
40 l An Inferno’s Rage

She travelled to Ul’dah, as she couldn’t recall if she’d been to Central Thanalan or not. Her travel took the most of the time, as she rode her palanquin outside the gates into central Thanalan. She found a station with a hub crystal, the entry of the station had been called Black Brush Station, and she attuned to the crystal. It was a new area to explore, but she decided to find the Bonfire so she could finish this task and hurry back to help Thancred. 

Something just felt off about leaving him to deal with the aftermath. 

Minfillia wasn’t lying when she said the smoke stack could be seen, as she floated on her palanquin toward the towering black clouds rising up into the air. She wondered if any naturalist would have a heart attack at the amount of pollution flying up into the air, corrupting the ozone layer. 

Her trip wasn’t all wasted, as she soon arrived in a bustling workshop filled with a motley crew of people and one goblin alike. She learned under Mutamix Bubblypots for an hour, the process of adhering materia to her equipment helped, and she bid them farewell. Before she left Mutamix presented her with the knife she had presented him at the beginning of their session. It’s new shine and quality almost seemed unreal, especially since it had been so rusted before. 

“Thank you for your time Master Mutamix.” Azlyn bowed to him, and his crew of workers. They all called for her to come again, and she teleported back to Horizon. Her quick recess to gather and take a quick crafting lesson had indeed cooled her head. 

It was during her walk back to Vesper Bay that got her thinking. “Why isn’t there a crystal in Vesper Bay? It’s really inconvenient.” She complained, having made this trip twice that day. 

Tataru welcomed her back, as Azlyn waved before she jogged past to head below. She briskly made her way into the Solar presenting the knife for Minfillia. A bit of air out from her lungs, Azlyn slightly wheezed. “Here—your dagger...Excellent lessons indeed. Learned a lot.” Azlyn stammered through with heavy breath. She needed to start walking around more than riding in the palanquin. She was getting out of breath due to her running straight from Horizon to Vesper Bay. 

“I see your visit to the Bonfire had proven fruitful. Here, Tataru brought down some water earlier, but you look like you need it more than I.” She offered her the glass with a smile. 

Gratefully, Azlyn accepted the glass, and sipped the liquid. 

Minfillia went to examine the newly enhanced dagger, and nodded. “What a remarkable difference a single piece of materia can make! Granted, the skills needed to manipulate the substance are not easily acquired, but one need only look upon the results to realize such efforts are worthwhile. As you are aware, the quality of your equipment could mean the difference between victory and defeat. Materia may well give you the edge you need Azlyn, so make it your ally.” 

Azlyn finished her glass, placing the cup back on the desk. She nodded. “I understand. Thank you Minfillia.” She bowed to her, and Minfillia asked her to stand up. 

“While you were off learning about materia, Thancred has apprised me of the investigation. It appears he was able to extract some information from our friend Ungust.” 

She nodded, her mind explicitly cooled off from her journey into central Thanalan. “What did we find out?” 

“He revealed that he is due to meet with the Amalj’aa to discuss their dealings. The Immortal Flames believe that the meaning will present an ideal opportunity to ambush and capture the Amalj’aa responsible for the abductions, and so they mean to have Ungust attend as planned.” Minfillia placed her hands on the back of her hips, stretching her back. “As the Amalj’aa are anticipated to offer fierce resistance, the Immortal Flames have requested our support.” 

Azlyn smiled, “Alright, when and where.” 

“Unfortunately you’ll be solo for this, as Thancred is presently attending to another matter. I will have him join you as soon as he’s able. Until such time as he does, you will be the Scion’s sole representative on the ground. Oh he told me to inform you, ‘save some for him’. Such is his confidence in you—a confidence I share.” Minfillia smiled to her. “They’ll be waiting for you in Camp Drybone. The deal is supposed to go down this evening. The flame sergeant leading the mission will be your contact.” 

Azlyn cracked her knuckles to release the pressure in her hands. “Understood.” 

Minfillia nodded to her, “May you walk in the light of the Crystal Azlyn.”

She left the Solar, letting the aether carry her away back to Camp Drybone once again. What should have been a quiet camp turned into a bustling camp of Immortal Flame soldiers. She walked over to Isembard who watched the activity with an intrigued expression. “I guess we found something of import then, huh Azlyn?” 

She nodded to his question, looking to the large group of soldiers. “Yeah, I guess we did. Hopefully this solves your abductee problem.” 

The man nodded. “I do too. I think you want to talk with that guy over there—he asked for an adventurer fitting your description. Is that why you teleported in?” 

Azlyn smiled, “As a representative, I should make my presence known. Thanks for everything Isembard.” She waved to him, and he regarded her hand with interest. 

“I heard you punch Ungust. If you ask me, he deserves more than a solid one to the face. Thank you.” 

Azlyn blinked at his statement. “Oh—uh—I let my anger get the best of me.” 

Isembard shook his head. “Anyone in your shoes would have.  I would have if I was there.” He sighed. “Hopefully we can get this sorted out, without anything else happening.” 

She has to agree, as she hoped this situation would be solved as neatly as it could. 

Isembard let her go, as she walked over to the tall Hyur male with a dark brown handlebar mustache and diamond shaped beard. She could see the scar spanning over his left eye, a stern look of a man whose seen many fights and battles. He had an open-wide green tunic that went well with his dark black pants. “Ah, are you Azlyn of the Scions? My thanks for coming, friend. We’re stronger for your assistance.” 

Azlyn smiled, bowing her head slight to him. “Thank you for having me. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to assist in this operation.” 

“Allow me to brief you on our mission. Our objective is to capture Amalj’aa and prize from them the whereabouts of the abductees. The lizard men aren’t aware that their man, Ungust, has been exposed. When they come to the rendezvous point to meet the traitor, we’ll spring the trap.” The general spoke loudly for everyone in his platoon to hear. They started to roar in unison as they called out their unit’s response. 

She had to give them props for their enthusiasm. 

The Sergeant paced in front of them, addressing all of them with care. “Owing to the clandestine nature of this mission, we can deploy only a small contingent. Every member must count, and so we requested the aid of the Scions. The rendezvous will take place at the Invisible City. Please make your way there and lie in wait.” 

The whole guard roared in agreement, before making their preparations. Azlyn pulled out her eastern Thanalan map to find where this Invisible City was located. She found it laid north of Camp Drybone, so she walked the entire distance up. She was getting used to using her legs to walk as she’d been getting used to the palanquin rides. 

She hunkered down at the entrance, waiting for the rest of the platoon to arrive. Several hours of waiting, and they trickled in hoping not to raise suspicion. The last to arrive had been Ungust with his slightly swollen cheek. He gave her a disparaging expression, before heading into the stoned walls of the city. They had a good vantage point to see him. Azlyn just couldn’t shake that something felt off. 

The sergeant had been asking his men about the bait being set in place. The soldiers were responding back, readying themselves for when the Amalj’aa would arrive.

Before she could offer her opinion on the matter, the Amalj’aa finally made their appearance. 

Azlyn frowned, seeing the three Amalj’aa warriors appear before Ungust. The Sergeant of the Immortal Flames gave the signal for them to rush in, and they roared while they charged. Azlyn watched from the background as the Amalj’aa warrior yelled over Ungust’s cry. 

“What is the meaning of this?!” 

The Sergeant signaled for them to head over now, readying their weapons. Azlyn brought forth her book summoning her emerald carbuncle to her side. She slowed her jog to a slow brisk walk as she noted the area. 

A flame private yelled out, holding his shield up. “Wait—something’s amiss!” 

There was a huge stampede of noise from ahead and behind their group. Azlyn gritted her teeth as she saw a huge group of Amalj’aa storm in to surround them. She noted the extras coming in from the front as well. She yelled to Ungust. “I should have punched you harder you—“ 

Ungust broke out into uncontrollable laughter, as he gripped his stomach. He then gave her a sneering glance. Behind her there was also another man laughing, dressed as one of the Immortal Flames. He laughed at them as he pointed to his Sergeant. “I’m afraid your little ambush ends here!” 

The sleazy merchant pointed to his man on the inside as he explained. “I eluded the Immortal Flames’ clutches for moon before finally being caught. Did you not wonder how I managed it?” 

Azlyn clenched her fist, she wanted to make several strides over to him to knock out his front teeth, but the Sergeant kept her by his side. Her carbuncle hissed at him from beside her. 

The traitor within the Immortal Flames laughed joyfully. “‘Twas almost as if someone was feedin’ him information from the inside!” He burst out laughing. 

The merchant smirked, cradling his cheek. “Aye, your every movement was known to me ahead of time! Now, it’s only fair to pay you back for marring my face.” He said this to Azlyn with a sneer, pointing at her behind the Sergeant. The Midlander Hyur growled angrily to him in response. “Now as much as I’d love to chat awhile. I have appointments to keep.” 

Azlyn stepped up, glaring. “Hey monkey, you’re not getting away with this.” 

“Oh? But I already have.” He laughed at her. 

The traitorous soldier yelled to the Amalj’aa. “They’re all yours!” 

The Amalj’aa started their attack, as Azlyn could feel the remaining unit circle up to cover their backs. Azlyn didn’t have time to worry about Ungust leaving as she now had an entire field of Amalj’aa to deal with. She commanded her carbuncle to attack them with its air bursts. As that happened, she started blasting any Amalj’aa that came within view with her ruin and suped up ruin spells. The men with her tried to keep up with the onslaught of lizard men approaching. 

She spied their Lalafell pugilist collapse in an unconscious state. The Hume on the other side of her got knocked out from a thorough punch to the gut. The sergeant had been grabbed by a few Amalj’aa and pushed into the ground. He grumbled into the dirt as he succumbed to the weight. 

Azlyn remained in the center, the sweat rolled down her face as the heat of the day finally set in. She kept distance between all of them as her carbuncle protectively circled. She was in a really bad situation. The traitorous soldier from before drew his sword, letting it rest on the back of a tired private’s neck. The male froze in fear as the blade started to nick his neck. “N-no—please.” He whimpered. 

The one with the sword called out to Azlyn. “Put up your pretty little book, or your comrade’s a dead man.” For good measure he started to apply pressure. 

Azlyn grimaced, before closing her eyes. She commanded her carbuncle away, as it gave her a look of disbelief. It disappeared into the aether as she snapped her book closed. She opened her eyes to see Ungust walking over to her, he was smiling at her. 

“Watch out!” The private yelled to her, as Ungust relished in delivering a punch into her stomach. She doubled over, collapsing to her knees as Ungust reached down to grab her by her hair. He snapped her head up so that she could look at him. 

“Pay backs a bitch, ain’t it?” 

Azlyn felt herself get thrown to the ground by his hand, as she attempted to get back up, An Amalj’aa walked up to her summoning a void of purple mist. She tried to scramble backward, the pain in her stomach keeping her motivation up, only to have that mist burst into her body. She curled up into a ball, trying to resist the spell. Her eyes grew heavy, looking up to see Ungust staring down at her. 

“Bring her.” He then turned to the other officers that were able to walk. “The rest of you, march!” 

She closed her eyes, letting the pain numb away into unconsciousness. 

When she awoke, she found herself under a warmth of fire from a tall torch light. She could see the other members of the squadron start to rouse at her awakening. 

“You’re up.” The Sergeant gave a sigh of relief. “Glad to see you’re awake. Ungust personally dragged you here, I thought you would die from the travel.” 

It was no wonder she felt like someone ran over her with a chocobo cart. She groaned as she pulled herself up. “I should have punched him harder.” She groaned, feeling the headache start. She found herself tied up, but it wasn’t just her, many of the men were tied up with bounds of ropes. 

The sergeant shook his head, he was angry about their situation. “I fear the Amalj’aa mean to give us to their god as an offering, if I must die, then let me die a soldier’s death—with steel in hand.” 

Azlyn frowned. “Their god? They summoned Ifrit?” 

“Not that we’re aware.” One of the privates quivered. 

Another private in their group started to shake. “There’s a river over there. If one of us gets away, they could alert someone to our current location. Maybe even prevent us from becoming offerings.” 

“Who would go?” Another private asked, looking around the group. Each and everyone of them were hurt. Azlyn looked like she’d taken a dirt bath on the road, if the bruises were any indications. 

Azlyn looked up around them. She noted the dark skies and with the heavy cloud coverage, she couldn’t tell what time it was. “How long was I out for?” 

The Sergeant grimaced. “About three to four hours.” 

She widened her eyes. “That long? Holy shit. That must have been a potent sleep spell.” She couldn’t believe that she’d been out that long. She had to wonder if she worried her new friends—Kida and Roll didn’t know of her whereabouts either, so it wasn’t like they’d know to look for her. She clicked her tongue in distaste. “Did anyone else know about this operation?” 

The Sergeant sighed, “Other than the few members here, no.” 

Azlyn groaned, mostly from pain than from their situation. “Great.” 

The soldiers looked to her before nodding their heads to each other. “She should go. She’s not an Immortal Flame, and she can get us help.” 

She narrowed her eyes, “No, I won’t leave you.”  

“And you won’t need to.” A familiar sneering voice called to them. Several Amalj’aa entered the space as well, gathering the groups of people by their ropes. Ungust sauntered over to them, and he stopped in front of her. He reached down to grasp her by her hair as he jerked her to her feet. 

The Amalj’aa started gathering the rest of them as Ungust sneered to her. “Thought you’d be out cold—I was hoping to wake you myself.” 

Azlyn snarled, trying to stomp on his foot with her own. He sidestepped her foot, and shoved her back into the ground. She growled at him as he laughed. A pair of Amalj’aa reached down to her, plucking her up by her arms. 

“I hope you get what’s coming to you monkey.” She spat in his direction, getting dragged away with the rest of the group. They were taken outside, in a large mountainous top. The chill of the desert night set in as the fires lit the entire circle with flames. She could see a large supply of crystals at the epicenter of the ritual grounds, as each of them were brought to their knees. Azlyn had been placed in between a private and the Sergeant, as she started to scan her surroundings. She noticed a large Amalj’aa standing at the front, his ornate ritual garbs set him apart from the rest of his brethren. 

She looked up, and noticed the moon had a dark red circle outside the outer ring. Azlyn gave a surprised gasp. “There can’t be a lunar eclipse. It’s not physically possible.” She shook her head, hoping the vision would go away, only it wouldn’t. 

The Sergeant followed her gaze, and widened his own eyes at the sight. 

The ornate Amalj’aa zealot called out to the skies, his staff waving in front of him. “Lord of the Inferno, hearken to our plea! Lord of the Inferno, deliver us from our misery! O mighty Ifrit, Lord of the Inferno! Your humble servants beseech You! Grace us with your divine presence!” 

Azlyn watched in horror, as the crystals started to get absorbed, the middle of the lunar eclipse started to turn ablaze, as it started growing more and more. It was at that moment when the moon exploded in a ball of fire, did she realize that a portal had opened up to the summoning rite. She widened her eyes in fear. In the ball of the blazing inferno that raged a reptilian creature began to form. She could already see the long curving horns emerge, it’s lanky long arms armored with scales. The long talons that stretched from what she assumed were his claws as the one known as Ifrit had burst from his captivity. 

It exploded out from it’s prison, landing in the center of the now voided ritual zone. It’s skin looked cracked and mauled, as if licked by Hell’s Fire itself. It was hunched over, his mouth breathing out spits of fire. The Amalj’aa zealot at the center called to the one that they managed to summon. 

“O mighty Ifrit! We bring You ignorant savages who know not Your godhead! If it please You, Lord, scorch their heathen souls with Your cleansing flame, and mark them as Your own!” 

The Amalj’aa went behind each of them, cutting the ropes off their arms and bringing them to their feet. Azlyn was brought to her feet, along with the Sergeant and several of the other guards. The abductees were also in the mix as they all were herded toward Ifrit. 

“Bloody hells!” The Sergeant yelled, struggling against the Amalj’aa holding him in place. 

The Amalj’aa Zealot pointed over to the side where the traitorous solder and Ungust were watching. “Bring those two as well.” 

Ungust was thrown down in between Azlyn and the Sergeant, along with the traitorous soldier. 

“What’s going on!? Th-this ain’t what we agreed!” The soldier yelled to the Amalj’aa. 

The one who threw him down at their feet spoke calmly as if not affected by his yelling. “None but servants of Lord Ifrit may behold the rite of summoning. The souls of unbelievers are forfeit!” 

Ungust sobbed, grasping onto Azlyn’s leg. “Pl-please you must save me.” 

She kicked him off. She was thoroughly disgusted. “Should have thought of that in the first place!” And then postulated to the Lord of Inferno standing before them.

Ifrit took a step forward, drawing Azlyn’s group to look at his gaping mouth. She could already see the fiery red glow of it’s beady eyes as it regarded them. “Pitiful children of man! By my breath I claim you! Arise once more as my loyal minions! Feed my flames with your faith, and all who stand against us shall burn!” 

He stood up on his hind legs, as Azlyn truly gazed at the height of this creature. He must have been at least two stories tall—maybe a bit more—as blue flames started to pour from it’s large maw. It’s horns were glowing a fiery red as it finally fell forward onto it’s front legs to breathe burning blue flames upon them. Azlyn covered herself with her arms, closing her eyes at what she thought would be her end. As the flames blew around her, licking at her form, she couldn’t feel the heat from the flames. She opened her eyes, staring down at the flames surrounding her and those around her. As the fire died down, she stared down to her hands wondering what had happened.

Beside her she could already hear the mumbles. The Flame Sergeant had been devoid of emotion, as if praying. “O mighty Ifrit.” 

The private on her other side called. “My one true god.” 

The traitor stood up, as all of them started to bow before the creature. Azlyn stared at them with a bewildered look, even Ungust was bowing to the creature. “Your words are my bread!”

Azlyn turned to face the Amalj’aa in front of her, and Ifrit licking it’s maw with it’s two tongued appendage. “Twelve Preserve—what did you do to them?” 

The Zealot widened his eyes in shock to her. “Impossible! By what sorcery do you resist my master’s will?” 

She didn’t know either, perhaps it was due to the blessing of the Echo. In either event she narrowed her eyes. 

The Zealot made his own assumptions. “Could it be? Your soul already belongs to another?! Yes, that is the only explanation!” 

Everyone by her started to back away from her, as Ifrit started to roar in a rage. Azlyn remained still as she grimaced. It was an interesting notion, but not something she’d like to think about. Her mind was already reeling in physical pain, she didn’t want to worry about the thoughts of being blessed by a god just like these people behind her. After all, she wasn’t praying to Hydaelyn every day. She wasn’t preaching to the Mothercrystal. 

She shook her head, as Ifrit growled at her. “Forsmooth, thy frail mortal frame can serve as vessel to the blessing of but One. Yet I smell not the taint of another upon thee. The truth of thine allegiance waxeth clear—thou art of the goddess blessed’s number. The Paragons warned of thine abhorrent kind. Thine existence is not to be suffered.” Ifrit raised one of it’s claws into the air, as it summoned a ring of fire to surround them. 

Azlyn looked to see all of the Amalj’aa and men who were hit with the blue flames had been watching from outside. She found herself squared up against the Lord of Inferno, as it hunched down sending a raging torrent of flames from its mouth at her. She dodged to the side, now feeling the intensity of the heat as Ifrit tried to take her out then and there. She brought forth her axe, as her arcanima would probably not do well here. 

“My flames shall consume thy flesh and soul both!” The god roared at her, as she charged at the large monstrosity with her axe. All she could do was keep him at bay, chipping away at him whenever she could. She had to avoid the sea of flames that it attempted to blaze her. 

She could already feel herself getting tired, as the day’s events took their toll on her. If it wasn’t for Ungust’s treatment she’d probably be doing better. Her clothes were soaked with soak, blood, and dirt as she continued to slash and gorge into it’s scaly skin. She was trying to keep at one place, hoping to whittle him. 

She swung her axe wide, snapping her blade up into one of its horns. She kept at it, until at last her axe created a crack that ran down the horn into its head. Ifrit roared, bringing forth a large sword made of flame in the center of the ritual. As if it was protecting him from her assault, she had to try getting rid of the flames. She thought it was weird to attack an element, but felt the force of aether was strong enough—like she had been hitting flesh. She continued to slash, avoiding the areas he tried to explode from below her. The ground erupted in torrents of flames, as she did her best to escape. 

The flame sword disappeared under her last swing, and she found herself staring at the cracked face of the primal before her. It breathed heavy fire at her, as she slammed her axe into it’s face. The Butcher’s Block, the technique she learned from the Guildmaster swung true, as her axe gave a resounding crack, as she imagined destroying the rocks back in Limsa Lominsa. 

“The blessing of Light...defies me?!”

Ifrit choked out at last, as some of the energy started to seep out from all of the wounds she had made into it. It crashed to the ground in front of her, as she started to breath heavily. She watched it with a close eye, as the flames started to go up in the sky. The aether shifted, and finally Ifrit burst into nothingness. She looked to the ground where Ifrit had disappeared from—and saw a red crystal laying on the ground. 

Slowly she approached, her limbs were hurting from the day’s abuse. She ignored the pain, pushing past it until she reached the red crystal. She’s didn’t need to pick it up, as the crystal started to float up to her, and she felt the coursing vision take over. It was like previously when she found the blue crystal. She was standing in a dark space, boundless and empty, the voided area spanned out into a large arcane circle as the red crystal started to glow brightly in the middle of her hands. She watched it float to a spot behind her, it’s light exploding up into what she assumed would be the sky. A space of stars expanded until it all faded away. The world had been painted back to the way it should have been, where she was standing alone in the middle of the ritual grounds. Her hair burnt at the edges, the black soot marks, the dirt that padded all over her, the bruises that were beginning to form on her limbs and abdomen. 

She felt herself fall back, landing with a dull thud on the ground. How did she take care of a primal on her own—how was she still alive? Everything hurt, and only the clear night sky filled with stars softened her. 

“Azlyn!” She didn’t want to crane her head back to see him—she could already hear his loud footsteps as he ran full speed toward her fallen form. He skidded to her side immediately, checking her for any signs of fatal wounds. “Pray, forgive my lateness.” 

She gave him a dry chuckle. “I tried to save you some.” Azlyn blurted, giving him a wide grin. “Sorry.” 

Thancred shook his head, the Immortal Flames that had accompanied him ran to his side. He clicked his tongue. “I was delayed by a congregation of Amalj’aa zealots, I swear, each seemed more evangelical than the last. Can you stand? Where are you hurt?” 

Azlyn sighed. “Sorry, my whole body hurts. Couldn’t tell you what though.” She turned to look to the side, only to see a charging Amalj’aa rushing to them. It was yelling at Azlyn with it’s raised spear. 

“You will perish for your deeds mortal scum!” 

Thancred jumped into action, defending her with his daggers. “Persistent lot!” He yelled, chucking his blades at the Amalj’aa at all of his fatal points. The creature fell at his quick work, before he wiped his hands clean. He looked to Azlyn lying down on the ground. “Quickly, we should get you treated.” 

Azlyn tried to pull herself up, and Thancred reached a hand to grasp her under her arm. He let her lean on him, as he gestured over to the group of folks that had been blessed by Ifrit’s blue flames. They were sitting in a circle, huddled around several of the Immortal Flames that weren’t there previously. 

“I see the Bloodsworn wasted no time extracting the captives. No less than I’d expect from the Flame General’s handpicked men.” They could see the Amalj’aa were being taken care of, killed off by the men hard at work. Thancred frowned to the two that betrayed their first operation. “As for those two, it is fair to say their hardships have only just begun. They have much to answer for.” 

“Apparently he dragged me unconscious by my hair. Ugh.” She grimaced, letting him walk her out from the circle of fire she’d just been in, as they walked past the people she’d been working with that day. She looked up to Thancred’s profile, his face contorted in guilt as he sighed. 

“I feel I owe you an apology Azlyn. Had I known this mission would prove so dangerous, I would never have left you to face it alone. You have been given a veritable baptism of fire.”

Azlyn could sense his guilt in his voice. She didn’t need to see it in his face. “You didn’t know.” She replied, shaking her head. “But hey, the blessing of Light saved my skin. That’s for sure.” She tried to look at it in a brighter sense of the word, only for him to give her a disdainful look. 

“Let’s continue our conversation in a more agreeable surrounds. Camp Drybone, shall we say?” Thancred conceded at last, and Azlyn grinned. 

“Does that mean I can take a shower?” Azlyn teased, to which the man helping her shook his head. 

“This way sir!” An Immortal Flames cadet shouted behind them. They both stopped to see the cadet running by, leading them out from the area. Thancred easily supported Azlyn as they slowly hobbled from the grounds. 

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