
111 l Bahamut

Azlyn felt as if she had been spamming her spells. She had been constantly slinging her arms, drawing, frantically—furiously spilling her aether into their crazed elder god that relentlessly attacked them. From it’s flare breath that coned out to both their vanguards, to the obscene amount of damage it burst into the megaflares it cast upon each of their members—they were focusing solely on damage control and striking hard.

Roll and Richiro worked just as hard—or harder—as they were healing everyone with their spells and drinking their vials of ether to regain their mana back at a quicker pace. The pair had popped on their mana regenerative spell lucid dreaming, but even that couldn’t attribute to the massive amounts of carnage Bahamut unleashed upon them.

Ruin. Ruin 2. Miasma. Bio. Stone wall. Ruin. Ruin. Ruin 2. Aether drain. Fester. Ruin. Ruin. Ruin. Fester.

Azlyn fell into a repetitive spell casting as she weaved in and out of melee.

“Incoming!” She heard Mjnt yell from the side. She saw another megaflare come hurtling to her and Koroko Koko spellcasting on the side. Breaking concentration, the two sprinted out of the way, avoiding the explosion of aether that splashed on the spots they were both standing at.

“Keep casting!” Koroko Koko reminded her, returning to her own onslaught of spells.

Ruin. Ruin 2. Ruin. Ruin. Ruin. Lucid Dreams. Miasma. Bio. Aether Drain.

Azlyn reached into her back satchel with one hand to pluck out a vial of ether. She downed that.

She pulled back Titan, summoning Ifrit-Egi to her side. Inferno. Burning Strike. Burning Strike. Crimson Cyclone. Flaming Crush. She continuously laid one command onto the next hoping to deal as much damage as she possible could.

“INFERNO!” Azlyn called upon the full strength of her pet, letting her aether charge into the essence of Ifrit to blast Bahamut the same way he tried to burn her just moments prior. She returned to the damage output.

Repetitive hand motions, all memorized and particular to the patterns displayed in the spells. She saw Mjnt and Kida starting to run, as they were not targeted by megaflare.

Ozwin covered for N’thuzu Tia, as the Miqo’te Warrior threw out an aetherial chain to catch Bahamut’s claw. His Holmgang barely kept him up, soaking and absorbing any of the damage as Bahamut blasted him with several flare breaths at once.

The last breath had been covered by the shield, as the pair worked to hack and slash the elder primal.

A pillar emerged from the ground, as a small meteor rocketed toward it. Kida remained in place as she fired several arrows at Bahamut’s rear. The impact shook the platform they stood upon, but the energy didn’t expand and hit them all. As Kida coughed from the rising smoke, and another mega flare upon her—Roll ran into to quick cast her Essential Dignity and an Aspected Benefic.

“You good?”

Kida strummed her instrument, her fingers quivering on the strings. She let loose a ballad to empower them all before growling. “It’s hard to play when Bahamutt’s blasting you in the face—rude!”

Mjnt jabbed her spear into the tail, and was whacked away for her troubles. Richiro Wichiro rescued her before she could hit the edge, and Eos surrounded her in an adloquium.

“Keep it up.”

Mjnt jumped straight into Bahamut’s wing, and settled back down at the rear of the god. She avoided the blasts it sent her way and went back to fighting.

A consumption of aether emerged, as Bahamut roared at them all. A gigantic wave of flares spread out—hitting them all with dastardly precision. Azlyn felt her spell cast drop, her concentration broken as the hit caused some major damage to her arm.

Eos welcomed her, kissing her nose and granting her succor. She could sense the fairy had been cheering for them, and pushed through the pain. This would be over soon. It had to.

Ruin. Ruin. Crimson Cyclone. Ruin 2. Flaming Crush. Miasma. Bio. Aether Drain. Fester. Inferno.

She fell once more back into her attack pattern. Only this time the aether manifested a giant dragon right next to her. She hollered for help, as the shadow of the Meracydian dragon tried to rake her. She rolled out of the way, dropping her grimoire in favor of her axe. She started to cleave and crack her blade into the head of the dragon, watching it burst into aether.

Blood pooled at her feet, but Azlyn didn’t have time to assess as her cousin dropped a healing spell upon her. Azlyn sensed the flow of aether changing—and another shadow of a Meracydian dragon emerged. The girl could tell the two were busy keeping Bahamut at bay, so she had to pick it up so Koroko Koko and Richiro Wichiro weren’t targeted.

She charged it, her eyes flaming red as she went through her range of attacks. Hard strike. Cleave. Butcher’s Block. She continued to hack and maim, until a red-haired Viera hopped in from above, skewering the dragon with a well-timed jump. The shadow burst into aether, joining the center of the platform.

“Another.” Mjnt gestured to the third shadow that emerged. Together the two of them ran off to deal with it, as Kida started to sprint away, firing at it for suddenly appearing behind her.

“FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.” She chanted as Azlyn ran past her to the dragon. Mjnt jumped overhead, pinning its wing to the ground with her lance. The Au Ra raised her axe aloft before hacking it down into the hefty throat of the beast. She butchered it. Cleaving. Spewing blood. She didn’t stop until it burst into aether.

Mjnt ran over to her, with a quick high five. Azlyn clapped her expecting hand, and then they returned to fighting Bahamut. Azlyn let her axe disappear, bringing out her grimoire to summon back Ifrit-Egi.

Bahamut roared. They all watched as both Roll and Richiro started to mass cast a large healing spell to encompass their vanguards as the Elder Primal unleashed a heavy dosage of his flare breath upon the two. Rapid succession, one breath after the next. If it hadn’t been for their healers—Azlyn feared that both Ozwin and N’thuzu Tia would have been goners.

Bahamut soared up into the air—the aether swirling and changing around him. As he surveyed the battleground, they all decided to run to the center of the platform—noticing the familiar charge.

“Dive bombs!” Ozwin shouted, readying for the Elder Primal to charge.

Azlyn saw from her peripheral another shadow of a dragon—one that looked oddly familiar with the collar. “Another dive bomb, nine-o-clock!”

“Holy shit!” They all dispersed, running away from the center as Bahamut charged straight to them. The second dragon—the one Azlyn remembered as Twintania, dived shortly after, in the same linear path that it faced diving outward.

“Back to center!” Roll yelled, and they reconvened just as Bahamut and Twintania set themselves up for another diving session. This continued for thirty seconds, and after the third dive bomb, Bahamut unleashed an arena wide Gigaflare that hit everyone one of them hard.

Everyone buckled to their knees. Roll and Richiro began to quickly cast their heals once more—they started to scatter when the Elder Primal started to unleash it’s hard hitting megaflares upon groups of them.

Azlyn just continued to run in the chaos. Running. Casting spells. Dodging any aerial attacks.

Bahamut left them alone in an odd fashion, floating high in the sky to focus his energy gathering. Groups of shadowed dragons emerged on the ground, where both Ozwin and N’thuzu Tia had to pick them up. Azlyn, Kida, Mjnt, and Koroko Koko split up evenly, helping deal damage to the shadow dragons as quickly as they damage output could take.

More divebombs.

This time, Twintania joined the fight flattening and crashing into them as both the Miqo’te Warrior and Ozwin swapped for aggression. They continued to cleave her, striking her with all that they could—and Azlyn watched as Bahamut continued to gather his energy.

She had a bad feeling that they’d get killed if they didn’t have a means to mitigate whatever he was preparing.

Twintania—or the shadow of her core—burst into aether. Except a blue circle of neurolinks emerged from her fallen corpse. Azlyn looked to Bahamut, and then to the neurolinks. “Get into the circle!”

“WHAT!?” Ozwin shouted to her, thinking that was the craziest foolhardy idea imaginable.

“DO IT!” She argued right back, and they all went into the circle. She brought forth her Titan-Egi.

“It’s do or die now.” Roll hunkered up to Mjnt. She casted as many enhancing spells that she could upon them in preparation.

N’thuzu Tia gestured to Ozwin. “Use your shield—parry whatever will come.”

“Fuck it. We’re living through this.” He lifted his shield before the aether expanded to contract. Bahamut started to roar, and a burst of energy exploded onto the field. As Ozwin lifted his shield up into the sky, the blinding aetherial light started to form a protective barrier around them.

And started to blister and crack as a Teraflare crashed into it. They all braced for the pain—as the explosion destroyed the light shield—and earthen walls that Titan brought forth.

“We lived.” Kida celebrated mirthfully. “Holy fuck.”

“Attack!” N’thuzu Tia charged forward, his axe at the ready as he sprinted to Bahamut who came back down to join them. Ozwin clapped Azlyn on the back before rushing to help the Miqo’te.

They returned to their usual attack patterns. Azlyn went to her spells, slinging once again the repetitive hand drawn arcanima patterns that she had memorized since day one. They could see Bahamut tiring—as the wings shuddered.

But he still had fight in him. What they expected to be another flare breath turned into a burst of aetheric energy that rapidly fired upon the two in front. Hitting hard, and making the healers work double time to heal their burns and wounds.

These unrelentless breaths continued—Akh Morns. One burst lead into two bursts—which soon turned into five consecutive bursts.

“KEEP ATTACKING IT!” Mjnt hollered, piercing and skewering with her spear. “He’s weakening!”

Another charge of aether surrounded it—as it tried to summon another Teraflare to wipe them all out. Azlyn popped as many of her aether healing spells as she could before unleashing all that she had upon him. She lost focus of the fight—of her friends—as it became a race to see who would remain standing in the end.

It was going to be Bahamut or them.

Their screams of fighting mingled with the deafening crack of Bahamut’s roar—and a blinding light surrounded each one of them. As the platform expanded and released—they all felt themselves floating momentarily—before all of them crashed back down to the ground.

Azlyn struggled to get up, she could see Bahamut’s aether dissolving—the cracks continued to grow upon his hardened blue scales. Before he dropped to the platform—and burst into aether.

Silently the eight of them watched—baited breaths—waiting to see if it truly was the end.

“Did…did we do it?” Kida mumbled incoherently. She stumbled up from the ground before she ran to Azlyn. In fact, they all did—huddling together—and laughing. Stupidly laughing. Azlyn felt herself get pulled into a hug by her Xaela friend, while Mjnt and Ozwin high fived each other. Roll and Richiro breathed a sigh of relief, and N’thuzu Tia threw Koroko Koko up in the air to celebrate.

“We fuckin’ did it.” Ozwin said. “Holy shit. We beat Bahamut.”

“His core.” Azlyn corrected.

“Who the fuck cares!” Kida cheered. “Come on! Let’s go to the twins!”

The eight of them rallied each other, and ran to the portal that emerged at the north side of the platform. As the light engulfed them, they felt themselves get taken from within Bahamut’s core, and back outside to the Heart where the last terminal remained.

One by one they popped into view—where the twins warmly received them.

“You did it!” Alisaie applauded them.

“Yes. Now, let’s shut off the hulk. Come on—Alisaie, Alphinaud. Let’s really end this.” Azlyn stepped forth to the terminal. She pointed to the last two buttons to press. “Hit this button—and this one.”

“Together?” Alphinaud asked his sister. Alisaie nodded to him. The pair reached for the button, and then pressed it at the same time. Then they went to the last one the Au Ra briefly mentioned, and looked to her. “With this last coil disabled, there shall be naught left to bind Bahamut to this world. His beloved children will finally know peace.”

Azlyn nodded. That sounded like a true ending for a long and gruesome ordeal.

Alisaie and Alphinaud pressed the last button together—which stopped the coils altogether. They watched as the hulk’s energy died down—as Bahamut’s body burst into aether. Without the coils to sustain him, it was left to the aetheric oblivion beyond. What had been left in his wake had been his core—and a beautiful canyon of aetheric stars upon the internal cavern walls landscape. To their eyes—it was a magnificent view of what one could deem as the night sky.

The core of Bahamut started to ebb away—the aether breaking apart and returning into the lifestream. They all watched, seeing the blaze of aether dissolve into a bright burning light. All that remained now was an empty cavern, and the aetherial afterglow.

Alisaie closed her eyes, expanding her arms outward. “Tis done. He is truly gone.”

Azlyn reached up, feeling a bit of the aether warm in her palm. She watched as it melted away—disappearing once and for all.

Alisaie looked to her brother, giving him a curious glance. “You knew, didn’t you? You knew what Grandfather had become.”

The twin shook his head. “I—I was not certain. But from all I had gleaned, it seemed a distinct possibility. The scene people describe of the Battle of Carteneau was one of unimaginable devastation. And tis through the combined prayers of the desperate—and an abundant source of aether—that primals are born. I merely put two and two together.”

Alisaie chuckled. “And you consider that a sufficient explanation?”

Ozwin stepped up to clap Alphinaud on the shoulder. “Yeah—I’d believe it.”

Alphinaud grinned ear to ear. “You see that sister, I somehow won the approval of Ozwin.”

Alisaie shook her head.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself kid.” The Hyur gave him a side eye.

Everyone laughed, but Azlyn looked up to see the aether that still rained down.

After laughing the sister confidently spoke to Alphinaud. “Well, however you stumbled across your theory, ‘twas this revelation that made you wary of my attachment to Grandfather. So that was why you called Azlyn previously, and intervened at Urianger’s behest.” She shook her head. “You feared that in my obsession, I would fall under his primal sway. Is that why you decided to join us? To pull me back should I show signs of wavering?”

It seemed as if Alphinaud had been caught in his ruse. Azlyn had a similar feeling that was the reason he came. Like she said before, he was being the concerned and worried brother.

“I told you he was worried.” Azlyn smiled to Alisaie.

“Pray forgive me. I wished only to protect you. Yet I see now that I needn’t have doubted the strength of your conviction.” He nodded, before turning a question upon her. “What do you now intend to do with the truth we have uncovered?”

This caused everyone to hum in ponder. It was apparent that what happened down here should—remain down here. Frightening the realm with the second revival of Bahamut—and a new Primal, Phoenix—that saved Eorzea—would only lead to further troubles.

Alisaie came to the same conclusion. “Which particular truth was that? The fact that desperate prayer gave rise to the primal Phoenix? That this new god was responsible for setting Eorzea on the path to rebirth?” She sighed. “Should such a tale become common knowledge, people would soon offer up their prayers in earnest—they would beseech Phoenix to complete the healing that was begun.”

Alphinaud also sighed, understanding her conclusion all to well. “Yet as you and I know all too well, the very act of calling forth this savior would do more harm to the land than good. We cannot encourage such worship for this very reason. Were grandfather forced to return as an aether-draining primal, ‘twould undo all that he had worked to protect.”

Ozwin crossed his arms. “I don’t wish to make a dead man rise time and time again. I say let him rest.”

Azlyn agreed.

Alphinaud spoke over to his sister once more. “Your abiding love for him was the key that unlocked the truth of the Calamity. But keys may also serve to seal doors that were best left unopened.” He thought back to what his Grandfather had mentioned before, when he had told Azlyn to let her heart guide her. “Let your love now guide your actions, and lock away deep inside the fate of both Grandfather and Bahamut.”

“Fear not Alphinaud—I understand what must be done.”

Alisaie pulled forth the bullet journal they made—all their notes—all their doodles and drawings. She let her hand trailed the book with a mixture of admiration and sadness. Then she dropped it to the floor. Alisaie turned to Koroko.

“Please—burn this for me?”

Koroko Koko nodded, lifting her staff up as a fiery orb appeared at her cast. They watched as the fire spewed over the journal and ate at the work they put into it. As the bindings caught aflame—they waited until it was nothing more than smoke and ash.

A shiny aether fragment flowed in front of the scion, as she caught it in the palm of her hand. She smiled warmly to the aether, watching it disappear. “The realm need not know the truth for it to be saved. That the elder primal is banished, to return no more, that—that is more than enough.”

The others came to the same idea, all placing their hands together to make an oath not to breath a word of what they saw underneath in the coils. When they finished their oath, they all turned to Alisaie who nodded approvingly to them.

“Let us make our way back to the surface. Poor Urianger must be beside himself with worry!”

Kida chuckled, staring at everyone’s clothing. They all were ripped and torn asunder by the might of Bahamut. “We’ll probably give the man a heart attack upon sight.”

They all laughed, following the twins up the platform to the aetherial portal that awaited them. Azlyn lingered a moment, taking one last look to the coil, and decided to head back. As she stepped back toward the portal—she found herself not in the internment hulk but floating in a blue aetherial space. She gazed up to the aether that surrounded her, and wondered how she arrived in such a place. She hadn’t activated a teleport yet.

She sensed someone behind her—and she slowly turned to see the Archon. They were floating in this space together.

“Thank you for protecting my grandchildren—with your actions, you have taken another step closer to your destiny.”

Azlyn wondered what her destiny was—she’d been hearing that word often in the passing of days. “Archon Louisoix, I always wondered what I could do—what I would be capable of—if this last journey was any revelation—it was that I must needs find my own path to the future—and choose my own way to live. I can’t continue to balk at what happened to my parents that day in Carteneau—though it grieves me endlessly.”

The Archon listened to her patiently, in this space where time felt irrelevant. He hummed to her with keen observations. “You have grown since last we met. It is wonderful to see. But—is that truly what you wanted to say to me? There was something you wanted to ask me—it was the look in your eye—the same inquisitive look Nahz’el once carried when he was younger—when he held questions within. Thus the reason why I brought you here. To answer them for my gratitude.”

She seemed blown away by his astuteness. “Oh… I—uh—yeah—I do. It’s about Ozwin. Or… the original warrior of light. He… is it true that no one can remember him? Or even say his true name?”

The elder Elezen regarded her question coolly, before sadly smiling. “Ah. I see—the magic affected him more keenly than the rest. Unfortunately the magic is something that cannot be undone, however…” He floated over to her, as the aetherial space started to warp and wane. “I shall give you an opportunity. Use it well.”

He leaned close to her ear, the familiar sound of a name she’d thought she’d heard before. As she faded out from the space, she heard him call to her.

“I shall ever be watching your journey, Warrior of Light. Until next we meet.”

Azlyn saw a hand wave in front of her as Mjnt started to snap in front of her face. “Hello? Azlyn, are you alright? You were daydreaming?”

The Au Ra shook her head, staring to the entire party that had waited for her by the portal. “Come on! Let’s go already!” Kida beckoned her.

And Azlyn followed them out—teleporting out to the fresh outdoors—and the familiar sight of the blue color canyons at the Ceruleum Processing Plant in northern Thanalan. One by one, they teleported to the attuned crystal that had been set up by the immortal flames earlier in that day. Urianger had been patiently awaiting beside the tanks.

He caught sight of them, all jumping into his peripheral.  He spied the twins beside them—as all of them wore sundered clothing and burn marks. “The Warriors of Light returneth undimmed from the depths of darkness.” Urianger calmly spoke, despite his jaw nervously clenched. “By thy triumphant bearing, I take it thou hast succeeded in thy mission.”

Alphinaud greeted the man with a nonchalant hand. “Forgive us our lateness—we decided to take the scenic route.” And for good measure Alphinaud added confidently. “Bahamut is no more. The realm is safe.”

Urianger shook his head, more in horror at all their attire. Unable to keep quiet, he openly spoke the truth. “By the heavens—look at you all!”

The party and the twins gazed upon themselves, without much concern. Urianger however went to examine the twins for a closer inspection. “What horrors your young eyes must have seen! What suffering your young bodies must have borne!”

Alisaie chuckled. “Actually, Azlyn took the brunt of this damage. But that’s for another time.”

Azlyn smiled back to the youngest Scion, and then reported to Urianger. “I would never let them fall under my watch. We all experienced a bit but nothing to write home about.”

Urianger didn’t seem to accept their answers before worrying over them like a mother hen. “Pray tell me—where are you hurt? Your wounds must needs be cleansed and dressed at once! I shall make for you a poultice which draweth out—”

Everyone laughed, including the twins.

Alisaie tried her best to reassure him. “Be at ease, my friend! We are hale and whole, I assure you! We took a few tumbles, but the worst of our hurts are healed. I believe we have Grandfather to thank for that.”

“Master Lousioix?” Urianger called forth. “Then you met with him once more? But wherefore should Bahamut’s thrall seek to ease your suffering?”

Kida whistled a happy tune, while the others pretended to look away from the curious book keeper. Even Azlyn avoided his inquisitive gaze.

Alisaie decided to save them the round of twenty questions. “I promise to reveal all to you in due course. But first, there is a matter which requires our immediate attention.”

They all turned to her, wondering what that was now that the true threat was gone.

“Now that Bahamut is defeated, we deem it best to bar entry to all of the fragments of Dalamud. To this end, we will convince the nation’s leaders that the danger is past, and invite their cooperation in ensuring that the fragments are never again disturbed. Come, let us depart and seek an audience with the forthwith.”

Alphinaud shook his head, reeling his sister back in. “A moment, sister. You need not burden yourself with this task. Urianger and I will more than suffice. Might you not take this opportunity to rest? The gods know you have earned it.”

Alisaie curiously gazed to him, wondering what he meant by that. “But I am fine, brother. Besides, you have been through as much as I have.” She then gasped in realization. “Oh! I see now! You would play your game of diplomacy, and wish me out of the way!”

Her twin horrified by this revelation denied it as best he could. “No! I—naught could be further from the truth, Alisaie.”

Urianger decided to speak on her brother’s behalf. “My lady, tis mine earnest belief that your brother hath your best interests at heart. You have more than done your part, and he desireth but to relieve you of a burden he might easily bear alone.”

Kida scoffed, before she ran over to the twin, hooking her arm into hers. “Psssshhhh—Come on Ali! Let’s have a sleepover then! They can do all the talking they want! Let’s catch some zzz’s!”

Alphinaud called out to Alisaie as she was about to be taken away by Kida. “I have experience treating with dignitaries, you must allow. And as you never fail to remind me of my fondness for diplomacy, I feel it only right that I remind you of your aversion to it.”

Alisaie shook her head to her sibling, and pouted her lips. 

Azlyn chuckled behind them. “Well we’ll leave it up to you two. We’ll be at the Free Company house if you care to join us in our sleepover.”

The scion lad with the blue ribbon looked to Azlyn, he had a wide grin on his face at the invitation. He then turned to Urianger, lifting a finger to postulate. “Then it is settled. Urianger, pray make arrangements for a chocobo carriage. The ride should give us ample time to prepare our story.  Until then, rest well—maybe I’ll swing by once the talks are over.”

“You know where we live, right?” Ozwin crossed his arms, staring to the scion.

“The Goblet.” Alphinaud answered confidently. “Twas the first place I looked when I was trying to find Azlyn. Needless to say, she chose not to return home back then.”

“I’m sorry.” Azlyn replied, shaking her head. It appeared her disappearing act would not be forgotten anytime soon.  

When their pleasantries had ended, Alphinaud and Urianger started to make their way to the gates of the Processing Plant. They had gone about ten yalms away before Alisaie called out to her brother. “Though our paths are different, we share the same goal, do we not?”

The boy’s face lightened, answering her fully. “But of course, dear sister. That which we have just achieved together stands as testament to that fact. Whatever path we choose to take, our hearts shall ever lead us to the same end, of that I am certain.” He nodded, before turning to their group. “I daresay, please take care of my dear sister. Don’t do anything rash.”

Kida stuck her tongue out to him, blowing a raspberry. Roll shrugged.

Azlyn waved goodbye to the pair of scions who finally started back to rally the leaders.

“Thank you.” Alisaie spoke softly, knowing that her silent appreciation made it to her brother in some way. She then turned her attention to Kida. “So, what now?”

“We’re teleporting to Ul’dah! You are attuned, right?”

The scion nodded.

“Perfect! Let’s all meet there!” Kida threw her free arm up in the air before activating her teleport. Soon the others joined in—leaving only Azlyn and Ozwin behind. The Midlander Hyur gave her a curious look.

“What? You look like you have something to say?” He said, poking her forehead.

She shook her head, remembering what Louisoix spoke in her ear. “Nah—I’ll tell you back at the house. Come on.” She started the teleport back to Ul’dah, wondering how such a chaotic week turned in a life changing opportunity toward growth.

By the time they arrived at their home, most of everyone had pushed Alisaie to clean up first. As she went downstairs to shower, Roll brought down a change of clothes for her while she mended her other set. They didn’t know the sentiment behind the matching sibling clothing, but figured it was good to fix.

And when everyone had been clean, they ate dinner together—messing around until a few odd hours in the night. They played card games, solitaire, different social activities to fill the time until Alphinaud joined them. It had been close to midnight, still not cleaned up—and having been forced to shower downstairs—they now all settled down for the evening in the common room.

Kida had set up a large tent-like fort where pillows and blankets scattered the floor. Everyone huddled in, resuming their games and it soon transformed into ghost stories. They turned off the lights and had only ambient fire light on a few candles in the room.

It turned out to be the perfect way to wind down. The twins had passed out on the floor, where Kida knocked out beside them. N’thuzu Tia had been the other person to fall asleep, as his head hung low as he sat in one of the armchairs. Roll had placed a blanket over all of the sleeping residents before pouring herself a beverage to relax in the other chair by the table. Everyone else had been quietly preparing their own sleeping spots around the common room.

Azlyn took this opportunity to walk over to Ozwin who had perked himself by the wall. He had been waiting for the others to sleep before claiming the couch for the night.

“What?” He asked her once again.

“You sure you’re okay? You never really got a chance to speak with Louisoix... did you?” Azlyn worriedly glanced up to him, wondering what could be going through his head. He had been wondering the reasoning behind his predicament—but with Bahamut and the core attacking—the Midlander seemed to have lost his opportunity. 

Ozwin shrugged, shaking his head. “I’m not one to interrupt family moments. The twins looked as if they needed more closure than I ever would. I’m fine.” 

Roll passed by them, giving them both a pillow. “After this week, we’ll have to go on vacation. Too much ruckus and all.” 

Mjnt chuckled from her seat. She lifted a cup of tea to her lips, drinking silently. After she drank her beverage, she smirked. “Were we not going to camp in the woods? Ozwin wanted to fish with his rod.” 

“Fishing rod. Just so we’re clear.” 

Azlyn gripped her jaw, hiding her embarrassment at the openness of her group’s antics. She wondered if she’d ever get used to it. The answer was no. She remembered the moment the Archon called to her—the words he whispered in her ear. The name that sounded unfamiliar and familiar at the same time. 

She stared up to him. 

“What do you want now? I’m fine—really.” Ozwin groaned, crossing his arms over his chest. “The last thing I need is for you to worry about me and my feelings. Jeez.” 

“Lean down.” Azlyn beckoned him to her at last. “I have something to tell only you.”

He rolled his eyes but lowered his head down enough for her to cup her hands over his left ear. “Make sure to listen closely—okay?”

She imagined him being his ornery self but closed her eyes. She thought of the strange syllables and monosyllabic sounds—and released it out into the universe. It wasn’t a foreign sound—but a normal usage of an everyday name. She felt him flinch before he snapped away.

Ozwin looked at her as if she’d grown five heads. “Wh—what did you just say?” He whispered in shock.

“I don’t think I can say it again… but it’s a thank you from Archon Louisoix.” She smiled up to him. Then her eyes lit up as if an idea hit her. “Oh! I can do this instead now that I know it!”

Her fingers started to signal quickly, as she tried her best to sign the name that Louisoix parted to her. Ozwin watched her hands—moving over and over—before shaking his head in disbelief.

Roll pointed at her cousin. “What are you signing?”

Azlyn smiled widely. “Ozwin’s true name! …I think?”

They turned to the man, seeing him watch her move her hands. When she stopped, he signaled for her to do it one more time. It was a silent communication, but she continued this until Koroko Koko chuckled.

“When did this revelation come to you?”

“Archon Louisoix—well—he called to me after we defeated Bahamut. He told me—” She had been interrupted in her explanation as Ozwin pulled her into the tightest bear hug possible. Given the height difference, he could easily lift her if he wanted too, but instead leaned over to hold her close. She almost felt like her joints would pop if he continued to squeeze her.

Mjnt looked over to the pair hugging, her own red eyes alight with curiosity. Her voice had been quieter than usual, given the four sleeping members on the floor or chair. “Overwhelmed?”

Ozwin buried his head into Azlyn’s shoulder—and she could have sworn she felt the cloth dampen. She reached her arms up to pat him on the back reassuringly.

“Ozwin?” Azlyn hugged the Hyur back, mildly confused by the hug.

“Thank you.” Ozwin choked out.

“Are you crying Ozwin?” Roll crossed her arms, looking up to him. She gazed up to him, noticing him flinch at the question.

“No.” He grumbled.

“Lie.” Mjnt replied.

Richiro Wichiro chuckled into his hand. “He totally is. His shoulders are shaking.”

Ozwin snapped his head up to glare and revealed his red face and blotched eyes. Instead of snapping at them, he gave a defeated sigh. “You know how long it’s been since someone’s called to me like that?” He pulled back, trying to hide his emotions. “Years. Seeing you sign it over and over—gods, it brought me back to my sister. When she’d sign to me, I mean. Do it again.”

Azlyn signed the name. He laughed in disbelief.

“Well, I think we shall have to learn from Azlyn how to say your name.” Mjnt chuckled from her bedding on the floor. “It is only proper.”

“Yes!” The Au Ra nodded her head. “I’d be happy to teach you!”

Ozwin shook his head, before he reached over to ruffle the top of her hair. He teased her hair for a few elongated seconds before smiling wide. “Who would have known you knuckleheads would turn my life around?”

Richiro Wichiro chuckled into his pillow. “’Cuz we’re the best?”

Roll agreed with that sentiment. “Yeah—and you are the Master Fisher.”

The Hyur scoffed, looking to the four sleeping members in the room. “Alright—simmer down. We don’t want to wake up the young ones.”

Azlyn smirked, “Oh? I’m not the youngest?”

He shook his head. “Nah, you’re still fourteen. Which means it’s past your bedtime—off to bed squirt.” He shooed her away with both his hands. In response she stuck out her tongue to him.

The remainder of the awakened members chuckled, as Ozwin crashed on the couch. He fell asleep soundlessly without any worries. And soon, the house quieted to only the sounds of soft snores and peaceful slumber.

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