmony is the founding principle of Gridania.” She tapped her staff with authority on the stage. “We are gathered here in honor the fallen. Let them be honored not only in word and thought, but through concerted action! I bid you join hands with me once more beneath the Twin Adder standard! And together, let us heal the forest’s wounds, that our progeny might live in harmony beneath these ancient boughs. For serenity, purity, and sanctity!” She raised her white staff high in the air, as her people rallied their calls together as one. Many of the races in that space cheered and called their support. 

Azlyn observed them carefully. She hoped that this unfaltering sense of unity would not be crushed at the slightest bit of pressure. 

The Elder Seedseer finished her speech, looking over her people in the crowd, her green eyes lingered on her in the back before ushering herself back to the stage. Many of the people cheered as she left, leaving a good impression on everyone who attended. Well, almost everyone. 

Azlyn looked to the twins, the boy seemed inquisitively withdrawn, while the girl was cynically keeping her hopes in check. As the crowds started to leave the pavilion, Azlyn waited for them all to leave. The twins, as small as they were, opted to wait out the rush. 

She saw the boy meet her observing gaze, he gave her a practiced smile. She recognized the governed look right away as he spoke. “If you’ll permit me, Alphinaud.” 

Azlyn smiled. “Azlyn.” She pointed to herself. 

He nodded, he gestured to his sister beside him. “And my sister Alisaie, at your service.” The girl upon being introduced looked in the opposite direction, staring at the ground. Azlyn couldn’t tell if she was shy or didn’t like simple chatter. 

“What brings the two of you to Eorzea?” Azlyn asked, now remembering them. “You were on the boat heading into Limsa Lominsa, last I recall. It took me a moment to remember you two.” 

The one introduced as Alphinaud spoke regally. “Merely travelers, same as yourself. You might call us students of history, sampling the realm’s remembrances in pursuit of enlightenment.” 

Azlyn smirked, placing a hand to her hip. “Historians? It’s not everyday you see students out in the field. Have you learned anything that would be beneficial to know?” 

Alphinaud chuckled. “Tons. For instance, I will introduce several dilemmas the Gridanians have to overcome—they are unfortunate enough to have to contend with two beast tribes. Do you know them?” 

“I know of the Ixal, but then again that was a freebie given after the Elder Seedseers’ speech.” Azlyn pointed out with a knowing smile. This made Alisaie smile a small bit. It was just a fraction of one, but it was enough for her. 

Alpinaud explained openly. “The sylphs, by contrast, are peaceful in nature, being mischievous rather than malevolent, and long been on friendly terms with the Gridanians—until recently at least. Alas, they have grown aloof, a change observed at roughly the time they summoned the primal Ramuh. The Gridanians have no love for war, and they consider open conflict a last resort.”

Azlyn was unaware of this and wondered if Yda and Papalymo knew about it—maybe Roll and Kida had a better idea. But after her fight with Ifrit it was no wonder the Gridanians weren’t jumping at the opportunity to take it on. She nervously rubbed the slight sunburn on her arms.  

The boy noticed her peculiar motion to rub her arm, as he tilted his head to observe her. She found herself blinded by his only earring on his left ear as it sparkled in the sunlight. “They clash with the Ixal ever more regularly, you may be assured that they do so in self-defense. As for the Sylph’s—they are as yet bound by a peace treaty, though one wonders how long it will be before it is broken.” 

She had not known about a peace treaty—that must have been something the Scions of the Seventh Dawn must have brokered out. Azlyn was about to be impressed, however her new companion took the opportunity to continue in his lecture. He replied with little breaks, seeming caught up in his own words. 

“The Twelveswood was grievously wounds during the Calamity, leaving Gridania vulnerable to attack. The people are hopeful that restoring the wood—and thereby the power of the elementals—will put an end to their woes. Yet how long with that take? Centuries, I’d wager. Meanwhile, the Ixal will continue their incursions, spurred on by Garuda and her insatiable appetite for destruction. Whether the Gridanians like it or not, sooner or later it will come to an all-out war. And when it does, the Order of the Twin of Adder will need all the help it can muster.” 

His sister sighed loudly, before she reached over to pinch his arm. He yelped as she gave him a glare. “You’re talking too much brother, let’s be off to the next remembrance ceremony. Sorry for him—he does like to prattle if you let him.” 

Azlyn was surprised by her sudden words. She shook her head more surprised. Alphinaud had been rubbing his arm as he clicked his tongue. “Nonsense, she was quite intrigued with this knowledge!” 

Azlyn chuckled at their bickering, drawing them both back to her. She gave them a warm smile. “I’m heading to Ul’dah next to check their services out—would you like to go together?” 

Alisaie crossed her arms, but she didn’t tell her no. Alphinaud nodded approvingly, content with her suggestion. “Excellent suggestion my good friend, why don’t we take the next airship over! We can peruse through all of the displays along the way!” He grinned while his sister groaned. 

Azlyn shrugged, she was thinking of teleporting over, but she was the one who offered them company. Deciding to follow their lead, she let the twins show her around, until they were finally on an airship to Ul’dah. Alisaie chose to sit on the far side, away from her brother. 

“Tell me, where did you hail from? We don’t see many Au Ra often in Eorzea?” Alphinaud asked inquisitively. 

Azlyn looked out over the rail as they started their ascent from the trees near Carline Canopy. The lift off had always been a stomach dropper for her, but once they were in the air, she felt a bit better. “Oh—my family is from Othard, however my parents left when things were getting worse.” 

He had been giving her a curious expression, and he wasn’t afraid to ask for more. “Where did you go to after that? How many countries have you seen? How long have you been traveling?” 

Azlyn laughed at his assertiveness. “You’re the type who likes to know everything, aren’t you.” She pointed out bluntly. His sister overheard her comment, and laughed. 

“She’s figured you out brother.” 

Alphinaud ignored his jib and smiled. “I like to be well informed about many things. It’s in our blood dear sister!” 

Azlyn cupped her hands in her lap. “Well, I was raised in Sharlayan.” 

This caused the siblings to snap their heads to her. Their exclamation rang loudly as they both yelled, “Eh?!” 

She blinked rapidly. “Huh? Was it something I said?” 

Alphinaud became more curious. “Where, where?” 

“The isle of Val?” She answered immediately, and so began the long twenty questions. Did she go to school, yes. Did she know Archon Rammbroes, yes he was an excellent teacher, did she work for any orders while studying, yes. Which order, Students of Baldesion. Did she enjoy her time there, yes. What did she primarily study, general studies with an interest in languages... 

Alphinaud snapped his fingers, “How old are you!” 

His sister had moved closer in their inquiries, and the resounding slap across the back of his head by his sister stopped him in his effort to learn more about her. 

“Don’t ask a lady how old she is! That’s just rude!” 

Alphinaud winced, “I’ll tell her we’re sixteen. Ow, did you have to hit me so hard?”

Azlyn shook her head, “I turned twenty four.” She could see Ul’dah’s walls approaching as the ship started it’s descent to the City-State. The trip had been relatively short with the conversation keeping them lively, as they arrived in Ul’dah they exited the air docks to Hustling Strip and found people already gathering in front of the Royal Promenade. 

“I suppose we’re a bit late to the festivities.” Alphinaud said, as they were waiting at the back of the crowds. Azlyn stood beside them, seeing through the throngs of people the Flame General himself standing at the top of the red-carpeted stairs. He was addressing to a beautifully dressed Lalafell by his side. He saluted her with the Immortal Flame’s salute, before turning to the masses. Two guards in heavy armor stood at attention. The cheers and rowdy calls from the people roused the Flame General. He took two steps forward, raising both of his arms up wide in the air. 

“Hark you, souls of flame, drawn to the bosom of the desert, where the fire burns brightest and shall rage forevermore! Where since antiquity, under the safe and judicious rule of the Ul Dynasty, we have wrought sand into gold! Where by the Grace and Glory of Nald’thal have our brave sons and daughters flourished and prospered—I speak of Ul’dah!” The crowds were more rowdy than back in Gridania, as they hollered and cheered to their general. 

Azlyn leaned back against the railing behind her, the twins followed her example as they watched silently. Alphinaud pointed out the banner behind him. “Azlyn look there, at the Flame General’s back flies the Grand Company’s standard.”

Alisaie sighed. “She is not blind.” 

Alphinaud continued. “Note the imagery. The golden scales of order balance the jewel of prosperity with the flame of might.” 

Raubahn pounded his fist into his chest, over his heart. His voice was loud and clear, as it echoed in the hall. Alphinaud had been interrupted from his explanation on the banner as the Flame General roared. “Great and many are the gifts our nation has given the realm. In Eorzean’s darkest hour, on the killing fields of Carteneau, none spent more in blood and gold than we. Thus was the VIIth Imperial Legion laid low!” 

Azlyn widened her eyes at the statement.

Alphinaud coldly remarked immediately. “So that’s how it happened! How soon history forgets.” 

Raubahn yelled over the crowds. “Yet many left our gates, never to return. Let us pray for our absent brothers and sisters, that they might know happiness in the great beyond, as Thal’s honored guests.” He, along with the soldiers behind him, saluted the Grand Company’s standard to the people. “If the fates were fair, the price we paid that day would have bought us victory. Alas they are not here. And now, but five years into this Seventh Umbral Era, the spirit of sacrifice which granted us strength is all but dead.” 

Azlyn watched how animated the Flame General had become, he flung his arms out to proclaim to the people. “Look around you. What do you see? A people divided, downtrodden and enthralled!” At the mention of enthralled Azlyn grimaced. She clenched her fists as she remembered all of the abductees and the soldiers that were there that day—where Ifrit forced them under his thrall. 

“Where are the merciful alms of the rich? Where is the just steel of the righteous? I ask you: Is this the great nation our brothers and sisters gave their lives to save?” He pounded his chest once again. “You, who call this ‘living’ dishonor the name of the Immortal Flames—it is but a slow death! Our enemies surround us. The savage hordes of the Amalj’aa wait beside our roads, strangling the lifelines of trade. Meanwhile the Garleans make mock of our borders, and despoil our land of it’s natural wealth. We stand on a precipice—yet we do not act. Whether trader or soldier, Monetarist or Royalist, all must recognize that a divided Ul’dah stands to fall!” He pumped his fist high in the air, calling to arms the people. “Victory and Fortune walk hand in hand! Ye who seek glory and wealth! Look not to what little you can snatch from your neighbor, but the the boundless wealth of the world beyond. Now is the time to unite! Now is the time to ride forth! In the name of the sultana, I beseech you!”

He threw his arm to the side, directing the people. Azlyn was surprised by the mention of a sultana—which prompted her to look to the well dressed Lalafell by his side. She had been quiet, listening to his words with patience and understanding. Her pink lochs of hair, adorned in pretty trinkets of gold, her green eyes shined bright with unbridled passion for her people. She was intently watching, she was looking right at all of them hearing Raubahn’s address. 

“Line not your own coffers, but those of the Immortal Flames! Seek not to prosper from Ul’dah, but to restore her to prosperity! As the realm prospers, so shall Ul’dah. As Ul’dah prospers, so shall her people!”

The people began cheering once more, more loud and rambunctious than before. Azlyn had to admit, the Flame General’s charisma was nothing to push aside. But she watched as humbled as he was, his face had softened a margin as he turned to the sultana, kneeling down to her. He bowed his head, respecting her. “Your Grace.” His voice echoed in the hall. 

She nodded to him, “Raubahn.” 

She walked to him, as he lifted her up above the heads of the people, she sat regally on top of his arm, as he held her up aloft. Azlyn widened her eyes at the sight of seeing a man even capable of holding a person with just their arm strength. She didn’t have a chance to comment on it, as the sultana addressed the people. 

“People of Ul’dah, I, Nanamo, seventeenth in the line of Ul, address you. Much has been made of the wealth of Ul’dah. Yet those who measure that wealth in coins and carats are gravely deceived. For the true wealth of Ul’dah lies in the health, happiness, and hopes of her people.” She called out to the crowd, her voice never wavering as she spoke true. “Beloved subjects, I bid you raise aloft the torch of Ul’dah, that her Flames might serve as a beacon for all Eorzea to see!” 

The crowd applauded to her, whistling and chanting her name. Many of the people seemed to like their sultanate just as much as their Flame General. 

“For Victory and Fortune, stride fearless into the inferno, for we are by fire reborn!” Raubahn called out, not even breaking a sweat or faltering as he held Nanamo up for all the people to see. 

Raubahn brought the sultana back down to the ground, as they bid their people farewell for better prospects for their future. Azlyn watched the slew of the crowd start to unravel, moving in herds down the red carpets back to the open market of Husting Strip. Alphinaud gave a heavy sigh. 

Azlyn meanwhile went to size up her arms, and then turned to the twins. “I wonder how many weights I’d need to lift to be like him. He didn’t even break a sweat.” 

Alisaie burst out in laughter, as Alphinaud closed his eyes at her jest. “I feel like you missed the entire point of that address.” 

Azlyn shook her head, “The thought didn’t once cross your mind Alphinaud? Not at all?” 

He glanced up to the sky pretending not to hear the question. Azlyn chuckled. 

“The Ul’dahns have a long history of conflict with the Amalj’aa, the beast tribe that worships the primal Ifrit.” Alphinaud responded curtly, hoping to curb their wandering minds to a more  tame topic. 

Alisaie frowned, sighing loudly. “Here we go, another one of your lectures.” 

He shushed his sister, and then looked to Azlyn’s grimacing expression. “Judging by your look of distaste, I take it you have encountered them.” 

Azlyn nodded, “Recently in fact. They actually managed to summon Ifrit.” 

Alphinaud raised a finger up in postulation. “Indeed! I heard tales of a strong adventurer who managed to strike him down with their mighty axe! To be frank, I would love to met them to discuss their findings!” 

Alisaie pointed out to him, “Oh you’re talking about that Bloody Princess of the Sea rumor.” 

The Au Ra choked on the air, looking away from them with a bit of guilt. She would not admit to them that was her. No way. Not in a million years. 

Alphinaud thankfully, or mercifully continued onward with their conversation. “The Ul’dahn’s do not shy from confrontation. If aught threatens their precious prosperity, they will seek to crush it. So have they dealt with Ifrit thus far, smothering his flames each time he is stoked to life. Yet he is but one of several problems. Though they have been quiet these past five years, the Garleans have not gone away. Meanwhile, refugees continue to arrive in droves, and Ul’dah has no clear policy on how to deal with them.” 

Azlyn frowned. She thought back to the camps that laid out for a quarter of a mile out from the city walls. People living in tents, barely able to make enough coin to buy food. 

Alphinaud seemed to read her mind, “After all, not even the sultunate’s coffers are bottomless. And even assuming they had the coin, resources will ever be finite. Which brings us full circle back to the subject of Ifrit. It has been observed that the Amalj’aa are summoning him with ever-increasing frequency. Every time they do so, the Ul’dahns send their forces to smite the primal, and though they invariably succeed, each victory is bought with blood. It is a war of attrition which hey cannot well sustain. It’s a small wonder the Immortal Flames are eager to recruit more members.” 

Alisaie looked to the time, frowning. “If we’re going to make Limsa Lominsa’s address, we should be on the way. Coming?” She questioned the Au Ra. 

Azlyn who had patiently waited for Alphinaud to finish speaking nodded with a small smile. “I can only imagine how rough it must be for them, however Alisaie is right. Let’s head over to Limsa.” 

Alisaie had already led the way back to the air docks, as Azlyn trailed behind them. She was concerned about how much blood had been spent by these people, and wondered if there wasn’t anything anyone could do? And then she clenched her fists, remembering that the Scions were doing everything they could to prevent such atrocities. This meant using those blessed with the Echo as their first line. She chewed on her bottom lip, deep in thought as the siblings in front of her discussed the political standpoints of the Royalists and the Monetarists. Alisaie didn’t really seem interested, while Alphinaud domineered the topic with fervor. 

Their travel had been blessed with clear skies and quick passage, the three of them conversed about different things, from favorite books to favorite foods. Simple chatter amongst young adults to pass the time. 

The vast ocean below spanned out, as a small landmass started to grow larger and larger as the airship approached. Vynbrand, the continent set in the middle of the ocean, with Limsa Lominsa as it’s City-State. A land overrun with pirates, kobolds, and Sahagin alike. She hadn’t been able to explore all of Vynbrand, but in time she hoped she would. It’s changing weather, from cool humid breezes to nice sunny days—it had a similar feel to the Isle of Val. 

Several of the passengers were shown off first, and then it was their turn to leave. They traveled down the elevator lift to the Bulwark Hall, where Azlyn directed them over to the Stateroom’s elevator across the room. 

She was comfortable there as she had grown to know the people. 

When they arrived in the Stateroom, it was well into the late afternoon. The setting sun had been slowly fading in the large window above on the upper landing of the chamber. Azlyn found a spot by the back wall where the twins joined her. They could already see the Admiral approaching the edge of the upper landing, she was listening to the disgruntled voices of the people within. The murmurs and whispers of an alliance broken. 

Azlyn could see the Admiral well, how she faced them despite knowing their broken spirits. To garner their attention, she raised her fist up in the air, a charismatic approach almost similar to that of Raubahn’s as she corralled them to her. 

“Brothers and sisters of the sea, hearken unto me! Look upon this, our mighty crimson standard, and tell me your hearts do not swell with pride!” Admiral Merlwyb gestured to the red flag, the large ship at center mass. 

Alisaie nudged her brother, “Look, you didn’t even need to point it out this time.” 

He sighed, letting it slide as the Admiral continued in her speech. 

“Seven hundred summers have come and gone since our forefathers first ran aground in this fertile bay. In that time, guided by the Mother of Oceans, Limsa Lominsa has grown from humble fishing village to uncontested ruler of the five seas and beyond!” 

The people cheered at this, proud of their heritage and what they had progressed into that day. 

Alphinaud leaned to Azlyn, as he started to explain the banner. “It is a rather stirring standard, I must say. The crimson field is meant to signify the blood of fallen crew mates, while the black longship represents a pirate vessel.” 

She nodded at this information, as Merlwyb jumped further along in her speech. “When the Garlean Empire marched upon Eorzea, we assembled beneath the Maelstrom’s standard, and our Grand Company was reborn. All answered the call, from the Knights of the Barricuda to Hyllfyr’s Bloody Executioners, and together we met our would be conquerors upon the field of Carteneau. That day, the world bore witness to the united strength of Limsa Lominsa!” She clenched her fist, as she proclaimed more to her people. “I swear to you, no army ever fought harder, or with more courage. Yet many of ours did not survive. Join me now in remembering those who fought in the name of freedom, and fell. May their souls be returned to the sea.” Admiral Merlwyb started the Maelstrom salute, as others followed her example. Some bowed their heads to pray. 

Azlyn watched with an empathetic expression. 

Alphinaud crossed his arms over his chest. “Freedom—yes, they have always been rather fond of their freedom. Much as the beast tribes have. Small wonder—beneath the surface, one would struggle to tell them apart.” 

Azlyn had to give him a point, he was correct. 

“It has been five long years since the Calamity struck. Five long years of tireless rebuilding.” The Admiral lowered her arm from her salute after several long moments. “Yet still the wounds of the Calamity fester and weep. But when I stand atop the Mizzenmast, and gaze out upon our battered and broken vessel, I see an undying spirit. Did we not build all this from the wreck of the Galadion all those centuries ago? Shall we not do so again?” She swiped a hand down, as she called. “Yet there are those who would see this ship of ours sink beneath the waves of the restless Rhotano. The Sahagin creep ashore seeking blood for their accursed god.” 

The unsettling murmuring in the crowd started, as they called the Sahagins by their coined nickname: fishbacks. The dissension was clear, their hatred for the beasts were well felt in the air. Azlyn watched silently. 

The Admiral pressed on, “While the mines of O’Ghomoro spew forth kobolds who push ever south, despoiling our lands as they go. These savage beast tribes will be the first waves to crash against our creaking hull. And behind them swells the grim tide of the Garlean Empire. Even now, the curs fly their flags within our borders. Doubt not but that they will be upon us ere long. We are well nigh surrounded. Yet there are those among us who would rather turn their swords against their crew mates than our cannons against our foes!” The Admiral gripped the railing of the upper landing, she bolstered to her people. “How can we hope to repel our many enemies when mutiny breeds below deck? There is but one course left to us!  One bearing that will bring us victory over the beast hordes and the Empire both, and see the ship safe to port. We must mend the rift the Calamity has reopened ‘twixt pirate and Maelstrom, and stand fast with out adventurer brothers against the coming tempest!” 

The Admiral straightened up, she looked down at the crowd in her Stateroom as she spoke. “Mark ye well: a crew without unity is no crew at all—‘tis but a mass of drowned men. To me, then, brothers and sisters of the sea! Gather beneath the undying crimson standard and pledge me your strength, your skill, your wisdom! And with the guidance of the Navigator, this great vessel of ours shall ride the waves till sea swallows all!” 

The crowd yelled back to her, “Till sea swallows all!”

Seeing the spirit of the people reborn, the Admiral nodded to them and turned to leave the landing. Many of the folks started to clear out from the space, while the trio waited out the crowd. 

Alphinaud cut straight to the chase. “As the Admiral mentioned in her address, Limsa Lominsa is plagued by two beast tribes. The first are the fishlike Sahagin, worshippers of the primal Leviathan. The second are the kobolds, who dwell beneath the earth, and take the primal Titan for their god. As if the beast tribes presence weren’t troublesome enough, the Garleans have also chosen to erect a fortress right in the Lominsan’s backyard. And that is to say naught of internal strife. As a nation of pirates, there is no end to the blood feuds between the various factions. And while they fight amongst themselves, the Garleans whet their blades and watch. If the Lominsans are to have any hope of withstanding the Empire, they must first resolve their own affairs. Differences must be set aside, and the primal threat dealt with once and for all.” 

He took a moment to pause, looking up at the majestic crimson flag that hung down from the rafters. “To this end, I expect that they will soon take decisive action against the beast tribes. Mark my words, the Maelstrom standard will be drenched a deeper shade of crimson ere long.” 

Alisaie stretched her arms up as she did her best to wait out her brother. Azlyn smiled, gesturing to how late it was getting. “Each city-state each has their own sets of problems and dilemmas they must overcome. But maybe they just need someone to show them the way.” She was thinking of the many leaders that rallied the masses to their call. 

Alphinaud took it a completely different way. “Someone like you, perhaps?” 

Azlyn shook her head. “No way—I’m just one person.” She couldn’t even begin to imagine the weight of that responsibility. She could barely come to a decision on which Grand Company she should sign up for. Scratching the side of her head, she sighed heavily. “It’s getting late.” 

Alisaie gave her a small smile, “I hope we cross paths again.” 

Alphinaud stretched a hand out to her, he had his cordial smile. “I’ve had an enjoyable time chatting with you.” 

Azlyn reached out to shake his hand. “Thank you Alphinaud, Alisaie. Safe travels to you in your—what was it? Your expedition to enlightenment.” She teased him, as he shook his head. 

“Til we meet again.”

Alisaie headed off first, followed by her brother leaving the Stateroom behind. Azlyn waited until they were out of sight before closing her eyes. 

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