
31 l Kujata, The Mountain

With her friends back home, she decided to run around Limsa Lominsa to do work at the guilds. In the morning, she asked Baderon about that offer from the night before—and he said he’d recommend her to the adventuring guild in Gridania. She’d have to take the initiative to go out there to snag the job though. Once done in the bar, she left to the Culinarian Guild, where she made a few more fruit tarts than usual, and then walked over to the Armorer’s Guid to deliver those same tarts to the Guildmaster. The expression of pure joy that emerged on her face as she accepted the tarts. She started to craft some pieces of armor, selling the pieces to individuals looking for custom work. 

She earned a few bags of coin for her troubles, and then she made her way over to the Marauder’s Guild. Already there was a buzz of activity, as she entered into the guild hall. The Axemaster was issuing orders to his men and women, urging them to arm up for a coming battle. It was then that he spotted her. 

“Azlyn! Your confrontation with the beast is at hand—Kujata has made his presence known. Reports place the creature in the northeast of the Red Rooster Stead, in the vicinity of the Grey Fleet. There is little more for me to say but this: harness all the strength you have built through your labors of sweat and blood, and unleash it full-fury upon Kujata and his menagerie of scavengers.”

Azlyn remembered in her previous attempts in killing Kujata, where the young boy Sighard had made several attempts to get back at the beast known as the Mountain. It was currently at this time that the young boy had been bedridden, wishing for her to fulfill her promise. She clenched her fist as she recalled the promise made some time ago. 

“Sighard yet lies abed, trusting in your strength and praying for your victory. I ask that you go to the lad before the battle, and tell him you venture forth to fell the object of his vengeance. Such news should cheer his ailing heart. The time is come, Azlyn. May your axe strike deep and true!”

Azlyn saluted, “Sir!” 

She ran out from the tower, going to the aetheryte crystal beyond the guard. She activated the teleport spell to reach the Lower La Noscea Gate, and found herself just outside the white palisade brick. She reached into her satchel, grabbing the mount whistle she received from Kida. Placing the piece to her lips, Azlyn felt the pull of magic spin and create a floating palanquin for her to sit on comfortably. The two balloon creatures were chained to the bench and seemed content to float together in harmony. 

She directed the mount to move toward Red Rooster Stead. It was remarkably faster than regularly walking, but not as fast as Kida’s contraption she called ‘her baby’. Her travel time had been reduced down by half, something she never thought would be possible. 

When Azlyn arrived at Red Rooster Stead, she called off her mount, letting it go back into the aether flow. Running into the little community, she went up the hill, past Anaoc and into the large community hall. Neddard was sitting by his grandson, Sighard. Azlyn slowed her pace smiling to the pair. 

“Good morning!” She waved, bringing their attention to her. 

Sighard looked like he was a bit down. “Azlyn—I’m sorry fer makin’ trouble.” 

She shook her head. “I can understand Sighard,” She knelt down so that she was eye level with him sitting on the bed. She smiled, reaching out to hold both of his hands. “I’m glad that you are healthy and hale Sighard.” 

He looked down at their hands, “No, I deserve what I got. It’s me own fault fer not believin’ in ye.” He snapped his head up to look at her, his eyes a bit watery. “B-but ye came back anyway! And now yer gonna take that axe to Kujata’s head, aren’t ye?!” 

Azlyn tightened her grip on his tiny hands, she wondered if she had been this small when she was his age. She inwardly sighed, of course she was. She was still a small thing even as a grown up. “I made a promise to you Sighard, and I mean to keep it.” 

Sighard returned her grip. “I know ye can beat that bastard! Ye got to!” 

She nodded. “I best be off to do what I should have done earlier before. Stay here with your grandfather.” She released her hold on his hands, standing up. She bid them goodbye, turning around to see two familiar people standing by the building’s exit. Azlyn smirked as she walked over to their resident healer Solkwyb and fellow marauder Broenbhar. 

“Hiding in the shadows Solkwyb?” 

The healer smiled, her arms crossed. “I heard Kujata had reared his ugly head again, and reckoned you’d. Not be too far behind. I hope you won’t object to me lending what aid I can. We’ve been through much, you and I, and I would see this tale to it’s end.”

“I’d trust few healers to get me back on my feet. Hopefully I won’t break another set of bones.” Azlyn smiled. 

Solkwyb replied with a wry smile. “Broenbhar, it seems she’s ready to break a few bones. I’d wager she’s going to need you at her side. A pack of two to offset the ravenous beasts that follow in Kujata’s wake.” 

Broenbhar uncrossed his arms from in front of him, approaching her. He lifted his fist to her, showing her his bare knuckles. “Might be as I’m stickin’ me nose in where it ain't wanted, but I couldn’t abide the thought o’ ye facin’ that monster solo. Kujata’s got his friends, so it’s only fair if ye’ve got a couple too.” 

Azlyn lifted her fist up, to fist bump his hand that had been extended to hers. She smiled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve seen how you’ve swung your axe, wreaking destruction in your wake.”

He smirked. “When the Bloody Princess offers a compliment like that, I have to answer back in kind. I already did some o’ the groundwork for ye. Seems like a farmer an’ his wain have fallen victim to the fiend’s pack.” 

“I’ll let you lead the way Broenbhar, Solkwyb.” The two smiled to her, and she followed behind them as they went to check the first area that had been hit by Kujata’s pack. They found several ideal locations in Cedarwood, just outside of the Red Rooster Stead. They had found several small patches of the Mountain’s pack lingering by the scraps of destruction they caused on their way from the farmer’s wain. 

Following the path, they were led into a shaded portion on the trailing path leading into the Mountains. A huge caravan had been destroyed on the path, so the trio took the time to investigate the trail and evidence left behind. 

Azlyn had been kneeling by the broken cart, when she felt the thump on the ground. The four repeated steps of a humongous creature began it’s approach. Azlyn slowly rose, and found herself staring down Kujata, the Mountain itself. 

Solkwyb and Broenbhar settled in on both sides of her. 

All three stared up at the beast, and Azlyn had to admit—this bastard was at least ten times her height. She watched in a mix of horror and fascination, as her previous experience with it led to the destruction of her Arcanist’s book. As it approached, it let out a monstrous roar that echoed in the valley.  Azlyn pulled her axe, Solkwyb her wand, and Broenbhar his own axe. They yelled back at him with an equally robust sound. 

Solkwyb yelled to Azlyn, “This is it Azlyn! Send the beast to the abyss!”

Broenbhar noticed the pack of monsters approaching behind Kujata. He charged ahead with his axe. “Focus on fightin’ Kujata! Leave the hyena’s to me!” 

Azlyn continued her assault on Kujata—moving out of the way when it tried to stampede on her in the numerous times. She had to circle it around several times, keeping it out of breadth’s range of Solkwyb and Broenbhar. 

When Broenbhar whittled the jackals down, Solkwyb shouted out to them. “Be on your guard! He’s up to something!” 

Azlyn attempted to keep Kujata at bay, but some of the jackals slipped by Broenbhar and had slashed, bit, and gnashed their fangs on Azlyn’s arm and legs. Solkwyb tried her best to heal both her and Broenbhar, but she noticed her spells not taking effect. 

“I can barely close you wounds! What has he done to you?” Solkwyb increased her healing output, “Ugh, no wonder his victims were so hard to heal!” 

Azlyn could see Broenbhar bloodied from the jackals, and even her own self had been injured quite a bit. If her friends had seen this, they’d probably have a panic attack. She, however, had a promise she had to keep. Pushing past her limits, Azlyn maneuvered so she could hit Kujata with her most powerful attacks. She went combination after combination, feeling the energy course through her arms with each powerful stroke. 

Broenbhar shouted. “More damn hyena’s! Quickly now Princess, put that bastard down!”

She could feel Kujata was weakening, whatever damage she was doing onto his forelegs and other places she could reach. It’s fur was matted with blood and underneath that was the scarred tissue from previous failed hunts. A wave of energy coursed over her, as Kujata’s pressuring aura pulsed onto her. Her wounds started to seep as more blood poured from them. She screamed at him. 

She went berserk laying one combination of slashes into it’s monstrous flesh. Solkwyb went to tend to Broenbhar as he was becoming quite exhausted. After several more swings, Azlyn   Ran to one of the few trees nearby. She jumped as high as she could, catching the branch in her arms and pulling herself up. Kujata was charging to her, she could see it’s eyes the pitch black iris’s trained on her. 

It was in this decisive moment that Azlyn jumped, she felt the air underneath her feet as she leapt straight into him. Her roar echoed once more, before she heard the definitive deep thud of her axe into the top of it’s head. She looked at this creature, whose rampage teetered to a stop. It’s eyes looked at her as if to acknowledge her victory. It’s legs buckled beneath it, as it crashed to the ground. Azlyn stepped off of it’s nose, to look at it’s last harboring breaths before she reached out to pet his long nose. 

“You’re such a magnificent creature. Please, rest Kujata.” 

Broenbhar and Solkwyb ran to her side, as Azlyn leaned her head to the Mountain. It breathed it’s last breath a few short moments after. 

“You did it!” Solkwyb replied, staring at the large mammoth of a creature. “You culled the beast!” 

“Azlyn!!!” A young boy’s voice called from behind her. Azlyn turned back from Kujata to see Neddard. Standing beside them was the Axemaster Wyrnzoen carrying the young boy Sighard in his arms. He looked proud of the work they had done. 

“It appears our timing was fortuitous.” He let the young boy down as he approached Azlyn. 

Azlyn was still in front of Kujata, as the young boy grimaced at the dead creature behind her. “Ye did it. Ye really did it.” His voice cracked as he spoke. 

She turned back to the creature, remembering the look in it’s eyes before it died. “I made you a promise, didn’t I Sighard?” 

He nodded, before breaking down into tears of sorrow. He was overwhelmed from the vengeance enacted for his deceased parents. “Ma? Da? Do ye see? Azlyn killed the bastard... ‘e’s finally dead.” He sniffled, while Neddard comforted his grandson. 

The boy wiped his face with his sleeve. His nose runny, and eyes red with tears. He looked to all of them. “Thank ye. Thank all of ye.” 

Azlyn gave the boy an assured nod. Rubbing his nose, he looked to Azlyn with promise in his eyes. “Azlyn, do ye reckon I could learn to swing an axe like that? When I’m bigger, I mean. I want to protect folk, too. Keep ‘em safe from—ye know, monsters an’ things.” 

Azlyn could tell with his determined expression, she said. “Anything is possible if you put in the effort.” She then looked to the Axemaster, who then turned to look down to the young lad. Sighard caught the look, and stared up at the massive Roegabyn Guildmaster. 

“If you train hard, then naught is beyond your reach, young man.” Axemaster Wyrnzoen relayed at last. 

Sensing their approval in his steps towards becoming a future marauder, he cheered. He gave them a bright smile. “Then that’s what I’ll do! I’ll train every single day! Ye’ll see, I’ll be the strongest ‘ero there ever was.” 

Azlyn smiled. “I look forward to seeing you become just that.” Azlyn reached out her pinky to him, striking a new promise to the boy. “Promise Sighard?” 

He reached up his own pinky, and shook it with her own. “It’s a promise!” Neddard and Sighard left them on the path, returning back to Red Rooster Stead with the knowledge that peace had truly been granted. 

Broenbhar turned to Azlyn. “I saw it with me own eyes, an’ I can still scarce believe it. Ye brought down the Mountain!”

Solkwyb smiled down to her. “Well done Azlyn, I knew fro the first moment we met that you would rise to meet any challenge!”

Then Axemaster Wyrnzoen greeted her. “It is done, Azlyn. You have answered the boy’s prayer’s and upheld the pride of the guild. Hold your head high marauder! This was truly a mighty feat. Never have I seen a marauder so dedicated to attaining the pinnacle of her discipline.” 

“It’s all thanks to you three.” Azlyn replied to them with a smile. 

“In recognition of your achievements, I, Axemaster Wyrnzoen, pass on to you our guild’s final technique: The Butcher’s Block. It shall make of your axe a whistling guillotine of deadly force. While potent as a single attack, I suggest you first stagger your opponent with a Heavy Swing, followed by a ringing Skull Sunder—only then shall you unlock the full destructive power of this strike.” 

She noted the new combination down in her tricks to use against the creatures that would face against her in the coming future. “Thank you once again Axemaster.” 

He nodded. “Experience now shall be your new tutor. There will always be greater foes and deadlier challenges on which to test your blade—of that, I am certain. You will enter a realm of our craft in which even I have never set foot. I only hope that when you reach the very boundaries of our art, you will return to share your triumphs with us. Until then, Azlyn, may your axe ever swing true!” Axemaster Wyrnzoen reached his hand out for her to shake his.

She reached forward, feeling the heavy pull of his hand as they saw eye to eye as equals on the battlefield. “I’ll be sure to do so Axemaster Wyrnzoen.” 

She watched them take their leave of her, heading back to Limsa Lominsa to finalize the final reporting of Kujata in lower La Noscea. And with that, an end was brought forth to Kujata, the Mountain by the Bloody Princess of the Sea who would set forth on her next journey as a warrior of the realm. 

As if she were called to her next destination, her link pearl buzzed in her ear. She reached up to activate it. “This is Azlyn speaking?” 

Kida’s cheery and bubbly voice popped up into the frequency. She seemed excited about something. “Guess what free company has a meeting in three minutes? We do! Come to Gridania’s Caroline Canopy to find us!” 

The message was abrupt, which left Azlyn only one course of action. She closed her eyes, thinking of the Crystal residing in Gridania and let the aether carry her to where her friends waited—and to find out what they met when they said they had a meeting. Thinking that she would be late if she dawdled anymore, she made her way over to the Carline Canopy, which also happened to be the same building she walked out of when she first flew to Gridania as the Admiral’s envoy. It had only been three to four days ago, but life had an interesting way of keeping her busy.

She strolled down the curving woodland path, enjoying the crisp smell of the oak and wood. Along the way she had gotten some strange and peculiar looks. The strangest had been a mother walking with her son. He was pointing at her in awe, while the mother gasped in horror, covering her child’s eyes and hurrying them up the path.

“Is it the scales?” She had to ask herself again, examining herself. Only she realized the mistake she made afterward. “Oh—oh no.” Her clothes were thick with the blood of Kujata, and she didn’t exactly have time to shower or change. Her wounds were slowly seeping from her arms and legs, no wonder the peace-loving, non-aggressive forest folk were horrified at her appearance.

She sighed, there wasn’t anything she could do about it now.

She found the entrance to the Carline Canopy, walking in to see two familiar people standing in front of an Elezen woman behind a counter. She could see a kettle of tea being brewed, with several cups distributed to each person. There also was a cup for an extra to join, which she assumed was her glass. She made her way over to them.

Roll widened her eyes at the sight of her.

Kida spat her drink out. “Holy shite balls—did you kill an entire pack of monsters or something?”

Roll handed Kida a napkin, she seemed used to her usual antics. The woman behind the counter watched the interaction with mild curiosity.

“Sorry—you said in three minutes and I just dealt with the Mountain over in La Noscea. I came as quick as I could.” Azlyn explained, and the feeling of warm healing surged over her injured limbs. She could see Roll already casting spells to help mend her.

“You should have called us, we could have helped!” Kida exclaimed, but then turned back to the dark haired Elezen. “Anyroad, Mama Miounne prepared some tea for us before we dive into this request! Mama Miounne, this is Azlyn—” Kida introduced them with wide gestures. “Azlyn, this is Mama Miounne. She’s our Adventurer Mama.”

Roll pulled one of the counter top chairs out, and laid out a long piece of fabric. She patted it down before gesturing Azlyn to sit. “Sit down, you have tree leaves in your hair.”

Azlyn did as instructed, while Mother Miounne smiled warmly to her. “Welcome to Gridania, I heard from these two you have joined in their free company.” Azlyn nodded to the woman.

“Yes, it just started a couple days ago?” Azlyn looked up over her shoulder to Roll, who was attending to her hair.

“Sounds right.” She replied with a ghost of a smile.

Kida handed her a cup of tea. “Well, guess what! We have our first job that Mama Miounne will grant for us! Mama Miounne, we’re ready for your report!” Kida leaned up onto the counter with both of her arms. She was excited to learn more about this new quest they’d be undertaking.

“If you’re ready for the briefing?” She looked to the trio noticing their attention all on her. “Good. Now then, here’s the long and short of it—”

Another individual stepped up to the counter. Roll nodded her head to their new guest, while Kida jumped closer to Azlyn’s side. “Holy shite balls.”

“Language, Kida.” The man replied calmly, turning to look at Roll tending to Azlyn. He narrowed his eyes at the sight of blood on her. “Beg pardons for interrupting, Miounne, but our need grows ever more pressing. Have none stepped forward?”

Mother Miounne looked to him with a small smile. “Good morrow to you too Bowlord! Your need must be pressing indeed for you to honor us with a visit. The good news is: your journey hasn’t been wasted. I’m pleased to report that we have your esteemed protégé and her friends volunteering.”

Roll replied suddenly. “Voluntold.”

Kida snapped her fingers. “That’s a perfect word to describe this moment!”

Azlyn smiled, not sure what was going on.

“From what I have heard from Baderon, this girl Azlyn also comes highly recommended.” Mother Miounne replied to the Bowmaster. His attire was decked out in red, from his sideways feathered hat to his tunic and boots. He wore a mask to hide the top portion of his face, or perhaps help focus his eyes on the shot…in either event Kida must have known him since Mother Miounne mentioned her as his protégé.

The bowmaster smiled. He bowed slightly to them. “My thanks for answering the call, friends. My name is Lewin, and I lead the men and women in God’s Quiver.”

Kida perked. “And me! I’m your best pupil!”

Lewin shook his head, he gave a slight chuckle. “Yes, Kida has established a role in our guild as one of our top archers. No surprise, given her talent. But time is of the essence, so I shall proceed directly to the heart of the matter. We wish for you three to nip a potential threat to Gridania in the bud.”

Kida snickered. “He means to say butt.”

Her master gave her a side glance, which Mother Miounne attempted to bring them back on track. “Beneath Central Shroud, there lies an underground burial site called Tam-Tara-Deepcroft. The place was once a Geimorran settlement, but we Gridanians have long interred our dead there.”

Roll nodded, she had successfully braided Azlyn’s hair into a beautiful fishtail down her back. “I’ve been there before.”

The God’s Quiver Guildmaster added further information. “Of late, however, shadowy figures have been seen skulking about the Deepcroft, and with ever increasing regularity. Based on the accounts of various witnesses, we suspect that these individuals belong to the Lambs of Dalamud, a doomsday cult which sprung up prior to the Calamity.”

Azlyn stiffened in her seat. She had read about them in Sharlayan, and knew that their practices were severe, especially since the lesser moon had fallen.

“These zealots have proven themselves dangerous in the past, and we leave them to their own devices at our own peril.” He raised a hand to his chin in thought. “Ordinarily, I would have dispatched my best men to scout the Deepcroft with orders to flush the cultists out.”

Kida crossed her arms, “Rude.”

Lewin sighed. “Alas, the Calamity decimated our ranks, and the limited forces at my disposal are currently required to keep the Ixal at bay. Or standing here and drinking tea.” He added this hoping to assuage the archer in their group. She merely lifted her glass up to slurp the tea loud.

Roll frowned. “Are the Ixal trying to summon once more?”

He turned to Roll with a grimace. “The birdmen have grown restless of late, and I fear a storm may be brewing in anticipation of this. I have been compelled to spread our forces throughout the Twelveswood, lest we be taken unawares.” Lewin looked between the three of them. He seemed hesitant to ask, but he looked pressed against a wall. “The situation so being, we must turn to others to deal with the Lambs of Dalamud. Can we rely on you to undertake this task?”

Azlyn nodded. “Of course.”

Kida smirked. “Looks like we have our official first quest as a party! Let’s go bash some cultist’s heads in!”

“You have my gratitude.” Lewin said, before turning to Kida. “Be sure to write a report on your findings. I’ll be interested to read them.” Kida rolled her eyes at the thought of paperwork.

“Really? Can we just – you know skip the boring stuff? No? Okay.” His stern look made it clear that she was required to write one.

“Once you’ve made your preparations, pray make your way to the Deepcroft, and identify yourself to the guard posted at the entrance. He will apprise you of the latest developments. That is all.” He nodded to the three, about to turn away, except Kida stopped him.

“Hold it Bowlord Lewin, I wanted to introduce you to Azlyn since you’re here! She’s handy with a bow! Maybe you can treat this quest like her initiation into the God’s Quiver?”

Lewin looked at Azlyn with a scrupulous eye. “I’ll give it some thought.” He waved goodbye to them, exiting Carline Canopy as swiftly as he arrived. Azlyn reached for her cup of tea, enjoying the savory black tea.

Roll finished her tea, rolling her long white sleeves up to her mid-elbow. “We’re going to need some time to get properly suited. We should go to the apartments and sift through our gear to update our equipment.”

Kida nodded. “Oh! We must coordinate since this is a team thing! Like Roll, you can be yellow—no? White! Azlyn will be red! And I’ll be blue! It’s perfect!”

Roll quirked her eye. “Why?”

“Because it’s fun!”

Azlyn chuckled. “I wouldn’t mind a quick bath. For some reason I keep getting bathed in the blood of my enemies.” She looked down at herself with a dismal expression.

Mother Miounne smiled. “If you require lodgings, we do have a separate bath house for all of your needs. Feel free to talk with the innkeeper to discuss prices for the night.”

Kida clung to Azlyn’s side. “I have a bath/shower combination!” This was before she exclaimed as if she remembered something. “Wait! Roll has a gigantic hot tub - bath in her room! We should totally use that!”

Roll sighed. “Wear your bathing suits. I don’t care.”

Kida jumped for joy.

Mother Miounne spoke up from behind the counter. “Be careful out there, you hear? May the Crystal guide you and keep you!”

Kida saluted to Mother Miounne. “Aye aye Mama Miounne!”

Roll led them out from the building, going to the first athernet crystal they could find. She looked to Azlyn. “Teleport over to the Lily Apartments.” She shortly disappeared into the aether flow, Kida immediately jumped into the connection right afterward leaving Azlyn to think of the Lily Apartments she remembered from before.

When she opened her eyes, she was standing in front of the large building—the chocobo stable had several chocobo’s nestled in their spots or eating from the food piles given to them. Kida and Roll were waiting for her at the entrance.

“This way.” Roll called out, and Azlyn followed.

The lift was located on the right side of the building, where they were taken to the thirteenth floor. Azlyn looked at all the doors down the halls. “Do you know any of your neighbors?”

Kida nodded. “Oh yeah, it’s a pretty tight knit community here. You’ll like them. Hey, isn’t there going to be a vacancy on this floor?”

Roll tried to remember. She pulled out her keys as she said. “I think so. One of the girls said she was getting eternally bonded.”

Kida snapped her fingers. “That’s right! She said she’s moving to Ul’dah with him to make it big!”

“How much is it to buy an apartment?” Azlyn asked, she wasn’t planning on it, but it never hurt to ask.

Kida skipped down the hall. “About three hundred thousand gold.”

Azlyn stopped walking. She stared at them in disbelief. “For an apartment? How much is a house?!”

Roll stopped in front of her room, nonchalantly calling back to her cousin. “About three million give or take a few hundred thousand.” She opened her door and turned on the lights.

Kida ran over to Azlyn’s side, grabbing her by the arm to drag her into Roll’s room. She was still processing the absurd amount of coin. “B-bu—how can someone—I mean—money’s so hard to come by!” Azlyn’s brain finally kicked into gear as she found herself standing in her cousin’s room. It had been cluttered with cool looking devices and house sets, from a nice worktable, to a poster bed, an open floor bath behind a set of pavilions, and quite a few posters and blueprints decorating the walls. Not to mention the decent sized kitchen and counter space.

“It’s not that hard to get money while out adventuring. Why do you think we joined all the gathering and crafting guilds?” Kida replied with her cunning smile.

Azlyn looked down to her own coinpurse. “I-I barely have a thousand in my pocket.”

Both looked to her like she was a lost puppy that had been kicked by a stranger.


“You’re that poor?” Roll added salt to her open coinpurse’s wounds.

Azlyn retorted. “I’m plenty rich given my daily necessities!”

Kida cracked her knuckles. “Alright, so we’ll tackle this quest and then build a money scheme for our friend to live finance free. You ready Roll?”

Roll walked over to one of her chests in the back. “It’s fine—you have to start somewhere. Hang on, I think I have something in the guild chest which won’t require a money scheme.” She opened the lid, and started to pull out some clothes, gear, weapons, materials, and then found what she was looking for. “Ah, this should be some good pocket change for you.”

The conjurer walked over to Azlyn with a bag. The coins were clinking inside as Azlyn gave her a curious look. “What’s this?”

Kida remembered. “Ah! That’s right, we found a whole bunch of old coins in one of our expeditions! Just give those to any seller. They’ll pay you the coin worth.”

Azlyn gaped, opening the bag. She felt her eyes bug out from the absurd amount in her hands. “Are these actual, authentic gold Allagan pieces? From like way in the past Allagan?”

Roll nodded, a ghost of a smirk on her lips. “Trust me, you can keep them. Oh, and if you see something in that pile you want, you can just take it. It’s all extra stuff that no one bought.”

The archer cheered like it was a bargain day for cheap drinks. Azlyn walked over to kneel on the ground. She lifted several garments before turning back to Roll. “No one wanted to buy these!? But they’re well made!”

Roll grinned, happy with the compliment. “Thank you—I made them all myself.”

Kida lifted a revealing brassiere top and a half skirt, short combination. “Ohh, Azlyn you’d look cute in this!”

Azlyn blushed at the mere thought of being in something like that. “I don’t think I could fit the image.”

Roll walked over her to workbench as she started drawing up some of her plans. Without turning back to them, she said. “The bath is open, just turn the switch on and it should fill up automatically.”

While Azlyn was perusing through the piles of clothes and armor, Kida made for the bath as instructed. She turned the switch allowing the water to fill to open space with water. She touched the top with delight. “It’s so warm—I love it.”

Azlyn found a few sets of clothes. “These outfits are kind of nice. I like the hood on this one.”

Roll looked over to see what she was talking about. “I made that outfit based on a Spriggan.”

“What’s a spriggan?” Azlyn asked.

“Furry fat rabbits. They’re in Thanalan.” Roll explained. “They like the mines though.”

“Azlyn come here, the water is divine!” Kida called out—she was already soaking in the water her clothes off.

“Go wash the blood off. And I’ll mend your clothes if you leave them over there.” She pointed to the ground by the pavilion. “You guys can bathe, and I’ll whip up Kida’s suggestion.”

“Which was?” Azlyn asked, while Roll smiled.

“Our team outfits. Although, I think I’ll need to call a friend to join us. It’s better to take on the Deepcroft with a four-person party than with three. I’ll handle it.” Roll waved her hand indicating it was okay for her to bathe.

Azlyn stripped as modestly as she could, leaving her undergarments on to soak in the bath. Kida handed her a towel to lay out on the side. The steam was pillowing up from the water as Azlyn settled in. She was surprised by the seating within the square shaped bath. It was lucky that her hair was braided, and she thought it was even more lucky than no blood had splattered into it. For the most part, it was her clothes that took the most damage, which she could see Roll already mending them with magic.

Kida leaned both of her arms off the side of the bath. “How do you not just sit here for hours?”

Roll instantly replied. “Falling asleep once fixed that habit.”

“Ooof.” Azlyn winced, but could see her cousin doing something like that. She grabbed some soap off the sides. “This smell is nice.”

Kida took a long breath in. “Is that a hint of lavender?”

Azlyn applied it to her skin. “The bottle was labelled vanilla and lavender.”

Roll walked over to them with a questioning look. “What’s your measurements Azlyn?”

The girl was trying to remember the last time she had been measured. “Uh—hang on. I should know this.”

Kida chuckled mischievously. She wiggled her hands up from the water. “I know a reliable way to check.”

Roll sighed, “I don’t care how, just give me the measurements before your bath is over.” She tossed Kida the tape measure she brought and went back to work on what she could. Azlyn looked in horror as Kida started to laugh manically.

“Ki-kida, hang on, let’s be rationa—ack!”

Their scuffle in the bath lasted for the duration of their time soaking in the water—by the time Kida reported all the measurements back to Roll, Azlyn was hanging exhausted over the side. Her upper body was enjoying the cool effect of the air conditioning, while her lower body was enjoying the heat of the water. But she could feel her toes and skin starting to prune.

Kida exited the bath with a triumphant expression and dressed into a blue button shirt with a form fitting corset from the bosom down to the waist. The top had an open front, revealing an open neck and cupped the form of the chest well. The sleeves cut off at the shoulders. There were also a pair of dark blue slops and high thigh boots. A blue comfy beret rested on top of the attire, giving off a casual vibe. She strutted around the room with confidence. “I love this!”

Azlyn dried off from exiting, as Roll walked over with her set. It was the exact same as Kida’s, except it was red-themed and it had a longer sleeve style. The pants also had a quarter skirt attachment that draped eloquently on the side. “Thank you.”

Roll nodded. “No problem.”

She went back to working on a yellow set, but it was a male variant. “I also found us a gladiator from Thanalan to help us. Kida and I know him from our interactions with another group we’re associated with.”

Azlyn slipped on her pants with ease. She was guessing just by the sheer amount of fabric Roll was pulling from her company chest. “Is he a large guy?”

Roll nodded, forming the shirt with her weaving magic. “He’s a good guy, I think you’ll like him.”

Kida smirked, “Is this Arenvald?! I haven’t seen that bloke since our last meeting in Horizon!”

“Yeah, I reached out to him.”

Azlyn started to settle her beret on with ease. “You guys are associated with all types of groups in Eorzea. How long did that take?”

Kida tapped her chin in thought. She had already finished dressing. “It’s because of the Echo, but hey, maybe they’ll recruit you once they find out who you are.”

Roll finished the last set she was weaving. She folded the clothes neatly into a brown bag. “Let me change into our set, and then we can head over to the Deepcroft. Arenvald said he’d meet us there in forty minutes.”

Azlyn saw Roll’s style was a bit different comparatively to theirs, as hers had an open skirt in the front, white shorts, and long thigh high white socks. She had mid-thigh high boots that matched the same embroidery as the rest of their clothes. The color combination of white and black balanced out the outfit nicely. Her top combination was the same as theirs, except it was white and had long flowing sleeves past her wrists. Her white beret rested on top of her head, just above her horns neatly.

Kida hopped over to the door. “Let’s get a move on! I want to smash some cultist heads in!”

Azlyn gestured to their outfits. “Thank you Roll, these are great.”

She nodded. “No problem. I can show you how to glamour them onto your different clothes if you don’t want to lose the style. You just need some glamour crystals.”

Kida smiled. “It’s fun to play with the glamours! I like changing the sets we get from the explorations into something else. It’s great!”

“O-okay, yeah. Oh, but do these outfits have protections against the monsters out there? Do we have to worry about not having any physical armor?” Azlyn asked.

Roll shook her head. “I enchanted them to match up to our potential challenges. They should be quite hefty despite being simple fabrics.” She gestured to her outfit. “However, everyone has a preference for how they want to dress—but that’s beside the point.”

“Are we ready, let’s teleport to Bentbranch Meadows and walk over!” Kida reached for Azlyn’s hand. She smiled to Roll. “You’ve been there before, correct?”

Azlyn nodded, remembering the one morning she was practicing her multiple class shifts in each time. She learned quickly that she wouldn’t be able to handle quick and abrupt changes right off the bat. It was also the same location area that she ran into those two strangers with the sharlayan markings. “Yes, I’ve done a bit of training in the area. Helped out the folks for a bit.”

Roll nodded. “Then we’re all set. We’ll return later when we are all done.”

With their party formed, Roll thought of Bentbranch Meadows to teleport into. Kida and Azlyn tagged along for the jump as they were together in the party, feeling the tug of aether take them too. It was still Mid-day when they appeared in the center of town, and then they all called out their mounts. Kida had her two wheeled death trap, Azlyn brought forth her balloon palanquin, and Roll summoned her red-feather chocobo.

Roll led them south, out from the community and further into the wood. She was familiar with these areas as she navigated around several packs of monsters and hostile creatures. It wasn’t long before they were standing on the broken steps leading into a mausoleum below.

“There’s roaming spirits and undead in the area, just be mindful of the distance and we should be able to get through.” She explained, and looked around the wood. “He should be here any minute.”

Kida looked to Azlyn, who thought of her Arcanist book. The grimoire appeared in her hand, and she opened the contents to reveal several documented pages of new spells and actions she could use in battle. She peered up at Kida who was staring. “I like to jot down any strategies that work or didn’t work.” She explained, “Mostly it’s all calculations and mathematical formulaes I create.”

“Can you summon your cute creature with the tails?” Kida asked, her eyes bright with excitement.

Without missing a beat, Azlyn brought forth the formulae she used to bring out her topaz carbuncle. It rolled in front of her, gazing up at Kida with it’s black eyes. She squealed in delight. “You’re soooo cute!”

Roll walked over to them with a knowing smile. “You want to see her freak out more?”

Azlyn tilted her head in confusion. “Sure?”

Roll brought out a smaller version of a mount whistle, except all she did was play a simple tune. It sounded like a simple sea shanty she had heard in Limsa Lominsa before, and what popped up next to her feet was a small automaton shark. It waddled on its back fins and looked to Kida.

Kida saw the shark automaton appear, and she immediately rushed to it. She grabbed the shark into her arms and snuggled up to him. “Major!!!! I missed you so much!”

“Major?” Azlyn asked, wondering how her cousin got a shark automaton.

“That’s it’s name.” Roll explained. “I got it from the Fisher’s Guild in Limsa after Deep Sea fishing. I like it.”

Kida jumped up from the ground to hold Major up in front of Azlyn. “You must give him pets, it’s absolutely required in our guild.”

Azlyn reached out to pet the shark on it’s nose, before it squirmed out from Kida’s arms. It attempted a dive into the ground, but instead flopped. They watched it pick itself back up and start circling around Roll protectively. Azlyn chuckled.

“It’s never a dull moment with you two, is there?” Azlyn replied at last. 

Kida brightly smiled, and Roll gave her the typical short chuckle. 

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